コード例 #1
ファイル: getRectFromRange.py プロジェクト: ambaamba/Examples
def textSearch(self, txt, box, search, align):
    canHyphenate = True
    if isinstance(box, self._bezierPathClass):
        canHyphenate = False
        path = box._getCGPath()
        (x, y), (w, h) = CoreText.CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(path)
        x, y, w, h = box
        path = CoreText.CGPathCreateMutable()
        CoreText.CGPathAddRect(path, None, CoreText.CGRectMake(x, y, w, h))

    canDoGradients = True
    attrString = self.attributedString(txt, align=align)
    if canHyphenate and self._state.hyphenation:
        attrString = self.hyphenateAttributedString(attrString, w)

    txt = attrString.string()
    searchRE = re.compile(search)
    locations = []
    for found in searchRE.finditer(txt):
        locations.append((found.start(), found.end()))

    setter = CoreText.CTFramesetterCreateWithAttributedString(attrString)
    box = CoreText.CTFramesetterCreateFrame(setter, (0, 0), path, None)

    ctLines = CoreText.CTFrameGetLines(box)
    origins = CoreText.CTFrameGetLineOrigins(box, (0, len(ctLines)), None)

    rectangles = []
    for startLocation, endLocation in locations:
        minx = miny = maxx = maxy = None
        for i, (originX, originY) in enumerate(origins):
            ctLine = ctLines[i]
            bounds = CoreText.CTLineGetImageBounds(ctLine, None)
            if bounds.size.width == 0:
            _, ascent, descent, leading = CoreText.CTLineGetTypographicBounds(
                ctLine, None, None, None)
            height = ascent + descent
            lineRange = CoreText.CTLineGetStringRange(ctLine)
            miny = maxy = originY
            if AppKit.NSLocationInRange(startLocation, lineRange):
                minx, _ = CoreText.CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(
                    ctLine, startLocation, None)

            if AppKit.NSLocationInRange(endLocation, lineRange):
                maxx, _ = CoreText.CTLineGetOffsetForStringIndex(
                    ctLine, endLocation, None)
                    (x + minx, y + miny - descent, maxx - minx, height))

            if minx and maxx is None:
                rectangles.append((x + minx, y + miny - descent,
                                   bounds.size.width - minx, height))
                minx = 0

    return rectangles
コード例 #2
 def _getPathForFrameSetter(self, box):
     if isinstance(box, BezierPath):
         path = box._getCGPath()
         (x, y), (w, h) = CoreText.CGPathGetPathBoundingBox(path)
         x, y, w, h = box
         path = CoreText.CGPathCreateMutable()
         CoreText.CGPathAddRect(path, None, CoreText.CGRectMake(x, y, w, h))
     return path, (x, y)