コード例 #1
ファイル: Core_GMT.py プロジェクト: EarthByte/citcoms
def get_T_from_grdinfo(grid_filename):
    '''get a -T value from grdinfo on a grid file'''
    if which('GMT'):
        cmd = 'grdinfo -C %(grid_filename)s' % vars()
        cmd = 'gmt grdinfo -C %(grid_filename)s' % vars()
    s = subprocess.check_output( cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
    if verbose: print( Core_Util.now(), cmd )
    l = s.split()
    min = float(l[5])
    max = float(l[6])

    # FIXME: stop gap measure 
    if min == max : 
        min = 0.0
        max = 1.0
        dt  = 0.01
        T = '-T%(min)s/%(max)s/%(dt)s' % vars()
        if verbose: print( Core_Util.now(), 'get_T_from_grdinfo: WARNING: min==max, setting T =', T )
        return T

    if   max >=  10000000    : dt =  1000000.0
    elif max >=    100000    : dt =     1000.0
    elif max >=      1000    : dt =      100.0
    elif max >=         1    : dt =         .1
    elif max >=         0.1  : dt =         .01
    elif max >=         0.01 : dt =         .001
    else                     : dt =        1.0

    T = '-T%(min)s/%(max)s/%(dt)s' % vars()
    if verbose: print( Core_Util.now(), 'get_T_from_grdinfo: T =', T )
    return T
コード例 #2
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_gplates_transform(opts_d, ps, age):
    '''Plot GPlates transforms.'''

    geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
    age = int(age)  # ensure integer
    gplates_line_dir = geoframe_d['gplates_line_dir']
    linefile = gplates_line_dir + \
        '/topology_ridge_transform_boundaries_%(age)s.00Ma.xy' % vars()

    if not os.path.exists(linefile): return

    # process to write out only ">Transform" data to temporary file
    # for plotting
    infile = open(linefile, 'r')
    lines = infile.readlines()

    outname = 'ridges.xy'
    outfile = open(outname, 'w')

    flag = 0

    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith('>'):
            flag = 0  # reset
        if line.startswith('>Transform'):
            flag = 1  # write out all subsequent lines
        if flag:


    callgmt('psxy', outname, opts_d, '>>', ps)

コード例 #3
ファイル: Core_GMT.py プロジェクト: EarthByte/citcoms
def get_T_from_minmax(xyz_filename) :
    ''' get a -T value from minmax on a xyz file'''
    if which('GMT'):
        cmd = 'minmax -C %(xyz_filename)s' % vars()
        cmd = 'gmt minmax -C %(xyz_filename)s' % vars()
    s = subprocess.check_output( cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
    if verbose: print( Core_Util.now(), cmd )
    l = s.split()
    min = float(l[4])
    max = float(l[5])

    # FIXME: stop gap measure 
    if min == max : 
        print( Core_Util.now(), 'get_T_from_minmax: WARNING: min == max: min =', min, '; max =', max )
        min = 0.0
        max = 1.0
        dt  = 0.01
        T = '-T%(min)s/%(max)s/%(dt)s' % vars()
        if verbose: print( Core_Util.now(), 'get_T_from_minmax: T =', T )
        return T

    if   max >=  10000000    : dt =  1000000.0
    elif max >=    100000    : dt =     1000.0
    elif max >=      1000    : dt =      100.0
    elif max >=         1    : dt =         .1
    elif max >=         0.1  : dt =         .01
    elif max >=         0.01 : dt =         .001
    else                     : dt =        1.0

    T = '-T%(min)s/%(max)s/%(dt)s' % vars()
    if verbose: print( Core_Util.now(), 'get_T_from_minmax: T =', T )
    return T
コード例 #4
def brute_force( master_d, coor_by_cap, nlon, nlat ):

    pid_d = master_d['pid_d']
    nodex = pid_d['nodex']
    nodey = pid_d['nodey']
    nproc_surf = pid_d['nproc_surf']

    nearest_point = []
    for cc in range( nproc_surf ):
        ccoor = coor_by_cap[cc]
        nearest_point.append( cc )
        nearest_point[cc] = []
        for cline in ccoor:
            ( zlon, zlat ) = cline
            # compute distance between points
            zdist = Core_Util.get_distance( nlon, nlat, zlon, zlat )
            nearest_point[cc].append( zdist )

    # get index of nearest node to this coordinate
    fnearest_point = Core_Util.flatten_nested_structure( nearest_point )
    fnearest_coor = Core_Util.flatten_nested_structure( coor_by_cap )
    min_index, min_value = min(enumerate(fnearest_point), key=operator.itemgetter(1))
    (zzlon, zzlat) = fnearest_coor[min_index]

    print( now(), nlon, nlat, min_index, min_value, zzlon, zzlat )

    # find location of node in cap list
    cap_index = int( min_index / (nodex*nodey) )
    entry_index = min_index % (nodex*nodey)

    print( now(), cap_index, entry_index )
コード例 #5
ファイル: Core_Web.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def test_ws():
    '''test the web services with a POST request'''

    # Get the sample json input
    json_file = open('./geodynamic_framework_data/TEST.json', 'r')
    json_string = json_file.readline()

    # create the URL for a POST req
    url = 'http://gplates.gps.caltech.edu:8080/reconstruct_feature_collection/?'

    # set up the URL params
    values = {
        'feature_collection': json_string,
        'time': '0',
        'output': 'geojson',
        'test': 'True',
    if verbose: Core_Util.tree_print(values)

    data = urllib.parse.urlencode(values)
    data = data.encode('utf-8')
    req = urllib.request.Request(url, data)
    rsp = urllib.request.urlopen(req)

    content = rsp.read()
    print('content =', content)
コード例 #6
ファイル: Core_Rhea.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def test(argv):
    '''Core_Rhea.py module self test'''
    global verbose
    verbose = True
    print(now(), 'Core_Rhea.py: test(): sys.argv = ', sys.argv)
    # run the tests

    # read the defaults
    frame_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()

    # read the first argument as a .cfg file
    cfg_d = Core_Util.parse_configuration_file(sys.argv[1])
コード例 #7
def lith_buoyancy_profiles(control_d, section, x_trench):

    # parameters from dictionary
    lith_profile_distance = float(control_d['lith_profile_distance'])
    res = float(control_d['profile_resolution'])  # km

    xpos = x_trench - lith_profile_distance
    depth_min = 0  # km
    depth_max = 300.0  # km
    cc = int((depth_max - depth_min) / res)

    # store all profiles names for plotting
    out_l = []

    # *** profiles across lithosphere ***
    dist = np.tile(xpos, cc)
    depth = [depth_min + pp * res for pp in range(cc)]
    xy = 'lithp_' + section + '.c.xy'
    np.savetxt(xy, np.column_stack((dist, depth)))

    # get values from grids along profile line
    val_list = []
    for field in ['temp', 'tangent']:
        xy_out = 'lithp_' + section + '_' + field + '.c.xy'
        grid = field + '_' + section + '.c.grd'
        Core_Util.find_value_on_line(xy, grid, xy_out)  # xy defined above
        dist, val = np.loadtxt(xy_out, usecols=(1, 2), unpack=True)
        np.savetxt(xy_out, np.column_stack((dist, val)))

