コード例 #1
    def OnInit(self):
        """ Initialize the application """
        # If we have a Workshop Version, see if the version is still valid, report to the user and exit if not.
        # NOTE:  This code just provides a user message and clean exit.  Transana will still be disabled if this
        # code is removed.  (This code is user-accessible on OS X!)
        if TransanaConstants.workshopVersion:
            import datetime
            t1 = TransanaConstants.startdate
            t2 = TransanaConstants.expirationdate
            t3 = time.localtime()
            t4 = datetime.datetime(t3[0], t3[1], t3[2], t3[3], t3[4])
            if (t1 > t4) or (t2 < t4):
                dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(
                    None, "This copy of Transana is no longer valid.")
                return False
        # In wxPython, you used to be able to initialize the ConfigData object in the TransanaGlobal module, even though the
        # wx.App() hadn't been initialized yet.  Moving from wxPython 2.8.1 to wxPython 2.8.9, this stopped being true
        # at least on the Mac.  Therefore, we moved creation of the ConfigData object to here in the code.
        # However, there are MANY references to ConfigData being in the TransanaGlobal module, so that's where we'll keep it.
        TransanaGlobal.configData = ConfigData.ConfigData()
        # If we are running from a BUILD instead of source code ...
        if hasattr(sys, "frozen"):  #  or ('wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo):
            # See if the Default Profile Path exists.  If not ...
            if not os.path.exists(
                # ... then create it (recursively).
            # Build the path for the error log
            path = os.path.join(
            # redirect output to the error log
            # Put a startup indicator in the Error Log
            print "Transana started:", time.asctime()

        # If no Language is defined ...
        if TransanaGlobal.configData.language == '':
            # ... then we know this is the first startup for this user profile.  Remember that!
            firstStartup = True
        # If language is known ...
            # ... then it's NOT first time startup.
            firstStartup = False

        # Now that we've loaded the Configuration Data, we can see if we need to alter the default encoding
        # If we're on Windows, single-user, using Russian, use KOI8r encoding instead of Latin-1,
        # Chinese uses big5, Japanese uses cp932, and Korean uses cp949

##        if ('wxMSW' in wx.PlatformInfo) and (TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion):
##            if (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ru'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'koi8_r'
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'zh'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = TransanaConstants.chineseEncoding
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'el'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'iso8859_7'
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ja'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'cp932'
##            elif (TransanaGlobal.configData.language == 'ko'):
##                TransanaGlobal.encoding = 'cp949'

# Use UTF-8 Encoding throughout Transana to allow maximum internationalization
        if ('unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo) and (wx.VERSION_STRING >= '2.6'):

        # On OS/X, change the working directory to the directory the script is
        # running from, this is necessary for running from a bundle.
        if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
            if TransanaGlobal.programDir != '':

        import MenuWindow  # import Menu Window Object

        sys.excepthook = transana_excepthook  # Define the system exception handler

        # First, determine the program name that should be displayed, single or multi-user
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                programTitle = _("Transana - Professional")
                programTitle = _("Transana - Standard")
            programTitle = _("Transana - Multiuser")
        # Ammend the program title for the Demo version if appropriate
        if TransanaConstants.demoVersion:
            programTitle += _(" - Demonstration")
        # Create the Menu Window
        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow = MenuWindow.MenuWindow(
            None, -1, programTitle)

        # Create the global transana graphics colors, once the ConfigData object exists.
        TransanaGlobal.transana_graphicsColorList = TransanaGlobal.getColorDefs(
        # Set essential global color manipulation data structures once the ConfigData object exists.
         ) = TransanaGlobal.SetColorVariables()

        # Add the RTF modules to the Python module search path.  This allows
        # us to import from a directory other than the standard search paths
        # and the current directory/subdirectories.

