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Calculate street information useful for research, such as street curvatures, color profiles, and inferred materials, for specific regions.


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Street Analysis

  • Omar Trejo
  • December, 2019


The purpose of this tool is to provide an easy-to-use command-line interface (CLI) written in Python that can be used to calculate information useful for research, such as street curvatures, color profiles, and inferred materials, for specific regions (stored as Shapefile polygons), among other tasks. None of the analysis on this repository dependon the ArcGIS software packages, and they are all implemented used open-source tools.


The high-level objectives set for this code listed below.

  • Command-line utility
  • Load data
    • Load street lines from Shapefiles
    • Load polygon regions from Shapefiles
  • Generate regions from Google Maps
    • Define each region as part of a Shapefile
    • Read each Google Map layer as a separate region
  • Street curvatures
    • Random sampling for speed
    • Intersect with regions
    • Methods
      • Range
      • Variance
      • Direction changes
    • Aggregations
      • Minimum
      • Mean
      • Median
      • Maximium
      • Variance
  • Building image analysis
    • Random sampling within polygons or selection
      • Let user specify images directory
      • Ensure at least X meters between points
      • Read pre-computed random sample from CSV
      • Detect previously downloaded images
        • Avoid deleting previous outputs (save costs)
    • Confirm cost estimate before execution
    • Building top images (i.e. roofs)
    • Building side images (i.e. street)
    • Infer materials from Google Vision
    • Color profiles per region

Setup Python Environment

To be able to use the code in this repository the user needs the a Python 3.7+ installation with pip available to install Python packages. The steps to setup the environment are:

  1. Update pip: $ pip install --upgrade pip
    • This may need sudo or admin privileges
  2. Install dependencies: $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Put the street and boundary Shapefiles in the appropriate directories

After these steps you should be ready to run the CLI to execute analysis described in this document.

Command-Line Interface (CLI)

The Click Python library is used to create the interface for the Python CLI. See the ./ for details of such CLI implementation. This file is the entry point for all analysis performed by the code in this repository, and it takes care of setting reasonable defaults for parameters not provided by the user.

To see what analysis are available the user can execute the line below. The response will show how to execute the CLI, as well as the commands available within (i.e. generate-regions, image-profiles, and street-metrics).

$ python


  --help  Show this message and exit.


To see the available options for any of these commands, we can use the --help flag, as mentioned in the previous execution output. For example, if we want to see the options available for street-metrics, we would use the following:

$ python street-metrics --help

Usage: street-metrics [OPTIONS]

  -i, --input TEXT                Shapefile with street lines used to
                                  calculate curvatures.  [default:
  -m, --method [all|range_min|range_mean|range_median|range_max|range_var|variance_min|variance_mean|variance_median|variance_max|variance_var|direction_changes_min|direction_changes_mean|direction_changes_median|direction_changes_max|direction_changes_var|density_streets|density_points]
                                  Methods used to calculate street
                                  statitistics. `all` indicates all methods
                                  will be used. `range` uses the difference
                                  between the maximum and minimum street's
                                  curvature values. `variance` calculates the
                                  variance of the street's curvature values.
                                  `direction_changes` makes use of the order
                                  in the street's curvature values to
                                  calculate how many times a non-monotone
                                  change takes place. `density_streets`
                                  divides the number of streets in a region by
                                  the region's area in meters.
                                  `density_points` splits streets lines into
                                  individual points and calculates density as
                                  'points-per-squared-meter'.  [default: all]
  -g, --regions TEXT              Shapefile with region polygons used to
                                  filter inputs. Use `none` to avoid
                                  filtering.  [default:
  -r, --region-variable TEXT      Region variable name used to filter input
                                  regions. Only used if a --region-selection
                                  is also provided (otherwise ignored).
                                  [default: region]
  -s, --region-selection TEXT     Either `none` to intersect with all regions
                                  in the --regions file, or for multiple
                                  region selection use `-s <region_1> -s
                                  <region_2> ...`. Filters on --region-
                                  variable. Only used if --regions is provided
                                  (otherwise ignored).  [default: none]
  -o, --output-dir TEXT           Directory to store outputs. `none` avoids
                                  storing any outputs. If previous outputs
                                  exist matching this --output-dir they will
                                  be deleted beforehand.  [default:
  -n, --random-sample-size INTEGER
                                  If positive, use as random street sample
                                  size (used to speed up results when
                                  developing but for actual analysis full data
                                  is probably desired). If negative, this
                                  value is ignore (i.e. no sampling).
                                  [default: -1]
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

As can be seen there are various options (the explanation for each of these options is in the Street Curvatures section). Note that the information printed also shows what will be used as the default value in case the user does not override it. The same --help flag applies to all other commands.

