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A testing framework for CSE 131 at UCSD.


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Yuno: Y U NO have testing framework?

If you're still running test cases by hand, stop everything you're doing and read this right now.

No, stop eating that. Hold your breath. It'll be worth it.

Yuno is a framework that will run whatever tests you want and tell you what exploded. It was made for Compilers at UCSD, but it's good for any case where lots of different inputs need to run against a spec. It's cross-platform, customizable, and helps you get a better grade.

A few features

Run all the tests in Phase 1, with diff output for failures:

yuno run phase 1 --diff

Run a custom set of tests, then save them as a suite for later:

yuno run files phase*/**/*-good.rc --save known_good

Run a suite you made earlier (or got from someone else):

yuno run suite crazy_edge_cases

See everything that still needs fixing:

yuno show failing

And if your perhaps-not-sober partner made some changes, it can help you with regressions:

$ yuno run all
Ran 100 tests

  2 passed
  98 failed
      yuno (show|run) failed

- 62 regressions

How it works

A Yuno test case has two parts: a source file (testname.rc) fed to the compiler and an answer file (testname.ans.out) to be compared with the compiler's output. If the two files match, the test case passes. If not, it fails.

Each pair of files lives somewhere in the test repo, arranged in whatever structure you want. For Compilers, the layout usually looks like this:


This layout also works with older testing frameworks, so the repo can be versioned independently and no one is locked in to a specific tester.

When you want to run your tests, give yuno run the right command to find them and remember the results are all your fault.

Download and install

Python check

Yuno requires Python 2.7.x (not 2.6 or 3.x). It's a long, sad, highly fragmented story. If you don't already have it, or you have a different version, you should get a copy and install it somewhere nice. You can check your default Python install's version like this: $ python --version. ProTip: for ieng6 users, Python 2.7 lives in /software/common/python-2.7/bin/python2.7.

If you have multiple Python installs and don't want to fiddle with shebangs, it might be good to make an alias for the runtime you want:

# Just one of many ways to do this
$ alias yuno="/path/to/python2.7"

The framework

If you're using Git, just:

$ cd /your/project
$ git clone

If not, download the project zip and extract it wherever you want.

Note: For a hassle-free install that works out of the box, your folder structure should look like this:

/your/project/ (anywhere)
    .eclipsecrap, etc/
        (.class files)
        (test repo; see below)
        (, etc)

CSE 131: the test repo

Historically it's been a good idea to maintain a central, class-wide test repo for everyone to share their tests. Someone usually steps up to manage it and make sure everything stays good. To get yourself a working copy, or just see the folder structure it should have, see the GitHub project here.

If your care cup is especially empty, clone that repo next to Yuno and skip down down to the manual.

$ cd /your/project
$ git clone

Running tests

Usage note: For brevity, previous examples have assumed there was a PATH entry or alias named yuno for While it's nicer to type and makes commands look cleaner, the examples here are written out in full for easy copy-pasting. Aliases are available in Bash (Linux, OS X), Windows, and most other shells.

To run Yuno directly as on non-Windows machines, you may need to make it executable:

$ chmod +x /your/project/yuno/

Signatures run all | failed | failing | passed | passing | <glob> run phase <#> | check <#> | suite <name> | files <glob> run phase <#> check <#>
<newline-delimited stream> | run -

Flags and options

  1. --diff [routine] - Instead of the normal message, print a diff for any tests that fail. The routine can be context or unified, defaulting to context.

  2. --pause [events] - Pause on certain events: p (test passed), f (failed), s (skipped), w (warned), or any combination (pf, fsw, etc). Defaults to f.

  3. --save <name> - Save the tests that just ran as a suite called <name>.

  4. -o, --overwrite - Use with save to write over an existing suite with the same name.

Running by folder

If run receives one argument and it doesn't match a special value (all, -, failed, failing, passed, or passing), it's taken as a Unix path glob representing folders in the repo to be searched recursively. Any files inside that have the right extension (.rc by default) will be run as tests.

Every test in dir1/ or dir2/: run dir[1-2]

Every test in every check ending in 2: run phase*/check*2

Every test with a Companion Cube: run enrichment/chamber17

By phase or check

Being a Compilers tool, Yuno gives special treatment to repositories laid out in phases and checks. The phase and check commands can be used separately, together, or not at all—they just provide a nicer wrapper over using globs. Each one's <#> may be a number, a number and a letter, or dash-separated range. (More on that below.)

Any test files inside matching folders or subfolders will be run. run phase 1-3 run check 12

# If check alone would be ambiguous run phase 2 check 6a

To support checks with multiple parts, ranges can slice on numbers and letters together. Each end may be one or more digits, optionally followed by a letter. For example, to run every test in every check between check6b and check10 (inclusive):

# Runs 6b, 6c, 7, ... 9a, ..., 9z, ..., 10z run check 6b-10

Note: If you don't put in a range, Yuno looks for an exact match. Asking it to run check 3 means asking it to run tests in a folder called check3, not to run 3a, b, and c together.

