def get_hosts(ssh_config_file, c, argu=0): myfunc = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name"Calling function: " + myfunc) hosts = [] if argu: return [c['host']] else: with open(ssh_config_file, 'r') as f: lines = filter(None, (line.rstrip() for line in f)) for line in lines: if not line.startswith(";") and 'HostName' in line: results = collections.Counter(line) if results['='] <= 1: (key, val) = line.split("=") key = key.lstrip() val = val.lstrip() val = val.replace('"', '') if 'HostName' in key: if key.startswith("HostName"): hosts.append(val) if hosts: #print 'hosts:', hosts logging.debug(hosts) else: logging.error("ERROR no host found") #print 'ERROR no host found' sys(exit()) return hosts
def main(argv): run_once = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "horc", ["help", "once", "reset", "clear"]) except: print(" [-o|--once]") sys(exit(2)) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(" [-o|--once] [-r|--reset] [-c|--clear]") print( "reset will reset channels_timestamps.csv and force videos to be rechecked" ) print( "clear will clear videos.log.csv so nothing will marked duplicate" ) sys.exit() elif opt in ("-o", "--once"): run_once = True elif opt in ("-r", "--reset"): file = open("channels_timestamps.csv", "r+") file.truncate(0) file.close() elif opt in ("-R", "--Reset"): file = open("videos.log.csv", "r+") file.truncate(0) file.close() run(run_once)
def main(): try: opList, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hn:v', ["help", "numdirs="]); except getopt.GetoptError, err: print sys(err) usage() sys.exit(2)
def get_hosts_from_config(config_file, c, argu=0): myfunc = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name"Calling function: " + myfunc) hosts = [] if argu: return [c['host']] else: #with open(ssh_config_file, 'r') as f: f = open(config_file, 'r') try: lines = filter(None, (line.rstrip() for line in f)) for line in lines: if 'host' in line: # results = collections.Counter(line) # p results #if results['='] <= 1: #print 'results count: ', line.count('=') if line.count('=') <= 1: (key, val) = line.split("=") key = key.lstrip() val = val.lstrip() if 'host' in key: if key.startswith("host"): hosts.append(val) if hosts: #print 'hosts:', hosts logging.debug(hosts) else: logging.error("ERROR no host found") #print 'ERROR no host found' sys(exit()) return hosts finally: f.close()
def __init__(self, inputArgs): self.feachStatusList = [] self.assessmentTemplateID = inputArgs.assessmentTemplateID self.assessmentRegion = inputArgs.assessmentRegion if inputArgs.assessmentRegion else None self.assessmentCloudAccountType = inputArgs.assessmentCloudAccountType if inputArgs.assessmentCloudAccountType else None self.externalAccountNumber = inputArgs.externalAccountNumber if inputArgs.externalAccountNumber else None self.cloudAccountID = inputArgs.cloudAccountID if inputArgs.cloudAccountID else None if not self.cloudAccountID and not self.externalAccountNumber: sys("You must use on os the following: --cloudAccountId or --externalAccountNumber" ) self.d9client = Dome9ApiClient(apiKeyID=inputArgs.apiKeyID, apiSecret=inputArgs.secretKey) if self.externalAccountNumber: self.accountId = self.d9client.getCloudAccountID( self.externalAccountNumber)['id'] self.assessmentCloudAccountType = "AWS" if self.cloudAccountID: self.accountId = self.cloudAccountID if not self.assessmentCloudAccountType: sys.exit( "cloudAccountID require using: --assessmentCloudAccountType" )
def destroy_rds_instances(self): try: conn.delete_db_instance( DBInstanceIdentifier=self.db_instance_identifier, SkipFinalSnapshot=True) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as err: print err sys(1)
def instance_variables_without_at_sign(self): """ Instance variables without an at sign :return: """ if self.debug: print('instance_variables_without_at_sign' + lineno()) # FIXME sys(exit)
def init_spotify_client(): try: print('Initialising Spotify Client....') token = util.prompt_for_user_token(SPOTIFY_USERNAME, SCOPE, client_id=CLIENT_ID, client_secret=CLIENT_SECRET, redirect_uri='http://localhost/') spotify_client = spotipy.Spotify(auth=token) print('\nClient initialised!\n') return spotify_client except: sys('\nError initialising Spotify Client!\n')
def detachInstancefromELB(instance): try: print("Detaching Instance: " + attachedInstances[0] + "from ELB") detach = client.deregister_instances_from_load_balancer( LoadBalancerName=elbName, Instances=[ { 'InstanceId': instance }, ]) except ValueError as err: print(err.args) sys(exit(1)) print(detach)
def read_write_binlog_file(self, start_time): try: rds = self.get_rds_db_conn() rds_cursor = rds.cursor() bin_log_files = rds_cursor.execute("SHOW BINARY LOGS") bin_log_files = bin_log_files.fetchall()[0] start_file = bin_log_files["Log_name"] rds_cursor.close() rds.close() except _mysql_exceptions, err: print(err) rds_cursor.close() rds.close() sys(1)