Finally, note that not providing the --help flag will actually trigger the execution of the command, using all the defaults that were not overriden.

$ python street-metrics   # Executes command with defaults parameters

Generate Regions from Google Maps

Initial impressions of the street and boundary data

The original street data and boundary shared by Dr. Teshima and Dr. Yamasaki are shown in the image below (not sure why there's a missing square on the bottom left, but that is part of the street data itself).

Streets and Boundary

A couple of things can be noted straight away from the data and the image:

  • The quality of the street data is high with detailed representation
  • There is one set of lines for each different street, which is great
  • The boundary information is incomplete and needs to be extended

The locations for these Shapefiles are:

When the Shapefiles for the street data are loaded using geopandas, the data shows each street as a group of points that are joined by straight lines. This is a very good reprsentation because it will allow for granular control during the analysis.

What needs to be fixed is the boundary because it doesn't represent two different regions (i.e. polygons) that can be used to specify areas for the analysis. The process to achieve this is described in the following subsection.

How to fix the boundary regions using Google Maps

To easily define the regions necessary for the analysis we use the "layers" feature of Google Maps. As can be seen in the image below, there are three layers: green for the original boundary, blue for the extension of the boundary that goes towards the left, and red for the extension of the boundary that goes towards the right. The points used come from a previou discussion between Omar and Dr. Teshima. If these areas are not the correct ones, please let Omar know which are the correct areas so that he can fix them. The points shown in the image form polygons that will be used to define the regions used in the analysis.

Google Maps Regions

Next, we need to download each of the Google Maps layers as a separate KML file. A KMZ file must not be used because the Python libraries used do not support loading KMZ files. When these KML files are downloaded, they must use as a filename the name of the region that will be used to refer to that particular area during the rest of the analysis. Since Omar does not have information for what these regions should be called as of now, the generic names region_1 and region_2 are used for the left and right regions, respectively. These files are downloaded to the ./inputs/regions/google_maps/ directory. The image below shows the downoad dialog box shown by Google Maps with the options that should be selected for each layer.

Google Maps Layer Download

NOTE: This is the Google Map created by Omar and shown in the images

Once these inputs are in place, the CLI generate-regions command can be used to create the ./inputs/regions/shapefiles/ Shapefiles that will be used in the rest of the analysis. Before we execute the actual command, we can look at its help information with:

$ python generate-regions --help

Usage: generate-regions [OPTIONS]

  -i, --inputs TEXT  Directory with KML files downloaded from Google Maps with
                     the points that will be converted to polygon regions.
                     Each layer in the Google Maps map should be downloaded
                     separately, and the corresponding file name for each of
                     these KML files will be taken as the region name for each
                     polygon.  [default: ./inputs/regions/google_maps/]
  -o, --output TEXT  File to save polygon regions shapefile to. Various
                     metadata files are created around the Shapefile (e.g.
                     regions.dbf, regions.prj, etc). If previous files exist
                     they will be deleted beforehand.  [default:
  --help             Show this message and exit.

As can be seed in the information above, the --inputs default value is the directory we have already created and put the KML files in. The --output directory will be created automatically for us, and the default value should be fine (previous outputs stored in the --output location will be deleted if they exist).

We execute by running:

$ python generate-regions  # No explicit params ==> use the defaults

                                GENERATE REGIONS
{'inputs': './inputs/regions/google_maps/',
 'output': './inputs/regions/shapefiles/regions.shp'}
{'init': 'EPSG:4326'}
<class 'geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 2 entries, 0 to 1
Data columns (total 2 columns):
region      2 non-null object
geometry    2 non-null geometry
dtypes: geometry(1), object(1)
memory usage: 160.0+ bytes
     region                                           geometry
0  region_1  POLYGON ((139.75827 35.66836, 139.76055 35.672...
1  region_2  POLYGON ((139.75827 35.66836, 139.76055 35.672...