If you want to run them all, use: run check 3a-3c

Or if you're lazy: run check 3a-c

Yuno always does its best to run no less than what you asked for, only skipping checks if they're specifically excluded by the range. A range endpoint without a letter will include that check and all its subparts. Any checks that fall inside the middle of the range are loaded fully, # to #z.

# 4, 4a, 4b, ..., 9, ..., 9d, 9e (but not 9f) run check 4-9e

# 5b, 5c, ..., 6, 6a (but not 5 or 5a) run check 5b-6a

# 5, 5a, ..., 10, ..., 10z run check 5-10

By status

Like all, passed/failed and passing/failing can be used to run special sets of tests.

Every test that passed (or failed) on the last run: run passed run failed

Every test that hasn't passed since it last failed: run failing

Every test that hasn't failed since it last passed: run passing

By suite

Suites are arbitrary sets of tests, grouped together and named. They're handy for creating groups of tests that go together without having to move files around.

To run a suite: run suite <name>

To create a suite, either:

  1. Use the --save flag with a name (run <whatever> --save <name>), which makes a suite from every test that ran this time; or

  2. By hand, create <name>.txt in settings/suites/ and add the path for every test you want, one per line (relative to the repo, and including the file name).

By filename

For more precise control over which tests will run, use run files with a glob that matches the full path and name you want.

Only tests from people you trust: run files public/good/*-mallory.rc

Let's see how it likes Haskell: run files phase1/**/*.hs

By pipe

If yuno run - sees text on stdin, it treats it as a newline-separated list of test files and ignores any positional arguments. Options and flags will still be used if they make sense. See the Data section for more on how to use this to hack in some extra capability.

To re-run every test that raised a warning last time:

# Find lines that start with w, clean them up, and pipe to Yuno
$ grep ^w data/last-run.txt | sed 's/^w //' | run -

But no one likes sed, so Yuno knows to strip out its own line labels:

$ grep ^w data/last-run.txt | run -

Getting information

Most of the info Yuno keeps track of can be accessed with show. It always takes one argument and ignores any options or flags.


Tests that failed last time | tests that haven't passed since they last failed: yuno show failed | failing

Tests that passed last time | tests that haven't failed since they last passed: yuno show passed | passing

Tests that were skipped on the last run: yuno show skipped

Tests that raised warnings on the last run: yuno show warned

All available suites: yuno show suites

A detailed log of the last run: yuno show last

Creating tests

Depending on your preference, you might want to create your source files in a temporary place and only move them to the repo when you're sure they're good; or you might just add them right away and work on them in place. Either way, yuno certify will help you make the answer files so you can yuno run and share them if you want to.

A word of warning

Yuno is stupid, like a brick. Bricks don't know if your tests should be passing. If your answer files are wrong, tests could pass when they should fail and you may not catch the problem til your grades come back. That's why this feature is called certify: by running it, you certify your compiler's output for these cases will be right. Let typing the pretentious name remind you to be careful.

Signatures certify files <glob>
<newline-delimited stream> | certify -


  1. --overwrite - If an answer file already exists, overwrite it without asking. Use with caution.

  2. --correct - Don't ask if output is correct before accepting. Use with even more caution.

Creating by glob

This feature works the same as yuno run files: the <glob> should match specific file names, including full paths and extensions, except the output will be answer files instead of test results. You'll be prompted every time it tries to overwrite a file unless you use --overwrite.

To generate an answer file for my-first-test.rc: certify files phase1/check1/my-first-test.rc

Creating by pipe

As with yuno run, users with nice shells get extra power here. For example, Unix users can generate answers for any tests that were skipped because of missing answer files:

grep ^s data/last-run.txt | certify -

Cleaning up test history

Yuno doesn't watch for changes to the test repo, so references to tests that get deleted or renamed can clutter up your history and suites. Since those now-missing tests will never pass if they were failing, or vice-versa, there's no way for yuno run to flush them out. Running yuno prune will synchronize your records with the current contents of the repo and make sure only tests that still exist are counted.

To clean up your passing and failing lists: prune

Flags and options

  1. --last-run - Also prune your last run's log file. Usually not needed, but it can help if missing tests are bouncing back and forth between skipped and passed/failed.

  2. --suites - Also prune the suites in your main suite folder.

  3. --all - Short for --last-run --suites.

Customizing Yuno


The settings you can change are documented and defined in settings/config.json. Yuno comes pre-configured to work with the standard repo layout described above, but you're free to use whatever you prefer. The defaults are saved in settings/config.json.default.

Except for the comments (lines starting with //), the config syntax is standard JSON. Intrepid editors will find that Yuno's comment stripping code is very stupid, so comments at the ends of lines will be treated not so much like comments but like syntax errors. Complaints may be addressed to:

ATTN: Roundfile group 127 Wontfix Road Devnull, CA 92122

Customizing output

Most messages that end up at the console (not yet all) are built from plaintext template files whose paths are set in failure_message, diff_message, and so on in the settings file. You can either change the paths or just edit the defaults in-place. What you see is what you get, newlines and all.


This is version 0.2. If you want a version that won't change during the quarter, check out the featurefreeze branch when it becomes available to get no updates except bug fixes. Issues, suggestions, and pull requests welcome.


A testing framework for CSE 131 at UCSD.







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