def getRouteMatchScore(car, passenger): cursor = RouteInfo.initDatabase() #车主起点到车主终点行车路径规划距离D0 distance_0 = RouteInfo.queryDistanceFromDriveTable( car['start_simple_lng'], car['start_simple_lat'], car['end_simple_lng'], car['end_simple_lat']) #车主起点到乘客起点行车路径规划距离D1 distance_1 = RouteInfo.queryDistanceFromDriveTable( car['start_simple_lng'], car['start_simple_lat'], passenger['start_simple_lng'], passenger['start_simple_lat']) #乘客起点到乘客终点行车路径规划距离D2 distance_2 = RouteInfo.queryDistanceFromDriveTable( passenger['start_simple_lng'], passenger['start_simple_lat'], passenger['end_simple_lng'], passenger['end_simple_lat']) #乘客终点到司机终点行车路径规划距离D3 distance_3 = RouteInfo.queryDistanceFromDriveTable( passenger['end_simple_lng'], passenger['end_simple_lat'], car['end_simple_lng'], car['end_simple_lat']) #计算车主绕行距离: d = (D1+D2+D3) - D0 car_extra_distance = (distance_1 + distance_2 +distance_3) - distance_0 #计算车主绕行因子: r1 = d / D0, ( 0< r1 < 1 ) 越小越好 car_extra_factor= car_extra_distance / distance_0 #计算车主收益因子: r2 = D2 / D0,(0< r2 ) 越大越好 car_earn_factor= distance_2 /distance_0 car_extra_plus = 1.5 if( car_earn_factor< 0.1 ): match_factor = 0 elif(car_extra_factor==0 and car_earn_factor == 0 ): match_factor = 0 else: match_factor = car_earn_factor - car_extra_plus*car_extra_factor #print "getRouteMatchScore, d0=%d, d1=%d, d2=%d, d3=%d"%(distance_0, distance_1, distance_2, distance_3) # print "车主绕行距离=%d, 车主绕行因子=%f, 车主收益因子=%f"%( car_extra_distance, car_extra_factor, car_earn_factor) return (match_factor, car_extra_distance, car_extra_factor, car_earn_factor)
def parseRoutes(data): for route in data["routes"]: sourceToDestination = RouteInfo.RouteInfo(route["ports"][0], route["ports"][1], route["distance"]) destinationToSource = RouteInfo.RouteInfo(route["ports"][1], route["ports"][0], route["distance"]) QueryingData.routeList.append(sourceToDestination) QueryingData.routeList.append(destinationToSource) UserQuerying.addHubCity(route["ports"][0]) UserQuerying.addHubCity(route["ports"][1])
def findMatchRoute(test_car_route_id ): #test_car_route_id = 2178 table_name = 'recommend_'+ str(test_car_route_id) +'_tb' start_time = #go through all route in database cursor = RouteInfo.initDatabase() #新建这条路线的匹配表 RouteInfo.createRecommendFactorTable(cursor, table_name) #车主信息 car = dict() try: get_car_sql = "SELECT * from recommend_route_tb where route_id=%d "%test_car_route_id print get_car_sql count = cursor.execute( get_car_sql) print 'database return %d line'%(count) result = cursor.fetchone() except Exception, e: print e
valid = QueryData.getroute(city_code) if valid == False: print "No such code." elif i == 5: EditRoute.editnetwork() elif i == 6: EditRoute.addnetwork() elif i == 7: SaveFile.saveFile() elif i == 8: RouteInfo.routeinfo() elif i == 9: MapParser.newMapParser() elif i == 10: RouteInfo.shortestroute() elif i == 0: print "See ya!" break else: print "Invalid Number!"
def start(self): MapParser.MapParser() s = "Type the number for corresponding options:\n" \ "1. Get all the cities from CSAir\n" \ "2. Get a specific information about one city\n" \ "3. Get all kinds of stats\n" \ "4. Get a specific route\n" \ "5. Edit the current city's information\n" \ "6. Add/Remove cities and routes\n" \ "7. Save the changed list to JSON File\n" \ "8. Calculuate the total flight\n" \ "9. Update CSAir with new Champaign hub town\n" \ "10. Calculate the shortest route between to cities.\n" \ "0. Exit the program" while True: print s i = raw_input("Enter the number.") i = int(i) if i == 1: cityList = QueryData.citylist() print "Here are the lists!" for city in cityList: print city elif i == 2: city_name = raw_input("Enter the city name.") valid = QueryData.getcitydata(city_name) if valid == False : print "No such city." elif i == 3: QueryData.getstat() elif i == 4: city_code = raw_input("Enter the city code.") valid = QueryData.getroute(city_code) if valid == False : print "No such code." elif i == 5: EditRoute.editnetwork() elif i == 6: EditRoute.addnetwork() elif i == 7: SaveFile.saveFile() elif i == 8: RouteInfo.routeinfo() elif i == 9: MapParser.newMapParser() elif i == 10: self.routeInfo.shortestroute() elif i == 0: print "See ya!" break else: print "Invalid Number!"
