コード例 #1
ファイル: Utility2.py プロジェクト: marianovolker/jmps-public
def download_resource(connection, platform, file_path, resource_id, auth_flag, file_type, description = '', block_size = 2048, timeout = 0, key = None):
	authent = '\x00\x00\x00\x00'
	with open(file_path, 'rb') as file:
		data = file.read()
	# if file already resmarked
	mark = data.find('/resMark')
	if mark > 0:
		if (len(data) - mark) != 34:
			raise Exception('The Resource file is not resmarked correctly!')
		data = data[0:mark]
	if auth_flag in [1, 2, 3, 4] and key is not None:
		sha1digest = hashlib.sha1(data).digest()
		if platform == 'VGD':
			return False
		if platform == 'M3':
			if auth_flag == 1:
				sha1digest += 'PIN'
			elif auth_flag == 2:
				sha1digest += 'CLEAR'
			authent = crypto.mac_x919(sha1digest, key)
		elif platform == 'NGP':
			digest = '\x00'
			for i in sha1digest:
				digest += "%02X" % ord(i)
			if auth_flag == 3:
				digest += '\x00PIN\x00application\x00'
			elif auth_flag == 4:
				digest += '\x00CLEAR\x00application\x00'
			digest += os.urandom(243 - len(digest))
			CRC32_digest = crc32(digest) & 0xffffffff
			digest += pack("!L", CRC32_digest) + '\x00'
			priv_key = crypto.import_RSAkey(key, asFile = False)
			authent = crypto.rsa_decrypt(digest, priv_key)
	file_size = len(data)
	CRC32 = crc32(data) & 0xffffffff

	Protocol.send_file_download_request_cmd(connection, file_type, resource_id, file_size, CRC32, auth_flag, authent, description[:16])
	ack_params = Protocol.recv_file_download_request_cmd(connection, timeout)
	if ack_params['ack_code'] != 0x00:
		raise Exception('Download Request failed with ack_code: 0x{0:02x}'.format(ack_params['ack_code']))
	while ack_params['ack_code'] == 0x00:
		offset = ack_params['offset'] if 'offset' in ack_params else 0
		resource_block = data[offset:min(offset + block_size, file_size)]
		Protocol.send_file_block_download_cmd(connection, offset, resource_block)
		ack_params = Protocol.recv_file_block_download_cmd(connection, timeout)
	if ack_params['ack_code'] == 0x02:
		return True
	raise Exception('Download Block failed with ack_code: 0x{0:02x}'.format(ack_params['ack_code']))