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Django GTD

A sample Getting Things Done (GTD) app Memcached and the Django admin interface. To create projects, actions, context or make any modifications, use the Django admin URL at http://<app-url>/admin/.

Local development

For development, I recommend using a virtual environment to ensure that things work cleanly and do not collide in unexpected ways. In this case, you can do the following

virtualenv venv   # Use your preferred folder name, venv is in .gitignore
./venv/bin/pip install -r requirements.txt
./venv/bin/python syncdb
./venv/bin/python migrate
./venv/bin/python runserver

It uglifies these commands, but eliminates lots of sources of frustration. :-)


This has been used on (at least) the following Python versions:

  • Python 2.6.6

with Django 1.6 (the version is in the requirements.txt).


I'm still developing in sqlite3, but Stackato version was set up for postgresql...

To use mysql instead of postgresql on production, you need to make only a few changes before pushing (or updating) your app:

  • In stackato.yml, replace mysql with postgresql under services.
  • In stackato.yml, replace mysql-python with psycopg2 under requirements.


The original page ( listed "Code license GNU GPL v3" on December 30, 2013 when I'm writing this. Since I do not see anything to the contrary in any of the pages and since a search for 'copy', 'copyright', '(c)' and 'license' only turns up the pre-rebase.sample in the .git folder, I will operate under the assumption that all contributors intended to contribute their code under GNU GPL v3.

Note that individual authors may be willing to re-license their contributions.
(Unfortunately, it can be tedious to contact them all...)


I've decided that I will make notes of both software features and how I map David Allen's process to Djang GTD. When I have something, I'll make it available here.


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  • Python 69.3%
  • CSS 15.7%
  • HTML 13.2%
  • Shell 1.8%