def input_check(self, StationFrom, StationTo): if not (StationFrom in self.G.nodes): print("First input is incorrect. Check for spelling and try again. \n\nProgram will exit now.") sys(exit) elif not (StationTo in self.G.nodes): print("Second input is incorrect. Check for spelling and try again. \n\nProgram will exit now.") sys.exit() else: print("Inputs found. \nProceeding to plot your shortest recommended path from " + StationFrom + " to " + StationTo + ".") return
def get_params(config_file, argu=0): myfunc = sys._getframe().f_code.co_name"Calling function: " + myfunc) # hardcoded default values params = {#'host': '', 'email': '', 'timeout': '', 'sendPacket': '', 'receivePacket': '', 'port': '', 'ssh_client_path': '', } #with open(config_file, 'r') as f: f = open(config_file, 'r') try: lines = filter(None, (line.rstrip() for line in f)) for line in lines: if not line.startswith("#") and '=' in line: #results = collections.Counter(line) #if results['='] <= 1: if line.count('=') <= 1: (key, val) = line.split("=") if val and params.has_key(key): params[key] = val if 'timeout' in key: if key.startswith("timeout"): params['timeout'] = int(val) if 'ssh_client_path' in key: if key.startswith("ssh_client_path"): params['ssh_client_path'] = val finally: f.close() if params.values(): #print 'Configurations:' #print '===============''Configurations:')'===============') for k, v in params.items(): # Display key and value. #print k, '=', v + "=" + str(v)) logging.debug(params) return params else: print 'ERROR Missing Configuration', params logging.error("ERROR Missing Configuration") logging.error(params) sys(exit())
def main(argv): run_once = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "ho", ["help", "once"]) except: print(" [-o|--once]") sys(exit(2)) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print(" [-o|--once]") sys.exit() elif opt in ("-o", "--once"): run_once = True run(run_once)
def __call__(self): """ Call each callable subsystem in turn and concatenate the results. """ call_iter = it.ifilter(callable, self._subsystems) return tuple( it.chain.from_iterable( sys() for sys in call_iter))
def input_check(self): self.allKeys_P = {} self.allKeys_R = {} self.allKeys_R = self.create_allKeys(self.ListofDict_R) self.allKeys_P = self.create_allKeys(self.ListofDict_P) if not (self.allKeys_R == self.allKeys_P): print( "Input entered is incorrect. Please re-enter data.\nProgram will exit now." ) sys(exit) else: print("Input entered has been parsed, loading your input now.")
def main(): ADDRESS, PORT, CONNECTIONS = parse_comm_line() database = ServerDatabase() server_main = Server(ADDRESS, PORT, CONNECTIONS, database) server_main.daemon = True server_main.start() server_app = QApplication(sys.argv) main_window = MyWindow() main_window.statusBar().showMessage('Server working') main_window.tableView.setModel(main_window.gui_create_model(database)) main_window.tableView.resizeColumnsToContents() main_window.tableView.resizeRowsToContents() def list_update(): global new_connection if new_connection: main_window.tableView.setModel( main_window.gui_create_model(database)) main_window.tableView.resizeColumnsToContents() main_window.tableView.resizeRowsToContents() with conflag_lock: new_connection = False def show_statistics(): global stat_window stat_window = HistoryWindow() stat_window.history_table.setModel( stat_window.create_stat_model(database)) stat_window.history_table.resizeColumnsToContents() stat_window.history_table.resizeRowsToContents() timer = QTimer() timer.timeout.connect(list_update) timer.start(1000) main_window.refresh_list.triggered.connect(list_update) main_window.history_list.triggered.connect(show_statistics) sys(server_app.exec_()) def show_statistics(): global stat_window config_window = ConfigWindow()
def mainmenu(): while True: os.system('cls') menu = """What du you want to do? 1) Convert digital to binary 2) Convert binary to digital 3) Credits 4) Exit pick choice [1-4] : """ choice = raw_input(menu) if choice == "1": digitalToBinary() if choice == "2": binaryToDigital() if choice == "3": credit() if choice == "4": sys(exit)
def main(): try: file_name = open(get_file(),'r') except FileNotFoundError: print("File is not found in the current directory") print(os.listdir()) sys(exit(0)) input_lines_list = load_test_cases(file_name) if len(input_lines_list) == 0: print("File is empty, exiting.") sys(exit(0)) for input_line in input_lines_list: customer_list, product_list = parse_input_line(input_line) customer_product_entries, total_suitability_score = SuitabilityScore.get_suitability_score(customer_list,product_list) print_entries(customer_product_entries,total_suitability_score) file_name.close()
