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Radon Function Library

This repository contains a number of serverless functions relating to log, state, cloud & security. These are available at FunctionHub

Adding New Functions

New functions added to the project should be placed in a directory in the functions directory. Each directory in functions should contain all of the code, and dependency specification, i.e. requirements.txt or package.json, for that function.

The function should be added to serverless/serverless.yml in order to easily deploy the function and verify that it works.

Add a new key to functions yaml dictionary:

    handler: <function_name>.handler
    module: functions/<function_name>

You might want to look at how the existing functions are handled when adding new ones.


Install plugins

serverless install plugin --name serverless-python-requirements


Current collection of generic-reusable functions.


This functions uses the snyk api to test the dependencies of function artifacts stored on for vulnerabilities. The function accepts the following arguments:

  • artifact_id id of artifact to test.

  • artifact_url URL to download .zip from containing artifact to test.

    • you must specify one of artifact_id or artifact_url !
  • snyk_api_key (optional) - in order to use snyk, you must have a API key from a service account, and either pass it as an argument using the snyk_api_key key, or save it as an environment variable in the lambda function called SNYK_API_KEY.

  • output_format (optional) - the formatting of the returned JSON, must be one of full, human. Defaults to full.

The function will return a list of vulnerabilities if any are found, or string indicating that no vulnerabilities were found.

Python and NodeJS

Currently python and node runtimes are supported. In order to test a function artifact, it's corresponding dependecy configuration file must be included in the root of the artifact .zip file. Valid filename are:

  • requirements.txt - for the python runtime.
  • package.json - for the node runtime.

Testing snyk_test function

There are a number of function artifacts located in functions/snyk_test/test_artifacts, that can be used to test function. Each test case is expressed in a .json file in functions/snyk_test/tests and can be tested by running sls invoke -f snyk_test -p functions/snyk_test/tests/<test file>. The script automates this.

Adding support for more runtimes

Support for more runtimes can be added by using the appropriate methods of the pysnyk pip package to test the runtime's dependency file. The method test_depdencies_for_vulnerabilities in the file functions/snyk_test/, contains a functional implementation that can be extended with support for new runtimes.


This function scans function artifacts for tokens/keys/credentails/passwords/etc. The scanning is provided by DumpsterDiver (

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • artifact_id id of artifact to test.
  • artifact_url URL to download .zip from containing artifact to test.
    • you must specify one of artifact_id or artifact_url !

The function will return a list of found items (strings) that have a high entropy, or a string indicating that nothing suspicious was found.

Testing secrets_scanner function

There are a number of function artifacts located in functions/secrets_scanner/test_artifacts, that can be used to test function. Each test case is expressed in a .json file in functions/secrets_scanner/tests and can be tested by running sls invoke -f snyk_test -p functions/secrets_scanner/tests/<test file>. The script automates this.


This function uses Mozilla's http-observatory project to provide a HTTP security report for a provided URL. Observatory is provided from .

The function accepts the following arguments:

  • url the url to run the observatory scanner on.
  • output_format optionally specify the format of the returned report, valid values are 'full' and 'human', if no option is provided, full will be used by default.

Testing the observatory function

A number of test files in functions/observatory/tests that contain JSON for different urls that can be used to test the function. The bash script can automate this process.


This function uses check_tls_certs - to chechk the TLS/SSL certificates of provided domain names. The function returns a brief report of the certificate issuer, expriation date, and any other messages generated by check_tls_certs.

The function accpets one of the arguments: domain - a single domain to be checked. domains - a list of domains to checked.

Testing the tls_cert_checker

A few test cases are located in functions/tls_cert_checker/tests as JSON files with appropriate arguments. The generic script can be used to wrap around serverless invoke to run each test case against all of the functions in the project.


Have I Been Pwned is database containing emails that has been a part of known data breaches. This function checks wether the provided email has been a part of a data breach or not.

The function requires two parameters, passed as json:

curl -X POST -d {"email": "<youremail>","api_key": <yourkey>} https://HIBPlambda/breached-email-check

In order to use the API you need an API token. This can be acquired here


Schemathesis is a tool which takes an OpenAPI yaml as input and test all sub-paths in API tree. The API is passed to the lambda with environment variables.

The function is intended to be called as cron job. Necessary environment variables are API_PATH and BASE_URL.

For examples and details see Schemathesis


Black is a Python linter for passive or intrusive linting of your code base. This FaaS is executed with a POST http request with arguments passed in a JSON object.

It takes the following argument:

git-repo - A public repo will be cloned and the content traversed for .py extensions and linted. git-branch - The branch that is cloned

The function outputs a suggested diff for each file.


WFUZZ is a pen-test tool. It traverse potential open directories for a provided url. This Faas is executed with a POST http request with arguments passed in a JSON object

It takes the following arguments:

fuzz_url - The url you wish to security scan

The function outputs potential open directories.


WeirdALL is a security tool that checks the validity of any AWS keypair. This FaaS takes the key pair either as ENV_VAR or JSON format.

The function outputs the validity of the key and the different access rights related to the keys.


Isort is a code quality tool for passive or intrusive clean up of imported libraries. This FaaS is executed with a POST http request with arguments passed in a JSON object.

It takes the following arguments:

git-repo - A public repo will be cloned and the content traversed for .py extensions and linted. git-branch - The branch that is cloned python-main - The main file you want 'cleaned'

The function outputs a suggested diff for your selected file.


Isort is a static analysis tool that makes opinionated suggestions about your code base based on best practice within 'pythonic' development.

It takes the following arguments:

git-repo - A public repo will be cloned and the content traversed for .py extensions and linted. git-branch - The branch that is cloned python-main - The main file you want 'linted'

The function outputs a suggested diff for your selected file.


Serverless functions for log, state, cloud & security.







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Contributors 4

