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LMS originating from Timberline Secondary School's Digital Hackerspace


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LMS for Timberline Secondary School's Digital Hackerspace

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Hackerspace development environment installation

Installing and running the project

Installing Tools

Although the hackerspace uses several tools, you only need to set up a two of them thanks to docker!

The instructions below will help you get the hackerspace running using docker, and then help you set up a development environment with VS Code.

The instructions assume you are using Ubuntu (or another Debian based linux distro), although it is possible to get it working anywhere you can install docker.

Installing Docker

Follow the instructions the for installing Docker CE (community edition, i.e. free edition) using the repository:

By the end, you should be able to run docker's test image:
$ sudo docker run hello-world

Install docker-compose

sudo apt install docker-compose

Add yourself to the docker group:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

Getting the Code

Fork the repository

  1. Create a Github account.
  2. Go to
  3. The main branch of this repo is the develop branch, make sure you are on that branch.
  4. Click the "Fork" button on the top right corner.
  5. This will allow you to have your own copy of the project on your GitHub account.

Clone your fork

  1. Open the directory where you want to put the code. I like to create a new directory for my code projects called Developer:
    mkdir ~/Developer
  2. Move into the parent directory of the project:
    cd ~/Developer
  3. Go to your forked repository in github
  4. Click "Clone or download" and copy the url, then paste it into the command:
    git clone yoururlhere
  5. This will download the project into ~/Developer/hackerspace/

Running the Code

Initial setup

This will create your docker containers and initialize the database by running migrations and creating some inital data that is required:

  1. Open a terminal
  2. Move into the project directory:
    cd ~/Developer/hackerspace
  3. Build the containers (db, redis, celery, and celery-beat):
    docker-compose build
  4. Start the postgres database container (db) in the background/daemonized (-d)
    docker-compose up -d db
  5. For development, let's run the django app in a vertiual environment instead of using the web container:
    1. Create a python virtual environment (we'll put ours in a venv directory):
      virtualenv venv --python=python3.7
    2. Enter the virtual environment:
      source venv/bin/activate
    3. Install our requirements:
      pip install -r requirements.txt
    4. Run migrations (this is a special migration command we need to use, never use the standard migrate command! ):
      ./src/ migrate_schemas --shared
    5. Run the app ot make sure you don't get any errors yet, with:
      ./src/ runserver
  6. Now that we've migrated, run a setup script to create the public tenant and a superuser, this will run through the web container:
  7. You should now get a 404 page (until we create a lnading page) at http://localhost:8000
  8. But you should be able to log in to the admin site! http://localhost:8000/admin/
    • user: admin
    • password: hellonepal
  9. Run redis, celery and celery-beat containers (you can run in the background too if you want with -d, but you wont see any errors if they come up):
    docker-compose up celery celery-beat
  10. To view errors in the containers when they are running in the background, you can use docker-compose logs

Creating a Tenant

If everything has worked so far, you should now be able to create your own hackerspace website as a new tenant:

  1. If the server isn't already running, run it with: ./src/ runserver (and ignore the link it tells you to access the page)
  2. Go to django admin at http://localhost:8000/admin/ (this is known as the Public tenant, it's where we can control all the other sites or tenants)
  3. In the Tenants app near the bottom, create a new tenant by giving it a name, for example: hackerspace
  4. This will create a new site at http://hackerspace.localhost:8000 go there and log in
    • user: admin
    • password: password (this is defined in TENANT_DEFAULT_SUPERUSER_PASSWORD in settings/
  5. Now you should be in your own Hackerspace site!
  6. If you would like to stop the project, use Ctrl + C in the command lines, then wait for each of the containers to stop.

TODO: Installing more Sample Data <-- NOT SETUP YET

New tenants will come with some basic initial data already installed (via data migrations). But if you want masses of data to simulate a more realistic site in production.... we need to make some so you can install it!

Once we DO make it, this is how you'd install (leaving here so I don't forget =)

Note: the recommended way of installing fixtures (data) is currently broken, but we can use the shell instead:

  1. Open a Python shell specific to your tenant (make sure you're virtual environment is activated):
    ./src/ tenant_command shell
  2. Type ? to see a list of tenants you've made. You should have at least one that is not "public". Select it by entering it's name (without the "- localhost" part).
  3. Inside the shell, execute the following commands:
    from import call_command
    call_command('loaddata', 'src/tenant_specific_data.json')
  4. use Ctrl + D or exit() to close the Python shell.

Running Tests and Checking Code Style

You can run tests either locally, or through the web container:

  1. This will run all the project's tests and if successful, will also check the code style using flake 8 (make sure you're in your virtual environment):
    ./src/ test src && flake8 src
  2. Or run via the web container (assuming it's running. If not, change exec to run) docker-compose exec web bash -c "./src/ test src && flake8 src"
  3. Tests take too long, but you can speed them up by bailing after the first error or failure, and also by running th tests in parallel to take advantage of multi-core processors:
    ./src/ test src --parallel --failfast && flake8 src

Advanced: Inspecting the database with pgadmin4

Using pgadmin4 we can inspect the postgres database's schemas and tables (helpful for a sanity check sometimes!)

  1. Run the pg-admin container:
    docker-compose up pg-admin
  2. Log in:
  3. Click "Add New Server"
  4. Give it any Name you want
  5. In the Connection tab set:
    • Host name/address: db
    • Port: 5432
    • Maintenance database: postgres
    • Username: postgres
    • Password: hellonepal
  6. Hit Save
  7. At the top left expand the Servers tree to find the database, and explore!
  8. You'll probably want to look at Schemas > (pick a schema) > Tables

Setting up a VS Code development environment


  1. Install Visual Studio Code:
  2. Hit Ctrl + ` (back tick, above the tab key) to open a terminal in VS Code
  3. Install the following extensions:
    1. Required: Python (Microsoft)
    2. Optional: Django Template (bibhasdn)
    3. Optional: ESLint: (Dirk Baeumer)
    4. Optional: GitLens (Eric Amodio)
    5. Optional: Docker (Microsoft)
    6. Optional: Git Graph (mhutchie)
    7. Optional: YAML (Red Hat)
    8. Got any good suggestions? =D
  4. Restart VS Code so the extension work
  5. Open the project in VS Code (File > Open Folder)

Contributing Quick Reference

For full details on code contributions, please see

  1. Move into your cloned directory. cd ~/Developer/hackerspace
  2. Add the upstream remote: git remote add upstream
  3. Pull in changes from the upstream master: git pull upstream (in case anything has changed since you cloned it)
  4. Create a new branch: git checkout -b yourbranchname
  5. Make your changes and them commit: git commit -am "Useful description of your changes"
  6. Make sure your code is up to date again and rebase onto any changes: git pull upstream --rebase
  7. Push your branch to your fork of the project: git push origin yourbranchname
  8. Go to your fork of the repository on GitHub (you should see a dropdown allowing you to select your branch)
  9. Select your recently pushed branch and create a pull request (you should see a button for this).
  10. Complete pull request.
  11. Start work on another feature by checking out the develop branch again: git checkout develop
  12. Start again at Step 3 and repeat!

If you make mistakes during the commit process, or want to change or edit commits, here's a great guide.


LMS originating from Timberline Secondary School's Digital Hackerspace







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