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Dash Holoniq Components

A set of house-keeping components for Dash that make the implementation of forms and larger, multi-page applications a little easier.

pip install dash-holoniq-components


The following components are available:

Alert The Alert component is hidden if it has no children. When children are injected the Alert component sets its style to become visible

ButtonLink Allows you to create a clickable link within a multi-page app in the same way as dcc.Link. The standard dcc.Button attributes n_clicks and n_clicks_timestamp have been added to ButtonLink. These attributes can be used for notification that the ButtonLink has been clicked. ButtonLink can be enabled/disabled allowing conditional control of the link via a Dash callback

Form The Form components normal submit action can be inhibited. The form data, as it would be reported by the a submit action, is available in a Dash callback via the components form_data attribute.

app.layout = dhc.Form(formFields(), id="form", preventDefault=True),

@app.callback([...], [Input("form", "form_data")])
def _callback(form_data):

InputWithIcon Adds a font awesome glyph and tooltip to the end of a standard input box

import dash_holoniq_components as dhc

app.layout = html.Div

LayoutRouter The children of LayoutRouter are each wrapped in a Div that is is hidden/shown based on the current value of the LayoutRouter 'switch' attribute.

The advantage of LayoutRouter over the standard dynamic content is that ALL the applications layout is present in the DOM, but hidden, when the Dash application is first loaded. This means that Dash callbacks can reference component ids without reference errors being reported.

Switching between pages using LayoutRouter needs minimal server communication resulting in the fastest possible page updates.

import dash_holoniq_components as dhc

app.layout = html.Div([
      dhc.LayoutRouter(children, routes=routes, id='router')

@app.callback([Output('router', 'switch')], [Input('loc', 'pathname')])
def _router_callback(pathname):
    route = 'default'

    if pathname:
        pathname = pathname[1:]
        if pathname in page_layouts:
            route = pathname

    return route

PageTitle Sets the page title:

from dash import html
import dash_holoniq_components as dhc

app.layout = html.Div([
    dhc.PageTitle(title='My Site', id='title')

PasswordWithShow Password input with a show/hide icon that can be clicked to reveal the password


A modified version of dash-core-components Location component. Allows multiple instances to co-exist. In the dash-core-components version the last instance is the only one to get history event notifications.


A modified version of dash-core-components Button component. The component has a boolean focus attribute that is set true when the button gains focus and false when it looses it. The focus attribute can be used in a dash callback to hide an associated dropdown whenever the user clicks the application background or makes a selection from the dropdown.

Example dropdown callback

    @callback(Output(ids.container(MATCH), 'className'),
            Input(ids.button(MATCH), 'n_clicks'),
            Input(ids.button(MATCH), 'focus'),
            State(ids.container(MATCH), 'className'))
    def show_dropdown(button_clicks, button_focus, className):'show_dropdown: button_clicks=%s, className = %s', button_clicks, className)

        if not button_clicks:
            return className

        if 'show' in className and button_focus == False:
            return className.replace(' show', '')
            return className + ' show'

Usage Demo

The demo is a simple sign-in form and user profile that makes use of all the components.

To sign in enter a name and password. The password will be checked to see if it's at least eight characters. If it is the user is redirected to the profile page.

To run the Python demo


    python --port 8060

Then open http://localhost:8050


examples/multi_page This is a clone of the Structuring a Multi-Page App with some added functionality.

python -m examples.multi_page.index

examples/form A minimal SPA application with home page, login form and profile page. Demonstrates the use of the following dash-holoniq-components: PageTitle, Location, LayoutRouter, Alert, InputWithIcon, PasswordWithShow, Form

python -m examples.form.index

examples/checkbox_form A form containing various checkbox examples.

python -m examples.form.checkbox_form

Building Component Library

For VSCODE developers a development container definition is available in .devcontainer.

Install tools manually

These steps are only needed if you intend to build the project directly on your computer. To build the project you must have python and node installed on your computer. Then:

Create a virtual environment

python3 -m venv .venv
source  .venv/bin/activate

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Build the project

Build the project:

npm run build

Create tarball, first change the release version in package.json, then:

python sdist bdist_wheel

The tarball is in dist/dash_holoniq_components-.tar.gz

To install the tarball in a dash project:

pip install dash_holoniq_components-<version>.tar.gz


Pytest and Dash Duo are used for testing. To run these tests both the Chrome browser and Chrome driver must be installed. These are allready installed in the VSCode Docker container. If you are note using remote containers you must be install them first.

To run the tests:



See Create a production build and publish

twine upload dist/*

Debugging the dash component JS source

To debug/single-step the JS component code in conjunction with a dash application:

In a terminal window start the dash application:

python -m examples.form.index

Select debugger launch 1: JS Browser and press F5. The chrome browser will open and display your application. Enter breakpoints in your source code eg ./src/lib/components/Location.react.js as required.

Debugging the python demo

In VSCODE select 2. Debug from the launch options and press F5 to launch the Flask/Dash development server.

Open http://localhost:8050

Set breakpoints as required.