As you can see in the output, the default parameters are fine, and the region Shapefiles are successfully created. After executing the above, they should appear in the ./inputs/regions/shapefiles/ directory. You should be able to load these Shapefiles into other geographical analysis software, and they contain two polygons for region_1 and region_2. After this point the KML files are no longer necessary and can be deleted.

NOTE: If the analysis is desired for more regions, it's just a matter of creating more Google Maps layers, downloading their KMLs files into the corresponding directory, and re-executing the script. This will create the corresponding regions in the region Shapefiles, which can be used for the rest of the analysis described in this document.

Here's a zoomed-out version of the two regions (region_1 is orange/left, and region_2 is purple/right):

Zoomed-Out Regions

Here's a zoomed-in version of the two regions (region_1 is orange/left, and region_2 is purple/right):

Zoomed-In Regions

Street Curvatures

  • Convert into EPSG:3857 because units are in meters for area calcuations
  • Street points must be ordered for this curvature technique
    • They are already ordered

The main problem

The main problem being solved is: measure the "curvature" of the streets in each "region", where "regions" are represented by the orange and purple areas in the images from the previous section. The main idea is that two different regions that evolved differently will likely exhibit different characteristics in its streets, and a way of measuring those differences is through the streets' "curvature". Note that the "curvature" concept here is an abstract, yet to-be-defined concept, that we will materialize in upcoming subsections in this document.

The main data assumption

Some obstacles and approaches around these abstract "curvature" concept are angles between street intersections, L-shaped streets (where the street, either as independent or continuation streets, are perpendicular), and how to distinguish when streets are continuations streets or single long streets. Fortuantely, by the good-quality street data provided by Dr. Teshima an Dr. Yamasaki, we can avoid these problems using the assumption that each row in the street data, which in turn contains a collection of points joined by straight lines to form the shape of a street, represents a single street, which is independent of others in the data set. Under that assumption, we can distinguish perfectly between two continuation streets or a single long one, and we can also work with L-shaped streets as single entities. Futhermore, the angle of intersection between streets is no longer problematic when calculating a street's "curvature" because we can treat different streets independently.

Defining "curvature"

The curvature concept used to calculate the street metrics is based on parametric curves. These curves remove the restrictions of normal functions that do not allow two different y-values for a single x-value in a 2D space, where x and y refer to the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively. A parametric curve allows for these types of curves, which are necessary to reprsent streets in a 2D space where the street may zig-zag and move in ways that can't be represented by normal functions.

These parametric curves have a well-defined curvature concept where the curvature ($k$) is defined to be:

$$k = \frac{\left| x' y'' - y' x''\right|}{\left( x'^2 + y'^2 \right)^{3/2}}$$

where $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ are parametric curves as functions of $t$ (which can be thought of time if we're thinking about moving objects), $x' = dx(t)/dt$ and $y' = dy(t)/dt$ are the first derivaties of $x$ and $y$ with respect to $t$, and $x'' = d^2x(t)/dt^2$ and $y'' = d^2y(t)/dt^2$ are the second derivatives of $x$ and $y$ with respecto to $t$. More information can be found in the Wikipedia page for curvature.

When this curvature value is close to zero it means that there's not much of a curve around the particular point we're looking at on a line. It doesn't matter if it's a horizintal, vertical, or diagonal, but in general it's a line without a lot of curve around it. If we pick a point on a line that is not straight but has a lot of curves around it, this curvature value will increase. The more pronounced the curves around a point, the higher the curvature value.

John Cook does a nice way of explaining this curvature concept clearly in his Curvature and automatic differentation post. In that post he uses a logistic curve instead of a general parametric curve allowing him to simplify the curvature definition mentioned above into:

$$k(x) = \frac{y''}{\left( 1 + y'^2 \right)^{3/2}}$$

which can be achieved by setting $x(t) = t$ and $y(t) = f(t)$, where $f(t)$ is a function (not a general parametric curve). That simplification allows him to explain the concept clearly. However, it must be noted that he is using a mathematical definition and automatic differentiation to compute the curvature. In our case, we don't have a mathematical defintion for each street we're trying to compute a curvature for. Therefore, in our case we use numerical differentiation on the points that define the lines in a street. However, the fundamental concepts are the same. The code that computes the curvature is simple and can be found in ./streets/

Showing "curvature" behavior with an example

To exemplify the behavior of these curvature values, we use the following example. Imagine a street that is formed by the points in the image below. If you join/interpolate those points with straight lines you would get an approximation of a curvy street in a so-called U-shape. These points are exactly the type of data we have in the street data provided by Dr. Teshima and Dr. Yamasaki.