def getattr(attr): ''' get "attr" from the topmost object ''' return [ put(0x80), # sys.modules['sys'] = obj get(0), pstr('sys'), get(0x80), SETITEM, sys(attr) ]
def install(self): while True: system=sys() os.system("clear") logo.ins_tnc() inp=input("\033[1;33m Do you want to install Tool-X [Y/n]> \033[00m") if inp=="y" or inp=="Y": os.system("clear") logo.installing() if system.sudo is not None: #require root permission if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X"): pass else: os.system(system.sudo+" mkdir "+system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X") os.system(system.sudo+" cp -r modules core "+system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X") os.system(system.sudo+" cp -r core/Tool-X "+system.bin) os.system(system.sudo+" cp -r core/toolx "+system.bin) os.system(system.sudo+" chmod +x "+system.bin+"/Tool-X") os.system(system.sudo+" chmod +x "+system.bin+"/toolx") os.system("cd .. && "+system.sudo+" rm -rf Tool-X") if os.path.exists(system.bin+"/Tool-X") and os.path.exists(system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X"): os.system("clear") logo.ins_sc() tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: os.system("clear") logo.not_ins() tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X"): pass else: os.system("mkdir "+system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X") os.system("cp -r modules core "+system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X") os.system("cp -r core/Tool-X "+system.bin) os.system("cp -r core/toolx "+system.bin) os.system("chmod +x "+system.bin+"/Tool-X") os.system("chmod +x "+system.bin+"/toolx") os.system("cd .. && rm -rf Tool-X") if os.path.exists(system.bin+"/Tool-X") and os.path.exists(system.conf_dir+"/Tool-X"): os.system("clear") logo.ins_sc() tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: os.system("clear") logo.not_ins() tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: break
def main(): try: file_name = open(get_file(), 'r') except FileNotFoundError: print("File is not found in the current directory") print(os.listdir()) sys(exit(0)) input_lines_list = load_test_cases(file_name) if len(input_lines_list) == 0: print("File is empty, exiting.") sys(exit(0)) for input_line in input_lines_list: customer_list, product_list = parse_input_line(input_line) customer_product_entries, total_suitability_score = SuitabilityScore.get_suitability_score( customer_list, product_list) print_entries(customer_product_entries, total_suitability_score) file_name.close()
def attachInstancetoELB(instance): time.sleep(5) print("Attaching Instance: " + attachedInstances[0] + "to ELB") try: attach = client.register_instances_with_load_balancer( LoadBalancerName=elbName, Instances=[ { 'InstanceId': instance }, ]) except ValueError as err: print(err.args) sys(exit(1)) healthy = client.describe_instance_health(LoadBalancerName=elbName, ) # print(healthy) for status in healthy['InstanceStates']: print("InstanceId : " + status['InstanceId'] + " " + "State : " + status['State']) while (status['State'] != 'InService'): print("waiting for instance") print(attach)
def get_MySQL(url, mount=True): sys('wget ', url) MOUNT_POINT = "hdiutil attach -noautoopen " + "'/mysql-5.7.15-osx10.11-x86_64.dmg' | egrep 'Volumes' " + "| grep -o '/Volumes/.*'" if mount==True: sys(MOUNT_POINT) else: sys("hdiutil detach ", MOUNT_POINT)
def run(data): filename,content,command = data[0],data[1],data[2] command = command.replace('[space]',' ') try: cont = binascii.b2a_hex(open(content).read()) except: from core import start sys.exit(color.color('red')+'Error, Cannot find/open the file %s'%(content)+color.color('reset')) l = len(cont) -1 n = 0 c = '\\x' for word in cont: c += word n+=1 if n is 2: n = 0 c += '\\x' c = c[:-2] command = 'echo -e "%s" > %s ; chmod 777 %s ; %s'%(str(c),str(filename),str(filename),str(command)) return sys(stack.generate(command.replace('[space]',' '),'%ecx','string'))
def run(data): filename, content, command = data[0], data[1], data[2] command = command.replace('[space]', ' ') try: cont = binascii.b2a_hex(open(content).read()) except: from core import start sys.exit( color.color('red') + 'Error, Cannot find/open the file %s' % (content) + color.color('reset')) l = len(cont) - 1 n = 0 c = '\\x' for word in cont: c += word n += 1 if n is 2: n = 0 c += '\\x' c = c[:-2] command = 'echo -e "%s" > %s ; chmod 777 %s ; %s' % ( str(c), str(filename), str(filename), str(command)) return sys( stack.generate(command.replace('[space]', ' '), '%ecx', 'string'))