    # integrals across lithosphere
    temp = val_list[0]
    velo = val_list[1]
    lithtempint = abs(round(simps(temp - 1, x=None, dx=res), 2))

    # velo through profile surface
    lithveloint = abs(round(simps(velo, x=None, dx=res), 2))
    lithveloint /= depth_max

    # buoyancy flux through profile surface
    lithflux = -(temp - 1) * velo
    xy = 'lithp_' + section + '_flux.c.xy'
    np.savetxt(xy, np.column_stack((dist, lithflux)))
    lithfluxint = abs(round(simps((temp - 1) * velo, x=None, dx=res), 2))

    int_l = np.array([lithtempint, lithveloint, lithfluxint])

    return out_l, int_l
コード例 #8
def main():
    """main sequence of script actions"""

    print(now(), 'assimilation_diagnostic.py:')
    print(now(), 'main:')

    # get the .cfg file as a dictionary
    control_d = Core_Util.parse_configuration_file(sys.argv[1])

    PLOT_MAPS = control_d['PLOT_MAPS']

    # get the master dictionary
    master_d = Core_Citcom.get_all_pid_data(control_d['pid_file'])

    # get times to process and plot
    time_d = Core_Citcom.get_time_spec_dictionary(control_d['time_spec'],
    master_d['control_d'] = control_d
    # N.B. master_d['time_d'] contains all the time info from citcoms model
    # N.B. master_d['control_d']['time_d'] contains specific times to process
    master_d['control_d']['time_d'] = time_d

    # func_d is a separate dictionary that is used to transport
    # temporary files and objects between functions
    master_d['func_d'] = {'rm_list': []}

    # find track locations


    # make cross-sections

    # make maps
    if PLOT_MAPS:
        ps_l = []
        for tt in range(len(time_d['time_list'])):
            ps = make_map_postscript(master_d, tt)
        pdf_name = control_d['prefix'] + '_'
        pdf_name += 'Map.pdf'
        Core_Util.make_pdf_from_ps_list(ps_l, pdf_name)

    # clean up
コード例 #9
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def end_postscript(ps):
    '''End a postscript'''

    if verbose: print(Core_Util.now(), 'end_postscript:')

    opts = {'T': '', 'O': '', 'R': '0/1/0/1', 'J': 'x1.0'}
    callgmt('psxy', '', opts, '>>', ps)
コード例 #10
def main():
    """main sequence of script actions"""

    print(now(), 'pub_global.py:')
    print(now(), 'main:')

    # parse cmd line input for input plotting config file
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:

    # this part is not intuitive to an uniformed user
    # can we avoid these initialize commands?
    # initialize the modules

    # Get the framework dictionary
    geoframe_dict = Core_Util.geoframe_dict

    # read settings from control file
    dict = Core_Citcom.parse_configuration_file(sys.argv[1])

    # move loose parameters (not within Figure_X) from dict to a
    # temporary new dictionary (adict) then deepcopy to
    # dict['All_Figure']
    # this cleans up dict by ensuring the keys are e.g.
    # 'All_Figure', 'Figure_A', 'Figure_B' etc.
    #adict = {}
    #for key in list(dict):
    #    if not key.startswith('Figure'):
    #        adict[key] = dict.pop(key)
    #dict['figure_keys'] = sorted(dict.keys())

    # ??? set_global_defaults( adict )
    #dict['All_Figure'] = copy.deepcopy( adict )
    #del adict # delete temporary dictionary

    # ??? set_positioning( dict )

    # set adict as pointer to dict['All_Figure']
    #adict = dict['All_Figure']


    ps = 'test.ps'

    make_postscript(dict, ps)
コード例 #11
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_gplates_coastline(opts_d, ps, age):
    '''Plot GPlates coastlines.'''

    geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
    age = int(age)  # ensure integer
    gplates_line_dir = geoframe_d['gplates_coast_dir']
    arg = gplates_line_dir + '/reconstructed_%(age)s.00Ma.xy' % vars()
    if os.path.exists(arg):
        callgmt('psxy', arg, opts_d, '>>', ps)
コード例 #12
def make_profile_track_files(master_d):
    '''Make annular and rectangular track files.'''

    if verbose: print(now(), 'make_profile_track_files:')

    control_d = master_d['control_d']
    func_d = master_d['func_d']
    pid_d = master_d['pid_d']
    rm_list = func_d['rm_list']

    annular_project = []
    rectangular_project = []

    # loop over all sections
    for section in control_d['_SECTIONS_']:

        # dictionary for this section
        section_d = control_d[section]

        lon0 = section_d['lon0']
        lat0 = section_d['lat0']
        lon1 = section_d['lon1']
        lat1 = section_d['lat1']

        # annular
        proj_name = 'annular_project_' + section + '.xy'
        incr = 0.5  # sample every 0.5 degrees
        Core_Util.make_great_circle_with_two_points(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1,
                                                    incr, 'w', proj_name)

        # rectangular
        proj_name2 = 'rectangular_project_' + section + '.xy'
        lon, lat, dist = np.loadtxt(proj_name, unpack=True)
        xx = np.radians(dist) * pid_d['radius_km']
        rr = np.tile(0, len(xx))  # track at 0 km depth
        np.savetxt(proj_name2, np.column_stack((xx, rr)))

    # store project files for processing and plotting routines
    func_d['annular_project'] = annular_project
    func_d['rectangular_project'] = rectangular_project
コード例 #13
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def get_T_from_minmax(xyz_filename):
    ''' get a -T value from minmax on a xyz file'''
    cmd = 'minmax -C %(xyz_filename)s' % vars()
    s = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
    if verbose: print(Core_Util.now(), cmd)
    l = s.split()
    min = float(l[4])
    max = float(l[5])

    if max >= 10000000: dt = 1000000.
    elif max >= 100000: dt = 1000.
    elif max >= 1000: dt = 100.
    elif max >= 1: dt = .01
    else: dt = 1.0

    T = '-T%(min)s/%(max)s/%(dt)s' % vars()
    if verbose: print(Core_Util.now(), 'T =', T)

    return T
コード例 #14
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_gplates_ridge_and_transform(opts_d, ps, age):
    '''Plot GPlates ridges and transforms.'''

    geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
    age = int(age)  # ensure integer
    gplates_line_dir = geoframe_d['gplates_line_dir']
    arg = gplates_line_dir + \
        '/topology_ridge_transform_boundaries_%(age)s.00Ma.xy' % vars()
    if os.path.exists(arg):
        callgmt('psxy', arg, opts_d, '>>', ps)
コード例 #15
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_gplates_slab_polygon(opts_d, ps, age):
    '''Plot GPlates slab polygons.'''

    geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
    age = int(age)  # ensure integer
    gplates_line_dir = geoframe_d['gplates_line_dir']
    arg = gplates_line_dir + \
        '/topology_slab_polygons_%(age)s.00Ma.xy' % vars()
    if os.path.exists(arg):
        callgmt('psxy', arg, opts_d, '>>', ps)
コード例 #16
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_age_grid_continent(opts_d, ps, age):

    geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
    age = int(age)  # ensure integer
    age_grid_dir = geoframe_d['age_grid_cont_dir']
    age_grid_prefix = geoframe_d['age_grid_cont_prefix']

    arg = age_grid_dir + '/' + age_grid_prefix
    arg += '%(age)s.grd' % vars()
    if os.path.exists(arg):
        callgmt('grdimage', arg, opts_d, '>>', ps)
コード例 #17
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_gplates_no_assimilation_stencil(opts_d, ps, age):
    '''Plot GPlates no assimilation stencils.'''

    geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
    age = int(age)  # ensure integer
    no_ass_dir = geoframe_d['no_ass_dir']
    arg = no_ass_dir + \
        '/topology_network_polygons_%(age)0.2fMa.xy' % vars()
    if os.path.exists(arg):
        callgmt('psxy', arg, opts_d, '>>', ps)
        print('cannot find file:', arg)
コード例 #18
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def start_postscript(ps):
    '''Start a postscript'''

    if verbose: print(Core_Util.now(), 'start_postscript:')

    arg = 'PS_MEDIA letter PROJ_LENGTH_UNIT inch '
    arg += 'MAP_ORIGIN_X 0 MAP_ORIGIN_Y 0'
    callgmt('gmtset', arg, '', '', '')
    opts = {'K': '', 'T': '', 'R': '0/1/0/1', 'J': 'x1.0'}
    callgmt('psxy', '', opts, '>', ps)
    opts = {'K': '', 'O': ''}

    return opts
コード例 #19
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_grid(grid_filename,
    '''simple function to make a test plot'''
    global verbose
    verbose = True

    # postscript name
    ps = grid_filename.rstrip('.grd') + '.ps'

    # page orientation must be set before start_postscript()
    arg = 'PAGE_ORIENTATION landscape'
    callgmt('gmtset', arg, '', '', '')

    # start postscript
    # the returned dictionary has 'O' and 'K' set
    opts = start_postscript(ps)

    # psbasemap 2
    opts['X'] = apos(3)
    opts['Y'] = apos(3)
    opts['R'] = R_value  # either regional : '0/57/-14/14' ; or global: 'g'
    opts['B'] = 'a30'
    opts['J'] = 'X5/3'  #'R0/6'
    callgmt('psbasemap', '', opts, '>>', ps)

    # create a cpt for this grid
    cpt_file = grid_filename.replace('.grd', '.cpt')

    cmd = '-Cpolar ' + T_value
    callgmt('makecpt', cmd, '', '>', cpt_file)

    # grdimage
    opts['C'] = cpt_file
    callgmt('grdimage', grid_filename, opts, '>>', ps)

    # psxy
    del opts['C']
    opts['m'] = ' '
    callgmt('psxy', xy_filename, opts, '>>', ps)

    # end postscript

    # create a .png image file
    #cmd = 'convert -resize 300% -rotate 90 ' + ps + ' ' + ps.replace('.ps', '.png')
    cmd = 'convert -rotate 90 ' + ps + ' ' + ps.replace('.ps', '.png')
    if verbose: print(Core_Util.now(), cmd)
    # call
    subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
コード例 #20
ファイル: Core_GMT.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def start_postscript( ps ):

    '''Start a postscript'''

    if verbose: print( Core_Util.now(), 'start_postscript:' )

    arg = 'PAPER_MEDIA letter MEASURE_UNIT inch '
    arg += 'X_ORIGIN 0 Y_ORIGIN 0'
    callgmt( 'gmtset', arg, '', '', '' )
    opts = {'K':'','T':'','R':'0/1/0/1','J':'x1.0'}
    callgmt( 'psxy', '', opts, '>', ps )
    opts = {'K':'', 'O':''}

    return opts
コード例 #21
ファイル: Core_GMT.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def callgmt( gmtcmd, arg, opts='', redirect='', out='' ):

    '''Call a generic mapping tools (GMT) command.

The arguments to this function are all single strings, and typically 
constructed from parameters in client code. Only gmtcmd is required,
all other arguments are optional, depending on the GMT command to call.

gmtcmd : the actual GMT command to call, almost always a single string value;
arg : the required arguments for the command (string). 
opts : the optional arguments for the command (in a dictionary).
redirect : the termnal redirect symbol, usually '>', sometimes a pipe '|' or input '<'.
out : the output file name.


    # build list of commands
    cmd_list = [gmtcmd]

    # (required) arguments
    if arg: cmd_list.append( arg )

    # options
    if opts:
        cmd_list.extend('-'+str(k)+str(v) for k, v in opts.items())

    # redirect
    if redirect:

    # out file
    if out:

    # create one string
    cmd = ' '.join(cmd_list)

    # always report on calls to GMT for log files 
    print( Core_Util.now(), cmd )

    # capture output (returned as bytes)
    p = subprocess.check_output( cmd, shell=True )

    # convert bytes output to string
    s = bytes.decode(p)

    return s
コード例 #22
ファイル: Core_GMT5.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def plot_gplates_leading_edge(opts_d, ps, age, linestyle='sawtooth'):
    '''Plot GPlates leading edge.'''

    geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
    age = int(age)  # ensure integer
    gplates_line_dir = geoframe_d['gplates_line_dir']
    gplates_subduction_prefix = gplates_line_dir + \

    for subtype in ['slab_edges_leading']:
        for polarity in ['sL', 'sR']:
            symbarg = polarity[-1].lower()
            suffix = '_%(polarity)s_%(age)0.2fMa.xy' % vars()
            arg = gplates_subduction_prefix + subtype + suffix
            if os.path.exists(arg):
                if linestyle == 'sawtooth':
                    S = 'f0.2i/0.05i+%(symbarg)s+t' % vars()
                    arg += ' -S%(S)s' % vars()
                callgmt('psxy', arg, opts_d, '>>', ps)
コード例 #23
def test(argv):
    '''geodynamic framework module self test'''
    global verbose
    verbose = True
    print(now(), 'test: sys.argv = ', sys.argv)
    # run the tests

    # read the defaults
    frame_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()

    # read the first command line argument as a .cfg file
    #cfg_d = parse_configuration_file( sys.argv[1] )

    # TODO : comment in and out functions as needed



コード例 #24
def main():

    '''Main sequence of script actions.'''

