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Gentem Customer's Admin

Serverless web application to store an Organization’s customer information.

The application will accept a list of customers in a CSV file, parse the CSV file, and save the data in the database. Then all customer's uploaded will be listed allowing the user to update the customer's information.


  • Ingest CSV file with the format |first_name| , |last_name|, |email|, , |date_of_birth|, |Address|
  • Static files of UI will be hosted on the cloud (Deployment could be done using Elastic beanstalk or Heroku)
  • Lambda functions will be written in Python

Backend implementation

RESTFull API - Lambda functions written in Python

The backend API was implemented as an AWS Lambda function, which manages a resource called Users following the REST specification.

In order to give a basic structure to facilitate the system maintainability, the Lambda function was designed following this basic concept linked to the Domain-Driven Design patterns.

  • Repositories ( aka Data Access Object or DAOs ): Repository abstraction for the underlying storage systems. A specific DynamoDB DAO was implemented for this project.
  • Domain Model: A User domain model was introduced to implement all the domain logic needed in this context.
  • Services (or Business Object) * : This layer is where all the business rules should be implemented, and also architectural concepts like transaction management.

Note : Marshmallow is used for schema definitions and validation.

CSV Ingestion


Development Environment


To start working with AWS Lambdas, next tools al required:

Set Up Project

Then, in order to set up a development environment and work with the project, we should follow the next steps.

  • Clone the sourcecode from GitHub
$ git clone    
$ cd gentem-customers
  • Create Virtual Environment
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ . venv/bin/activate
  • Install dependencies
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Setup Local DynamoDB (using Docker)
$ docker run -p 8000:8000 amazon/dynamodb-local`
  • Create DynamoDB Users Table
$ aws dynamodb create-table \
    --table-name Users \
    --attribute-definitions \
        AttributeName=email,AttributeType=S \
    --key-schema \
        AttributeName=email,KeyType=HASH \
    --provisioned-throughput \
        ReadCapacityUnits=1,WriteCapacityUnits=1 \
    --endpoint-url http://localhost:8000

Build and test

Once the python project and the DynamoDB are configured, we can test the API using the next approaches:

Invoking function locally using a local sample payload

$ sam local invoke UsersFunction --event events/get_event.json

Invoking function locally through local API Gateway

$ sam local start-api

If the previous command ran successfully you should now be able to hit the following local endpoints

Create a new User

$ curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
	"firstName" : "Jon",
	"address":"1 glove drive , san francisco 94103, CA"

Get previous user

$ curl -X GET

Packaging and deployment

AWS Lambda Python runtime requires a flat folder with all dependencies including the application. SAM will use CodeUri property to know where to look up for both application and dependencies:

        Type: AWS::Serverless::Function
            CodeUri: .

We need a S3 bucket where we can upload our Lambda functions packaged as ZIP before we deploy anything. If you don't have a S3 bucket to store code artifacts then this is a good time to create one:

# Example regions: us-east-1, ap-east-1, eu-central-1, sa-east-1
aws s3 mb s3://bucketname --region region  

I've created one to use for to deploy the current project.


Next, run the following command to package our Lambda function to S3:

sam package \
    --output-template-file packaged.yaml \
    --s3-bucket nicoglp-artifacts

Next, the following command will create a Cloudformation Stack and deploy your SAM resources.

sam deploy \
    --template-file packaged.yaml \
    --stack-name users-api \
    --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM

After deployment is complete you can run the following command to retrieve the API Gateway Endpoint URL:

aws cloudformation describe-stacks \
    --stack-name users-api \
    --query 'Stacks[].Outputs[?OutputKey==`UsersApi`]' \
    --output table

See Serverless Application Model (SAM) HOWTO Guide for more details in how to get started.

Last Production Endpoints

Last production endpoints !!