        # Load the Splash Screen graphic
        bitmap = TransanaImages.splash.GetBitmap()

        # We need to draw the Version Number onto the Splash Screen Graphic.
        # First, create a Memory DC
        memoryDC = wx.MemoryDC()
        # Select the bitmap into the Memory DC
        # Build the Version label
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Computer Lab Version")
            elif TransanaConstants.demoVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Demonstration Version")
            elif TransanaConstants.workshopVersion:
                versionLbl = _("Workshop Version")
                if TransanaConstants.proVersion:
                    versionLbl = _("Professional Version")
                    versionLbl = _("Standard Version")
            versionLbl = _("Multi-user Version")
        versionLbl += " %s"
        # Determine the size of the version text
        (verWidth, verHeight) = memoryDC.GetTextExtent(
            versionLbl % TransanaConstants.versionNumber)
        # Add the Version Number text to the Memory DC (and therefore the bitmap)
        memoryDC.DrawText(versionLbl % TransanaConstants.versionNumber,
                          370 - verWidth, 156)
        # Clear the bitmap from the Memory DC, thus freeing it to be displayed!
        memoryDC.SelectObject(wx.EmptyBitmap(10, 10))
        # If the Splash Screen Graphic exists, display the Splash Screen for 4 seconds.
        # If not, raise an exception.
        if bitmap:
            # Mac requires a different style, as "STAY_ON_TOP" adds a header to the Splash Screen
            if "__WXMAC__" in wx.PlatformInfo:
                splashStyle = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER
                splashStyle = wx.SIMPLE_BORDER | wx.STAY_ON_TOP
            # If we have a Right-To-Left language ...
            if TransanaGlobal.configData.LayoutDirection == wx.Layout_RightToLeft:
                # ... we need to reverse the image direcion
                bitmap = bitmap.ConvertToImage().Mirror().ConvertToBitmap()

            splashPosition = wx.DefaultPosition

            ## This doesn't work.  I have not been able to put the Splash Screen anywhere but on the Center of
            ## Monitor 0 (with wx.SPASH_CENTER_ON_SCREEN) or the upper left corner of Monitor 0 (without it).  Bummer.

            ##            # Get the Size and Position for the PRIMARY screen
            ##            (x1, y1, w1, h1) = wx.Display(TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen).GetClientArea()
            ##            (x2, y2) = bitmap.GetSize()
            ##            splashPosition = (int(float(w1) / 2.0) + x1 - int(float(x2) / 2.0),
            ##                              int(float(h1) / 2.0) + y1 - int(float(y2) / 2.0))
            ##            print "Splash Screen Position:"
            ##            print TransanaGlobal.configData.primaryScreen
            ##            print x1, y1, w1, h1
            ##            print x2, y2
            ##            print splashPosition
            ##            print

            # Create the SplashScreen object
            splash = wx.SplashScreen(
                bitmap, wx.SPLASH_CENTER_ON_SCREEN | wx.SPLASH_TIMEOUT, 4000,
                None, -1, splashPosition, wx.DefaultSize, splashStyle)
            raise ImageLoadError, \
                    _("Unable to load Transana's splash screen image.  Installation error?")


        if DEBUG:
            print "Number of Monitors:", wx.Display.GetCount()
            for x in range(wx.Display.GetCount()):
                print "  ", x, wx.Display(x).IsPrimary(), wx.Display(
                    x).GetGeometry(), wx.Display(x).GetClientArea()

        import DataWindow  # import Data Window Object
        import VideoWindow  # import Video Window Object
        # import Transcript Window Object
        if TransanaConstants.USESRTC:
            import TranscriptionUI_RTC as TranscriptionUI
            import TranscriptionUI
        import VisualizationWindow  # import Visualization Window Object
        import exceptions  # import exception handler (Python)
        # if we're running the multi-user version of Transana ...
        if not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # ... import the Transana ChatWindow module
            import ChatWindow

