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Some useful Docker images used by Vertis.


All images are created from our vertisfinance/base image. See details below.

Minimal Image Size

This is a common goal image developers should take care of. There are some standard techniques and best practices to follow. Note that we do not go to extremes here: starting from debian seems to be OK for us.


Configuring your container should be easy and straightforward. This is not easy to do right: There are too many places where one can put the same config value. Even worse, sometimes you need to put the same value in multiple places.

In our setup, configuration can go to:

  • the Dockerfile
  • docker-compose.yml
  • the config file of your container's service (pg_hba.conf, nginx.conf, etc.)
  • - see below

To make life a little easier, we need extensive documentation and some conventions to help design decisions. Some of these conventions are:

  • The compose file is the best place for configuration
  • Service config files should be placed to /opt/config and copied to an other location during startup. When a config value is given in an environment variable and need to be referenced in a .conf file, use variable substitution.
  • Do reasonable checking at startup time.

Variable Substitution

Example syntax (in an imaginary whatever.conf file):

logging: file
log_path: {{LOG_PATH}}

In the above case LOG_PATH must be given as an environment variable. During container startup this will be substituted and the file will be copied to an other location.

All images have an entrypoint set to ['python3', '/opt/config/']. This file uses python 3 (as you may have guessed) and the great click package to create commands. If you want to customize your container behavior, you will need to have a look at this file sooner or later. This file imports from the runutils package which is installed by the base image and contains some utility functions to make writing common startup tasks (check for directory existence, creating users, groups, substitute variables in config files, run background services, etc.) easier.

With docker 1.9 one can set STOPSIGNAL to tell the docker daemon what signal to send to the container on stop, but in older versions this signal was always SIGTERM. Originally was written to catch this and send the proper signal to the main service.

User, group IDs

We do not hard code uid and gid in the image. Whoever runs the container, she must be able to set the user and group ids of container processes. At some point in the future docker will be able to handle user namespaces, until then we must be able to provide this feature as a handmade solution.


In some situations it is important for a container to start its service only after some other services are available. Starting the container's service is managed by runutils.run_daemon. It is documented in, here we will look at only three arguments: waitfunc and initfunc are functions, semaphore is a file name given as an absolute path. Here is what the run_daemon function does:

  • waitfunc is called. This function should not return until it is safe to run the service, i.e. dependent services are ready.
  • initfunc is called. It is a good place to do some checks, prepare users, directories, etc. (In fact, directory creation can simply go to into function run. initfunc is useful when it uses dependent services: waitfunc makes sure they are usable.)
  • The main service is started in a subprocess.
  • The file at path given by semaphore is created.
  • When the subprocess exits, the semaphore is deleted.

To summarize: provide a semaphore in service a and check for the existence of the semaphore in service b.


The general structure of an image directory is this:

  ├- config
  |   ├-
  |   └- ..
  ├- context
  |   ├- Dockerfile
  |   └- ...
  └- docker-compose.yml

context is obviously the docker build context, config is the directory which can be accessed by the container under /opt/config/. This can be done by copying in the Dockerfile, volume binding or even copying directly to an existing container.


A lightweight base image for all subsequent images.

Environment variables

  • USER_NAME: optional. The name of the user to be created during startup.
  • USER_ID: optional, but required if USER_NAME was given. The new user will be created with this id.
  • GROUP_NAME: optional. The name of the user's primary group. By default it equals to USER_NAME.
  • GROUP_ID: optional. The id of user's primary group. By default it's USER_ID.


  • start: No-op
  • shell [username=USER_NAME]: Starts bash in the root directory in the name of username.


Postgresql 9.4

Environment variables

  • PGDATA: required. Postgres data directory.
  • CONFIG_FILE: required. Points to postgres.conf. Will be copied to /postgres.conf.
  • HBA_FILE: required. Points to pg_hba.conf. Will be copied to /pg_hba.conf.
  • SOCKET_DIR: required. The directory of unix domain socket, where the database listens.
  • LOG_DIR: required, even if we do not log to file.
  • BACKUP_DIR: required. Backup files will be created here.
  • SEMAPHORE: optional. If given a semaphore file will be created.


  • Creates user,
  • Creates PGDATA's parent directory if needed,
  • Creates SOCKET_DIR, LOG_DIR, BACKUP_DIR if needed,
  • Creates SEMAPHORE's parent if not present,
  • Copies CONFIG_FILE and substitutes SOCKET_DIR, LOG_DIR variables
  • Copies HBA_FILE
  • Initializes the database if PGDATA not present
  • In case of initialization, sets the password to the default user (DB_PASSWORD to USER_NAME)


  • start: Starts postgres
  • shell [username=USER_NAME]: Starts bash in the root directory in the name of username.
  • init: Initializes the container (runs init function)
  • createuser
  • setpwd
  • createdb
  • createschema
  • clear
  • backup
  • restore


Python 3 based django and uwsgi.

Environment variables

  • UWSGI_CONF: optional. If given, django will run under uwsgi, otherwise, runserver
  • PG_SEMAPHORE: optional. The semaphore file of postgres, if needed.
  • DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, so we can connect to postgres


  • Creates user
  • Static dir,
  • migration
  • collectstatic,
  • createsuperuser, if CREATESUPERUSER_NAME given


  • start: Starts django (runserver or uwsgi)
  • init
  • shell


Some useful Docker images used by Vertis







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