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CLI tool to manage the download of large quantities of files from DNAnexus

Build Status

NOTE: This is an early version of this tool and is undergoing testing in a variety of settings. Please contact DNAnexus if you are interested in seeing if this tool is appropriate for your application.

Quick Start

To get started with dx-download-agent, download the the latest pre-compiled binary from the release page. The download agent accepts two files:

  • manifest_file: A BZ2-compressed JSON manifest file that describes, at minimimum, the following information for a download, for example:
  "project-AAAA": [
      "id": "file-XXXX",
      "name": "foo",
      "folder": "/path/to",
      "parts": {
        "1": { "size": 10, "md5": "49302323" },
        "2": { "size": 5,  "md5": "39239329" }
  "project-BBBB": [ "..." ]

To start a download process, first generate a DNAnexus API token that is valid for a time period that you plan on downloading the files. Store it in the following environment variable:


If no API token is provided, the download agent will look to the ~/.dnanexus_config/environment.json also used by the dx-toolkit.

To start the download:

dx-download-agent download exome_bams_manifest.json.bz2
Obtained token using environment
Creating manifest database manifest.json.bz2.stats.db
Required disk space = 1.2TB, available = 3.6TB
Logging detailed output to:
Preparing files for download
Downloading files using 8 threads
Downloaded 11904/1098469 MB     124/11465 Parts (104.0 MB written to disk in the last 60s)

A continuous report on download progress is written to the screen. Prior to starting the data transfer, a check is made to see that there is sufficient disk space for the entire list of files. If not, an error is reported, and nothing is downloaded. Download speed reflects not only network bandwidth, but also the IO capability of your machine.

A download log contains more detailed information about the download should an error occur. If an error does occur and you do not understand how to deal with it, please contact with the log file attached and we will assist you.

You can query the progress of an existing download in a separate terminal

dx-download-agent progress exome_bams_manifest.json.bz2

and you will get a brief summary of the status the downloads:

21.6 MB/sec	1184/27078 MB	18/327 Parts Downloaded and written to disk
dx-download-agent inspect exome_bams_manifest.json.bz2

This command will perfrom an inspection of the parts of files currently downloaded to disk and ensure that their MD5sums match the manifest. If a file is missing or an MD5sum does not match, the download agent will report the affected files. After the inspection is complete, you can issue a download command again to resolve the issues.

Execution options

  • -max_threads (integer): maximum # of concurrent threads to use when downloading files

For example, the commmand

dx-download-agent download -max_threads=20 exome_bams_manifest.json.bz2

will create a worker pool of 20 threads that will download parts of files in parallel. A maximum of 20 workers will perform downloads at any time. Rate-limiting of downloads can be controlled to an extent by varying this number.

Manifest stats database spec

Information about what parts have been downloaded is maintained in a sqlite3 database file that contains similar information as to what's in the JSON file format plus an additional bytes_fetched field.

Table name: manifest_stats

Fields (all fields are strings unless otherwise specified)

  • file_id: file ID for file part
  • project: project ID for file part
  • name: name of file
  • folder: folder containing file on DNAnexus
  • part_id (integer): part ID for file
  • md5: md5sum for part ID
  • size (integer): size of the part
  • block_size (integer): primary block size of file (assumed equal to size except for the last part)
  • bytes_fetched (integer <= size): total number of bytes downloaded

It is up to the implementation to decide whether or not bytes_fetched is updated in a more coarse- vs. fine-grained fashion. For example, bytes_fetched can be updated only when the part download is complete. In this case, its values will only be 0 or the value of size.

Proxy and TLS settings

To direct dx-download-agent to a proxy, please set the HTTP_PROXY environment variable to something like export HTTP_PROXY=hostname:port. HTTPS_PROXY is also supported.

By default, dx-download-agent uses certificates installed on the system to create secure connections. If your system requires an additional TLS certificate and the dx-download-agent doesn't appear to be using a certificate installed on your system, there are two options in order of preference. First, set the DX_TLS_CERTIFICATE_FILE environment variable to the path of the PEM-encoded TLS certificate file required by your parent organization. As a last-resort, you can connect insecurely by avoiding certificate verification all together by setting DX_TLS_SKIP_VERIFY=true. Use this for testing purposes only.

Splitting manifest files

In some cases it may be desirable to split the download manifest into multiple manifest files for testing purposes or to manage multiple downloads of an entire data set across different environments. To split the file, we provide a simple Python utility that requires no additional packages in the scripts/ directory. For example, executing the command:

python scripts/ manifest.json.bz2 -n 100

will create manifest files containing each containing 100 files per project. For example if there are 300 total files in manifest.json.bz2, the output of this command will create three files named: manifest_001.json.bz2, manifest_002.json.bz2, and manifest_003.json.bz2. Each of these files can be used independently with the download agent.

Development environment and running with Docker

dx-download-agent is written in Go and releases of its binary are generally self-contained (i.e. you do not need extra dependencies to run the executable for your architecture). We also provide a Dockerized version that includes the necessary dependencies to develop for dxda and also run it.

To execute dx-download-agent via its docker image, simply replace calls to dx-download-agent ARGS with docker run dnanexus/dxda ARGS. Note that you will need to mount your local files and set appropriate environment variables to execute. For example:

docker run -v $PWD:/workdir -w /workdir -e DX_API_TOKEN=$DX_API_TOKEN dnanexus/dxda:v0.1.4 download -max_threads=20 manifest.json.bz2

This repository can be used directly as a Go module as well. In the cmd/dx-download-agent directory, the dx-download-agent.go file is an example of how it can be used.

For developing and experimenting with the source, the Dockerfile in this repository may be a good start.

Additional notes


CLI tool to manage the download of large quantities of files from DNAnexus







No packages published


  • Go 67.3%
  • Python 25.8%
  • Dockerfile 3.0%
  • Makefile 2.7%
  • Shell 1.2%