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SPANDAK: Searching for naturally and artificially dispersed transient signals for Breakthrough Listen


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  1. For simple dispersion search across 0 to 1000 DMs.

SPANDAK --fil file.fil

  1. For artificially dispersed signal search across 0 to 2000 DMs.

SPANDAK --fil file.fil --negDM --lodm 0 --hidm 2000

  1. Searching with RFI flagging

SPANDAK --fil file.fil --dorfi

  1. ML assisted candidate prioritization.

SPANDAK --fil file.fil --ML saved_model.h5

Dependencies: coming soon...

This is documentation on pulsar seach pipeline

The script requires following python import. numpy, sifting, optparse, math, time, os, sys, glob

To get help about usage : python --h

Short Logical flow of the script

  1. Make require dir and read input files. 1a. For mpiprepsubband given --ndm will be adjusted to be divisible by (--np - 1). The blk of DM which is defult 1000 will also be adjusted be divisible by (--np - 1)

  2. DDplan option execute depending upon given input of 0/1/2 --ddplan 0 : Runs script and it generates DDplan.out in the out dir. This file will be used to search for pulsar using prepsubband. Does not work with mpiprepsubband. --ddplan 1 : It used hard coded DDplan generated considering normal observations. Does not work with mpiprepsubband.
    --ddplan 2 : It uses user input --lodm, --dmstep, --ndm.

    Plan will be prepared here which will be used for mpi/prepsubband usage

  3. RFI find with default hard coded block of 2048 which corresponds to ~ 2 sec for 1msec integration time. It creates mask and other files with suffix "Rfifind_output.*" This file will be created in the output dir. The log file named "Rfifind_output.log" will be in the same output dir.

  4. Prepsubband or mpiprepsubband Depending upon --mpi 0 or 1, prepsubband and mpiprepsubband will be executed

    For both the above codes number of input dms are limited. In case of prepsubb and the number of DM will be divided in blocks of 1000 for each execution. For mpiprepsubband this number should also be divisible by user supplied (number of port - 1).

    This prog will generate several time series for the entire DM range.

  5. : This needs all the .dat file created from the prepsubband and it generates .singlepulse files for each .dat file. It also generates * plot to visually see single pulses in the DM vs time plot.
    Output dir also contains singlepulse.log file.

  6. Realfft : This prog creates .fft file for each .dat time series file.

  7. rednoise will remove low frequency features from the .fft files. It will creat _red.fft which will be replaced by .fft orignal files only.

  8. accelsearch will be carried out on this .fft files to find out possible candidates. Following is the defult accelsearch command.

    accelsearch -numharm 8 -sigma 6 -zmax 0 -flo 1 *.fft

    These values are hard coded in to the code. Accelsearch will creat various *_ACCEL_0 files

  9. sifting.read_candidate : It will read all ACCEL files and generate collective information about the candidate reported in each of these files.

  10. sifting.remove_duplicate_candidates : Remove lower-significance 'duplicate'(i.e. same period) candidates from a list of candidates. For the highest significance candidate, include a list of the DMs (and SNRs) of all the other detections.

  11. sifting.remove_DM_problems : Remove the candidates where any of the following are true: 1) The number of hits (2) is < numdms 2) The highest S/N candidate occurs below a DM of low_DM_cutoff (0) 3) The minimum difference in DM indices between the hits is > 1

  12. Candidate will be sorted according to their sigma level and final sorted list will be made into following file in output dir. candidate_list_from_script This file will have information about DM and Period of each significant candidate found in the data set. All the candidate will be sorted according
    their detected sigma level.

  13. Finding known pulsars : For each of the above found candidate, thier DM and period will be compared to a list of know pulsars. For this list of known pulsar which in file "psr_cats.txt" will be used. In this file all the strong pulsars above 40 mJy and within observable range of GBT as /listed. One can add more pulsar into this list but the format of the file should not change.
    The criteria for calling
    perticular candidate a known pulsar is hard coded in the script. They are as follows.

  14. DM should be +/- 5 to the DM of known psr

  15. Period is +/- 0.0005 sec of the period or harmoic of period of known psr .
    The script will compare upto 10th harmonic of known pulsar period to found candidate period For each match of the candidate with known pulsar the radial distance to that pulsar from the field center will also be calculated using Haversine formula.

  16. Prepfold : Only first 10 highest significant candidate will be folded.
    For perpfold the DM and period of the sorted candidate will be used to fold raw .sub??? files.

  17. For the candidate which does not match with any know pulsar they will be stored in array and will be reported in the final report file as Unidetified
    Pulsating Objects (UPOs)

  18. Final report file (report.log in output dir) will be made which will have time stamp for each execution carried out in addition to total time taken by the script. It will also have information about the found known pulsar and its harmonics. It will list all the found UPOs as well with their found DM,Period and Sigma.

Examples :

  1. To carry out quick search of the data

python --mpi 1 --np 8 --ddplan 2 --i GBT_Lband_PSR.fil --o

The input file should be given with full path. If the output dir does not exist it will creat one.
If no --np option is given default 8 will be passed on to mpiprepsubband. Also if no --lodm or --ndm are given it will take range from 0 - 150 dm with dm step of 1.

  1. One can also give following type of option for finer dm search.

python --mpi 1 --ddplan 2 --lodm 0.0 --ndm 1000 --dmstep 0.1 --i GBT_Lband_PSR.fil --o

This will search from 0 to 100 Dm using dm step of 0.1

  1. To run script using script following is an example.

python --ddplan 0 --i GBT_Lband_PSR.fil --o

One cant use --mpi option here because that is not yet implimented in the script for --ddplan 0 option. This will make DD plan from 0 to 1000 DM.

  • Vishal Gajjar

For more information write to


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  • Python 96.5%
  • Shell 3.5%