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OpenCV-Python is a library of Python bindings designed to solve computer vision problems.

The code is mainly focused on OpenCV 3.x version (although most of them will also work with OpenCV 2.x).

Installing OpenCV from prebuilt binaries

  1. Below Python packages are to be downloaded and installed to their default locations.
    1. Python 3.x (3.4+) or Python 2.7.x from here.
    2. Numpy package (for example, using pip install numpy command).
    3. Matplotlib (pip install matplotlib).
  2. Install all packages into their default locations. Python will be installed to C:/Python27/ in case of Python 2.7.
  3. After installation, open Python IDLE. Enter import numpy and make sure Numpy is working fine.
  4. Download latest OpenCV release from GitHub or SourceForge site and double-click to extract it.
  5. Goto opencv/build/python/2.7 folder.
  6. Copy cv2.pyd to C:/Python27/lib/site-packages.
  7. Open Python IDLE and type following codes in Python terminal

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