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This is an extension to the Kotti CMS that renders navigation displays in a choice of available locations for a Kotti website (top nav, left slot, right slot, abovecontent slot, etc.).

Find out more about Kotti

Setting up Navigation

To activate kotti_navigation add the following entry, as with any add-on, to kotti.configurators of your .ini config file:

kotti.configurators =

The default configuration will add no navigation display, and it will remove the default Kotti navbar in the top position, so you MUST configure for at least one location, unless you are using kotti_navigation, ironically, to purposefully turn off Kotti's default top navigation (Kotti's default breadcrumbs would be the only navigation available).


Six locations are available:

top (within and beneath the default nav toolbar)
left (slot)
right (slot)
abovecontent (slot)
belowcontent (slot)
belowbodyend (slot)

They can be used in various combinations.

Here are the location choices in a layout diagram:

| "top" (This is the top toolbar; not a real slot.     |
|        kotti_navigation changes it to be only the    |
|        brand at left and search at right. The menu   |
|        nav display choice is available for the       |
|        space between branch and search. Other nav    |
|        displays are put in a separate div below      |
|        the top toolbar.)                             |
| editor_bar                                           |
|| breadcrumbs (This is Kotti's default breadcrumbs.  ||
||              Depending on how you configure        ||
||              kotti_navigation, you may want to     ||
||              turn this off by overriding           ||
||     in kotti_overrides).        ||
|| slot "left" || slot "abovecontent" || slot "right" ||
||             |+---------------------+|              ||
||             || Content             ||              ||
||             |+---------------------+|              ||
||             || slot "belowcontent" ||              ||
| footer                                               |
| slot "beforebodyend"                                 |

Each of these locations can be separately configured, allowing a site to have only one navigation display, the typical case, or to have several nav displays for specialized applications. The display type and other options for a given location are configured with lines like these:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_display_type = ver_pills_stacked
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = none
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_include_root = true
... additional params

For a site with NO navigation, you could omit all such configuration, except for the kotti_navigation.kotti_configure line in kotti.configurators. See the nonav.ini example.

For a typical website that has a tree navigation display in the left slot, you would configure for only the left location, and omit configuration for any other location.

Display Types

There are five "horizontal aspect" and five "vertical aspect" navigation displays available, and there is a menu display consisting of a single button with an associated dropdown display:

Display Type                 Aspect                Items Shown
---------------------------  ----------            --------------------
hor_tabs                     horizontal (items)    context children
hor_pills                    horizontal (items)    context children
hor_tabs_with_dropdowns      horizontal (items)    context children +1
hor_pills_with_dropdowns     horizontal (items)    context children +1
breadcrumbs                  horizontal (items)    path to context
ver_tabs_stacked             vertical (tree-like)  context children
ver_pills_stacked            vertical (tree-like)  context children
ver_tabs_stacked_open_all    vertical (tree-like)  entire hierarchy
ver_pills_stacked_open_all   vertical (tree-like)  entire hierarchy
ver_list                     vertical (items)      context children
menu                         button with caret     root, top level items,
                             firing dropdown menu  and breadcrumbs +1


The names of Bootstrap styles are used for display types, because this is more explicit than use of the terms "tree" and "list", for which there are no matching general Bootstrap components.

Any of the display types having "stacked" in the name are tree-like, and have a vertical aspect, consisting of items shown one under the other, indented to show the hierarchy: ver_tabs_stacked, ver_pills_stacked, ver_tabs_stacked_open_all, and ver_pills_stacked_open_all.

The open_all choices are useful if you plan to set up a menu via css or javascript, because all items in the site hierarchy are always included.

ver_list is also vertical aspect, but this uses the specific nav-list CSS style of Bootstrap, as compared to nav-tabs and nav-pills used for the "stacked" choices.

Display types with a horizontal aspect consist of items shown one after another, from left to right.

The breadcrumbs display type is exactly the one used in default Kotti, showing items in the path (in the lineage) as links in a horizontal list, delimited by the "/" character, and ending in an item for the current context. With this breadcrumbs display, however, you can control the label. If you configure for kotti_navigation's breadcrumbs display, you may wish to override the one in default Kotti, by adding a modified to the kotti-overrides directory hierarchy.

The menu consists of a button with a caret that fires a dropdown display. This display choice is useful on its own, and it can be used in combination with some of the other display types as a "context" menu. The dropdown menu provides a site (root) link, a list of top level items (immediate children of root), and an indented list of items that is analagous to the "You are here" information in breadcrumbs. The context in the indented list is enhanced by the inclusion of child items of the context. For example, if the context is "Cats" within an "Animals" document, the indented list would carry through to also show children of the "Cats" context. In this example, the dropdown display would be:

    Welcome to Animals Site
Top Level:
You Are Here:
    Welcome to Animals Site
            <Cats> (context is highlighted)

Configuration for Display Types

You can configure navigation in all six locations at the same time if you want, but usually one or two will do fine!