        # Initialize all main application Window Objects

        # If we're running the Lab version OR we're on the Mac ...
        if TransanaConstants.labVersion or ('wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo):
            # ... then pausing for 4 seconds delays the appearance of the Lab initial configuration dialog
            # or the Mac version login / database dialog until the Splash screen closes.
        # If we are running the Lab version ...
        if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
            # ... we want an initial configuration screen.  Start by importing Transana's Option Settings dialog
            import OptionsSettings
            # Initialize all paths to BLANK for the lab version
            TransanaGlobal.configData.videoPath = ''
            TransanaGlobal.configData.visualizationPath = ''
            TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir = ''
            # Create the config dialog for the Lab initial configuration
            options = OptionsSettings.OptionsSettings(
                TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, lab=True)
            # If the databaseDir is blank, user pressed CANCEL ...
            if (TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir == ''):
                # ... and we should quit immediately, signalling failure
                return False

        # initialze a variable indicating database connection to False (assume the worst.)
        connectionEstablished = False

        # Let's trap the situation where the database folder is not available.
            # Start MySQL if using the embedded version
            if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # If we get here, we've been successful!  (NOTE that MU merely changes our default from False to True!)
            connectionEstablished = True
            if DEBUG:
                import traceback
                print sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]

            msg = _(
                'Transana is unable to access any Database at "%s".\nPlease check to see if this path is available.'
            if not TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                msg += '\n' + _(
                    'Would you like to restore the default Database path?')
            if ('unicode' in wx.PlatformInfo) and isinstance(msg, str):
                msg = unicode(msg, 'utf8')
            msg = msg % TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir
            if TransanaConstants.labVersion:
                dlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(None, msg)
                return False

        # If we're on the Single-user version for Windows ...
        if TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion:
            # ... determine the file name for the data conversion information pickle file
            fs = os.path.join(TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir,
            # If there is data in mid-conversion ...
            if os.path.exists(fs):
                # ... get the conversion data from the Pickle File
                f = file(fs, 'r')
                # exportedDBs is a dictionary containing the Transana-XML file name and the encoding of each DB to be imported
                self.exportedDBs = pickle.load(f)
                # Close the pickle file

                # Prompt the user about importing the converted data
                prompt = unicode(
                    _("Transana has detected one or more databases ready for conversion.\nDo you want to convert those databases now?"
                      ), 'utf8')
                tmpDlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow,
                                                _("Database Conversion"))
                result = tmpDlg.LocalShowModal()

                # If the user wants to do the conversion now ...
                if result == wx.ID_YES:
                    # ... import Transana's XML Import code
                    import XMLImport
                    # Before we go further, let's make sure none of the conversion files have ALREADY been imported!
                    # The 2.42 to 2.50 Data Conversion Utility shouldn't allow this, but it doesn't hurt to check.
                    # Iterate through the conversion data
                    for key in self.exportedDBs:
                        # Determine the file path for the converted database
                        newDBPath = os.path.join(
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir, key + '.db')
                        # If the converted database ALREADY EXISTS ...
                        if os.path.exists(newDBPath):
                            # ... create an error message
                            prompt = unicode(
                                _('Database "%s" already exists.\nDatabase "%s" cannot be converted at this time.'
                                  ), 'utf8')
                            # ... display an error message
                            tmpDlg = Dialogs.ErrorDialog(
                                None, prompt % (key, key))
                        # If the converted database does NOT exist ...
                            if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                                prompt = _(
                                    'Converting "%s"\nThis process may take a long time, depending on how much data this database contains.\nWe cannot provide progress feedback on OS X.  Please be patient.'
                                progWarn = Dialogs.PopupDialog(
                                    None, _("Converting Databases"),
                                    prompt % key)
                            # Create the Import Database, passing the database name so the user won't be prompted for one.

                            # Import the database.
                            # First, create an Import Database dialog, but don't SHOW it.
                            temp = XMLImport.XMLImport(
                                _('Transana XML Import'),
                            # ... Import the requested data!
                            # Close the Import Database dialog

                            if 'wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo:
                                progWarn = None

                            # Close the database that was just imported
                            # Clear the current database name from the Config data
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.database = ''
                            # If we do NOT have a localhost key (which Lab version does not!) ...
                            if not TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseList.has_key(
                                # ... let's create one so we can pass the converted database name!
                                    'localhost'] = {}
                                    'localhost']['dbList'] = []
                            # Update the database name
                            TransanaGlobal.configData.database = key
                            # Add the new (converted) database name to the database list
                            # Start exception handling
                                # If we're NOT in the lab version of Transana ...
                                if not TransanaConstants.labVersion:

