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django-leaflet allows you to use Leaflet in your Django projects.

It embeds Leaflet in version 0.5.1.


pip install django-leaflet


  • Add leaflet to your INSTALLED_APPS
  • Add the HTML header:

    {% load leaflet_tags %}
        {% leaflet_js %}
        {% leaflet_css %}

These tags also support loading CSS and JS resources for leaflet plugins. All plugins msut be specified in in LEAFLET_CONFIG['PLUGINS'] as described below.

To include specific plugins in the page, specify plugin names, comma separated:

{% load leaflet_tags %}

    {% leaflet_js  plugins="bouncemarker, draw" %}
    {% leaflet_css plugins="bouncemarker, draw"%}

To include all plugins configured in LEAFLET_CONFIG['PLUGINS'], use:

{% leaflet_js plugins="ALL" %}
{% leaflet_css plugins="ALL" %}

By default no plugins will be included.

  • Add the map in your page, providing a name:

        {% leaflet_map "yourmap" %}
  • Your maps shows up!

Use Leaflet API

You can use the Leaflet API as usual in the map initialization callback:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function yourmapInit(map, bounds) {
        L.marker([50.5, 30.5]).addTo(map);

Customize map size


    .leaflet-container {  /* all maps */
        width:  600px;
        height: 400px;

    #specialbigmap {
        height: 800px;



In order to configure django-leaflet, just add a new section in your settings:

    # conf here

Spatial extent

You can configure a global spatial extent for your maps, that will automatically center your maps, restrict panning and add reset view and scale controls. (See advanced usage to tweak that.):

'SPATIAL_EXTENT': (5.0, 44.0, 7.5, 46)

Initial map center and zoom level

In addition to limiting your maps with SPATIAL_EXTENT, you can also specify initial map center and zoom level:

'MAP_CENTER': (6.0, 45.0),
'MAP_ZOOM': 16,

The tuple/list must contain (lat,lng) coords.

Default tiles layer

To globally add a tiles layer to your maps:

'TILES_URL': 'http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png'

This setting can also be a list of tuples (name, url) ! A layer switcher will then be added automatically.

Scale control

Disable scale control with km and miles:

'SCALE': False

Minimap control

Shows a small map in the corner which shows the same as the main map with a set zoom offset:


By default it shows the tiles of the first layer in the list.

(More info...)


To ease the usage of plugins, django-leaflet allows specifying a set of plugins, that can later be referred to from the template tags by name:

    'name-of-plugin': {
        'css': ['relative/path/to/stylesheet.css', '/root/path/to/stylesheet.css'],
        'js': '',
    . . .

Both 'css' and 'js' support identical features for specifying resource URLs:

  • can be either a plain string or a list of URLs
  • each string can be:

    • absolute URL - will be included as-is; example:
    • a URL beginning from the root - will be included as-is; example: /root/path/to/stylesheet.css
    • a relative URL - settings.STATIC_URL will be prepended; example: relative/path/to/stylesheet.css will be included as /static/relative/path/to/stylesheet.css (depending on your setting for STATIC_URL)

Advanced usage

{% leaflet_map %} tag parameters

  • callback: javascript function name for initialization callback. (Default: name + Init). Example:

    {% leaflet_map "yourmap" callback="window.customMap" %}
  • fixextent: control if map initial view shoud be set to extent setting. (Default: True). Setting fixextent to False will prevent view reset and scale controls to be added.
  • creatediv: control if the leaflet map tags creates a new div or not. (Default: True). Useful to put the javascript code in the header or footer instead of the body of the html document. If used, do not forget to create the div manually.


It is possible to setup the map spatial reference in LEAFLET_CONFIG:

'SRID': 2154  # See

Additional parameter is required to compute scale levels : the tiles extent in local projection:

'TILES_EXTENT': [700000, 6325197, 1060000, 6617738],

For more information, have a look at this example.

By default, Django will try to load the spatial reference from your static files at "proj4js/{{ srid }}.js". If it fails, it will eventually rely on




  • Lesser GNU Public License
  • Leaflet Copyright - 2010-2011 CloudMade, Vladimir Agafonkin


Use Leaflet in your Django projects







No packages published


  • JavaScript 95.8%
  • Python 4.2%