For each location, these configuration settings are available, given the restrictions on display type described above:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_display_type = ver_pills_stacked
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_show_menu = false
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = none
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_include_root = true
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_include_content_types = (e.g., Image)
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_exclude_content_types = (e.g., Image)
kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_show_hidden_while_logged_in = true

(Substitute any another location name for "left" in these settings.)

If show_menu is True, the button which fires the menu dropdown will be shown as the first item in either a horizontal or vertical aspect display of items. The exception is that, for the top location, the menu is put between the brand and search elements of the top navbar, instead of "inline" with the optional label and items, as it is in other display locations.

If label is not none, it will be shown as the first item, or as the second, if show_menu is True.

If include_root is True, an item showing the title of the root of the site is inserted as the first item for the vertical aspect display choices.

include_content_types is a list of the content type names that are to be allowed in a given navigation display. Use this, for example, to have a nav tabs display in the top location, along with an images-only display in the right slot. The images-only nav display could be given a label such as "Images:" for clarity. The include_content_types setting is separate from the Kotti general content property in_navigation, a boolean associated with the "Show/Hide" toggle available for individual content items in the Contents menu. Entries for include_content_types need the full path:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.include_content_types =

exclude_content_types is a list of the names of content types that are to be ignored in the navigation display. It is the opposite of the include_content_types setting described above. It is commonly used to exclude the Image content type from a normal nav display, to avoid the "clutter" with listing images, which can be numerous. The same could be true for other content items, such as for a site that allows the Event content type of kotti_calendar to be stored in various places in the site, and where events are wished to be shown only on calendar or event list displays.

show_hidden_while_logged_in offers the choice of viewing hidden items (for which in_navigation is toggled OFF) when logged in, to aid editing.

Kotti's Default Top Nav

In a default Kotti website, top-level content items are displayed in a toolbar in what is called "top" location in kotti_navigation. The Bootstrap styling of this default Kotti nav consists of a navbar with the brand on the left and a search input on the right, and with top-level site items shown as nav-tab items in-between. The default navigation would be redundant and perhaps confusing if used in combination with kotti_navigation, so it is overridden by replacing the template. The navbar still contains brand and search, but includes functionality for kotti_navigation. Find kotti_navigation's version in:


This template is used in combination with the other kotti_navigation templates, which you find in kotti_navigation/templates/.

Configuring a Label

The label is optional, but can provide clarification in some nav display cases. It is positioned within the display in different ways, depending on display type. In a tree-type display (one of the "stacked" display choices), it is at the top of the display. In a ver_list display, it is put underneath the context menu button if it is enabled (with show_menu = True), or it is the first item. In a "horizontal aspect" list display, it comes after the context menu button, if enabled, or is the first item.

For the following discussion about the optional label, the context is assumed to be a document titled Animals, and there are two children titled Dogs and Cats.

A label for a Tree-like ("stacked") display

The optional label at the top of a dislay of this type would usually be omitted, because the nature of the indentation should make the context apparent. In some situations, however, a simple label such as "Site Navigation" or "Site Menu" could be desired. To set such a label, do:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = Site Menu


String params in ini config files do not have quotes, so the string is whatever comes after the = sign, with leading whitespace deleted.

The current context will be indicated by the highlighting of the context menu item in the indented display. This is normally adequate. However, for extra clarity, or for some special reason, you may want to include the current context in the label, in a phrase such as "Current item: context", where the word context would be replaced by the actual context.title, e.g. "Current item: Cats". To do this, include the actual word context in the label text:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = <context>

(the label would become ${'<' + context.title '>'} in the template code, which would become <Animals> in the rendered label.)

Or, to provide a breadcrumbs-style label, do:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = You are here: context

(You are here: Animals).

A label for a horizontal list type display

If using a "horizontal aspect" list display for navigation, the default will list children of the current context in a list of nav items that wrap, if necessary. If present along with a breadcrumbs display, this may provide a perfectly good navigation display. When the abovecontent slot location is used, however, the title for the context, along with the body content, is _underneath_ the nav list, so it may not be clear enough that that the nav items are children within the context. Perhaps this would be true for the left slot, as well, but a bare nav item list in the right and belowcontent slots might work fine.

For the "Animals" context, if label is not set, there will be two nav items:

<Dogs> <Cats>

(< > notation used here to denote nav li items).

Using a label, punctuated with a colon, we might have:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = Contained Items:

This would result in a nav-header styled label with two li items, as:

Contained items: <Dogs> <Cats>

or, perhaps some other punctuation could be used instead of a colon:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = Contents >>


As described above, use the word context anywhere in the label text as a placeholder for context.title. Used alone:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = context

the result would be a label for Animals and two nav li items:

Animals <Dogs> <Cats>

Again, punctuation or additional text may help, as with:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = context:

which becomes:

Animals: <Dogs> <Cats>

If a phrase is used, take care to word appropriately, perhaps aided by use of an additional indication for context, such as (), [], etc.:

kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = Items in [context] are::

which would result in:

Items in [Animals] are: <Dogs> <Cats>


kotti_navigation.navigation_widget.left_label = "context" contains:

would result in:

"Animals" contains: <Dogs> <Cats>



Navigation widget for Kotti.






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