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django-directory is an app that allows for easy creation of a searchable directory of objects.


The minimum requirement for creating a searchable directory with django-directory is to create a view which inherits from the DirectoryView and specifies the model to create the view for:

from directory.view import DirectoryView

class MyView(DirectoryView):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel

This will produce a table with all fields visible which is also filterable by all fields. The fields to filter on and display can also be specified in the Meta class:

from directory.view import DirectoryView

class MyView(DirectoryView):
    class Meta:
        model = MyModel
        search_fields = ['name', 'age']
        display_fields = ['name', 'age', 'property_1', 'property_2']

This will create a table with only the 'name', 'age', 'property_1' and 'property_2' fields present which is filterable by 'name' and 'age'.

By default the heading to use for each column is the title case if the verbose name of the field, this can be overridden however by passing a tuple of (field_name, override_name), for example, if we had display_fields = [('name', 'Full Name'), 'age'] the heading of the 'name' column would be 'Full Name' and the 'age' column would use the verbose_name of the field.

Behind the scenes django-filter is used to handle the queryset filtering. This allows for fields to use all the selectors available in django-filter, for example:

search_fields = OrderDict(
    ('name', ['icontains']),
    ('age', ['gte', 'lte']),

This would give a filter which performs a case insensitive search of the name field and a search of all people within the age range supplied. For a full description of valid field specification see:

NOTE: We recommend using a ordered dictionary for search_fields otherwise the ordering of your form may change.

Modifying The Form

Using the Meta class

You can modify the behaviour of the form by supplying the Meta class with the form_class property. This allows you to modify the form on construction. For example if we had a form with an upper and lower rating we would specify our view as:

class RatingSearchView(DirectoryView):
    class Meta:
        search_fields = OrderedDict(
            ('rating', ['gte', 'lte']),

This would give two fields labeled 'Rating' however which would not be too useful. If we do the following:

class RatingSearchForm(forms.Form):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(RatingSearchForm, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.fields['rating__gte'].label = _('Minimum rating')
        self.fields['rating__lte'].label = _('Maximum rating')

class RatingSearchView(DirectoryView):
    class Meta:
        search_fields = OrderedDict(
            ('rating', ['gte', 'lte']),
        form_class = RatingSearchForm

We would end up with two fields, one labeled 'Minimum rating' and the other labeled 'Maximum Rating'.

Setting Field Objects

You can also specify field objects in the search fields, to do this we replace the lookups with a tuple of lookup name and field object. To acieve the same as above we could do:

class RatingSearchView(DirectoryView):
    class Meta:
        search_fields = OrderedDict(
            ('rating', [
                ('gte', forms.IntegerField(label=_('Minimum rating')))
                ('lte', forms.IntegerField(label=_('Maximum rating')))
        form_class = RatingSearchForm


The default template used is directory/base.html and assumes you have a base template for your site called base.html which has a main block called content. To override this behaviour set the template_name on the view class.

The following values are set in the template context in addition to the usual values sent by the ListView:

display_headings: Flag whether to show the heading row or not.

field_headings: The headings to display for each field (in display order).

field_names: The names of the fields to display (in display order).

filter: The filter object, use filter.form to access the search form.

filter_query_string: The query string supplied by the filter.

link_on_field: The name of the field to add the link to.

Meta Fields

abstract: Used to create an abstract base class (useful when you do not want to specify search_fields or filter_class)

display_fields: The fields to display and optionally the name to use as the heading. This should be a list of field names or tuples of field names and the heading name. Example: display_fields = [('name', 'Full Name'), 'age']

display_headings: Flag to show the heading row or not.

filter_class: Used if you don't want to use the filter generated by django-directory. See

form_class: Used to override the default behaviour of the search form.

link_on_field: The name of the field to add the details link to, this link is taken from get_absolute_url on the model. If this is not set the first field is chosen. To have no link use None.

model: The model to create the directory for.

search_fields: The fields to use in the search form, this can be a list of fields in which case the filter will search for exact matches or a dictionary of fields to lookups. Example:

search_fields = OrderDict(
    ('name', ['icontains']),
    ('age', ['gte', 'lte']),


App for creating a searchable directory of objects







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