    # input arguments
    pid_file = sys.argv[1]
    grid = sys.argv[2]
    WATER_LOAD = sys.argv[3]

    pid_d = Core_Util.parse_configuration_file( pid_file )

    pid_d['rho_mantle'] = 3300 # kg m^-3
    pid_d['rho_water'] = 1025 # kg m^-3

    # scaled (dimensional) air loaded topography grid is required
    # for water loading
    air_grid = air_loaded_topography( pid_d, grid )

    if WATER_LOAD:
        water_loaded_topography( pid_d, air_grid )
コード例 #25
ファイル: example.py プロジェクト: ojashvirautela/citcoms
def main():
    '''This is the main workflow of the script'''

    # report the start time and the name of the script
    print(now(), 'example.py')

    # a way to show what version of python is being used:
    print(now(), 'sys.version_info =', str(sys.version_info))

    print("os.path.dirname(__file__) =", os.path.dirname(__file__))

    # Get the configuration control file as a dictionary
    control_d = Core_Util.parse_configuration_file(sys.argv[1])

    # Get the string
    string = control_d['string']

    # print the string
    print(now(), 'string =', string)

コード例 #26
def main():

    # parameters
    nlon = 30
    nlat = 30

    # preliminaries
    master_d = Core_Citcom.get_all_pid_data( 'pid23039.cfg' )
    coor_by_cap = make_coordinate_files( master_d )

    # algorithm 1: brute force
    t0 = time.time()
    for nn in range(10):
        brute_force( master_d, coor_by_cap, nlon, nlat )
    t1 = time.time()
    total = t1-t0
    print( now(),' brute_force=', total )

    #t1 = timeit.timeit(stmt='brute_force_algorithm()', 
    #    setup='from __main__ import brute_force_algorithm')
    #print( t1 )

    # algorithm 2: kd tree
    # specific preliminaries
    coor_by_cap = Core_Util.flatten_nested_structure( coor_by_cap )
    coor_by_cap = np.array( coor_by_cap )
    tree = spatial.KDTree( coor_by_cap )
    #pts = np.array( [[0, 0],[1,2],[30,40],[56,56],[180,76],[240,-24],
    #    [270,-60],[37,5],[345,3],[356,-87]] )

    pts = np.array([30,30])
    t0 = time.time()
    print( tree.query( pts )[1] )
    t1 = time.time()
    total = t1-t0
    print( now(), 'kd_tree=', total )
コード例 #27
def main():
    '''Main sequence of script actions.'''

    print(now(), 'plot_lith_age.py:')
    print(now(), 'main:')

    if len(sys.argv) != 3:

    # parameters
    pid_file = sys.argv[1]
    time_spec = sys.argv[2]

    ### parse and setup dictionaries ###

    master_d = Core_Citcom.get_all_pid_data(pid_file)
    pid_d = master_d['pid_d']
    time_d = Core_Citcom.get_time_spec_dictionary(time_spec,
    runtime_Myr = time_d['runtime_Myr'][0]
    age = int(round(time_d['age_Ma'][0], 0))
    datafile = pid_d['datafile']
    lith_age_depth = pid_d['lith_age_depth']
    start_age = pid_d['start_age']
    time = time_d['time_list'][0]
    geoframe_d = master_d['geoframe_d']
    depth_km = master_d['coor_d']['depth_km']
    mantle_temp = pid_d['mantle_temp']
    radius = master_d['coor_d']['radius']
    radius_outer = pid_d['radius_outer']
    radius_km = pid_d['radius_km']
    scalet = pid_d['scalet']
    rm_list = []  # list of files to remove

    ### input directories and files ###

    # reconstructed cross-section (plate frame of reference)
    cross_section_dir = 'aus_xsect/'
    cross_section_name = cross_section_dir + 'reconstructed_%(age)s.00Ma.xy' % vars(

    # continental grids
    cont_dir = geoframe_d['age_grid_cont_dir'] + '/'
    cont_name = cont_dir + geoframe_d[
        'age_grid_cont_prefix'] + '%(age)s.grd' % vars()

    # directory of lith_age3_%(age)s.grd files from make_history_for_age.py
    lith_age_dir = '/net/beno2/nobackup1/danb/global/lith_age/'
    lith_age_name = lith_age_dir + 'lith_age3_%(age)s.grd' % vars()

    ### end input directories and files ###

    ### process cross_section_name ###

    infile = open(cross_section_name, 'r')
    lines = infile.readlines()
    out = []
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith('>'):

    # profile start location
    lon0 = float(out[0].split()[0])
    lat0 = float(out[0].split()[1])
    print(now(), '(lon0, lat0)', lon0, lat0)
    # profile end location
    lon1 = float(out[1].split()[0])
    lat1 = float(out[1].split()[1])
    print(now(), '(lon1, lat1)', lon1, lat1)

    # min and max bounds for GMT region (R)
    lon_min = min(lon0, lon1) - 10
    lon_max = max(lon0, lon1) + 10
    lat_min = min(lat0, lat1) - 15
    lat_max = max(lat0, lat1) + 15
    print(now(), '(lon_min, lat_min)', lon_min, lat_min)
    print(now(), '(lon_max, lat_max)', lon_max, lat_max)

    # Nico's 1-D profile
    # interpolate for data points between end values
    proj_name = cross_section_name.rstrip('xy') + 'p.xy'
    dlon = lon1 - lon0
    dlat = lat1 - lat0

    outfile = open(proj_name, 'w')
    outfile.write('%(lon0)s %(lat0)s %(lon0)s\n' % vars())

    lon = lon0
    lat = lat0
    while 1:
        lon += dlon / 500
        lat += dlat / 500
        if lon <= lon1:  #and lat <= lat1:
            lineout = '%(lon)s %(lat)s %(lon)s\n' % vars()


    # purple circles
    # map
    lon_markers = cross_section_dir + 'lon_markers_map.xy'
    ofile = open(lon_markers, 'w')
    lon_floor = int(np.floor(lon0))
    lon_ceil = int(np.ceil(lon1))
    for lon in range(lon_floor, lon_ceil + 1):
        if not lon % 5:
            olat = (lon - lon0) / dlon * dlat + lat0
            outline = '%(lon)s %(olat)s\n' % vars()

    # annulus
    lon_markers_ann = cross_section_dir + 'lon_markers_ann.xy'
    plon, plat = np.loadtxt(lon_markers, unpack=True)
    prad = np.tile(radius_outer, len(plon))
    np.savetxt(lon_markers_ann, np.column_stack((plon, prad)))

    ### end process cross_section_name ###

    ### build list of temperature grids to track through ###
    # these grids must have previously been created using grid_maker.py
    gpfx = 'grid/' + datafile
    temp_list = []
    for depth in depth_km:
        gsfx = '.temp.' + str(int(depth)) + '.' + str(time) + '.grd'
        temp_list.append(gpfx + gsfx)

    # take just from 500 km depth and less
    depth_km_array = np.array(depth_km)
    znode = np.min(np.where(depth_km_array < 500)) - 1

    temp_list = temp_list[znode:]