def main(t): now = datetime.utcnow() mainsys = sys('status') if mainsys[0] == 'failed' and t=='start' : print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' GAME SERVER IS UNREACHABLE NOW' ss = ( 30 - (now.minute %30 )) *60 - now.second elif mainsys[0] == 'failed' and t=='loop' : ss = ( 30 - (now.minute %30 )) *60 - now.second elif mainsys[0] == 'closed': sysTime = sys('time') sysOpenTime = localtime(sysTime[1]) print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' REGULAR MAINTENANCE TILL ' + datetime.strftime(sysOpenTime,'%H:%M') ss = ( 30 - (now.minute %30 )) *60 - now.second elif mainsys[0] == 'closing': sysTime = sys('time') sysCloseTime = localtime(sysTime[0]) print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' REGULAR MAINTENANCE WILL START AT ' + time.strftime(sysCloseTime,'%H:%M') ss = now.minute *60 - now.second elif mainsys[0] == 'normal': mainpre = pre() if mainpre: preData = mainpre[1] preTime = preData[0] prePrint = ['pre',preData] if t == 'loop': soundalert() questcheck(prePrint,'get') ssInt = ( preTime.hour - now.hour)*3600 - (preTime.minute + now.minute) * 60 - now.second if ssInt > 1800: print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' NOTIFY MESSAGE WILL BE RECIVED AT 30 MINNTES BEFORE EVENT START' time.sleep(ssInt - 1800) soundalert() print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' ANNOUNCED EVENT WILL START AT ' + datetime.strftime(localtime(preTime),'%H:%M') ss = 3600 else : ss = ssInt + 3600 print '' else: mainraw = raw(t) if mainraw[0] == 'newevent': rawData = mainraw[1] rawTime = rawData[0] if t == 'loop': soundalert() rawPrint = ['raw',rawData] questcheck(rawPrint,'get') ssInt = ( rawTime.hour - now.hour)*3600 - now.minute * 60 - now.second if ssInt > 1800: print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' NOTIFY MESSAGE WILL BE RECIVED AT 30 MINNTES BEFORE EVENT START' time.sleep(ssInt - 1800) soundalert() print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' EVENT WILL START AT ' + datetime.strftime(localtime(rawTime),'%H:%M') ss = 3600 else: ss = ( ssInt + 3600) print '' else : if t == 'start' : print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' NO EVENT FOUND' if now.minute < 10 : ss = 60 - now.second elif now.minute >= 10 and now.minute < 45: ss = ( 15 - (now.minute % 15 )) *60 - now.second elif now.minute == 45: print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' NO EVENT FOUND FORM PSO2 ES' ss = 60 - now.second elif now.minute > 45 and now.minute < 55: ss = 60 - now.second elif now.minute >= 55 : print time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') + ' NO EVENT FOUND' ss = ( 5 - (now.minute % 5 )) *60 - now.second return ss
def install(self): while True: system = sys() os.system("clear") logo.ins_tnc() inp = quo.prompt("Do you want to install sashay? [y/n]") if inp == "y" or inp == "Y" or inp == "Yes" or inp == "yes": os.system("clear") logo.installing() if system.sudo is not None: #require root permission if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): pass else: os.system(system.sudo + " mkdir " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r src assets " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r assets/sashay " + system.bin) os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r assets/sshy " + system.bin) os.system(system.sudo + " chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sashay") os.system(system.sudo + " chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sshy") os.system("cd .. && " + system.sudo + " rm -rf sashay") if os.path.exists(system.bin + "/sashay") and os.path.exists( system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): os.system("clear") logo.ins_sc() tmp = input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: os.system("clear") logo.not_ins() tmp = input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): pass else: os.system("mkdir " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system("cp -r src assets " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system("cp -r assets/sashay " + system.bin) os.system("cp -r assets/sshy " + system.bin) os.system("chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sashay") os.system("chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sshy") os.system("cd .. && rm -rf sashay") if os.path.exists(system.bin + "/sashay") and os.path.exists( system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): os.system("clear") logo.ins_sc() tmp = input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: os.system("clear") logo.not_ins() tmp = input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: break
