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eggshell - Python for sys admins

Eggshell is undergoing a complete rewrite at the moment. This documents the old version.

eggshell is a non-interactive (for now) command shell that aims to be a pure superset of Python (i.e. it should run any valid Python script -- provided names in the script don't conflict with names of system commands).

An eggshell script compiles to Python, which is then executed in the Python interpreter. The compiler itself aims to do as little as possible and leaves most of the work to special Python functions and types added to its execution environment at runtime. The most useful of these are available separately in the easyproc module, on which eggshell is built. eggshell also offers some sed/awk/Perl-inspired regex operations that try to compile before runtime. I miss regex as built-in type from the wonderful scripting languages mentioned above.

eggshell never implicitely runs anything in the system shell, and therefore is safe from injection by default.

You can install eggshell with pip3. It might work with python2 as well, but no promises! After installation, any script with an eggshell shebang should work: #!/usr/bin/env eggshell.

eggshell syntax is Python syntax with one or two add-ons. The main thing you'll notice is that you can run shell commands.

#!/usr/bin/env eggshell
ls -l

That does about what you'd expect with any ordinary shell. You can also capture the output of the command using parentheses. This is about like using backticks or $(command) substitution in POSIX shells.

for line in (ls -l):
    col = line.split()
    print(col[2], col[8])

This prints the owner and filename of each file (with gnu's ls). You will notice that iterating on command output returns lines (with trailing newline removed). Many shell commands print tabular data where each line represents a row. For this reason, when you do iteration or index operations on command output, it looks like a list of lines. In other cases, it acts like a string. This is the dao of the shell.

By the way, the parentheses for function calls count as a place where you can capture command output, so print(ls -l) works as expected.

You can also pipe commands together in the usual way. This is implemented with Python operators, not the system shell.

for filename in (ls|fgrep '.py'):
    mv (filename) destination-directory

You may note that here, I have a Python variable in parentheses inside of a shell command. Parentheses work both ways in eggshell. You can put Python variables or expressions inside of parentheses to substitute its return value into the command. Any string passed in this way will count as one argument (no quotation-mark shenanigans) Any other kind of iterable will be turned into a list of arguments. You can also use the output of commands in this way. Just remember that commands that output more than one line will turn each line into a new argument! Therefore, ls (ls) is the same as ls *.

Yes, globbing also works inside of a shell command. If you want file globbing in a Python expression, use glob() (an alias to glob.iglob())

Getting back to pipes, you can also pipe Python expressions into a process.

newlist = list_of_strings | sed 's/py/PY/g'

If you pipe a string into the process, it goes in unmodified. If you pipe in another type of iterable, the items are joined with newlines before being sent to stdin.

Note that if a process exits with an error, it will raise an CalledProcessError exception, which you need to handle. This is very Pythonic ("errors should never pass silently -- unless explicitly silenced"), but this is not typical shell behavior. Code accordingly!

That about covers the built-in support for running processes in Python. eggshell has no special support for shell-like redirection. However, it does import the run() function from easyproc, which allows any redirection you can imagine, courtesy of subprocess.Popen

For more complex redirection that involves more than capturing or piping stdout, use the run() function, an alias of, which takes all the standard subprocess.Popen() arguments and a couple of its own.

  • If you want to stick a string into the stdin in a run() call, put in the input paremeter; run('sed "s/py/PY/g", input='my cool py string'). To send a file to stdin, do run('sed "s/py/PY/g", stdin=open('inputfile.txt'))
  • To capture output you also have the grab() function from easyproc, which returns the stdout by default, but can return stdout and stderr in a single stream (like 2>&1) if you set the both paramether to True.
  • To capture streams separately use run('command', stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE). This function returns a CompletedProcess instance, with stdout and stderr attributes which can be dealt with separately.
  • For redirection to files, you can use Python file objects run('command', stdout=open('outputfile.txt', 'w')) (mode 'w' will clobber the file contents like > in a POSIX shell, 'a' will append like >> in a POSIX shell.
  • Redirect stderr to /dev/null run('command', stderr=DEVNULL)
  • combine stdout and stderr and append the result to a log file: run('command', stderr=STDOUT, stdout=open('logfile', 'a'))