def __init__(self): = True self.routeInfo = RouteInfo.RouteInfo()
def start(self): MapParser.MapParser() s = "Type the number for corresponding options:\n" \ "1. Get all the cities from CSAir\n" \ "2. Get a specific information about one city\n" \ "3. Get all kinds of stats\n" \ "4. Get a specific route\n" \ "5. Edit the current city's information\n" \ "6. Add/Remove cities and routes\n" \ "7. Save the changed list to JSON File\n" \ "8. Calculuate the total flight\n" \ "9. Update CSAir with new Champaign hub town\n" \ "10. Calculate the shortest route between to cities.\n" \ "0. Exit the program" while True: print s i = raw_input("Enter the number.") i = int(i) if i == 1: cityList = QueryData.citylist() print "Here are the lists!" for city in cityList: print city elif i == 2: city_name = raw_input("Enter the city name.") valid = QueryData.getcitydata(city_name) if valid == False: print "No such city." elif i == 3: QueryData.getstat() elif i == 4: city_code = raw_input("Enter the city code.") valid = QueryData.getroute(city_code) if valid == False: print "No such code." elif i == 5: EditRoute.editnetwork() elif i == 6: EditRoute.addnetwork() elif i == 7: SaveFile.saveFile() elif i == 8: RouteInfo.routeinfo() elif i == 9: MapParser.newMapParser() elif i == 10: self.routeInfo.shortestroute() elif i == 0: print "See ya!" break else: print "Invalid Number!"
valid = QueryData.getroute(city_code) if valid == False : print "No such code." elif i == 5: EditRoute.editnetwork() elif i == 6: EditRoute.addnetwork() elif i == 7: SaveFile.saveFile() elif i == 8: RouteInfo.routeinfo() elif i == 9: MapParser.newMapParser() elif i == 10: RouteInfo.shortestroute() elif i == 0: print "See ya!" break else: print "Invalid Number!"
valid = QueryData.getroute(city_code) if valid == False : print "No such code." elif i == 5: EditRoute.editnetwork() elif i == 6: EditRoute.addnetwork() elif i == 7: SaveFile.saveFile() elif i == 8: RouteInfo.routeinfo() elif i == 9: MapParser.newMapParser() elif i == 10: print "Try the other interface." elif i == 0: print "See ya!" break else: print "Invalid Number!"
def setupData(): #1 RouteInfo.initialRouteDatabase() #2 RouteInfo.updateAddressInRouteTable() RouteInfo.updateAddressInPointAreaTable() RouteInfo.updateAreaIdInRouteTable() #3 #新建驾车路径的数据库 #RouteInfo.createDriveRouteTable() #计算所有路线自己的路线 start_time = RouteInfo.queryPathOneself() end_time = elapsed = (end_time - start_time ).seconds print( ' query one point all drive route total used time: ', elapsed) #实验用司机路线 route_id=2178, #中关村街道恒兴大厦(东门) start_simple( 116.335, 39.985), area_id =1 #通州区梨园地区新华联家园(南区) end_simple( 116.645, 39.890), area_id=326 #实验路线的起点到其它所有点的规划 area_id = 1 start_time = time.clock( ) RouteInfo.queryPathOneToOthers( area_id ) print '' print '*'*80 elapsed = (time.clock() - start_time ) print( ' query one point all drive route total used time: ', elapsed) #实验路线的终点到其它所有点的驾车路线规划 area_id = 326 start_time = RouteInfo.queryPathOneToOthers( area_id ) print '' print '*'*80 end_time = elapsed = (end_time - start_time ).seconds print( ' query one point all drive route total used time: ', elapsed)
#*********************************************************************************** #main function #实验用司机路线 route_id=2178, #中关村街道恒兴大厦(东门) start_simple( 116.335, 39.985), area_id =1 #通州区梨园地区新华联家园(南区) end_simple( 116.645, 39.890), area_id=326 example_car_route_list=[2178, 20, 814, 928, 3690, 1090, 1591, 2531, 788, 1377, 1490] #findMatchRoute(1377) for route_id in example_car_route_list: #findMatchRoute(route_id) RouteInfo.updateRecommendRouteInRouteTable( route_id) print 'finish ' #SELECT * FROM youche_info.recommend_2178_tb order by car_extra_factor limit 30; #SELECT * FROM `recommend_route_tb` WHERE start_address LIKE '%大兴%' #SELECT * FROM youche_info.recommend_20_tb where car_extra_factor <0.1 order by car_earn_factor desc limit 30; #SELECT * FROM youche_info.recommend_2178_tb order by match_factor desc limit 100; #SELECT * FROM youche_info.recommend_route_tb where recommend_route_id IS NULL limit 100;