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Nostalgiabot II

A bot to remind us of what we'd all rather forget we said.

- Martin Petkov

Nostalgiabot II is the sequel to Nostalgiabot, originally written by Martin Petkov.

Tech Stack

NB2 is a simple Flask app. You should be familiar with these technologies:

Development Setup

Clone the repository

git clone

Setup virtual environment

mkvirtualenv nb2
workon nb2


Run the following to install all the Python dev dependencies:

pip install -r requirements/dev

Environment & Configs

Create a new .env file in the root directory of the project using .env.example as a template

cp .env.example .env

Do not commit this new file as it will contain secret keys!

Set FLASK_ENVIRONMENT to development. This enables the debugger and hot reloading.

Precommit & Linting

We use pre-commit to manage and run linters and autoformatting on a git commit hook. To initialize pre-commit hooks, run the following:

pre-commit install


To initialize the SQLite database, run:

flask db upgrade

Run the bot

flask run

You should now see a url in your console pointing you to where NB2 is running

Steps to Create Slack Bot

  1. Create a new bot and assign it to a workspace

  2. Enable socket mode.

Socket Mode

  1. Generate a token with connection:write scope.

App Token

  1. Copy the token and paste it under the SLACK_APP_TOKEN variable in your local .env file.

  2. Enable event subscriptions and subscribe to the app_mention bot event.

Event Subscription

  1. Under OAuth & Permissions, install to workspace.


  1. Set the following bot scopes: app_mentions:read, chat:write, users:read

Bot Scopes

  1. Copy Bot User OAuth Token and paste it under the SLACK_BOT_TOKEN variable in your local .env file.

Bot Token

  1. Under Basic Information copy the Signing Secret and paste it under the SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET variable in your local .env file.

Signing Secret

  1. The bot should be ready to use and can now access the running Flask server.


Nostalgiabot II






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