POST /users : Create new User

$ curl -X POST \ \
 -H 'content-type: application/json' \
 -d '{
   "firstName" : "Jon",
   "address":"1 glove drive , san francisco 94103, CA"

GET /users/{id} : Get user with {id}

$ curl -X GET

DELETE /users/{id} : Delete user with {id}

$ curl -X

GET /users : List of users

$ curl -X GET

POST /claims : Create new Claim First we need to create the billing provider, rendering provider, referring provider, patient and insured (if necessary)

POST /providers : Create new Billing Provider

$ curl -X POST \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -d '{ "name":"Gentem",
       "address":"303 YOUNGLOVE AVE, san francisco 94103, CA",

POST /providers : Create new Rendering Provider

$ curl -X POST \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -d '{ "name":"Saint Francis Memorial Hospital",
       "address":"2900 Hyde St Lower Nob Hill, san francisco 94103, CA",

POST /providers : Create new Referring Provider

$ curl -X POST \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -d '{"name":"John Lin",

POST /profiles : Create new Patient

$ curl -X POST \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -d '{ "email":"",
       "address":"1 glove drive , san francisco 94103, CA",
       "phone":"415 1234567",

POST /profiles : Create new Insured

$ curl -X POST \
   -H 'content-type: application/json' \
   -d '{ "email":"",
       "address":"1 glove drive , san francisco 94103, CA",
       "phone":"415 1234567",

To create the claim we need those ids created Glosary with claim columns:

$ curl -X POST \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
      "patientAccountNumber": "1234567",
      "totalCharge": 200.50,
      "amountPaid": 0,
      "insuranceName": "blue_shield_ca",
      "insuredId": "f576dab6-e38d-11e9-9ee5-0addcae3daec",
      "patientId": "fe8e6a88-e38d-11e9-9ee6-0addcae3daec",
      "referringProviderId": "09f16a6a-e38e-11e9-8e5b-0addcae3daec",
      "billingProviderId": "13c3f882-e38e-11e9-8e5c-0addcae3daec",
      "billingProviderTaxId": "HE567W65489A",
      "renderingProviderId": "1beee0e4-e38e-11e9-8e5d-0addcae3daec",
      "insuredPolicyGroup": "Z9364859",
      "insurancePlanName": "IFP ON EXCHANGE",
      "priorAuthorizationNumber": "63B4295825",
      "physicianSupplierSignature": "Signature on File",
      "physicianSupplierSignatureDate": "2019-09-29",
      "illnessDate": "2019-09-26",
      "similarSymptomDate": "2019-08-20",
      "unableToWorkFrom": "2019-09-26",
      "unableToWorkTo": "2019-10-26",
      "hospitalAdmitDate": "2019-09-26",
      "hospitalDischargeDate": "2019-10-15",
      "additionalClaimInformation": "",
      "insuranceType": "OTHER",
      "patientCondition": "Other Accident",
      "patientSignatureDate": "2019-09-29",
      "patientSignature": "Signature on File",
      "insuredSignature": "Signature on File",
      "patientRelation": "CHILD",
      "otherInsuredName": "Mcintire, Ashley L",
      "otherInsuredPolicyGroup": "115",
      "otherInsuredCompanyName": "UHC",
      "anotherHealthBenefitPlan": "true",
      "claimState": {"state": "Created"},
      "serviceLines": [{
                      "procedureCode": 87653,
                      "charges": 100.40,
                      "units": 1,
                      "modifiers": [],
                      "diagnosisCodes": ["N949"],
                      "serviceDateFrom": "2019-09-29",
                      "serviceDateTo": "2019-09-29",
                      "placeOfService": "21",
                      "emergencyIndicator": "false"

GET /claims/{id} : Get claim with {id}

$ curl -X GET

GET /claims : List of claims

$ curl -X GET

GET /providers/{id} : Get provider with {id}

$ curl -X GET

GET /providers : List of providers

$ curl -X GET

GET /profiles/{id} : Get profile with {id}

$ curl -X GET

GET /profiles : List of profiles

$ curl -X GET


In order to delete our Serverless Application recently deployed you can use the following AWS CLI Command:

$ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name users-api


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