コード例 #1
    def load(self):
        Load a single source file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print(_("Loading {}…").format(self.sourceFilepath))

        global BOS66, BOS81, BOSx
        if BOS66 is None:
            BOS66 = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG')
        if BOS81 is None:
            BOS81 = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-KJV-80-ENG')
        if BOSx is None: BOSx = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-ENG')

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}

        lastLine, lineCount = '', 0
        bookCode = BBB = metadataName = None
        lastBookCode = lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
        lastVText = ''
        thisBook = None
        settingsDict = {}
        with open(self.sourceFilepath, encoding=self.encoding
                  ) as myFile:  # Automatically closes the file when done
            for line in myFile:
                lineCount += 1
                if line[-1] == '\n':
                    line = line[:-1]  # Removing trailing newline character
                if not line: continue  # Just discard blank lines
                if lineCount == 1:
                    if self.encoding.lower() == 'utf-8' and line[0] == chr(
                            65279):  #U+FEFF or \ufeff
                            "      ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)"
                        line = line[
                            1:]  # Remove the Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                    match = re.search('^; TITLE:\\s', line)
                    if match:
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                            print("First line got type {!r} match from {!r}".
                                  format(match.group(0), line))
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
                                "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load: (unexpected) first line was {!r} in {}"
                                .format(firstLine, thisFilename))
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:

                #print ( 'ForgeForSwordSearcher file line is "' + line + '"' )
                lastLine = line

                # Process header stuff
                if line.startswith('; TITLE:'):
                    string = line[8:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['TITLE'] = string
                elif line.startswith('; ABBREVIATION:'):
                    string = line[15:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['ABBREVIATION'] = string
                elif line.startswith('; HAS ITALICS'):
                    string = line[14:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_ITALICS'] = string
                elif line.startswith('; HAS FOOTNOTES:'):
                    string = line[15:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                elif line.startswith('; HAS FOOTNOTES'):
                    string = line[14:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                elif line.startswith('; HAS REDLETTER'):
                    string = line[14:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_REDLETTER'] = string
                elif line[0] == ';':
                        "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load is skipping unknown header/comment line: {}"
                    continue  # Just discard comment lines

                # Process the main segment
                if line.startswith('$$ '):
                    if metadataName and metadataContents:
                        settingsDict[metadataName] = metadataContents
                        metadataName = None
                    pointer = line[3:]
                    #print( "pointer", repr(pointer) )
                    if pointer and pointer[0] == '{' and pointer[-1] == '}':
                        metadataName = pointer[1:-1]
                        if metadataName:
                            #print( "metadataName", repr(metadataName) )
                            metadataContents = ''
                    else:  # let's assume it's a BCV reference
                        pointer = pointer.replace( '1 K','1K' ).replace( '2 K','2K' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Chr','1Chr' ).replace( '2 Chr','2Chr' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Cor','1Cor' ).replace( '2 Cor','2Cor' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Thess','1Thess' ).replace( '2 Thess','2Thess' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Tim','1Tim' ).replace( '2 Tim','2Tim' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Pet','1Pet' ).replace( '2 Pet','2Pet' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 J','1J' ).replace( '2 J','2J' ).replace( '3 J','3J' )
                        B_CV_Bits = pointer.split(' ', 1)
                        if len(B_CV_Bits) == 2 and ':' in B_CV_Bits[1]:
                            bookCode, CVString = B_CV_Bits
                            chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = CVString.split(
                            chapterNumber = int(chapterNumberString)
                            verseNumber = int(verseNumberString)
                            if bookCode != lastBookCode:  # We've started a new book
                                if bookCode in ('Ge', ): BBB = 'GEN'
                                elif bookCode in ('Le', ): BBB = 'LEV'
                                elif bookCode in ('La', ):
                                    BBB = 'LAM'
                                    ##elif bookCode in ('Es',): BBB = 'EST'
                                    ##elif bookCode in ('Pr',): BBB = 'PRO'
                                    #elif bookCode in ('So',): BBB = 'SNG'
                                    #elif bookCode in ('La',): BBB = 'LAM'
                                    #elif bookCode in ('Jude',): BBB = 'JDE'
                                    #print( "4BookCode =", repr(bookCode) )
                                    #BBB = BOS.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                    BBB = BOS66.getBBBFromText(
                                        bookCode)  # Try to guess
                                    if not BBB:
                                        BBB = BOS81.getBBBFromText(
                                            bookCode)  # Try to guess
                                    if not BBB:
                                        BBB = BOSx.getBBBFromText(
                                            bookCode)  # Try to guess
                                    #print( "4BBB =", repr(BBB) )
                            print("Unexpected number of bits", self.givenName,
                                  BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString,
                                  verseNumberString, len(bits), bits)
                    continue  # Just save the pointer information which refers to the text on the next line
                else:  # it's not a $$ line
                    text = line
                    #print( "text", repr(text) )
                    if metadataName:
                        metadataContents += ('\n' if metadataContents else
                                             '') + text
                        vText = text
                        # Handle bits like (<scripref>Pr 2:7</scripref>)
                        vText = vText.replace('(<scripref>',
                                              '\\x - \\xt ').replace(
                                                  '</scripref>)', '\\x*')
                        vText = vText.replace('<scripref>',
                                              '\\x - \\xt ').replace(
                                                  '</scripref>', '\\x*')
                        #if '\\' in vText: print( 'ForgeForSwordSearcher vText', repr(vText) )
                        #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                        # Convert {stuff} to footnotes
                        match = re.search('\\{(.+?)\\}', vText)
                        while match:
                            footnoteText = '\\f + \\fr {}:{} \\ft {}\\f*'.format(
                                chapterNumber, verseNumber, match.group(1))
                            vText = vText[:match.start(
                            )] + footnoteText + vText[
                                match.end():]  # Replace this footnote
                            #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                            match = re.search('\\{(.+?)\\}', vText)
                        # Convert [stuff] to added fields
                        match = re.search('\\[(.+?)\\]', vText)
                        while match:
                            addText = '\\add {}\\add*'.format(match.group(1))
                            vText = vText[:match.start()] + addText + vText[
                                match.end():]  # Replace this chunk
                            #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                            match = re.search('\\[(.+?)\\]', vText)
                        # Convert +r/This text is red-letter-r/ to wj fields
                        match = re.search('\\+r/(.+?)-r/', vText)
                        while match:
                            addText = '\\wj {}\\wj*'.format(match.group(1))
                            vText = vText[:match.start()] + addText + vText[
                                match.end():]  # Replace this chunk
                            #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                            match = re.search('\\+r/(.+?)-r/', vText)
                        # Final check for unexpected remaining formatting
                        for badChar in '{}[]/':
                            if badChar in vText:
                                    "Found remaining braces,brackets or slashes in SwordSearcher Forge VPL {} {}:{} {!r}"
                                    .format(BBB, chapterNumberString,
                                            verseNumberString, vText))

