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This repository contains the source code of the WiBed central controller.

The WiBed project

The WiBed project is aimed at designing, implementing and providing a wireless testbed based on off-the-shelf IEEE802.11-capable routers to allow for experimenting on a mesh network of several tenths of nodes and with significant number of hops in a realistic environment.

The Wibed controller

The WiBed controller is the central application that manages a deployment of the WiBed testbed. It controls the routers participating on the testbed, allowing to manage and configure them, and also handles the management of experiments performed in the mesh network.

System requirements

The controller can be installed on a bare metal machine or a virtual host. It is designed to be run on devices with constrained resources, like an Alix 2D2. These are the recommended minimum hardware and software requirements:

  • 1 GHz CPU core
  • 512 MB free RAM
  • 2 GB free disk space
  • 1 network interface
  • Debian 7.1 OS or later
  • Python 2.7


This tiny guide assumes you fulfill the previous hardware requirements and that you have a fresh Debian OS where you can download and install more packages. The installation is performed by the non-administrative user wibed; you can use the username you like the best.

  • Install required tools: build-essential and git:
sudo aptitude install build-essential git
  • Install required packages: python2.7, python-pip and python-virtualenv:
sudo aptitude install python2.7 python-pip python-virtualenv
  • Clone the wibed-controller repository and checkout the local branch:
git clone
cd wibed-controller
git checkout -b local origin/local
  • Initialize the python virtual environment:
virtualenv wibed_env
  • Install the remaining python packages in requirements.txt using pip:
wibed_env/bin/pip2.7 install -r requirements.txt
  • Initialize the database:
  • Start the web server in the background:
wibed_env/bin/python2.7  > /dev/null 2>&1 &
  • Add an init.d script to start the server on boot:

The WiBed controller HTTP server is listening on port 8080.