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Mesoscale Activity Project Pipeline - Map-Ephys


The MAP data pipeline is built using DataJoint, an open-source framework for building scientific data pipelines. Users and data scientists collaborate to define the structure of the pipeline with multiple stages of data entry, acquisition, processing, and analysis. They query data using DataJoint's query language. Experimental data streams are connected upstream; analyses are made available to downstream applications as soon as new data are available. DataJoint provides built-in support for parallel and distributed batch computations. The pipeline is hosted in the Amazon Cloud and administered by Vathes LLC.

MAP Data Architecture

The first part of the pipeline deals with entering manual data, and ingesting and preprocessing the raw acquired data. Static information like subject details or experiment parameters are entered manually using Helium , a DataJoint-aware web data entry interface. These basic data serve as the start of the data pipeline. From here, behavioral data are detected as they are written to network shares by the experimental computers and ingested into the DataJoint pipeline. Manual spike sorting is performed offline and separately and then detected and loaded into the pipeline. Bulky raw data (behavioral videos; raw ephys files) are transferred via a separate segment of the pipeline over Globus/GridFTP to archival storage hosted at ANL and then removed from the source systems to free storage up space. The archival data transfer is managed by DataJoint as part of the pipeline itself; as a consequence, the raw data can be easily retrieved or more widely published to other remote users as DataJoint queries. Additional data navigation and retrieval interfaces are planned to facilitate more casual internal and public access to the raw project data and provide support for publication-ready identifiers such as DOI.

The second part of the pipeline executes user-maintained analysis of the acquired data. The pipeline maintains dependencies between the data at each stage of acquisition and processing. As soon as any step of analysis completes a portion of the data, it becomes available for the next step in analysis in a distributed fashion. Thus complex analyses are performed in discrete, reproducible stages using Matlab or Python query interfaces. In collaborative scenarios, private 'test' pipeline segments are first developed and debugged and then grafted into the main pipeline codebase via code merge/review and then made available for more permanent or official public use within the team.

Cloud hosting of the project pipeline enables sharing of analysis results in real-time to other collaborators within the project community and, in future stages of the project, will also allow more public access to the data, both using DataJoint and also via more casual interfaces under development. Cloud hosting also allows centralizing the project data into a single data repository which facilitates easier long-term data stewardship and maintenance.

When possible, DataJoint schemas are consistent and compatible with the Neurodata Without Borders (NWB) data format, a data standard for neurophysiology data. The MAP project is currently working with Vathes to develop interfaces between DataJoint and NWB.

References and further information:


The following section provides a brief overview of the DataJoint schemas in use within the map-ephys pipeline, along with an ERD illustrating the DataJoint tables within each schema and their relationship to each other.


This portion of the pipeline will be used to record annotation information in the Allen Institute's Common Coordinate Framework



This portion of the pipeline is used to store / process Electrophysiology related records such as electrode type and position information, detected for the MAP recordings.

ephys ERD


This portion of the pipeline is used to store / process experiment related records such as task, event, and experiment session for for the MAP experiment.

experiment ERD


This portion of the pipleine is used to store static laboratory subject/experimentor related information such as experimenter names, subject ID's, surgery events, etc. This portion of the schema is copied from the MAP Lab schema; in the future the map-ephys data kept here will be merged into a single map-lab database shared between various experiments in the lab.

pipeline ERD


This portion of the pipeline is used to manage the upload/download and tracking of raw data as published to the petrel service (see Raw Recording File Publication and Retrieval, below)

publication ERD


The script contans utility functions to trigger file ingest for behavior and ephys ingest, a facility to launch a basic python environment with the various schema modules loaded, and a utlity to generate ERD diagrams from the current code.

Installation and Setup

Regular users who will be using the code for querying/analysis should checkout the source code from git and install the package using pythons's pip command. For example:

$ git clone
$ cd map-ephys
$ pip install -e .

This will make the MAP pipeline modules available to your python interpreter as 'pipeline'. A convenience script, is available for basic queries and use of administrative tasks. Account setup, test & usage synopsys using the shell is as follows:

$ shell
Connecting chris@localhost:3306
Please enter DataJoint username: chris
Please enter DataJoint password: 
map shell.

schema modules:

- ephys
- lab
- experiment
- ccf
- publication

>>> lab.Person()
*username    fullname
+----------+ +----------+
daveliu      Dave Liu
(1 tuples)

>>> dj.config.save_local()
>>> sys.exit()
Connecting user@server:3306
usage: [populateB|populateE|publish|shell|erd]

Direct installation without a source checkout may be desired for non-interactive machines - this can be done directly via pip:

$ pip install git+

Test configuration

For testing the schema, the dj_local_conf.json should have the following configuration variables to modify data without affecting others' databases

  • ingest.behavior.database set to [username]_ingestBehavior
  • ingest.ephys.database set to [username]_ingestEphys
  • ccf.database set to [username]_ccf
  • ephys.database set to [username]_ephys
  • experiment.database set to [username]_experiment
  • lab.database set to [username]_lab
  • publication.database set to [username]_publication

For accessing the map database, replace [username] with map. Please note that currently all users can write and Delete the databases.

For ingesting experiment data, the ingest/ and ingest/ code requires the rig_data_path and the experimenter's username as found in the pipeline.lab.RigDataPath and pipeline.lab.User tables to be specified in the code (see below).

Jupyter Notebook Documentation

Several Jupyter Notebook demonstrations are available in the notebook portion of repository demonstrating usage of the pipeline.

See the jupyter notebook notebooks/Overview.ipynb for more details.

Ingest Path Expectations

Behavior Files

The behavior ingest logic searches the rig_data_paths for behavior files. The rig data paths are specified in specified dj_local_conf.json as:

"rig_data_paths": [
    ["RRig", "/Users/chris/src/djc/map/map-sharing/unittest/behavior", "0"]

if this variable is not configured, hardcoded values in the code matching the experimental setup will be used.

