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Yet another Dolores clone

This is a Discord Bot for Pixel Starships, targeted for hosting on Heroku.

1. Setup for Hosting on Heroku

  1. Create a Heroku account and go to the dashboard
  2. Fork this repository to your own Github account
  3. Under the deploy option, connect to your Github account, and select this repository. Select the button for automatic deploys.
  4. Under settings, choose "Reveal Config Vars". Enter DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN as the variable name. Enter the value from the bot token retrieved from the Discord developer page
  5. Under Resources, Enable the option where it says worker: python src/

2. Self-Hosted Setup

  1. Log in to the server (this is optional if you are running from a local computer). For example, if you launched' an Amazon Web Services Virtual Machine, this would be:
ssh -i $HOME/.ssh/my_key_file.pem ec2-user@hostname

where your Amazon AWS instance key file is my_key_file.pem and the username and address above should be changed to that of your instance running on AWS.

  1. Install Python 3.6 and Git. On an Amazon AMI, this would be:
sudo yum install python36 python36-pip git
  1. Clone this Github repository Use pip to install Python dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt
git clone
cd heroku-pss/
python3 -m pip install --user -r requirements.txt
  1. Create a Discord Bot. A good guide is Sebi's bot tutorial. The link to the tutorial is here.

    Get the invite link for the Discord bot and add the bot to the Discord chat.

    Get the Discord bot token from Add the bot token to ~/.bash_profile as follows:

export DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN="insert_bot_token_here"

2. Running the Bot

Inside the server, create a screen session to run the job in the background. Note that it is not necessary to use screen--the job can be run in the background in other ways, for example using the nohup command.

cd $HOME/heroku-pss/
screen -S pss    # Create a screen session named "pss"
while true; do python36 src/; sleep 5; done

Press Ctrl-A, Ctrl-D to exit the screen session. To get back to the screen session (e.g. for stopping the bot), restore the session with:

screen -r pss

To stop the bot, press Ctrl-C twice.

3. Bot Usage on Discord

Inside Discord chat, get the list of commands using:



This is a Discord bot for Pixel Starships, based on Dolores.







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  • Python 100.0%