    ### end of build temperature grid list ###

    #### idealized thermal structure from age grids
    ideal_lith_xyz = cross_section_dir + 'ideal.lith.%(age)s.xyz' % vars()
    Core_Util.find_value_on_line(proj_name, lith_age_name, ideal_lith_xyz)
    lithlon, lithlat, lithdist1, lithage_Ma = np.loadtxt(ideal_lith_xyz,
    lithdist = np.tile(lithdist1, pid_d['nodez'])
    lithage_Ma = np.tile(lithage_Ma, pid_d['nodez'])
    lithrad = []
    for rad in radius:
        lithrad.extend([rad for xx in range(len(lithdist1))])
    lithrad = np.array(lithrad)
    lithtemp = erf((1.0 - lithrad) / (2.0 * np.sqrt(lithage_Ma / scalet)))
    lithtemp *= float(mantle_temp)

    nan = np.where(np.isnan(lithtemp))
    #nnan = np.where(~np.isnan( lithtemp ))
    np.savetxt(ideal_lith_xyz, np.column_stack((lithdist, lithrad, lithtemp)))

    #nan_values = np.ones( np.size( nan ) )*-1
    #f_handle = open( ideal_lith_xyz, 'ab')
    #np.savetxt(f_handle, np.column_stack( (lithdist[nan], lithrad[nan], nan_values) ))

    #### end of idealized thermal structure from age grids

    # make temperature xyz
    temp_xyz = cross_section_dir + 'citcom.temp.%(age)s.xyz' % vars()
    # this is hacky, but loop over only the top 500 km
    master_d['coor_d']['radius'] = master_d['coor_d']['radius'][znode:]
    pao, x_ann_max = Core_Util.make_annulus_xyz(master_d, proj_name, temp_xyz,

    ### make idealized lithosphere and citcom temperature grid ###
    blockmedian_I = '0.2/0.0035'
    surface_I = '0.1/0.00125'
    surface_T = '0.25'
    rad_in = '0.92151939'
    rad_out = '1.0'
    # for plotting data
    R_ann = str(lon0) + '/' + str(lon1) + '/' + rad_in + '/' + rad_out
    # for dimensional psbasemap
    psbase_R = str(lon0) + '/' + str(lon1) + '/' + str(5871) + '/' + str(

    grid_names = []
    for xyz in [temp_xyz, ideal_lith_xyz]:
        block_name = xyz.rstrip('xyz') + 'b.xyz'
        grid_name = block_name.rstrip('xyz') + 'grd'
        cmd = xyz + ' -I' + blockmedian_I + ' -R' + R_ann
        callgmt('blockmedian', cmd, '', '>', block_name)
        cmd = block_name + ' -I' + surface_I + ' -R' + R_ann
        cmd += ' -T' + surface_T
        cmd += ' -Ll0 -Lu1'
        callgmt('surface', cmd, '', '', '-G' + grid_name)

    ### end of make temperature grids ###

    ### percentage error between temperature fields ###
    cmd = grid_names[0] + ' ' + grid_names[1] + ' SUB '
    cmd += grid_names[1] + ' DIV'
    cmd += ' 100 MUL'
    temp_diff_grid = cross_section_dir + 'temp.difference.grd'
    callgmt('grdmath', cmd, '', '=', temp_diff_grid)

    ### end percentage error

    ### lith_age_depth overlay line
    xy = cross_section_dir + 'lith_depth.xy'
    lith_age_radius = pid_d['radius_outer'] - pid_d['lith_age_depth']
    lith_depth = np.tile(lith_age_radius, len(lithdist1))
    np.savetxt(xy, np.column_stack((lithdist1, lith_depth)))

    ### end overlay line

    ### make cpts ###

    # age grid
    cpt_pfx = cross_section_dir
    cpt_name = cpt_pfx + 'age.cpt'
    cmd = '-Crainbow -T0/370/10'
    callgmt('makecpt', cmd, '', '>', cpt_name)

    # continental types
    cpt_name = cpt_pfx + 'cont.cpt'
    cmd = '-Crainbow -T-4/0/1'
    callgmt('makecpt', cmd, '', '>', cpt_name)

    # differential temperature
    cpt_name = cpt_pfx + 'diff.cpt'
    cmd = '-Cpolar -T-10/10/1'
    callgmt('makecpt', cmd, '', '>', cpt_name)

    # temperature
    cpt_name = cpt_pfx + 'temp.cpt'
    cmd = '-Cpolar -T0/1/0.0675'
    callgmt('makecpt', cmd, '', '>', cpt_name)

    # for temperature contours
    cpt_name = cpt_pfx + 'temp.cont'
    cmd = '-Cjet -T0.1/0.4/0.1'
    callgmt('makecpt', cmd, '', '>', cpt_name)

    ### plotting ###
    ps = datafile + '.lith.age.analysis.%(age)sMa.ps' % vars()

    callgmt('gmtset', 'PAGE_ORIENTATION', '', '', 'portrait')
    callgmt('gmtset', 'LABEL_FONT_SIZE', '', '', '12')
    callgmt('gmtset', 'LABEL_FONT', '', '', '4')
    callgmt('gmtset', 'LABEL_OFFSET', '', '', '0.02')
    callgmt('gmtset', 'ANNOT_FONT_SIZE_PRIMARY', '', '', '10p')
    callgmt('gmtset', 'ANNOT_FONT_PRIMARY', '', '', '4')

    opts_d = Core_GMT.start_postscript(ps)

    # pre-initialize for pstext commands
    pstext_d = opts_d.copy()
    pstext_d['R'] = '0/8.5/0/11'
    pstext_d['J'] = 'x1.0'

    # title information
    stdin = '1 10.5 14 0 4 ML Model = %(datafile)s\n' % vars()
    stdin += '1 10.3 14 0 4 ML lith_age_depth = %(lith_age_depth)s\n' % vars()
    stdin += '7.5 10.5 14 0 4 MR Current Age = %(age)s Ma\n' % vars()
    stdin += '7.5 10.3 14 0 4 MR start_age = %(start_age)s Ma\nEOF' % vars()
    callgmt('pstext', '', pstext_d, '<< EOF >>', ps + '\n' + stdin)

    # plot maps #
    map_d = opts_d.copy()
    map_d['B'] = 'a20f10/a10f5::WeSn'
    map_d['R'] = '%(lon_min)s/%(lon_max)s/%(lat_min)s/%(lat_max)s' % vars()
    map_d['C'] = cross_section_dir + 'age.cpt'
    map_d['J'] = 'M3'
    map_d['X'] = 'a1'
    map_d['Y'] = 'a8'
    map_grid = lith_age_name

    callgmt('grdimage', lith_age_name, map_d, '>>', ps)

    C = cross_section_dir + 'age.cpt'
    cmd = '-Ba50f10:"Age (Ma)": -D2.5/7.5/2.5/0.1h -C%(C)s -K -O' % vars()
    callgmt('psscale', cmd, '', '>>', ps)

    del map_d['B']
    del map_d['C']
    map_d['m'] = ' '
    map_d['W'] = '5,white'
    callgmt('psxy', proj_name, map_d, '>>', ps)
    del map_d['m']
    del map_d['W']
    map_d['G'] = 'purple'
    map_d['S'] = 'c0.05'
    callgmt('psxy', lon_markers, map_d, '>>', ps)
    del map_d['G']
    del map_d['S']

