コード例 #1
HTail.Airfoil = 'NACA0012'
#HTail.AR       = 3
HTail.b = 42 * IN
HTail.TR = 1.0
HTail.o_eff = 0.96
HTail.S = 480 * IN**2
HTail.L = 45.5 * IN  #Length from X_CG to Tail AC
#HTail.VC       = 0.70  # 0.8 for S1223 airfoil
HTail.FullWing = True
HTail.DWF = 1  #Main wing Down wash factor (Typically between 1.0 (close to wing) and 2.0 (far away))
HTail.Inverted = False

HTail.ClSlopeAt = (-5 * ARCDEG, 10 * ARCDEG)
HTail.CmSlopeAt = (-4 * ARCDEG, 5 * ARCDEG)

Aircraft.HTailPos = 0  #T-Tail =1 regular tail =0
# Elevator properties
HTail.Elevator.Fc = 0.5  #Elevator % of Tail chord
HTail.Elevator.Fb = 1.0  #Elevator 100% of rear tail span
HTail.Elevator.Ft = 0.0  #0.25
HTail.Elevator.Weight = 0.1 * LBF
HTail.Elevator.WeightGroup = "HTail"
HTail.Elevator.Servo.Fc = 0.3
HTail.Elevator.Servo.Fbc = 0.15  #Relocating the HTail Servo closer to the elevator
HTail.Elevator.Servo.Weight = 0.3 * OZF
HTail.Elevator.Servo.WeightGroup = "Controls"
HTail.Elevator.Servo.Torque = 33.3 * IN * OZM
#Set the sweep about the elevator hinge
HTail.SweepFc = 1.0 - HTail.Elevator.Fc  #Makes Elevator LE straight
コード例 #2
Aircraft.Alpha_Zero_CM = 5.0 * ARCDEG  # for steady level flight
Aircraft.StaticMargin = 0.005  # this is driving wing position (higher values move the wing farther aft)
Aircraft.WingXMaxIt = 60  # this is the no. of iterations to solve

Aircraft.VmaxPlt = 100 * FT / SEC  # Maximum velocity for plotting purposes

Aircraft.RotationTime = 0.5 * SEC  # Est time aircraft rotates on ground during takeoff

Aircraft.NoseGearOffset = 0.12 * M
HTail = Aircraft.HTail  # set up the horizontal tail class
HTail.Airfoil = 'NACA0012'

Aircraft.HTailPos = 0.0  # T-Tail = 1 (horiz tail at top of vert tail);
# reg    = 0 (horiz tail at same lvl as middle of tail bulk)

HTail.FullWing = True  # Full wing surface (i.e. top and bottom tail)
HTail.Inverted = True  # Invert the airfoil section

HTail.b = 48 * IN  # horizontal tail span #MJZ was 50 in sholsinger
#HTail.S = 590.4 * IN**2 # horizontal tail planform area was 600 in**2 sholsinger
HTail.S = 650 * IN**2  # horizontal tail planform area was 650 in**2 sholsinger
HTail.L = 40 * IN  # horizontal tail "length", dist back from wing AC was 55
HTail.TR = 1.0  # horizontal tail taper ratio
HTail.o_eff = 0.97  # horizontal tail oswald #MJZ

HTail.SweepFc = 1.0 - HTail.Elevator.Fc  # sweep bout hinge, (Elevator LE straight)
HTail.DWF = 1  # Main wing Down wash factor (b/w 1 (close to wing), 2 (far away))