'leftHip_y', 'rightHip_score', 'rightHip_x', 'rightHip_y', 'leftKnee_score', 'leftKnee_x', 'leftKnee_y', 'rightKnee_score', 'rightKnee_x', 'rightKnee_y', 'leftAnkle_score', 'leftAnkle_x', 'leftAnkle_y', 'rightAnkle_score', 'rightAnkle_x', 'rightAnkle_y'] data = json.loads(open(path_to_video, 'r').read()) csv_data = np.zeros((len(data), len(columns))) for i in range(csv_data.shape[0]): one = [] one.append(data[i]['score']) for obj in data[i]['keypoints']: one.append(obj['score']) one.append(obj['position']['x']) one.append(obj['position']['y']) csv_data[i] = np.array(one) pd.DataFrame(csv_data, columns=columns).to_csv(/home/ubuntu/VaishDir/Testing Data/ + 'key_points.csv', index_label='Frames#') import sys testing_data = sys(argv[1]) convert_to_csv(testing_data) test_data = makeMatrix('/home/ubuntu/VaishDir/Testing Data/' + 'key_points.csv') # In[5]: def makeMatrix(input): with open(input, newline='') as csvfile: data = list(csv.reader(csvfile)) columns = ['rightWrist_x', 'rightWrist_y'] dataMatrix = np.zeros((len(data)-1, len(columns))) for i in range(dataMatrix.shape[0] + 1): dataRow = [] if(data[i][33] != 'rightWrist_x'): dataRow.append(data[i][33])
windows = windows_apps, options = {'py2exe': py2exe_opts}, data_files = mpl_data_files) for fname in extra_files: path, name = os.path.split(fname) print fname, name try: shutil.copy(fname, os.path.join('dist', name)) except: pass def sys(cmd): print ' >> ', cmd os.system(cmd) try: os.makedirs("dist/tdl/") os.makedirs("dist/tdl/modules") except: pass sys("cp -pr ../modules dist/tdl/." ) sys("cp -pr ../pds/startup.pds dist/tdl/." ) sys("cp -pr ../dlls/win32/* dist/.") if __name__ == '__main__': print 'usage: python py2exe'
import sys def dekor(func): print('START') def new_func(): print('до') func() print('после') return new_func print('END') sys() dekor() @dekor def some_func(): for a in range(10): print(a) some_func() sys.exit(0) @now_time
M = np.random.randn(1, 256) x = bias = 0.05 * np.random.randn(1, 256) expo = [([1] * 11 + range(5)) * 16] zeros = np.where(np.random.rand(256, 1) > prob_n_itter)[0] def sys(x, bias, expo, zeros): y = x**expo + bias y[:, 1:10] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * 3 * y[:, 1:10]) for i in zeros: y[:, i] = 0 return y y = sys(t, bias, expo, zeros) K = np.random.randn(256, 1) z = np.hstack(([::-1]),[::-1]))) score = [] for i in xrange(1000): t_ = t + 0.05 * np.random.randn(t.shape[0], t.shape[1]) x_ = zeros = np.where(np.random.rand(256, 1) > prob_n_itter)[0] y_ = sys(t_, bias, expo, zeros) liquid._realtime_learn(x_, y_, z) score.append([ liquid._regressor["input"].score(x_, z), liquid._regressor["output"].score(y_, z) ]) print np.sum(liquid.CovMatrix["output"])
class sys: platform = _sys.platform executable = _sys.executable argv = _sys.argv version_info = _sys.version_info modules = {} builtin_module_names = _sys.builtin_module_names def exit(self, code): _exit_code[0] = code raise SystemExit(code) def exc_info(self): return None, None, None sys = sys() sys.modules["sys"] = sys # RPython doesn't provide the sorted() builtin, and actually makes sorting # quite complicated in general. I can't convince the type annotator to be # happy about using their "listsort" module, so I'm doing my own using a # simple insertion sort. We're only sorting short lists and they always # contain (list(str),str), so this should do for now. def _list_gt(l1, l2): i = 0 while i < len(l1) and i < len(l2): if l1[i] > l2[i]: return True if l1[i] < l2[i]: return False i += 1
if True == palindrome_map[offset][i]: current_node = tree.setdefault(input_string[offset:i + 1], dict()) buildSeperationTree(input_string, palindrome_map, current_node, i + 1) return tree def findMinHeight(tree): if '_END' in tree.keys(): height = 0 else: height = min([findMinHeight(tree[k]) for k in tree]) + 1 return height def findMinSeperation(input_string): result = {'result_string':'', 'count':0} pmap = markPalindromes(input_string) tree = buildSeperationTree(input_string, pmap) result['count'] = findMinHeight(tree) return result def main(): test_string = 'ababbbabbababa' result = findMinSeperation(test_string) print result if __name__ == '__main__':'main()') sys(exit(main()))
f.write("</sources>\n") def read_providers(self, providerfile): # Check we have data try: if not os.path.getsize(providerfile): raise Exception, "Providers file is empty" except Exception, e: raise (e) f = open(providerfile, "r") for line in f: if line == "400: Invalid request\n": print( "Providers download is invalid please resolve or use URL based setup" ) sys(exit(1)) PROVIDERS.append({ 'name': line.split(',')[0], 'm3u': line.split(',')[1], 'epg': line.split(',')[2], 'delimiter_category': int(line.split(',')[3]), 'delimiter_title': int(line.split(',')[4]), 'delimiter_tvgid': int(line.split(',')[5]), 'delimiter_logourl': int(line.split(',')[6]) }) f.close() def process_provider(self, provider, username, password): supported_providers = "" for line in PROVIDERS: supported_providers += " " + line['name']
