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Modern python package management for python development

For development we need two things — the right python interpreter and the right package versions.

We can get the interpreter via the system package manager: brew, apt, yum etc. You can even install some packages with the system manager, but quickly you get to the point where repositories don't contain the package versions you need. And often you're in the situation where the system doesn't have the current interpreter version.

And even worse is situation when you develop several projects and every project need a different interpreter and indeed every project need its own versions of packages.

The packages situation was initially solved by virtualenv. It's not the best solution but it works.

The interpreter situation has been solved well by the pyenv project. If you're not familiar with it, it enables you to install as many interpreters as you need. All of them are separated and system behavior isn't augmented:

> brew install pyenv
> pyenv install 3.4.1
  ... installing
> pyenv shell 3.4.1
> python --version
  Python 3.4.1

This interpreter is completely independent from your system's. When you activate it in your shell, it will become the current python interpreter. It can also be configured per-project via the .pyenv-version file.

Using pyenv as an example to create Pundle

So, its cool, I like how pyenv works. But we all know that pyenv works similarly to how rbenv works for ruby.

If we're borrowing the rbenv concept from ruby, why not also borrow Bundler? It works like this:

You write a Gemfile, listing packages your app depends on, similar to requirements.txt. Generally, they're not pegged too tightly to specific versions, although they can be. Next, you execute bundle install and if you don't yet have a Gemfile.lock it will create one, resolving all dependencies, and listing the nailed-down package versions that play nice with your Gemfile. Finally, it will install the specific packages listed in Gemfile.lock.

And when you startup a rails application with bundle exec rails server, bundler looks into the project's Gemfile.lock and loads the appropriate package versions.

If you switch the branch and your Gemfile.lock changes, the packages will be switched too. This is not magic — we just load versions according to the file.

And in my opinion this is the right way to do it, and something that we need in python. I dont like to rebuild virtualenvs, I don't understand why I need them anyway. E.g., why do I need to install Django in every single one of my projects?

So I created Pundle.


The main goal of pundle is activating the right package versions upon interpreter startup. To activate the machinery we have several options:

  • use fixate which will put activate code in in the user's directory
  • use python -m pundle run to run script with acitvated environment
  • put activate code import pundle; pundle.activate() to your or other project start point.

Personaly I prefer run:

# activate python, if still have not .pyenv-version
> pyenv shell 3.4.1
> python -m pip install pundle

And we are ready to install packages from your requirements.txt:

> python -m pundle install
... long work here

And you will get frozen.txt file with frozen packages versions and some information:

alembic==0.7.4       # alembic << requirements file
arrow==0.5.0         # arrow << requirements file
awesome-slugify==1.6 # awesome-slugify << requirements file
babel==1.3           # Babel>=1.0 << Flask-Babel << requirements file
dawg-python==0.7.1   # dawg-python>=0.7 << pymorphy2 << requirements file
docopt==0.6.2        # docopt>=0.6 << pymorphy2 << requirements file

Now your packages are install to the ~/.pundlerdir/CPython-3.4.1 directory. And you can use it with your fixated python:

> python -m pundle console
... bla bla bla 3.4.1
>>> import arrow
>>> arrow.__version__

Pundle get frozen version from frozen.txt, and activate package from ~/.pundledir/CPython-3.4.1-default/arrow-0.5.0/

>>> arrow.__file__

And execute for project:

> python -m pundle run runserver

Going deeper

We have additional commands for working with packages. upgrade, entry_points, exec and edit.

If you frozen versions of package is old and you want to update it, you need upgrade command:

> python -m pundle upgrade django

Or you can update all packages:

> python -m pundle upgrade

entry_points will show you all commands that your packages offer you:

> python -m pundle entry_points
nomad (nomad 1.9)
gunicorn_paster (gunicorn 19.2.0)
gunicorn_django (gunicorn 19.2.0)
mako-render (Mako 1.0.1)
webassets (webassets 0.10.1)
alembic (alembic 0.7.4)
pyflakes (pyflakes 0.8.1)
pyscss (pyScss 1.3.4)
pybabel (Babel 1.3)
gunicorn (gunicorn 19.2.0)

And of course we have command to start this command:

> python -m pundle exec pyflakes 'url_for' imported but unused

Last command is edit - it will help you find fast where the package code is:

> python -m pundle edit arrow

Use it, feel it, like it, share it. Commit, pull request.


Python bundler-alike alternative to virtualenv






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