These operations are identical to how they work with the subprocess module. The only difference is that run and grab can take commands in the form of strings or lists of args, where subprocess commands require a list of arguments unless they grant a shell. run in particular is a clone of that defaults to unicode, can take a string as a command, and returns special strings for stdout and stderr that you can iterate on as lists of lines. You can learn more about options with the run function by reading the subprocess documentations for 3.5+

One handy thing eggshell is that, if you're new to Python and you need to bang out a quick and dirty script, you can pipe command output or Python objects to external filters such as sed, grep, awk or whatever. eggshell is all about bring the power of tools you already know from the shell into Python. However, there are good reasons not to use external programs like these. In particular, if you're in a loop, and you're calling one of these filters thousands or millions of times, your program will be orders of magnitude slower than if you use Python objects. Even using Python regex in loops can be expensive if you don't know what you're doing (i.e. you need to compile the regex before the loop begins).

eggshell provides some special regex objects that will be familiar to people who already know sed, awk or especially Perl (I really love Perl -- almost as much as I hate it!). In addition to providing a terse, more traditional way to write common regex operations, the eggshell compiler compiles regex objects ahead of time if possible, to save the user from worrying about whether they are using the operation in a loop (there are still cases where regexes will need to be compiled manually, but they will be fewer; i.e. basically the same situations where you'd need to compile a regex in Perl). These are the special eggshell regex operations:

s/'pattern'/'replacement'/flags # preform sed-like substitutions
m/'pattern'/flags # check if a string matches the pattern
split/'pattern'/flags # split a string to a list on pattern

Note that unlike regex literals in awk, Perl, Ruby, etc., these patterns (and replacement in the case of s) are quoted string. Be sure to use raw strings (r'string') to "unescape" the usual escape characters, so backslashes will be passed to the regex engine.

The basic thing to remember with these expressions is that, when used with the =~ operator, they work with strings, and when used with the | operator, they work on iterables containing strings.

# =~ with the substitutor reasigns the variable to the output, as in
# Perl, and similar to `mystring += otherstring` in Python.
for filename in (ls):
    filename =~ s/'py'/'PY'/g

# Do the same thing in a terser way with a pipe:
for filename in (ls) | s/'py'/'PY'/g

# use the matcher operation in tests:
if 'great string' =~ m/'\w*\s*\w*'/:
    (do stuff)

# piping into the matcher works like grep; returns an iterable that
# contains only matching strings.
for filename in (ls) | m/'\.py$'/i:

# split splits stuff. split on commas:
mycvsrow =~ split/','/

# split all the lines in a cvs file with a pipe. This is a bit like
# your awk
for col in open('mydata.cvs') | split/','/:
    print(col[0], col[3])

# you can also pipe to split without a pattern, which will split on
# whitespace. This is implemented with str.split(), rather than regex.
for line in (ls -l) | split:
    (do stuff with fields)

If you are familiar with the re module, you will see that the eggshell regex operations with =~ are little more that pre-compiled, perl-inspired syntactic sugar for the functions they wrap; re.sub(), and re.split() respectively. When combined with iterables and a pipe, their convenience is multiplied.

Note that the 'pattern' in these operations need not actually be a string literal. Any Python expression which evaluates to a string (or compiled regex object) will work. However, the pattern must be a string literal for the ahead-of-time regex compilation to work, as in Perl or Ruby. (How can you compile before runtime if you don't know what the variables are?)

Likewise, the 'replacement' in a substitutor operation can also be a Python expression. Like re.sub, the replacement argument can be a function that takes a re.Match instance as an argument and returns a string. When using a lambda expression be sure to put the entire thing in parentheses because lambda precedence will screw with the / operators (which are overloaded in the runtime, not dealt with by the compiler).

Flags are implemented internally with (?aiLmsux) syntax (see the documentations for the re module), so any letter you'd put in there is a valid flag. Additionally, the substitutor supports the g flag for global substitution. Without, it substitutes only the first match. I personally think Perl and sed are stupid for not defaulting to global substitution, but, eh, ed, and I'm not going to break the time honored convention of not doing global by default just because I have an opinion.

