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Getting the site up and running for development

  • Install virtualenvwrapper

    sudo pip install virtualenvwrapper

    If you run into problems with recent versions of Ubuntu, install it from the repos:

    sudo apt-get install virtualenvwrapper

  • Configure your zshrc / bashrc to support virtualenvwrapper, add:

    ubuntu_venvwrapper="/etc/bash_completion.d/virtualenvwrapper" if [ -f $ubuntu_venvwrapper ]; then source $ubuntu_venvwrapper else virtualenv=$(which if [ "$virtualenv" != "" ]; then source $virtualenv fi fi

  • Create a virtualenv

    mkvirtualenv lutrisweb

  • cd in the directory and set the virtualenv project path

    cd lutrisweb setvirtualenvproject

  • Right after creating the lutris virtualenv, it should be activated (it should show the virtualenv name at the beginning of your bash / zsh prompt). Latter on to activate the environment, run:

    workon lutrisweb

  • Once the virtualenv is activated, install the dependencies

    cdproject make deps

  • Install the required system dependencies

    sudo apt-get install imagemagick memcached libmemcached-dev mercurial bzr python-dev

  • Install a recent version of nodejs and grunt. On Fedora, you can install the nodejs from the repos. When nodejs and grunt are installed, you can install grunt dependencies for the project. Install bower components.

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chris-lea/node.js sudo apt-get install nodejs sudo npm install grunt-cli -g sudo npm install bower -g npm install bower install

  • Make the SQLite database

    make db

  • Get the source code for the Lutris client, this will allow to build the installer's docs.

    make client

  • Make sure that everything is in order and run the test suite.

    make test

  • Run the dev server and tell grunt to watch for changes in less / coffeescript files and start coding

    make run # in a separate shell grunt watch firefox http://localhost:8000

Postgresql configuriguration

Create a user:

sudo -u postgres create user lutris

Creating a database:

sudo -u postgres psql create database lutris_staging with owner lutris;

or (in shell)

createdb lutris -O lutris

Modify database's owner:

sudo -u postgres psql alter database lutris_staging owner to lutris;

Change user's password:

sudo -u postgres psql alter user lutris with password 'admin';

Dropping all tables from the database

drop schema public cascade; create schema public;

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