                                    # This is harder than it should be because of a combination of encoding and case-changing issues.
                                    # Let's iterate through the Version 2.5 "paths by database" config data
                                    for key2 in TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2.keys(
                                        # If we have a LOCAL database with a matching key to the database being imported ...
                                        if (key2[0] == '') and (
                                                key2[1] == 'localhost'
                                        ) and (key2[2].decode('utf8').lower()
                                               == key):
                                            # Add the unconverted database's PATH values to the CONVERTED database's configuration!
                                            TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB[('', 'localhost', key.encode('utf8'))] = \
                                                {'visualizationPath' : TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2[key2]['visualizationPath'],
                                                 'videoPath' : TransanaGlobal.configData.pathsByDB2[key2]['videoPath']}
                                            # ... and we can stop looking

                                # Save the altered configuration data
                            # The Computer Lab version sometimes throws a KeyError
                            except exceptions.KeyError:
                                # If this comes up, we can ignore it.

                # Delete the Import File Information

                if DEBUG:
                    print "Done importing Files"

        # We can only continue if we initialized the database OR are running MU.
        if connectionEstablished:
            # If a new database login fails three times, we need to close the program.
            # Initialize a counter to track that.
            logonCount = 1
            # Flag if Logon succeeds
            loggedOn = False
            # Keep trying for three tries or until successful
            while (logonCount <= 3) and (not loggedOn):
                logonCount += 1
                # Confirm the existence of the DB Tables, creating them if needed.
                # This method also calls the Username and Password Dialog if needed.
                # NOTE:  The Menu Window must be created first to server as a parent for the Username and Password Dialog
                #        called up by DBInterface.
                if DBInterface.establish_db_exists():

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Creating Data Window",

                    # Create the Data Window
                    # Data Window creation causes Username and Password Dialog to be displayed,
                    # so it should be created before the Video Window
                    self.dataWindow = DataWindow.DataWindow(

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.dataWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Video Window",

                    # Create the Video Window
                    self.videoWindow = VideoWindow.VideoWindow(
                    # Create the Transcript Window.  If on the Mac, include the Close button.

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.videoWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Transcript Window",

                    self.transcriptWindow = TranscriptionUI.TranscriptionUI(
                        includeClose=('wxMac' in wx.PlatformInfo))
                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Visualization Window",

                    # Create the Visualization Window
                    self.visualizationWindow = VisualizationWindow.VisualizationWindow(

                    if DEBUG:
                        print self.visualizationWindow.GetSize()
                        print "Creating Control Object"

                    # Create the Control Object and register all objects to be controlled with it
                    self.ControlObject = ControlObject()
                    # Set the active transcript
                    self.ControlObject.activeTranscript = 0

                    # Register the ControlObject with all other objects to be controlled

                    # Set the Application Top Window to the Menu Window (wxPython)

                    TransanaGlobal.resizingAll = True

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Before Showing Windows:"
                        print "  menu:\t\t", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect(
                        print "  visual:\t", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()
                        print "  video:\t", self.videoWindow.GetRect()
                        print "  trans:\t", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()
                        print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

                        print 'Heights:', self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[3], self.dataWindow.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]
                        if self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        )[3] > self.dataWindow.GetRect(
                        )[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]:
                                                     self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3] + \
                                                       (self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[1] + self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()[3] - (self.dataWindow.GetRect()[1] + self.dataWindow.GetRect()[3]))))
                            print "DataWindow Height Adjusted!"
                            print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

                    # Show all Windows.

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Showing Windows:"
                        print "  menu:", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  visualization:", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect(


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  video:", self.videoWindow.GetRect(
                        ), self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  transcript:", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect(
                        ), self.dataWindow.GetRect()


                    if DEBUG:
                        print "  data:", self.dataWindow.GetRect(
                        ), self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()

