コード例 #1
    def test_coord_shift(self):
        benzene = Geometry(TestGeometry.benzene)
        mol = Geometry(TestGeometry.benzene)

        # shift all atoms
        vector = np.array([0, 3.2, -1.0])
        for a in benzene.atoms:
            a.coords += vector
        mol.coord_shift([0, 3.2, -1.0])
        self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(benzene.coords() - mol.coords()) == 0)

        # shift some atoms
        vector = np.array([0, -3.2, 1.0])
        for a in benzene.atoms[0:5]:
            a.coords += vector
        mol.coord_shift([0, -3.2, 1.0], [str(i) for i in range(1, 6)])
        self.assertTrue(np.linalg.norm(benzene.coords() - mol.coords()) == 0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: follow.py プロジェクト: Feteya/AaronTools.py
        if args.reverse:
            x_factor *= -1

        dX += x_factor * G_AAron_file.other['frequency'].data[combo].vector

    if args.animate is not None:
        #animate by setting up 3 geometries: -, 0, and +
        #then create a Pathway to interpolate between these
        #if roundtrip, - -> 0 -> + -> 0 -> -
        #if not roundtrip, - -> 0 -> +
        w = width(args.animate[0])
        fmt = "%0" + "%i" % w + "i"

        Gf = G.copy()
        Gf.update_geometry(G.coords() + dX)
        Gr = G.copy()
        Gr.update_geometry(G.coords() - dX)

        #make a scales(t) function so we can see the animation progress in the XYZ file comment
        if args.roundtrip:
            S = Pathway([Gf, G, Gr, G, Gf])
            ev = [
                Pathway.get_splines_vector([-x, 0, x, 0, -x]) for x in scale[i]
            m = Pathway.get_splines_mat(5)

            S = Pathway([Gf, G, Gr])
            ev = [Pathway.get_splines_vector([-x, 0, x]) for x in scale[i]]
            m = Pathway.get_splines_mat(3)