import sys sys = sys.stdin.readline n = int(sys()) cookies = [sys().strip() for _ in range(n)] answer = [] heart_idx = (-1, -1) # 머리 -> 심장 좌표 for i in range(len(cookies)): if '*' in cookies[i]: heart_idx = (i + 1, cookies[i].index('*') + 1) answer.append([heart_idx[0] + 1, heart_idx[1]]) # 심장 위치 break # 팔 길이 left_arm_len = (heart_idx[1] - 1) - cookies[heart_idx[0]].find('*') right_arm_len = cookies[heart_idx[0]].rfind('*') - (heart_idx[1] - 1) answer.append([left_arm_len, right_arm_len]) # 허리 길이 waist_len = 0 leg_idx = -1 for i in range(heart_idx[0] + 1, len(cookies)): if cookies[i].count('*') == 1: waist_len += 1 leg_idx = i + 1 else: break
##output: <split region file> import os,getopt import sys argv = sys.argv[1:] input = '' output = '' usage = 'python " + sys.argv[0] + " -i <input> -o <output>' example = 'python " + sys.argv[0] + " -i <input> -o <output>' try: opts,args = getopt.getopt(argv,"hi:o:",["ifile=","ofile="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print usage + "\n" + example sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == '-h': print usage + "\n" + example sys.exit() elif opt in ("-i","--ifile"): input = arg elif opt in ("-o","--ofile"): output = arg outlog = output + ".log" print ('Script path'+ sys.argv[0]) print('Input file:' + input) print('Output file:'+ output) print('Log file:'+ outlog) sys("samtools view -H bamfile")
# 'iconfile': 'GSEMap.icns', } appname = 'GSEMapViewer' appvers = '1.2' setup(name = appname, version = appvers, description = "GSECARS XRM MapViewer", options = {'build_exe': exe_opts}, data_files = mpl_data_files + dll_files, ## + plugin_files executables = [Executable('../bin/GSE_MapViewer', base=None)]) contents = 'build/' % (appname, appvers) contents = contents.replace(' ', '\ ') def sys(cmd): print(' >> %s' % cmd) os.system(cmd) sys("cp -pr GSEMap.icns %s/Resources/." % contents) sys("cp -pr ../dlls/darwin/* %s/MacOS/." % contents) try: os.makedirs("%s/Resources/larch/" % contents) except: pass for subdir in ('modules', 'plugins', 'dlls'): sys("cp -pr ../%s %s/Resources/larch/." % (subdir, contents))
def install(self): while True: system = sys() os.system("clear") logo.ins_tnc() inp = input( "\033[32m Do you want to install CyberCat [Y/n]> \033[m") if inp == "y" or inp == "Y": os.system("clear") logo.installing() if system.sudo is not None: #require root permission if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir + "/CAT"): pass else: os.system(system.sudo + " mkdir " + system.conf_dir + "/CAT") os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r modules core " + system.conf_dir + "/CAT") os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r core/CAT " + system.bin) os.system(system.sudo + " chmod +x " + system.bin + "/CAT") os.system("cd .. && " + system.sudo + " rm -rf CAT") if os.path.exists(system.bin + "/CAT") and os.path.exists( system.conf_dir + "/CAT"): os.system("clear") logo.ins_sc() tmp = input( "\033[m[\033[32m*\033[m]\033[32m Choose :\033[m ") break else: os.system("clear") logo.not_ins() tmp = input("") break else: if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir + "/CAT"): pass else: os.system("mkdir " + system.conf_dir + "/CAT") os.system("cp -r modules core " + system.conf_dir + "/CAT") os.system("cp -r core/CAT " + system.bin) os.system("cp -r core/CAT " + system.bin) os.system("chmod +x " + system.bin + "/CAT") os.system("cd .. && rm -rf CAT") if os.path.exists(system.bin + "/CAT") and os.path.exists( system.conf_dir + "/CAT"): os.system("clear") logo.ins_sc() tmp = input( "\033[m[\033[32m*\033[m]\033[32m Choose :\033[m") break else: os.system("clear") logo.not_ins() tmp = input( "\033[m[\033[32m*\033[m]\033[32m Choose :\033[m") break else: break
old_backup = '%s.%2.2d' %(destpath, index-1) if not os.path.exists(old_backup): break abspath = os.path.abspath(old_backup) try: if os.path.isfile(abspath) and filecmp.cmp(abspath,filepath, shallow=False: continue except OSERROR: pass try: if not os.path.exists(backup): print 'Copying %s to %s ...' %filepath, backup) shutil.copy(filepath, backup) except (OSError, IOError), e: pass if __name__=='__main__' if len(sys(sys.argv)<2: sys.exit("Usage: %s [dirctory] [backup directory]" %sys.argv[0]) tree_top = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(sys.argv[1]))) if len(sys.argv) >=3: bakfolder = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(os.path.expandvars(sys.argv[2]))) else: bakfolder = BAKFOLDER if os.path.isdir(tree_top): backup_files(tree_top, bakfolder)
exe_opts['includes'].extend(pycard_incs) appname = 'PythonDataShell' appvers = '0.1' setup(name = appname, version = appvers, description = "GSECARS PythonDataShell", options = {'build_exe': exe_opts}, data_files = mpl_data_files + dll_files, ## + plugin_files executables = [Executable('', base=None), ]) contents = 'build/' % (appname, appvers) contents = contents.replace(' ', '\ ') def sys(cmd): print ' >> ', cmd os.system(cmd) # sys("cp -pr TDL.icns %s/icons.icns" % contents) try: os.makedirs("%s/Resources/tdl/" % contents) except: pass sys("cp -pr ../modules %s/Resources/tdl/." % (contents)) sys("cp -pr ../pds/startup.pds %s/Resources/tdl/." % (contents)) # sys("cp -pr ../dlls/darwin/* %s/MacOS/." % contents)
