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Scripts for Creating Tiled h and dh/dt Products from ICESat-2 Altimetry Data

These are instructions for how to create netCDF formated files of the ICESat-2 gridded height products over land ice:

  • ATL14 (Antarctic and Greenland ice-sheet surface height)
  • ATL15 (Antarctic and Greenland ice-sheet surface height change)

Files and are located in the surfaceChange/scripts subdirectory.
They require an ascii input file, containing directory paths, and parameters for domain (x,t) and averaging, input_args.txt.

Command line syntax:

>> python3 \<pathto\>/ @\<pathto\>/input_args.txt   
>> python3 \<pathto\>/ @\<pathto\>/input_args.txt

Description of the arguments listed in the input_args.txt that are used for writing netCDF files

-b        base path to height and surface height change data files. These are the hdf5 files to be consolidated and converted to netCDF. This directory should contain z0.h5 for the ATL14 product. The surface height change values for the ATL15 product are in several files, with names starting with dz and which can include resolution and time lag in the filename, ie. dz_10km_lag1.h5. This is also where the output netCDF files will be written.

--region  two character abbreviation for region name. Used to determine gridding projection parameters and is part of output file name.

--cycles  four digit integer indicating beginning cycle and ending cycle

--Release  three digit integer indicating release of ATL11 data

--version  two digit integer indicating version of software (?)

Output file formats

The output files are in netCDF format. The filenames are    where rr is the region, c1 is beginning cycle, c2 is ending cycle, rel is release and vv is version.    where xx indicates grid spacing in km. Currently there are four ATL15 output files including 1, 10, 20, 40km grid spacing.

Size estimates of output files

Greenland Svalbard 1050 Mb 28 Mb 343 Mb 9.2 Mb 3.5 Mb 0.31 Mb 1.4 Mb 0.23 Mb 0.8 Mb 0.20 Mb

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  • If possible, bug fixes should be their own pull requests with an associated GitHub issue
  • Write a descriptive pull request message with a clear title

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  1. Fork the repository to your personal GitHub account by clicking the "Fork" button on the project main page. This creates your own server-side copy of the repository.
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  3. Add your fork as the origin remote and the original project repository as the upstream remote. While this step isn't a necessary, it allows you to keep your fork up to date in the future.
  4. Create a new branch to do your work.
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Scripts for creating tiled dh/dt products from altimetry data







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