A smart man (habnabit) once said to me, "If you care that much about performance, you shouldn't use Python." Python is not too slow for an interpreted language, and it is much faster than bash by all accounts, but it's slower than almost any language that compiles to machine code, and is typically also slower than Java or Lua (though pypy is sometimes competitive). Python and similar languages optimize development time at the cost of machine time. That is usually a good trade on modern hardware.

Anything that can be said about Python performance pretty-much goes double for eggshell. eggshell performance should be just about identical to normal Python performance, except for the fraction of a second extra it takes at startup to pre-compile the eggshell code down to "normal" Python, which then gets compliled down again to Python VM bytecode.

The real "problem" with eggshell is that it makes forking a process extremely easy, and forking a process is rather expensive for the OS, especially if you're doing it thousands or millions of times. Granted eggshell will probably still be faster than bash in most cases (minus startup time).

It's interesting that Python, known for it's clarity and simple-yet-expressive syntax, makes "shelling out" to an external process very verbose and (arguably) rather ugly. The Popen interface is very complete and very powerful, but it ain't pretty! One must wonder if there isn't a degree to which the developers are trying to discourage using external processes.

In any case, eggshell makes it very easy to delegate tasks to forked processes, so be careful not to over-do it. The general rule should be, if performance is an issue, use pure python in the bottlenecks, especially in loops that are repeated many times in a short amount of time. There are exceptions to this:

  • If you're not in a loop forking isn't exactly cheap, but it's fast enough on modern hardware that you won't notice unless you're doing it thousands of times.
  • If your script spends more time in one instance of the forked process than it does in python, and the external processes is highly optimized. An example might be grepping through a file with tens of thousands of lines. GNU grep is highly optimized, and nothing you write in python will be faster, provided you only run grep once, and don't create a new instance for every line. Another example would be using imagemagick or ffmpeg. If you're generating media in a program like that, the time and resources spent creating a new process is trivial compared to the time spent inside of these heavily optimized programs.

There are also cases where creating a new process isn't necessarily good or bad. If your program waits on input from a server or a user, or even from a slow disk, creating extra processes isn't a big deal. additionally, some system commands do things that are non-trivial to reproduce in pure python. I like to use dmenu as my "GUI" for everything that needs user interaction. It's both IO-bound, and it does something that would take many lines to replicate in pure python, and so it gets crammed into my python scripts frequently.

On the other hand, eggshell, like any shell, is targetted primarily at administrative scripting, where convenience for the author trumps almost any performance concern. eggshell aims to bring the power of python to bear on such tasks, while reproducing most of the convenience of a traditional shell language, and also providing an extral level of safety from injection.

Python's bundled regex module is pretty awesome and provides some extremely useful interfaces. However, it isn't the fastest game in town. Part of the flexibility is due to the fact that most of the user-exposed interface is written in Python, sitting on top of a C engine, as opposed to languages where regex is a built-in type implemented in C or C++ from top to bottom. It's still pretty fast, but there are faster implementations out there.

Pure string operations are always faster than regex. For one, there is less logic involved, and for two, Python string methods are implemented entirely in fairly (eh, mostly) optimized C. The rule should be, if you don't need pattern matching, always use a string method/operation.

# instead of:
if'string', mystring):
# aka `if mystring =~ m/'string'/:`
    (do stuff)
# do this:
if 'string' in mystring:
    (do stuff)

# instead of:
mystring = re.sub('string', 'STRING', mystring)
# or mystring =~ s/'string/'STRING'/g

# do this:
mystring = mystring.replace('string', 'STRING')

# instead of:
for cols in iterable | split/','/:
    (do stuff)
# do this:
for cols in (i.split(',') for i in iterable):
    (do stuff)

Don't get me wrong. I love regex. If I didn't, I wouldn't have added all that syntactic sugar for it in eggshell -- BUT, if you don't need pattern matching, string operations will smoke regex every time, and are typically easier to read. Get to know string methods and operations well, and your scripts will ever be the speedier for it. That goes for any built-in type, really.

When I started learning Python, I was already quite advanced in bash. I began learning Python because I began trying to shoe-horn nested data structures into associative arrays. This might be possible in AWK, but it sucks real bad in bash, and certainly, dealing with nested data is the most natural thing in the world in Python. It didn't take me long to realize how powerful Python was for dealing with complex data, especially when my only basis for comparision was bash!

This is


command shell which is a superset of python






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