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Water-wave and (hyper)elastic wave modelling codes and instructions

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Install Jupiter (20-11-2023 from EP):

mkdir jupiter

python3 -m venv .venv

ls -al

ls -al .venv

source .venv/bin/activate

which python


which python3

source .venv/bin/activate

pip install jupyterlab

pip install pandas

jupyter lab

(Opens then in browser.)

Installation reinstall Firedrake on new macbook 02-05-2024

updated .zshrc; udated Xcode; update python in brew; still issue is that pkgutil is not found. Frustrating: now trying to enforece brew's Python to be used instead of the mac one (all very unclear): /opt/homebrew/bin/python3 firedrake-install

Hack via Jose pending repair of firedrake-install on chaco: comment out pkgs.add("chaco") from line 722 of the install script. Do not comment out the return pkgs statement. Use the --with-parmetis argument when you run the install script. After installation, change line 1259 of firedrake/ from partitioner_type = "chaco" to partitioner_type = "parmetis"

Instructions for running Firedrake and access to "Anna's" desktop with its 56 multiple cores and my imac:

Wave-energy device pages

Installation on macbook 13-06-2023 to 22-06-2023

First install xcode when asked login as:

su toor

then type in command from homebrew site without sudo then as su:

brew install python3

pip3 install matplotlib

pip3 install lmfit

pip3 install pandas

pip3 install --upgrade matplotlib

brew doctor

brew cleanup

brew install php

Logged in as normal user then:

curl -O

python3 firedrake-install

fails No such file or directory : 'brew'

Solved via assists using chatgpt: change path in .zshrc (as user) and use sudo chown (etc) (in admin) to give brew rights to user. Detailed commands later:

As user, nano .zschrc in home directory of user; add (for me) location of homnebrew:

export PATH="/opt/homebrew/bin:$PATH"

then give access righst to user (as admin, "amtob" is my user account name):

sudo chown -R amtob /opt/homebrew

Works it seems:

. /Users/amtob/firedrake/bin/activate or . /Users/onnobokhove/amtob/werk/firedrake/bin/activate

GitHub stuff

16-04-2023: Paraview crashed. Restart, then: cd /Users/onnobokhove/amtob/werk/firedrake/src/firedrake and source firedrake/bin/activate in

copied Eagre locally; git clone

and then added new code; failed to commit it back onto eagre github failed incomprehensible BS instructions everywhere; incomplete junk.


Trying to install Firedrake using commands for FD-page: curl -O then python3 firedrake-install Failed on petsc package??? but error message unclear.

Then did: brew install python3 3x; notices python3 -V yields Python 3.10.8 but then my own non-FD Python code failed packages so typed:

python3 -m pip install matplotlib python3 -m pip install --upgrade matplotlib python3 -m pip install lmfit python3 -m pip install pandas Then my (tax-code) example worked again. Removed firedrake with rm -rf firedrake Then again python3 firedrake-install

Also again added: python3 -m pip install matplotlib python3 -m pip install pandas python3 -m pip install lmfit

16-11 Multiple delete firedrake, and re-installs, now by completing commenting out .zprofile and .zshrc files per instruction to move out the paths. Still faild at pytest but install succeeded. Now touched .zchrc and .zprofile (getting a bit tiring).

26-11 Contunued. Deleted and reinstalled. Firedrake seems installed but Junho's periodic program does not run. Do not understand how to run: cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/firedrake pytest tests/regression/ -k "poisson_strong or stokes_mini or dg_advection" Ran as: cd /Users/onnobokhove/amtob/werk/firedrake/src/firedrake
then ./pytest tests/regression/ -k "poisson_strong or stokes_mini or dg_advection" or onnobokhove@Os-MacBook-Pro firedrake % pytest tests/regression/ -k "poisson_strong or stokes_mini or dg_advection"
zsh: command not found: pytest

Tried and failed: onnobokhove@Os-MacBook-Pro werk % . /Users/onnobokhove/amtob/werk/firedrake/bin/activate (firedrake) onnobokhove@Os-MacBook-Pro werk % cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/firedrake pytest tests/regression/ -k "poisson_strong or stokes_mini or dg_advection" ImportError while loading conftest '/Users/onnobokhove/amtob/werk/firedrake/src/firedrake/tests/'. tests/ in from firedrake.utils import complex_mode firedrake/ in from firedrake.output import * firedrake/ in from .paraview_reordering import vtk_lagrange_tet_reorder,
firedrake/ in from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import ( E ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel'

GitHub-Firedrake; told to do: pip uninstall vtk and then pip install vtk.

python3 -V

Then ran:

python3 -m pip uninstall vtk

but was not installed; then ran:

python3 pip install vtk

and was advised to run python3.10 -m pip install --upgrade pip so did that. Then start again installing FD (from werk -directory): rm -rf firedrake curl -O python3 firedrake-install -waiting. Still failed the test; now did python3.10 -m pip uninstall vtk and then python3.10 pip install vtk uninstalled firedrake; started again. Have to activate Firedrake and uninstall and install vtk within activated Firedrake, so: . /Users/onnobokhove/amtob/werk/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/bin/activate then:

python3.10 -m pip uninstall vtk python3.10 -m pip install vtk

Passed test on Friday 25-11-2022; FD-programs now seem to work.