def sys(message, cmd): print message time.sleep(5) def checkRootUser(): if os.geteuid() != 0: print "Please execute this script as root!" sys.exit(1) ######## # main # ######## checkRootUser() configureAuthHttpProcess() sys("0. Using yum to install several useful packages for debugging ML issues", "yum -y install glibc.i686 redhat-lsb pstack sysstat psutils") sys("1. Downloading ML binary from", "wget " + BINARY_PATH + BINARY_FILENAME) sys("2. Installing ML from binary", "rpm -i " + BINARY_FILENAME) sys("3. Starting MarkLogic Instance", "/etc/init.d/MarkLogic start") httpProcess("4. Configuring licence details", "license-go.xqy", LICENCE_ARGS) httpProcess("5. Accepting EULA", "agree-go.xqy", EULA_ARGS) httpProcess("6. Triggering initial application server config", "initialize-go.xqy") sys("7. Restarting Server", "/etc/init.d/MarkLogic restart") httpProcess("8. Configuring Admin user (security)", "security-install-go.xqy", SECURITY_ARGS) httpProcess("9. Testing Admin Connection", "default.xqy") sys("10. Moving booster to ML Admin", "cp booster-0.2b.xqy /opt/MarkLogic/Admin/booster.xqy") httpProcess("12. Configuring XDBC Server on port " + BASE_XDBC_PORT, "booster.xqy", BOOSTER_XDBC_ARGS) sys("11. Cleaning up", "rm " + BINARY_FILENAME) sys("12. Updating user permissions for home folder(s) where Modules are hosted (+x)", "chmod go+x /home/username") httpProcess("13. Creating main appserver", "booster.xqy", BOOSTER_HTTP_MAIN_ARGS) appserverSetTemplate("http-9997", "authentication", "application-level")
LOCALHOST = "localhost" BASE_HREF = "http://" + LOCALHOST + ":8001/" LICENCE_ARGS = { 'license-key':LICENSE_KEY, 'licensee':LICENSEE } SECURITY_ARGS = { 'auto':'true', 'user':ADMIN_USER_NAME, 'password1':ADMIN_PASSWORD, 'password2':ADMIN_PASSWORD, 'realm':'public' } EULA_ARGS = { 'accepted-agreement':ACCEPTED_AGREEMENT,"ok.x":1 } def checkRootUser(): if os.geteuid() != 0: print("Please execute this script as root!") sys.exit(1) configureAuthHttpProcess(LOCALHOST) sys("2. Installing", INSTALL_CMD) sys("3. Starting MarkLogic Instance", START_CMD) httpProcess("4. Configuring licence details", BASE_HREF + "license-go.xqy", LICENCE_ARGS) httpProcess("5. Accepting EULA", BASE_HREF +"agree-go.xqy", EULA_ARGS) httpProcess("6. Triggering initial application server config", BASE_HREF +"initialize-go.xqy") sys("7a. Restarting Server", STOP_CMD) sys("7b. Restarting Server", START_CMD) httpProcess("8. Configuring Admin user (security)", BASE_HREF +"security-install-go.xqy", SECURITY_ARGS) httpProcess("9. Testing Admin Connection", BASE_HREF +"default.xqy") sys("Move set host name script",COPY_CMD) HOST_ARGS = { 'HOST-NAME':getEC2Name() } httpProcess("Setting host name",BASE_HREF +"set-host-name.xqy", HOST_ARGS) print("Script completed, visit http://"+getEC2Name()+":8001 to access the admin interface.")
def install(self): while True: system = sys() clear() logo.ins_tnc() session = Prompt(bottom_toolbar=Text( ' <b>Install</b> <style bg="red">sashay</style>'), placeholder=Text(' <gray>([y/n])</gray>')) inp = session.prompt("Do you want to install sashay?:") if inp == "y" or inp == "Y" or inp == "Yes" or inp == "yes": clear() logo.installing() if system.sudo is not None: #require root permission if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): pass else: os.system(system.sudo + " mkdir " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r src assets " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r assets/sashay " + system.bin) os.system(system.sudo + " cp -r assets/sshy " + system.bin) os.system(system.sudo + " chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sashay") os.system(system.sudo + " chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sshy") os.system("cd .. && " + system.sudo + " rm -rf sashay") if os.path.exists(system.bin + "/sashay") and os.path.exists( system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): clear() logo.ins_sc() tmp = session.prompt("|>>") # tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: clear() logo.not_ins() tmp = session.prompt("|>>") # tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: if os.path.exists(system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): pass else: os.system("mkdir " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system("cp -r src assets " + system.conf_dir + "/sashay") os.system("cp -r assets/sashay " + system.bin) os.system("cp -r assets/sshy " + system.bin) os.system("chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sashay") os.system("chmod +x " + system.bin + "/sshy") os.system("cd .. && rm -rf sashay") if os.path.exists(system.bin + "/sashay") and os.path.exists( system.conf_dir + "/sashay"): clear() logo.ins_sc() tmp = session.prompt("|>>") # tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: clear() logo.not_ins() tmp = session.prompt("|>>") # tmp=input("\033[1;36m ##> \033[00m") break else: break