    # continental types
    map_d['B'] = 'a20f10/a10f5::wESn'
    map_d['C'] = cross_section_dir + 'cont.cpt'
    map_d['X'] = 'a4.5'
    map_d['Y'] = 'a8'
    callgmt('grdimage', cont_name, map_d, '>>', ps)

    C = cross_section_dir + 'cont.cpt'
    cmd = '-Ba1:"Continental type (stencil value)": -D6/7.5/2.5/0.1h -C%(C)s -K -O' % vars(
    callgmt('psscale', cmd, '', '>>', ps)

    del map_d['B']
    del map_d['C']
    map_d['m'] = ' '
    map_d['W'] = '5,black'
    callgmt('psxy', proj_name, map_d, '>>', ps)
    del map_d['m']
    del map_d['W']
    map_d['G'] = 'purple'
    map_d['S'] = 'c0.05'
    callgmt('psxy', lon_markers, map_d, '>>', ps)
    del map_d['G']
    del map_d['S']

    # end plot maps #

    # plot cross-sections

    # temperature cross-section
    psbase_d = opts_d.copy()
    psbase_d['B'] = 'a10/500::WsNe'
    psbase_d['J'] = 'Pa6/' + str(pao) + 'z'
    psbase_d['R'] = psbase_R
    psbase_d['X'] = 'a1.25'
    psbase_d['Y'] = 'a5.25'
    callgmt('psbasemap', '', psbase_d, '>>', ps)

    opts_d['C'] = cross_section_dir + 'temp.cpt'
    opts_d['J'] = 'Pa6/' + str(pao)
    opts_d['R'] = R_ann
    opts_d['X'] = 'a1.25'
    opts_d['Y'] = 'a5.25'
    callgmt('grdimage', grid_names[0], opts_d, '>>', ps)

    # profile of lith_age_depth on this cross-section
    del opts_d['C']
    opts_d['W'] = '3,black,-'
    callgmt('psxy', xy, opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['W']
    opts_d['G'] = 'purple'
    opts_d['N'] = ' '
    opts_d['S'] = 'c0.06'
    callgmt('psxy', lon_markers_ann, opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['G']
    del opts_d['N']
    del opts_d['S']

    stdin = '1 6.25 12 0 4 ML CitcomS\n'
    stdin += '7.5 6.25 12 0 4 MR Temp\nEOF'
    callgmt('pstext', '', pstext_d, '<< EOF >>', ps + '\n' + stdin)

    C = cross_section_dir + 'temp.cpt'
    cmd = '-Ba0.2f0.1 -D4.25/5.7/2.5/0.1h -C%(C)s -K -O' % vars()
    callgmt('psscale', cmd, '', '>>', ps)

    # idealized lith temperature cross-section
    psbase_d['Y'] = 'a3.75'
    callgmt('psbasemap', '', psbase_d, '>>', ps)

    opts_d['C'] = cross_section_dir + 'temp.cpt'
    opts_d['Y'] = 'a3.75'
    callgmt('grdimage', grid_names[1], opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['C']

    # profile of lith_age_depth on this cross-section
    opts_d['W'] = '3,black,-'
    callgmt('psxy', xy, opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['W']

    opts_d['G'] = 'purple'
    opts_d['N'] = ' '
    opts_d['S'] = 'c0.06'
    callgmt('psxy', lon_markers_ann, opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['G']
    del opts_d['N']
    del opts_d['S']

    stdin = '1 4.75 12 0 4 ML Idealised\n'
    stdin += '7.5 4.75 12 0 4 MR Temp\nEOF'
    callgmt('pstext', '', pstext_d, '<< EOF >>', ps + '\n' + stdin)

    C = cross_section_dir + 'temp.cpt'
    cmd = '-Ba0.2f0.1 -D4.25/4.2/2.5/0.1h -C%(C)s -K -O' % vars()
    callgmt('psscale', cmd, '', '>>', ps)

    # contours plot
    psbase_d['Y'] = 'a2.25'
    callgmt('psbasemap', '', psbase_d, '>>', ps)
    opts_d['Y'] = 'a2.25'
    opts_d['C'] = cross_section_dir + 'temp.cont'
    opts_d['W'] = '3,red'
    callgmt('grdcontour', grid_names[0], opts_d, '>>', ps)
    opts_d['W'] = '3,green'
    callgmt('grdcontour', grid_names[1], opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['C']
    del opts_d['W']

    opts_d['G'] = 'purple'
    opts_d['N'] = ' '
    opts_d['S'] = 'c0.06'
    callgmt('psxy', lon_markers_ann, opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['G']
    del opts_d['N']
    del opts_d['S']

    stdin = '1 3.25 12 0 4 ML Contours\n'
    stdin += '7.5 3.25 12 0 4 MR Temp\nEOF'
    callgmt('pstext', '', pstext_d, '<< EOF >>', ps + '\n' + stdin)

    # difference of temperature fields (relative)
    psbase_d['Y'] = 'a0.75'
    callgmt('psbasemap', '', psbase_d, '>>', ps)
    opts_d['C'] = cross_section_dir + 'diff.cpt'
    opts_d['Y'] = 'a0.75'
    callgmt('grdimage', grid_names[2], opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['C']

    opts_d['G'] = 'purple'
    opts_d['N'] = ' '
    opts_d['S'] = 'c0.06'
    callgmt('psxy', lon_markers_ann, opts_d, '>>', ps)
    del opts_d['G']
    del opts_d['N']
    del opts_d['S']

    C = cross_section_dir + 'diff.cpt'
    cmd = '-Ba5f1 -D4.25/1.2/2.5/0.1h -C%(C)s -K -O' % vars()
    callgmt('psscale', cmd, '', '>>', ps)

    stdin = '1 1.75 12 0 4 ML Delta (\045)\n'
    stdin += '7.5 1.75 12 0 4 MR Temp\nEOF'
    #stdin += '4.25 0.6 12 0 4 MC Note: No assimilation regions are shown in BLACK\nEOF'
    callgmt('pstext', '', pstext_d, '<< EOF >>', ps + '\n' + stdin)


    # clean up temporary files
コード例 #28
def main():
    print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py')

    # get the .cfg file as a dictionary
    control_d = Core_Util.parse_configuration_file(sys.argv[1], False, False)

    time_spec_d = Core_Citcom.get_time_spec_dictionary(control_d['time_spec'])
    print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: time_spec_d = ')

    # Get the coordinate data from the 0 Ma files
    print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: get coordinate data from .xy files:')
    lon = []
    lat = []
    for i in range(control_d['nproc_surf']):
        # get the lat lon from the .xy file
        vel_xy_filename = control_d['velocity_prefix'] + '0.%(i)s.xy' % vars()
        print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: vel_xy_filename = ',
        i_lat, i_lon = np.loadtxt(vel_xy_filename, usecols=(0, 1), unpack=True)

    lon = Core_Util.flatten_nested_structure(lon)
    lat = Core_Util.flatten_nested_structure(lat)

    print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: len(lon) = ', len(lon))
    print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: len(lat) = ', len(lat))

    # Main looping, first over times, then sections, then levels

    # Variables that will be updated each loop:
    # time will be a zero padded string value used for filenames and reporting
    # depth will be a zero padded string value used for filenames and reporting

        'grid_maker_gplates.py: Main looping, first over times, then sections, then levels'

    # Loop over times
    for tt, time in enumerate(time_spec_d['time_list']):

        print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: Processing time = ', time)

        # empty file_data
        file_data = []

        # cache for the file_format
        file_format_cache = ''

        # Loop over sections (fields)
        for ss, s in enumerate(control_d['_SECTIONS_']):

            # FIXME: this extra indent is probably from when sections loop was inside level loop ?
            # FIXME: this extra indent is probably from when sections loop was inside level loop ?

