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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


This is a search and index system of boolearn retrieval model for text files.

How to run the system

  • Requirement - Python 3.0, project folder from repository
  • Process - go to the project folder and run "python"

Command Usages

The system has 2 commands: 'index' and 'search'.

  1. index - all about index in search system.
  • Description : This command is used for creating the inverted index from the text files provided.

  • Synopsis : index [ -s ], index [ -r path ]

  • Option

    1. index [ -s ] --> show all data in inverted index. Result: show the list of inverted index in alphabetic order, follow with DocID list for that keyword. Result Format:

      ---------------------------------------- Inverted Index ------------------------------------------- Term | (DocID, DocName)

                     Term1        |              (DocID, DocName), (DocID, DocName),...
                     Term2        |              (DocID, DocName), (DocID, DocName),...
                           .            |                                         .
                           .            |                                         . 
    Result Example:
     >     >> index -s 
     >   ---------------------------------------- Inverted Index -------------------------------------------
     >                    Term         |                         (DocID, DocName)                        
     >   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     >                         Ant           |              (1, "Ant & Dog"), (3, "Industrious Animal")
     >                         Cat           |                                         -
     >   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1. index [ -r path index_file_name] --> create inverted index from all text files in provided path and return index file named as index_file_name parameter. Result: return true when success, false otherwise. Result Format:

       Successful created   ; if successful
       Failed created         ; if unsuccessful


      index -r text_folder text.index This give the text.index file which contains a created inverted index. index -s This will show the last created inverted index by option -r otherwise from above will return "wrong usage" message

  1. search - search for provided query from inverted index.
  • Description : The command will start to search using single query provided.
  • Synopsis : search [ single_query ]
  • Option
    1. search [-l index_file] --> load inverted index into search system

    2. search [ single_query ]--> search using single query

      Result: The command will show a list of DocIDs which meets the equivalence of single query. Result Format:

          ---------------------------------------- Search Results -----------------------------------------
          Query : [ single_query ]
          Doc list : [ list of (DocID, DocName) which satisfy the query parameter ]

      Result Example:

          >> search Ant
          ---------------------------------------- Search Results -----------------------------------------
          Query : Ant
          Doc list : (1, "Ant & Dog"), (3, "Industrious Animal")


        search -l text.index
        This will load the inverted index stored in text.index to search system.
        search A
        This will search "A" in the current inverted index used in search system. 
        otherwise from above will return "wrong usage" message


Implementing simple boolean retrieval search using Python






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