File paths conform to the pattern:

dl7/TW_autoTrain/Session Data/dl7_TW_autoTrain_20180104_132813.mat

which is, more generally:

{h2o}/*/Session Data/{h2o}_{training protocol}_{YYYYMMDD}_{HHMMSS}.mat


  • h2o is the water restriction ID of the subject (see also lab.Subject)
  • training protocol is the training protocol used with this subject (see also experiment.TaskProtocol)
  • YYYYMMDD and HHMMSS refer to the date and time of the session.

It is assumed that each subject participates in at most 1 experimental session per day; sessions are determined during ingest based on the combination of date and water restricition number.

Ephys Files

The ephys ingest logic searches the ephys_data_paths for processed ephys data files. These are specified in dj.config.json as:

"ephys_data_paths": [["/Users/chris/src/djc/map/map-sharing/unittest/ephys", "0"]]

if this variable is not configured, hardcoded values in the code matching the experimental setup will be used.

File paths conform to the pattern:


which is, more generally:



- YYYY: 4-Digit Year
- MM: 2-Digit Month
- DD: 2-Digit Month
- N: Probe number for this probe

Older files matched the pattern:


Raw Recording File Publication and Retrieval

The map-ephys pipeline does not directly handle processing of raw reording files into the second-stage processed data used in later stages, however, some facility is provided for tracking raw data files and transferring them to/from the ANL 'petrel' faclity using the globus toolkit and Globus Python SDK.


To use this facility, a 'globus endpoint' should be configured and the following variables set in 'dj_local_conf.json' to match the configuration:

"globus.local_endpoint": "<uuid value>",
"globus.local_endpoint_subdir": "<path to storage inside globus>",
"globus.local_endpoint_local_path": "<path to storage on local filesystem>",

The local endpoint UUID value can be obtained from the manage endpoints screen within the globus web interface. The endpoint_subdir should be set to the desired transfer location within the endpoint (as shown in the location bar within the globus web interface transfer files screen), and the endpoint_local_path should contain the 'real' filesystem location corresponding to this location. For example, one might have the following configuration on a mac or linux machine:

"globus.local_endpoint": "C40E971D-0075-4A82-B12F-8F9717762E7B",
"globus.local_endpoint_subdir": "map/raw",
"globus.local_endpoint_local_path": "/globus/map/raw"

Or perhaps the following on a Windows machine:

"globus.local_endpoint": "C40E971D-0075-4A82-B12F-8F9717762E7B",
"globus.local_endpoint_subdir": "map/raw",
"globus.local_endpoint_local_path": "C:\\globus\\map\\raw",

please note that the local_endpoint_subdir should use the globus convention of using forward slashes (/) for directory separation, whereas the local_endpont_local_path should use whatever convention is used by the host operating system running the map-ephys code. Please note that since the backslash character (\) is treated specially within python strings, the backslashes used in Windows-style paths should be specified twice as shown above.

Login to Globus

Before the globus interface can be used, an application token must be generated. This can be done from within the '' shell as follows:

$ ./scripts/ shell
Connecting chris@localhost:3306
map shell.

schema modules:

  - ephys
  - lab
  - experiment
  - ccf
  - publication
  - ingest.behavior
  - ingest.ephys

>>> publication.GlobusStorageManager()
Please login via:
and enter code:f881e45fc2c52929b3924863c87f88
INFO:datajoint.settings:Setting globus.token to c00264046ac1d484ec8db2b8acfa1f21ef0c68939d0ce2d562b21eb400eefd7802676efe1ddcc665141ef56f44699
<pipeline.globus.GlobusStorageManager object at 0x10f874780>

As can be seen from the above, calling publication.GlobusStorageManager() from the mapshell interpreter will prompt the user to login in a web browser, and paste an authrization code back to the script, which then completes the process of requesting an access token. From there, the configuration is saved via the DataJoint utility function.

This process only needs to be performed once to generate a valid dj_local_conf.json file suitable for future sessions. Please note that after login, the dj_local_conf.json file will contain a security sensitive access token which should not be shared with anyone who should not have full access to your globus account.

Raw Recording Usage (Data Publisher)

Once the local globus endpoint has been configured, population and data transfer of the raw data files can be performed using the utility function publish, which simply wraps a call to ArchivedRawEphysTrial.populate().

The population logic will look for files underneath the local storage path matching project naming conventions for the ingested experimental sessions, and if corresponding files are found, transfer them to petrel and log an available entry in the publication schema. These records can then be used by users to query and retrieve the raw data files (see below).

Raw Recording Usage (Data Consumer)

Once the local globus endpoint has been configured, retrieval of raw data files can be done interactively using DataJoint operations in combination with the .retrieve() method of the ArchivedRawEphysTrial class.

For example, to fetch all raw recordings related to subject #407513, the following DataJoint expression can be used:

>>> (publication.ArchivedRawEphysTrial() & {'subject_id': 407513}).retrieve()

This will save the related files to the configured local globus storage path. In the event of issues, be sure to check that the endpoint is configured as writable. Also, to note, care should be taken not to retrieve files on the same computer used to transmit them, lest the original files be overwritten; Disabling the writable setting on machines used for data publication should help prevent this issue from occurring.

Unit Tests

Unit tests for ingest are present in the tests directory and can be run using the nostests command. These tests will destructively delete the actively configured databases and perform data ingest and transfer tasks using the data stored within the 'test_data' directory - as such, care should be taken not to run the tests against the live database configuration settings.


Mesoscale activity ephys ingest schema







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  • Jupyter Notebook 96.8%
  • Python 3.2%