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: Processing section = ', s)

            # check for required parameter 'field'
            if not 'field' in control_d[s]:
                    'ERROR: Required parameter "field" missing from section.')
                print('       Skipping this section.')
                continue  # to next section

            # get the field name
            field_name = control_d[s]['field']

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: Processing: field =',

            # reset region to use -Rg for gplates
            grid_R = 'g'

            if 'shift_lon' in control_d:
                    'grid_maker_gplates.py: grid_R set to to "d" : -180/+180/-90/90'
                grid_R = 'd'
                    'grid_maker_gplates.py: grid_R set to to "g" : 0/360/-90/90'

            # get the data file name specifics for this field
            file_name_component = Core_Citcom.field_to_file_map[field_name][
            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: file_name_component = ',

            # get the data file column name specifics for this field
            field_column = Core_Citcom.field_to_file_map[field_name]['column']
            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: field_column = ',

            # remove potential zero padding from age values
            time = time.replace('Ma', '')
            # process data from GPlates
            file_format = control_d['velocity_prefix'] + '%(time)s.#' % vars()

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: file_format = ', file_format)

            # read data in by cap
            file_data = Core_Citcom.read_cap_files_to_cap_list(
                control_d, file_format)

            # flatten data since we don't care about specific cap numbers for the loop over levels/depths
            file_data = Core_Util.flatten_nested_structure(file_data)
            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: len(file_data) = ',

            # Get the specific column for this field_name
            field_data = np.array([line[field_column] for line in file_data])

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: type(field_data) = ',
            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py:  len(field_data) = ',

            # check for gplates_vmag
            if field_name == 'gplates_vmag':
                # read the vy data from col 1
                field_data_vy = [line[1] for line in file_data]
                # compute the magnitude
                vx_a = np.array(field_data)
                vy_a = np.array(field_data_vy)
                vmag_a = np.hypot(vx_a, vy_a)
                # convert back to list
                field_data = vmag_a.tolist()

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: tt,ss = ', tt, ',', ss, ';')
            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: summary for', s, ': time =',
                  time, '; field_name =', field_name)

            depth = 0
            field_slice = field_data
            xyz_filename = field_name + '-' + str(time) + '-' + str(
                depth) + '.xyz'

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: xyz_filename =', xyz_filename)

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: type(field_slice) = ',
            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py:  len(field_slice) = ',

            # create the xyz data
            xyz_data = np.column_stack((lon, lat, field_slice))
            np.savetxt(xyz_filename, xyz_data, fmt='%f %f %f')

            # create the median file
            median_xyz_filename = xyz_filename.rstrip('xyz') + 'median.xyz'

            blockmedian_I = control_d[s].get('blockmedian_I', '0.5')
            cmd = xyz_filename + ' -I' + str(blockmedian_I) + ' -R' + grid_R

            Core_GMT.callgmt('blockmedian', cmd, '', '>', median_xyz_filename)

            # get a T value for median file
            if not 'Ll' in control_d[s] or not 'Lu' in control_d[s]:
                T = Core_GMT.get_T_from_minmax(median_xyz_filename)
                dt = (control_d[s]['Lu'] - control_d[s]['Ll']) / 10
                T = '-T' + str(control_d[s]['Ll']) + '/'
                T += str(control_d[s]['Lu']) + '/' + str(dt)

            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: T =', T)

            # create the grid
            grid_filename = xyz_filename.rstrip('xyz') + 'grd'

            surface_I = control_d[s].get('surface_I', '0.25')
            cmd = median_xyz_filename + ' -I' + str(surface_I) + ' -R' + grid_R

            if 'Ll' in control_d[s]:
                cmd += ' -Ll' + str(control_d[s]['Ll'])
            if 'Lu' in control_d[s]:
                cmd += ' -Lu' + str(control_d[s]['Lu'])
            if 'T' in control_d[s]:
                cmd += ' -T' + str(control_d[s]['T'])

            #opt_a =
            Core_GMT.callgmt('surface', cmd, '', '', ' -G' + grid_filename)

            # label the variables

            # −Dxname/yname/zname/scale/offset/title/remark
            cmd = grid_filename + ' -D/=/=/' + str(field_name) + '/=/=/' + str(
                field_name) + '/' + str(field_name)
            Core_GMT.callgmt('grdedit', cmd, '', '', '')

            # Assoicate this grid with GPlates exported line data in .xy format:
            # compute age value
            age_float = 0.0
            if field_name.startswith('gplates_'):
                # time_list value for gplates data is set with age values
                age_float = float(time)

            # truncate to nearest int and make a string for the gplates .xy file name
            geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()

            if age_float < 0: age_float = 0.0
            xy_path = geoframe_d['gplates_line_dir']
            xy_filename = xy_path + '/' + 'topology_platepolygons_' + str(
                int(age_float)) + '.00Ma.xy'
            print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: xy_filename = ', xy_filename)

            # Make a plot of the grids
            J = 'X5/3'  #'R0/6'
            #J = 'M5/3'
            if 'J' in control_d[s]:
                J = control_d[s]['J']

            C = 'polar'
            if 'C' in control_d[s]:
                C = control_d[s]['C']

            # gplates
            Core_GMT.plot_grid(grid_filename, xy_filename, grid_R,
            # end of plotting

            # Optional step to transform grid to plate frame
            if 'make_plate_frame_grid' in control_d:
                cmd = 'frame_change_pygplates.py %(time)s %(grid_filename)s %(grid_R)s' % vars(
                print(now(), 'grid_maker_gplates.py: cmd =', cmd)
                filename = grid_filename.replace('.grd', '-plateframe.grd')
                Core_GMT.plot_grid(filename, xy_filename, grid_R, '-T-10/10/1')
コード例 #29
#!/usr/bin/env python

import Core_Citcom, Core_GMT, Core_Util, subprocess
import numpy as np
from Core_GMT import callgmt