                    # Get the size and position of the Visualization Window
                    (x, y, w, h) = self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()

                    if DEBUG:
                        print "Call 3", 'Visualization', w + x

                    # Adjust the positions of all other windows to match the Visualization Window's initial position
                                                             w + x + 1,
                                                             YUpper=h + y + 1)

                    TransanaGlobal.resizingAll = False

                    loggedOn = True
                # If logon fails, inform user and offer to try again twice.
                elif logonCount <= 3:
                    # Check to see if we have an SSL failure caused by insufficient data
                    if (not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion) and TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl and \
                       (TransanaGlobal.configData.sslClientCert == '' or TransanaGlobal.configData.sslClientKey == ''):
                        # If so, inform the user
                        prompt = _(
                            "The information on the SSL tab is required to establish an SSL connection to the database.\nWould you like to try again?"
                    # Otherwise ...
                        # ... give a generic message about logon failure.
                        prompt = _(
                            'Transana was unable to connect to the database.\nWould you like to try again?'
                    dlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(
                        TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, prompt,
                        _('Transana Database Connection'))
                    # If the user does not want to try again, set the counter to 4, which will cause the program to exit
                    if dlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_NO:
                        logonCount = 4
                    # Clean up the Dialog Box

            # If we successfully logged in ...
            if loggedOn:
                # ... save the configuration data that got us in

            # if we're running the multi-user version of Transana and successfully connected to a database ...
            if not TransanaConstants.singleUserVersion and loggedOn:

                if DEBUG:
                    print "Need to connect to MessageServer"

                # ... connect to the Message Server Here
                TransanaGlobal.socketConnection = ChatWindow.ConnectToMessageServer(
                # If the connections fails ...
                if TransanaGlobal.socketConnection == None:
                    # ... signal that Transana should NOT start up!
                    loggedOn = False
                    # If Transana MU sits idle too long (30 - 60 minutes), people would sometimes get a
                    # "Connection to Database Lost" error message even though MySQL was set to maintain the
                    # connection for 8 hours.  To try to address this, we will set up a Timer that will run
                    # a simple query every 10 minutes to maintain the connection to the database.

                    # Create the Connection Timer
                    TransanaGlobal.connectionTimer = wx.Timer(self)
                    # Bind the timer to its event
                    self.Bind(wx.EVT_TIMER, self.OnTimer)
                    # Tell the timer to fire every 10 minutes.
                    # NOTE:  If changing this value, it also needs to be changed in the ControlObjectClass.GetNewDatabase() method.

                if DEBUG:
                    print "MessageServer connected!"

                # Check if the Database and Message Server are both using SSL and select the appropriate graphic
                                                and TransanaGlobal.chatIsSSL)

            # if this is the first time this user profile has used Transana ...
            if firstStartup and loggedOn:
                # ... create a prompt about looking at the Tutorial
                prompt = _(
                    'If this is your first time using Transana, the Transana Tutorial can help you learn how to use the program.'
                prompt += '\n\n' + _(
                    'Would you like to see the Transana Tutorial now?')
                # Display the Tutorial prompt in a Yes / No dialog
                tmpDlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow,
                # If the user says Yes ...
                if tmpDlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
                    # ... start the Tutorial
                    self.ControlObject.Help('Welcome to the Transana Tutorial')

            if DEBUG:
                print "Final Windows:"
                print "  menu:\t\t", TransanaGlobal.menuWindow.GetRect()
                print "  visual:\t", self.visualizationWindow.GetRect()
                print "  video:\t", self.videoWindow.GetRect()
                print "  trans:\t", self.transcriptWindow.dlg.GetRect()
                print "  data:\t\t", self.dataWindow.GetRect()

            loggedOn = False
            dlg = Dialogs.QuestionDialog(TransanaGlobal.menuWindow, msg,
                                         _('Transana Database Connection'))
            if dlg.LocalShowModal() == wx.ID_YES:
                TransanaGlobal.configData.databaseDir = os.path.join(
            # Clean up the Dialog Box
        return loggedOn
コード例 #2
ファイル: unit_test_SSL.py プロジェクト: daltonwang/Transana
    def RunTests(self):