If you think about it, at the beginning of the curve (top-left) we have a first small curve defined by the first two points and the subsequent two which already start curving down, forming a tight curve. Then as we continue to move right, around the x-axis value of 5, if you move to the before/after parts of that segment of the line you're pretty much on the same diagonal line that goes from top-left to bottom-down. This part of the sequence is very linear (i.e. low curvature). Then as we approach the x-axis value of 15 and toward the end the curvature starts increasing again, but not as aggresively as the curve formed at the beginning of the line (top-left), meaning that the curve formed around x-axis values of 15 to 20 is more "open" or "wider" than the curve formed in x-axis between 0 and 3, which is relatively more aggresive or "curvier".

Example Points

After we apply numerical differentiation and use the curvature formula defined above for each point in the series we get the following curvature values. Note that they follow the pattern described in the previous paragraph: around the x-values between 0 and 3 we have aggresive curvature, then we see a stabilization period with low curvature between x-axis 3 to 15, and then we see another increase in curvature, but in a less aggressiv manner, after x-axis value 15.

Example Curvature

An important thing to note is for each street in the analysis we will have many curvature values. To be precise we will have $n - 1$ curvature values where $n$ is the number of points that define the lines for each street in the data. Since we want a single number to represent each street's curvature, not a whole distribution of curvature values, we need to compress these curvature values for each street, and that's the focus on the next section.

Three simple compression methods

As we mentioned previously, each street will have many curvature values. The odd cases will be when only two points define a whole street (i.e. perfect line street), in which case no curvature values will be available, and its curvature is automatically determined to be zero because it's a perfectly straight line. In other cases, we will have multiple values whose information we need to compress. To do that, three simple methods are shown below, but more should be created that highlight the characteristics of the research being performed.


The "range" is defined to be the difference between the maximum and minimum curvature values for a each street. This difference defines a range in which all other curvature values exist. The wider the range the wider the curvature difference withing the same street (i.e. some parts in the street seem to be straight and other parts seem to be very curvy).


This is a simple "variance" calculated using the curvature values for each street. The larger the variance the the more varied the street's behavior is. The difference with the "range" method above is that while that one takes only the extremes into consideration to define a range width, this one takes all the street's available curvature values into the calculation.

Direction Changes

An fact that had not been made explicit until now is that the points in the street lines have an implicit order. That order can be used as parts of the calculations used to compress the information. For the "direction changes" calculation we count the number of times the curvature values break monotonicity (either increasing or decreasing), which is associated with changes in the street's curve direction.

Five common aggregations

Even after we compute the curvature for each street in a region we still have not reached the objective, which is to get a "curvature measurement" for a whole region. In this case, common aggregations on top of the the street compressed curvature values can be used. The values currently configured in the code are the standard minimum, mean, median, maximum, and variance statistics, all of which operate on top of the compressed curvature values across all streets in a region.

Two density related metrics

Another way that geographical information around the streets and the regions can be used to identify differing behaviors across regions is using density measures, which counts entities per squared area unit.

Street density

The street density is simply the number of streets in a region divided by the area in squared meters for said area, i.e. "streets-per-squared-meter".

Point density

Similarly, the point density is simply the number of points in a region divided by the area in squared meters for said area, i.e. "points-per-squared-meter". These points are taken from the points that form streets, and this measure does not necessarily represent the same as the "streets-per-squared-meter" metric since the more curvy the streets are the more pionts they will require to be defined, which makes the "points-per-squared-meter" a more sensitive metric to "curvyness"

Current results

Current results can be found in the ./outputs/curvatures/results.csv CSV file. In it it can be seen that region_2 is about 40% larger than region_1.

region area (m2)
region_1 12,336,347
region_2 17,287,173

The range_mean for region_1 is about 3.4x the one for region_2, meaning that in average region_1 has wider ranges (i.e. streets which are less homogeneous). However, at the same time the range_max for region_2 is about 2.6x the one for region_1, meaning that even though in average region_2 has more stable streets it also has the most extreme ones. The variances differenes are not as extreme between the regions when looking at range.

