コード例 #1
    def test_correct_jn(self):
        """ Toy transcript with sequence A|GAA, where the splice motif
            is noncanonical but located 2 bp from a canonical splice donor.
            chr1: 23,071,357 - 23,072,126


        # Process references
        sjFile = "input_files/test_junctions.txt"
        outprefix = "scratch/test_jns/"
        tmp_dir = "scratch/test_jns/TC_tmp/"
        chroms = set(["chr1"])
        donors, acceptors, sjAnnot = TC.processSpliceAnnotation(
            sjFile, tmp_dir, chroms)
        genome = Fasta("input_files/hg38_chr1.fa")

        # Init transcript object
        sam_fields = [
            "test_read", "0", "chr1", "23071357", "255", "1M766N3M", "*", "0",
            "0", "AGAA", "*", "NM:i:0", "MD:Z:4"
        transcript = t2.Transcript(sam_fields, genome, sjAnnot)
        jnNumber = 0
        maxDist = 5
        #donor = (transcript.spliceJunctions[jnNumber]).bounds[0]

        # Attempt to correct the splice junction
        correction_status, reason, dist = TC.attempt_jn_correction(
            transcript, jnNumber, genome, donors, acceptors, sjAnnot, maxDist)

        assert correction_status == True
        assert reason == "NA"
        assert dist == 2
コード例 #2
    def test_crash(self):
        """ This is a Drosophila junction that borders a small match preceded by
            a 7 bp deletion. It is supposed to crash correction, which will result
            in a categorization of 'Other' in the log """

        # Process references
        sjFile = "input_files/drosophila_example/chr3R_SJs.tsv"
        outprefix = "scratch/dmel_crash/"
        tmp_dir = "scratch/dmel_crash/TC_tmp/"
        chroms = set(["chr3R"])
        donors, acceptors, sjAnnot = TC.processSpliceAnnotation(
            sjFile, tmp_dir, chroms)
        genome = Fasta("input_files/drosophila_example/chr3R.fa")

        # Init transcript object
        sam_fields = [
            "test_read", "0", "chr3R", "14890420", "255", "7M7D2M264N7M", "*",
            "0", "0", "GATCAAACAACAAGTC", "*"
        transcript = t2.Transcript(sam_fields, genome, sjAnnot)

        jnNumber = 0
        maxDist = 5
        # Attempt to correct the splice junction
        correction_status, reason, dist = TC.attempt_jn_correction(
            transcript, jnNumber, genome, donors, acceptors, sjAnnot, maxDist)
        assert correction_status == False
        assert reason == "Other"
        assert dist == 5
コード例 #3
    def test_too_far_away(self):
        """ A case where the NCSJ should not be corrected because it is too far
            away from the closest annotated junction relative to the maxDist
         Toy transcript with sequence A|GAA, where the splice motif
            is noncanonical.
            chr1: 23,071,357 - 23,072,126 

        # Process references
        sjFile = "input_files/test_junctions.txt"
        tmp_dir = "scratch/test_jns/TC_tmp/"
        chroms = set(["chr1"])
        donors, acceptors, sjAnnot = TC.processSpliceAnnotation(
            sjFile, tmp_dir, chroms)
        genome = Fasta("input_files/hg38_chr1.fa")

        # Init transcript object
        sam_fields = [
            "test_read", "0", "chr1", "23071357", "255", "1M766N3M", "*", "0",
            "0", "AGAA", "*", "NM:i:0", "MD:Z:6"
        transcript = t2.Transcript(sam_fields, genome, sjAnnot)
        jnNumber = 0
        maxDist = 1

        correction_status, reason, dist = TC.attempt_jn_correction(
            transcript, jnNumber, genome, donors, acceptors, sjAnnot, maxDist)
        assert correction_status == False
        assert reason == "TooFarFromAnnotJn"
        assert dist == 2