コード例 #1
def inputFileNames():
    from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags

    if athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput() != []:
        return athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput()
    from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
    inFiles = None

    # highest flag have precedence
    if rec.readTAG():
        inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolTAGInput()
    elif rec.readAOD():
        inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODInput()
    elif rec.readESD():
        inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput()
    elif rec.readRDO():
        from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
        if globalflags.InputFormat == 'bytestream':
            inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.BSRDOInput()
            inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOInput()
        raise RutimeError("Unable to determine input file")

    return inFiles
コード例 #2
def InputFileNames():
    from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags
    if athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput() != []:
        return athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput()
    from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
    inFiles = None

    ## FIXME
    ##     if (not athenaCommonFlags.PoolTAGInput.isDefault() or rec.readTAG() ):
    ##         inFiles=athenaCommonFlags.PoolTAGInput()
    ##     elif (not athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODInput.isDefault() or rec.readAOD() ):
    ##         inFiles=athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODInput()
    ##     elif (not athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput.isDefault() or rec.readESD() ):
    ##         inFiles=athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput()
    ##     elif not athenaCommonFlags.BSRDOInput.isDefault():
    ##         inFiles=athenaCommonFlags.BSRDOInput()
    ##     elif not athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOInput.isDefault():
    ##         inFiles=athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOInput()

    if rec.readTAG():
        inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolTAGInput()
    elif rec.readAOD():
        inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolAODInput()
    elif rec.readESD():
        inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput()

    elif rec.readRDO():
        from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import globalflags
        if globalflags.InputFormat == 'bytestream':
            inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.BSRDOInput()
            inFiles = athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOInput()
        raise RuntimeError("Unable to determine input file")

    return inFiles
コード例 #3
        geoFilePeeker = metadata['GeoAtlas']
        recoLog.info('JWX {}'.format(geoFilePeeker))

if hasattr(runArgs, "geometryVersion"):
    if len(runArgs.geometryVersion) > 0:
        DetDescrVersion = runArgs.geometryVersion
    elif len(geoFilePeeker) > 0:
        DetDescrVersion = geoFilePeeker
    globalflags.DetDescrVersion = "ATLAS-GEO-08-00-02"
    DetDescrVersion = globalflags.DetDescrVersion

import AthenaPoolCnvSvc.ReadAthenaPool
ServiceMgr.EventSelector.InputCollections = athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput()
import AthenaCommon.SystemOfUnits as Units
globalflags.DetGeo = 'atlas'

if 'eventTypes' in metadata:
    if 'IS_SIMULATION' in metadata['eventTypes']:
        globalflags.DataSource = 'geant4'
        globalflags.DataSource = 'data'
    globalflags.DataSource = 'data'

# Include flags and scripts for RecExCommon

from PrimaryDPDMaker.PrimaryDPDFlags import primDPD
#primDPD.WriteSkimDecisions = True
コード例 #4
# Template jobOptions: SLHC
#  - Tracking

from AthenaCommon.AthenaCommonFlags import athenaCommonFlags

if not athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOInput.isDefault():
    athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput = athenaCommonFlags.PoolRDOInput()
elif not athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput.isDefault():
    athenaCommonFlags.FilesInput = athenaCommonFlags.PoolESDInput()

from RecExConfig.RecFlags import rec
# --- Set output level threshold (2=DEBUG, 3=INFO, 4=WARNING, 5=ERROR, 6=FATAL )
OutputLevel = INFO
# --- produce an atlantis data file
doJiveXML = False
# --- run the Virtual Point 1 event visualisation
doVP1 = False
# --- controls what is written out. ESD includes AOD, so it's normally enough
doWriteESD = rec.doWriteESD()
doWriteAOD = rec.doWriteAOD()
# --- read BS - please look at the default input file(s) to know the det descr and cond tag
doReadBS = False
# --- do auditors ?
doAuditors = True

if os.environ['CMTCONFIG'].endswith('-dbg'):
    # --- do EDM monitor (debug mode only)
    doEdmMonitor = True
    # --- write out a short message upon entering or leaving each algorithm