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Re-publishing Loomo Topics for FASTER

Example sequence of commands to run with FASTER:

roslaunch loomo_convert convert.launch
roslaunch global_mapper_ros global_mapper_node.launch quad:=LO01 depth_image_topic:=realsense_loomo/depth_new_encoding pose_topic:=state goal_topic:=move_base_simple/goal odom_topic:=odom
roslaunch faster faster_interface.launch quad:= LO01 is_ground_robot:=true
roslaunch faster faster.launch quad:=LO01
# These first 4 commands can also be run direclty by using the script in this repo

rosbag play --clock loomo_simple.bag -s 33  # the first 33 secs of the bag aren't useful

Changes that have to be made within FASTER repo:

For Mapping:

  • In acl-mapping/global-mapper/global_mapper_ros/launch/global_mapper_node.launch
    • If running mapper with bag file of Loomo data, add line:
        <param name="/use_sim_time" value="true" />
  • In acl-mapping/global-mapper/global_mapper_ros/src/global_mapper_ros/
    • If depth images from Loomo are of mono16 encoding, change line 598 to:
        if (image_msg->encoding == "16UC1" || image_msg->encoding == "mono16")
    • If camera sets out-of-range values to 0 instead of NaN or Inf, in DepthImageCallback (around line 646) add:
        else if (depth == 0) { continue; }  // don't add points to pointcloud if value/depth is 0

For FASTER Planner:

  • In faster/faster/launch/faster.launch
    • ~pcloud should be remapped to realsense_loomo/points
    • ~odom should be remapped to odom
  • In faster/faster/params/faster.yaml (beyond what is described in the FASTER readme)
    • I'm still unsure how to model the Loomo with just a drone_radius
    • z_ground has to be negative, or else planner won't work
    • If z_max is too high, then planner will generate paths that go over obstacles, which is possible for drones, but not for a ground robot like the Loomo.
  • Copy cvx_LO01.rviz into faster/faster/rviz_cfgs. This is Loomo rviz config that can be used for visualizing FASTER.

Additional Notes

Constraints This Package Accounts For

  • Mapper expects image topics of format <camera_name>/<depth_image_topic_name> and <camera_name>/camera_info.
  • depth_image_topic expects sensor_msgs/Image message, pose_topic expects snapstack_msgs/State, and odom_topic expects nav_msgs/Odometry, which was not directly provided from Loomo topics.
  • Planner expects a camera frame with name of format <quad name>/camera i.e. LO01/camera

Included Bag Files

  • 2020-03-10-18-47-09.bag contains data from driving the Loomo around with autonomy code running.
    • Note the camera data being used is from the zr300 Realsense built into the Loomo.
  • loomo_simple.bag was created by filtering out unused topics and replacing the tf between the map and LO01_odom frames generated by AMCL with a static tf so the frames are on top of each other. This way, the Loomo's state estimatation is entirely dependent on its odometry.
    • The script used for replacing tfs is included in this repo. These two bag files are both being tracked with git lfs. Instructions on how to install git lfs can be found here.

Visualizing Depth Image as Pointcloud

Within convert.launch, a node is already set up to visualize the depth images as pointclouds, but here are some notes about it.

  • depth_image_proc requires the depth image encodings to either be 16UC1 or 32FC1but the Realsense onboard the Loomo has mono16 depth images. Within the script, the encoding field of the image messages are changed to 16UC1 and are republished to a new topic, so this is not a univeral solution to the issue, but works in this case.
  • The point cloud has a different coordinate system than the Loomo, so it will look like the point cloud is being projected onto the ceiling. This can be fixed with a static tf between the camera and depth frame (already been done in convert.launch).