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Chainer implementation of Formulanet

This is an experimental Chainer implementation of FormulaNet [1], a graph embedding based premise selection method for theorem proving.

Disclaimer: PFN provides no warranty or support for this implementation. Use it at your own risk.



Dataset preparation

$ wget
$ tar zxf holstep.tgz
$ python -o db


$ python --dataset db --devices @cupy:0 has several options for configuring models.

  • --conditional: Use contional model. Default is unconditional model.
  • --preserve-order: Use order-preserving model (i.e. FormulaNet in the original paper). Default is without order information (i.e. FormulaNet-basic in the original paper).
  • --steps STEPS: Number of update steps


Pretrained model formulanet-basic-unconditional-3steps.npz is included in this repository.

$ python --model formulanet-basic-unconditional-3steps.npz --dataset db/test.h5 --device @cupy:0
accuracy: 0.8891751170158386
precision: 0.9018562609300268
recall: 0.8733969290414733
F beta score: 0.887398477223135
support: [98015 98015]


Observed accurarcy in our experiment is similar but somewhat lower compared to the original paper.

Classification accuracy on the test set of our approach versus baseline methods on HolStep

[1, Table 1] + our results:

CNN CNN-LSTM Formulanet-basic (orig) FormulaNet (orig) Formulanet-basic (ours) Formulanet (ours)
Unconditional 83 83 89.0 90.0 89.9 89.9
Conditional 82 83 89.1 90.3 89.4 89.8

Classification accuracy with different numbers of update steps on conditional premise selection.

Results reported in the paper ([1, Table 3]):

Number of steps 0 1 2 3 4
FormulaNet-basic 81.5 89.3 89.8 89.9 90.0
FormulaNet 81.5 90.4 91.0 91.1 90.8

Results of our experiment:

Number of steps 0 1 2 3 4
FormulaNet-basic 74.2 87.7 89.1 89.2 89.4
FormulaNet       74.2 89.0 89.8 89.6 89.8

Difference from the original paper

There are several differences from original paper. These difference might be the reason for lower accuracy compared to the original paper.

  1. In the original paper batch normalization is applied within a single graph whereas our implementaion apply batch normalization across multiple graphs.
  2. Number of constants: we used 2753 unique tokens + three special tokens "VAR", "VARFUNC", "UNKNOWN", whereas the original paper uses only 1906 + 3 tokens. We used only limited normalization of tokens, but the original paper might used more normilization.



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