コード例 #1
   tdt_local_logger.info('Scheduling the trigger translator')
   # Look up all monitoring menu lists, shove into trigger translator
   # pass them in as joined strings, unpack in tool
   from TrigHLTMonitoring.HLTMonTriggerList import HLTMonTriggerList
   tdt_local_hltconfig = HLTMonTriggerList()
   import collections
   tdt_mapping = {}
   for tdt_menu, tdt_menu_item in tdt_local_hltconfig.__dict__.items():
      if not isinstance(tdt_menu_item, collections.Iterable): continue
      # work around possibly buggy category items
      if isinstance(tdt_menu_item, basestring): 
         tdt_local_logger.debug('String, not list: %s' % tdt_menu)
         tdt_menu_item = [tdt_menu_item]
      if len([_ for _ in tdt_menu_item if not (_.startswith('HLT_') or _.startswith('L1'))]) != 0:
         tdt_local_logger.debug('Bad formatting: %s' % tdt_menu)
      patched_names = []
      tdt_menu_item = [_ if (_.startswith('HLT_') or _.startswith('L1_')) else 'HLT_' + _
                       for _ in tdt_menu_item]
      tdt_mapping[tdt_menu] = ','.join(tdt_menu_item)
   for k, v in tdt_mapping.items():
      tdt_local_logger.info('Category %s resolves to %s' % (k, v))

   from AthenaMonitoring.AthenaMonitoringConf import TriggerTranslatorToolSimple
   monTrigTransTool = TriggerTranslatorToolSimple(
      name = DQMonFlags.nameTrigTransTool(),
      triggerMapping = tdt_mapping)
   ToolSvc += monTrigTransTool

del tdt_local_logger, tdt_local_hltconfig, tdt_mapping
コード例 #2
    tdt_local_hltconfig = HLTMonTriggerList()
    import collections
    tdt_mapping = {}
    for tdt_menu, tdt_menu_item in tdt_local_hltconfig.__dict__.items():
        if not isinstance(tdt_menu_item, collections.Iterable): continue
        # work around possibly buggy category items
        if isinstance(tdt_menu_item, basestring):
            tdt_local_logger.debug('String, not list: %s' % tdt_menu)
            tdt_menu_item = [tdt_menu_item]
        if len([
                _ for _ in tdt_menu_item
                if not (_.startswith('HLT_') or _.startswith('L1'))
        ]) != 0:
            tdt_local_logger.debug('Bad formatting: %s' % tdt_menu)
        patched_names = []
        tdt_menu_item = [
            _ if (_.startswith('HLT_') or _.startswith('L1_')) else 'HLT_' + _
            for _ in tdt_menu_item
        tdt_mapping[tdt_menu] = ','.join(tdt_menu_item)

    for k, v in tdt_mapping.items():
        tdt_local_logger.info('Category %s resolves to %s' % (k, v))

    from AthenaMonitoring.AthenaMonitoringConf import TriggerTranslatorToolSimple
    monTrigTransTool = TriggerTranslatorToolSimple(
        name=DQMonFlags.nameTrigTransTool(), triggerMapping=tdt_mapping)
    ToolSvc += monTrigTransTool

del tdt_local_logger, tdt_local_hltconfig, tdt_mapping