15-12-2022: start up FD using: . /Users/onnobokhove/amtob/werk/firedrake/src/firedrake/firedrake/bin/activate then type: cd $VIRTUAL_ENV/src/firedrake pytest tests/regression/ -k "poisson_strong or stokes_mini or dg_advection"

Remote access to Anna's desktop

Replace amtob by your username:

>>> ssh -Y
>>> ssh -X amtob@mat-lin4123
>>> firedrake
>>> python


>>> ssh -Y -J amtob@mat-lin4123

Then run Firedrake after installation:

>>> source firedrake/bin/activate
>>> firedrake/bin/activate [means a directory where the activate file of your firedrake is] 
>>> python 

Currently using cumbersome two-step sftp to access mat-lin4123:

>>> sftp

and put files in appropriate direction; then login

>>> ssh -Y -J

and sftp from there (from right dirctory) as follows:

>>> sftp amtob@mat-lin4123


>>> scp host_b:/scratch/tmp1/obokhove/data/BLf/* /Users/bokhoveo/dropbox/Variationalwaterwavemodels/NumericaltankJune2018/BL


>>> scp host_b:/scratch/tmp1/obokhove/data/BLf/* /any/path/athome

with in config file in .ssh directory: Host host_a User amtob Hostname

Host host_b User amtob Hostname mat-lin4123 Port 22 ProxyCommand ssh -q -W %h:%p host_a


Following does work (newest version is firedrake-new):

>>> cp ~/vuurdraak/junho/* /scratch/tmp1/obokhove
>>> firedrake
>>> python

MPI (see also Firedrake page; add "from firedrake.petsc import PETSc" in top code and adjust "print"--commands); works for up to 16 cores, fails for 20 cores, likely best for 14 cores since 14 cores per socket?:

>>>mpiexec -n 10 python

Remote access to imac desktop

Same for imac at office (note that it is in sleep-mode so it needs some time to wake up before a login is possible, i.e. may need to try a few times while waiting for imac to wake up) (does not work 08-04-2020; works after a reboot 17-06-2020):

>>> ssh -Y -J amtob@mat-mac4175

22-10-2021 replaced by, in one window: ssh -L then in another window: ssh -p 8888 amtob@localhost

Updating old 2011 imac

Notes for old 2011 iMac with OS High Sierra 10.13.6

Fix 28-04: terminal gave command not known remar; fixed per terminal by running:

>>> PATH="/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"

but that must then be done per terminal; fixed then by adding export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin" to .profile file; therefater when opening a terminal matters seemed restored.

Login as toor:

>>> su toor

then type (give su-password after each sudo; subsequently test program worked):

>>> sudo python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade certificates
>>> sudo python3.8 -m pip install numpy
>>> sudo python3.8 -m pip install scipy
>>> sudo python3.8 -m pip install matplotlib
>>> sudo -H python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade matplotlib
>>> sudo python3.8 -m pip install lmfit
>>> sudo python3.8 -m pip install pandas

31-03-2021 from user terminal and also within Firedrake:

>>> pip3 install numpy 

and for the other packages as in the above.

Old notes Anna's machine

Dear all,

A summary of what was discussed earlier about remote computing.

[1] To connect to my machine remotely, you can follow either of the following two routes, but I suggest the second one.

I. You have to first connect to amsta and then to mat-lin4123 (the name of the machine I am currently using):

ssh -X

ssh -Y matak@mat-li4123

II. Alternatively, you can use local port forwarding and the command below, which forwards local port 7777 to remote port 22, through amsta:

ssh -L -X

After this, you THEN OPEN A NEW TAB IN THE TERMINAL. In the new tab, you can then ssh directly on mat-lin4123 by typing:

ssh -p 7777 -Y matak@

[2] To securely copy files from your local PC to the remote machine (mat-lin4123):

scp -P 7777 /local/path/to/filename matak@

To securely copy files from the remote machine (mat-lin4123) to your local PC:

scp -P 7777 matak@ /local/path/to/filename

These two commands need to be executed while you are connected to your local PC.

[3] To run firedrake or anything else, you write (for firedrake you have to first use the source from the right directory):

nohup python >& output.out &

Nohup comes from “no hung up” after logout and the & symbol is telling it to run in the background. After this you will get the process ID (PID) of the job running.

Alternatively, you can run the attached script file:


which will execute the above command in the background and also sent you an email when it’s finished.

[4] To visualise or post-process the results, type:

paraview results.pvd & matlab33 & vlc movie.avi &


[5] To see what’s running and their PIDs, type: ps -u

To kill a process: kill -9 PID1 PID2 ...

I can confirm that all of these commands work for me. Let me know if something doesn’t work for you and we should be able to figure it out!

SSH key on github

ls -al ~/.ssh ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C ""

vi copy into GitHub; see:

When it works, e.g use/copy location from top-right in directory one wishes to clone in GitHub, say: git clone

To webpage places

Tunnel in one window:

>>> ssh -L

and then set up sftp n another window:

>>> sftp -P 8888 obokhove@localhost

22-10-2021: You can setup the tunnel using: ssh -L and then you would connect to leo using your usual password (same pwd!): sftp -P 8889 amtob@localhost

On Homebrew: When asked: sudo chown -R $(whoami) replace by sudo chown -R localusername e.g. sudo chown -R onnobokhove (per instructions after brew doctor). Also use echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/python@3.8/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc ???


Water-wave and (hyper)elastic wave modelling codes and instructions






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