def do_use(self, comando): "comandos" if comando and comando in self.comandos: if comando == "encode16": encode16() elif comando == "encode32": encode32() elif comando == "encode64": encode64() elif comando == "decode16": decode16() elif comando == "decode32": decode32() elif comando == "decode64": decode64() elif comando == "baixar": baixarU() elif comando == "gera_payload": payloads() elif comando == "encode_sha3_256": sha3_256() elif comando == "encode_sha256": sha256() elif comando == "encode_blake2b": blake2b() elif comando == "encode_sha384": sha384() elif comando == "encode_md5": md5() elif comando == "encode_sha3_512": sha3_512() elif comando == "encode_sha512": sha512() elif comando == "encode_sha1": sha1() elif comando == "encode_sha3_224": sha3_224() elif comando == "encode_sha3_384": sha3_384() elif comando == "encode_sha224": sha224() elif comando == "wordlist_especial": especial() elif comando == "wordlist_int": _int() elif comando == "wordlist_int_especial": int_especial() elif comando == "wordlist_str": _str() elif comando == "wordlist_str_especial": str_especial() elif comando == "wordlist_str_int_especial": str_int_especial() elif comando == "wordlist_str_int_up": str_int_up() elif comando == "wordlist_str_up": str_up() elif comando == "wordlist_str_up_especial": str_up_especial() elif comando == "clear": from os import system as sys sys("clear") elif comando: saida = "[+]comando incompleto=> [%s]" % comando elif comando: saida = "[+]comando incompleto=> [%s]" % comando else: saida = '[+]comando errado...'
debuff2id='%s', debuff3id='%s', debuff4id='%s', debuff5id='%s', debuff6id='%s', iscomplete='%s', \ nummembers='%s', maxattackers='%s', summonerid='%s', raid_boss_human='%s' WHERE id='%s';" \ % ( table, update_time, raid_info['currenthealth'], raid_info['enragehealth'], raid_info['maxhealth'], raid_info['debuff1id'], raid_info['debuff2id'], raid_info['debuff3id'], raid_info['debuff4id'], raid_info['debuff5id'], raid_info['debuff6id'], raid_info['iscomplete'], raid_info['nummembers'], raid_info['maxattackers'], raid_info['summonerid'], raid_info['raid_boss_human'], id ) cursor.execute(sql) conn.commit() # main if len(sys.argv) != 5: print "Usage: self {table_name} {game} {platform} {serverid}" print "Example: " + sys(argv[0]) + "dawn_shared_raids dawn facebook 1" exit() else: if config['verbose_mode']: print "Working on: " + str(sys.argv) ugup_request( str(sys.argv[1]), str(sys.argv[2]), str(sys.argv[3]), int(sys.argv[4]) ) cursor.close() conn.close() if config["verbose_mode"]: print "Job's Done!"
# RPython doesn't have access to the "sys" module, so we fake it out. # The entry_point function will set these value appropriately. _sys = sys class sys: platform = _sys.platform executable = _sys.executable argv = _sys.argv version_info = _sys.version_info modules = {} builtin_module_names = _sys.builtin_module_names def exit(self,code): _exit_code[0] = code raise SystemExit(code) def exc_info(self): return None,None,None sys = sys() sys.modules["sys"] = sys # RPython doesn't provide the sorted() builtin, and actually makes sorting # quite complicated in general. I can't convince the type annotator to be # happy about using their "listsort" module, so I'm doing my own using a # simple insertion sort. We're only sorting short lists and they always # contain (list(str),str), so this should do for now. def _list_gt(l1,l2): i = 0 while i < len(l1) and i < len(l2): if l1[i] > l2[i]: return True if l1[i] < l2[i]: return False i += 1
liquid = L.Lsm() #init liquid state machine prob_n_itter = 0.8; t = np.linspace (0,1,1e3)[:,None] M = np.random.randn(1,256) x = bias = 0.05*np.random.randn(1,256) expo = [([1]*11+range(5))*16] zeros = np.where(np.random.rand(256,1)>prob_n_itter)[0] def sys (x,bias,expo,zeros): y = x**expo + bias y[:,1:10] = np.sin (2*np.pi*3*y[:,1:10]) for i in zeros: y[:,i] = 0 return y y = sys (t,bias,expo,zeros) K = np.random.randn(256,1) z = np.hstack(([::-1]),[::-1]))) score = [] for i in xrange(1000): t_ = t + 0.05*np.random.randn(t.shape[0],t.shape[1]) x_ = zeros = np.where(np.random.rand(256,1)>prob_n_itter)[0] y_ = sys (t_,bias,expo,zeros) liquid._realtime_learn (x_,y_,z) score.append([liquid._regressor["input"].score(x_,z), liquid._regressor["output"].score(y_,z)]) print np.sum(liquid.CovMatrix["output"]) t_ = t + 0.05*np.random.randn(t.shape[0],t.shape[1]) x_ = zeros = np.where(np.random.rand(256,1)>1)[0]