コード例 #1
    def test_wrong_variant_mismatch(self):
        """ Toy transcript with sequence AACGA, where the C is a mismatch to the
            reference base 'A' in the location, but not matching, a known SNP.
            chr1: 202,892,094 - 202,892,098. Mismatch is at 202,892,096 """

        sam_fields = [
            "test_read", "0", "chr1", "202892094", "255", "5M", "*", "0", "0",
            "AACGA", "*", "NM:i:1", "MD:Z:2A2", "jI:B:i,-1", "jM:B:c,-1"

        genome = Fasta("input_files/hg38_chr1.fa")
        spliceAnnot = None
        variants = {"chr1_202892096": ["G"]}
        logInfo = TC.init_log_info(sam_fields)

        # Init transcript object
        transcript = t2.Transcript(sam_fields, genome, spliceAnnot)

        # Run correction
        error_entries = TC.correctMismatches(transcript, genome, variants,

        # Check to see if correction was successful
        assert transcript.SEQ == "AAAGA"
        assert transcript.CIGAR == "5M"

        # Check the number and content of the transcript error entries
        assert error_entries.count('\n') == 1
        assert "Corrected" in error_entries
        assert "VariantMatch" not in error_entries
コード例 #2
    def test_two_mismatches(self):
        """ Correct 2 mismatches in the same read. Useful for making sure that
            the TE log string is correct. """

        sam_fields = [
            "test_read", "0", "chr1", "202892094", "255", "5M", "*", "0", "0",
            "ACCGA", "*", "NM:i:2", "MD:Z:1A0A2", "jI:B:i,-1", "jM:B:c,-1"

        genome = Fasta("input_files/hg38_chr1.fa")
        spliceAnnot = None
        variants = {}
        logInfo = TC.init_log_info(sam_fields)

        # Init transcript object
        transcript = t2.Transcript(sam_fields, genome, spliceAnnot)

        # Run correction
        error_entries = TC.correctMismatches(transcript, genome, variants,

        # Check to see if correction was successful
        assert transcript.SEQ == "AAAGA"
        assert transcript.CIGAR == "5M"

        # Check the number and content of the transcript error entries
        assert error_entries.count('\n') == 2
        assert error_entries.count('Corrected') == 2