region range_min range_mean range_median range_max range_var
region_1 0 0.02688876 0 3.81508743 0.04336928
region_2 0 0.00778760 0 9.92920340 0.03024448

The interesting variance results are for variance_max in which we see that region_2 is about 6.7x large than region_1, and the variance_var is about 6.1x larger for region_2 than for region_1. This is a more extreme version of the same behavior we had seen with range.

region variance_min variance_mean variance_median variance_max variance_var
region_1 0 0.00687359 0 2.72775304 0.01095721
region_2 0 0.00559308 0 18.4841235 0.06771064

Note that dc stands for direction_changes to preserve space. In this case we see that the average dc_mean and dc_var are around 5x to 6x larger for region_1 than for region_2, which is different information from what we had seen with the range and variance metrics. This is due to the fact that direction_changes measure changes in direction not the intensity of the change.

Combining the results from range, variance, and direction_changes it can be concluded that the streets in region_1 are exhibit more extreme behavior (more aggressive changes) but the streets in region_2 change direction more often although in a smoother way.

region dc_min dc_mean dc_median dc_max dc_var
region_1 0 0.25350233 0 9 0.62286131
region_2 0 0.04786005 0 9 0.09419967

Finally, the density metrics tell us that region_2 has about 4.3x more streets and 3.5x more points, per squared meter. This is aligned to the conclusion above: since there is a less than proportional pointss increase vs street increase (3.5x vs 4.3x) per-squared-meter from region_2 compared to region_1, it means that region_2 has more streets and more points, but needs less points to represent the proportional number of streets, which implies that streets are smoother or less curvy in region_2 than in region_1, which may be the case in part because the streets seem to be shorter in that area.

region n_streets density_streets n_points density_points
region_1 1499 0.0001215 4211 0.0003413
region_2 9089 0.0005257 21037 0.0012169

Possible improvements

Adam Franco's curvature repository makes use of an idea where the curvature for a street is amplified by the street's lenght. This idea allows for the differentiation of long-curvy roads from short-curvy roads, which may be important depending on the research objective, and could be one improvement.

Many other improvements are possible, as was mentioned previously, by designing more methods of compressing the information in the curvature distribution values in a way that is valuable for the research objectives. The three methods shown (i.e. range, variance, and direction_changes) are some simple ones, but moe sophisticated methods could be designed.

Finally, as was mentioned before, the streets are assumed to be independent and no interaction effects are considered between them as of now. Introducing these interaction effects between streets could also be valuable depending on the research objectives.

Building Image Analysis

  • TODO: In Progress

Working with the Data Files

All Shapefiles are loaded using the geopandas Python library, which leverages pandas constructs to simplify the analysis of geographical data using well-known data wrangling techniques. Another related library used to create graphs is descartes.

The ./inputs/boundary/discontown2.* files are in the European Petroleum Survey Group (EPSG) EPSG 2451 Coordinate Reference System (CRS) which is optimized for coordinates for Japan. To be able to interface with other software libraries we need to be able to move back and forth from the EPSG 4326 CRS, also known Word Geodetic System 1984 WGS84 (the most common CRS with longitude and latitude coordinates, and degrees as the distance unit), and EPSG 3857 (a system with meters as a distance unit). This last one is necessary to compute the areas of the region polygons mentioned in the Street Curvatures section.

The ./inputs/regions/google_maps/ KML files are downloaded from the Google Maps web application as mentioned in the section Generate Regions from Google Maps. These files are non-standard and require KML drivers to be enabled for fiona. As was mentioned before, only KML files are supported (KMZ files not supported), and only the first layer in the KML file is loaded, so instead of downloading a single file with all the Google Map layers, each layer should be downloaded into its own KML file, and all of these files should be stored in the same directory. Once these KML files are transformed into regions using the code described in the Generate Regions from Google Maps section, they will be loaded as Shapefiles from that point on for the rest of the scripts.


Below are links of interest for concepts/tools mentioned within this document.

"We are the people we have been waiting for."


Calculate street information useful for research, such as street curvatures, color profiles, and inferred materials, for specific regions.








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