# standard arguments
geoframe_d = Core_Util.parse_geodynamic_framework_defaults()
opts2_d = {'R': 'g', 'J': 'H180/8', 'X': 'a1.5', 'Y': 'a1.5'}
str_list = ['vx', 'vy', 'vz']

age_list = [29]

cmd = 'LABEL_FONT_SIZE 14p'
cmd += ' LABEL_OFFSET 0.05'
callgmt('gmtset', cmd)

for age in age_list:
    print('age=', age)
    filename = 'debug_ivel.%(age)s.xy' % vars()
    lon, lat, subparallel, sub, vx, vy, vz = np.loadtxt(filename, unpack=True)

    for nn, comp in enumerate([vx, vy, vz]):

        str_comp = str_list[nn]
        temp_name = 'output.%(age)s.xyz' % vars()
        np.savetxt(temp_name, np.column_stack((lon, lat, comp)))
        ps = 'output.%(age)s.%(str_comp)s.ps' % vars()

        opts_d = Core_GMT.start_postscript(ps)
コード例 #30
def main():
    print(now(), 'index_citcom.py')

    # get the .cfg file as a dictionary
    control_d = Core_Util.parse_configuration_file(sys.argv[1])
    #Core_Util.tree_print( control_d )

    # set the pid file
    pid_file = control_d['pid_file']

    # get the master dictionary and define aliases
    master_d = Core_Citcom.get_all_pid_data(pid_file)
    coor_d = master_d['coor_d']
    pid_d = master_d['pid_d']

    # Double check for essential data
    if master_d['time_d'] == None:
            'ERROR: Required file "[CASE_NAME].time:" is missing from this model run.'
        print('       Aborting processing.')

    # set up working variables
    datadir = pid_d['datadir']
    datafile = pid_d['datafile']
    startage = pid_d['start_age']
    output_format = pid_d['output_format']

    depth_list = coor_d['depth_km']
    nodez = pid_d['nodez']
    nproc_surf = pid_d['nproc_surf']

    found_depth_list = []

    # Check how to read and parse the time spec:
    read_time_d = True

    # Compute the timesteps to process
    if read_time_d:
        time_spec_d = Core_Citcom.get_time_spec_dictionary(
            control_d['time_spec'], master_d['time_d'])
        time_spec_d = Core_Citcom.get_time_spec_dictionary(
    print(now(), 'index_citcom.py: time_spec_d = ')

    # levels to process
    level_spec_d = Core_Util.get_spec_dictionary(control_d['level_spec'])
    print(now(), 'index_citcom.py: level_spec_d = ')

    # Main looping, first over times, then sections, then levels

        'index_citcom.py: Main looping, first over times, then sections, then levels'

    # Loop over times
    for T, time in enumerate(time_spec_d['time_list']):
        #print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: Processing time = ', time)

        if 'Ma' in time:
            # strip off units and make a number
            time = float(time.replace('Ma', ''))

            # determine what time steps are available for this age
            # NOTE: 'temp' is requried to set which output files to check
            found_d = Core_Citcom.find_available_timestep_from_age(
                master_d, 'temp', time)

            # model time steps
            time = float(time)

            # determine what time steps are available for this timestep
            # NOTE: 'temp' is requried to set which output files to check
            found_d = Core_Citcom.find_available_timestep_from_timestep(
                master_d, 'temp', time)

        # end of check on time format

        # set variables for subsequent loops
        timestep = found_d['found_timestep']
        runtime_Myr = found_d['found_runtime']
        # convert the found age to an int
        age_Ma = int(np.around(found_d['found_age']))

              'index_citcom.py: time data: requested value ->found value ')
        print( now(), '  ', \
'age =', found_d['request_age'],      '->', age_Ma, \
'step =', found_d['request_timestep'], '->', timestep, \
'r_tm =', found_d['request_runtime'],  '->', runtime_Myr )

        # empty file_data
        file_data = []

        # Loop over sections (fields)
        for S, s in enumerate(control_d['_SECTIONS_']):

            # FIXME: this extra indent is probably from when sections loop was inside level loop ?

            #print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: Processing section = ', s)

            # check for required parameter 'field'
            if not 'field' in control_d[s]:
                    'ERROR: Required parameter "field" missing from section.')
                print('       Skipping this section.')
                continue  # to next section

            # get the field name
            field_name = control_d[s]['field']

            #print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: Processing: field =', field_name)

            # set the region
            #if nproc_surf == 12:
            #    grid_R = 'g'
            #    # optionally adjust the lon bounds of the grid to -180/180
            #    if 'shift_lon' in control_d :
            #        print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: grid_R set to to "d" : -180/+180/-90/90')
            #        grid_R = 'd'
            #    else :
            #        print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: grid_R set to to "g" : 0/360/-90/90')
            #    grid_R  = str(pid_d['lon_min']) + '/' + str(pid_d['lon_max']) + '/'
            #    grid_R += str(pid_d['lat_min']) + '/' + str(pid_d['lat_max'])

            # get the data file name specifics for this field
            file_name_component = Core_Citcom.field_to_file_map[field_name][

            # get the data file column name specifics for this field
            field_column = Core_Citcom.field_to_file_map[field_name]['column']

            # report
            #print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: field = ', field_name, '; file_comp =', file_name_component, '; col =', field_column)
            # process data from Citcoms
            file_format = ''

            # check for various data dirs:
            if os.path.exists(datadir + '/0/'):
                file_format = datadir + '/#/' + datafile + '.' + file_name_component + '.#.' + str(

            elif os.path.exists(datadir + '/'):
                file_format = datadir + '/' + datafile + '.' + file_name_component + '.#.' + str(

            elif os.path.exists('data'):
                file_patt = './data/#/' + datafile + '.' + file_name_component + '.#.' + str(

            elif os.path.exists('Data'):
                file_patt = './Data/#/' + datafile + '.' + file_name_component + '.#.' + str(

            # report error
                print('ERROR: Cannot find output data.')
                print('       Skipping this section.')
                print(now(), 'index_citcom.py: file_format = ', file_format)
                continue  # to next section

            print(now(), 'index_citcom.py: file_format = ', file_format)

            # Loop over levels
            for L, level in enumerate(level_spec_d['list']):

                #    print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: Processing level = ', level)

                # ensure level is an int value
                level = int(level)
                depth = int(depth_list[level])

                #print( now(), '------------------------------------------------------------------------------')
                print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: ', s, \
': ts =', timestep, \
'; age =', age_Ma, \
#'; runtime_Myr =', runtime_Myr, \
'; level =', level, \
'; depth_km =', depth, \
'; field =', field_name,\
                #print( now(), '------------------------------------------------------------------------------')

                # FIXME: is it ok to chanage the default name to have age, rather than timestep?
                xyz_filename = datafile + '-' + field_name + '-' + str(
                    age_Ma) + 'Ma-' + str(depth) + '.xyz'
                #print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: xyz_filename =', xyz_filename)

                #xy_filename = ''
                #xy_path = master_d['geoframe_d']['gplates_line_dir']
                #xy_filename = xy_path + '/' + 'topology_platepolygons_' + age + '.00Ma.xy'
                #print( now(), 'index_citcom.py: xy_filename = ', xy_filename)

                # Make a plot of the grids

                # citcoms

            # end of loop over levels

        # end of loop over sections

    # end of loop over times

    print(now(), 'depth_list = ', depth_list)
    print(now(), 'found_depth_list = ', found_depth_list)