        # Basic Information
        self.txtCtrl.AppendText('Python Version:  %s\n' % sys.version[:5])
        self.txtCtrl.AppendText('wxPython Version:  %s\n' % wx.VERSION_STRING)
        self.txtCtrl.AppendText('DBInstalled:  %s\n' % TransanaConstants.DBInstalled)
        if TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ['MySQLdb-embedded', 'MySQLdb-server']:
            import MySQLdb
            str = 'MySQL for Python:  %s\n' % (MySQLdb.__version__)
        elif TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ['PyMySQL']:
            import pymysql
            str = 'PyMySQL:  %s\n' % (pymysql.version_info)
        elif TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ['sqlite3']:
            import sqlite3
            str = 'sqlite:  %s\n' % (sqlite3.version)
            str = 'Unknown Database:  Unknown Version\n'


        if TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ['MySQLdb-embedded']:
            password = ''
        elif TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ['MySQLdb-server', 'PyMySQL']:
            dlg = wx.PasswordEntryDialog(None, 'Please enter your database password.', 'Unit Test 1:  Database Connection')
            result = dlg.ShowModal()
            if result == wx.ID_OK:
                password = dlg.GetValue()
                password = ''
        elif TransanaConstants.DBInstalled in ['sqlite3']:
            password = ''
        # Tests defined:
        testsNotToSkip = []
        startAtTest = 1  # Should start at 1, not 0!
        endAtTest = 1000   # Should be one more than the last test to be run!
        testsToRun = testsNotToSkip + range(startAtTest, endAtTest)

        t = datetime.datetime.now()

        if 10 in testsToRun:
            # Is Database Open, NO SSL
            TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl = False

            loginInfo = DBLogin('DavidW', password, 'DKW-Linux', 'Transana_UnitTest', '3306', TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl)
            dbReference = DBInterface.get_db(loginInfo)

            testName = 'Open Database - No SSL'
            self.txtCtrl.AppendText('Test "%s" ' % testName)
            result = DBInterface.is_db_open()
            self.testsRun += 1

            if result:
                self.testsSuccessful += 1
                self.testsFailed += 1

            self.txtCtrl.AppendText('\nTotal Tests Run:  %d  Tests passes:  %d  Tests failed:  %d.\n\n' % (self.testsRun, self.testsSuccessful, self.testsFailed))

        if 20 in testsToRun:
            # Close Database, NO SSL

            testName = 'Close Database - No SSL'
            self.txtCtrl.AppendText('Test "%s" ' % testName)

            result = DBInterface.is_db_open()
            self.testsRun += 1

            if not result:
                self.testsSuccessful += 1
                self.testsFailed += 1

            self.txtCtrl.AppendText('\nTotal Tests Run:  %d  Tests passes:  %d  Tests failed:  %d.\n\n' % (self.testsRun, self.testsSuccessful, self.testsFailed))

        if 30 in testsToRun:
            # Is Database Open, SSL
            TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl = True

            loginInfo = DBLogin('DavidW', password, 'DKW-Linux', 'Transana_UnitTest', '3306', TransanaGlobal.configData.ssl)
            dbReference = DBInterface.get_db(loginInfo)

            testName = 'Open Database - SSL'
            self.txtCtrl.AppendText('Test "%s" ' % testName)
            result = DBInterface.is_db_open()
            self.testsRun += 1

            if result:
                self.testsSuccessful += 1
                self.testsFailed += 1

            self.txtCtrl.AppendText('\nTotal Tests Run:  %d  Tests passes:  %d  Tests failed:  %d.\n\n' % (self.testsRun, self.testsSuccessful, self.testsFailed))

        self.txtCtrl.AppendText('All tests completed.')
        self.txtCtrl.AppendText('\nFinal Summary:  Total Tests Run:  %d  Tests passes:  %d  Tests failed:  %d.\n' % (self.testsRun, self.testsSuccessful, self.testsFailed))