                if bookCode:
                    if bookCode != lastBookCode:  # We've started a new book
                        if lastBookCode != -1:  # Better save the last book
                        if BBB:
                            if BBB in self:
                                    "Have duplicated {} book in {}".format(
                                        self.givenName, BBB))
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                                assert BBB not in self
                            thisBook = BibleBook(self, BBB)
                            thisBook.objectNameString = 'ForgeForSwordSearcher Bible Book object'
                            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'ForgeForSwordSearcher'
                            verseList = BOSx.getNumVersesList(BBB)
                            numChapters, numVerses = len(
                                verseList), verseList[0]
                            lastBookCode = bookCode
                            lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
                                "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible could not figure out {!r} book code"
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt

                    if BBB:
                        if chapterNumber != lastChapterNumber:  # We've started a new chapter
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                                assert chapterNumber > lastChapterNumber or BBB == 'ESG'  # Esther Greek might be an exception
                            if chapterNumber == 0:
                                    "Have chapter zero in {} {} {} {}:{}".
                                    format(self.givenName, BBB, bookCode,
                            elif chapterNumber > numChapters:
                                    "Have high chapter number in {} {} {} {}:{} (expected max of {})"
                                    .format(self.givenName, BBB, bookCode,
                                            verseNumberString, numChapters))
                            thisBook.addLine('c', chapterNumberString)
                            lastChapterNumber = chapterNumber
                            lastVerseNumber = -1

                        # Handle the verse info
                        if verseNumber == lastVerseNumber and vText == lastVText:
                                _("Ignored duplicate verse line in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                  ).format(self.givenName, BBB, bookCode,
                        if verseNumber < lastVerseNumber:
                                _("Ignored receding verse number (from {} to {}) in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                  ).format(lastVerseNumber, verseNumber,
                                           self.givenName, BBB, bookCode,
                        elif verseNumber == lastVerseNumber:
                            if vText == lastVText:
                                    _("Ignored duplicated {} verse in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                      ).format(verseNumber, self.givenName,
                                               BBB, bookCode,
                                    _("Ignored duplicated {} verse number in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                      ).format(verseNumber, self.givenName,
                                               BBB, bookCode,

                        # Check for paragraph markers
                        if vText and vText[0] == '¶':
                            thisBook.addLine('p', '')
                            vText = vText[1:].lstrip()

                        #print( '{} {}:{} = {!r}'.format( BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )
                        thisBook.addLine('v', verseNumberString + ' ' + vText)
                        lastVText = vText
                        lastVerseNumber = verseNumber

                else:  # No bookCode yet
                        "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load is skipping unknown pre-book line: {}"

        # Save the final book
        if thisBook is not None: self.stashBook(thisBook)

        # Clean up
        if settingsDict:
            #print( "ForgeForSwordSearcher settingsDict", settingsDict )
            if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
            self.suppliedMetadata['Forge4SS'] = settingsDict
                'Forge4SS')  # Copy some to self.settingsDict

コード例 #2
class VerseViewXMLBible( Bible ):
    Class for reading, validating, and converting VerseViewXMLBible XML.
    XMLNameSpace = "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}"
    treeTag = 'bible'
    filenameTag = 'fname'
    revisionTag = 'revision'
    titleTag = 'title'
    fontTag = 'font'
    copyrightTag = 'copyright'
    sizefactorTag = 'sizefactor'
    bookTag = 'b'
    chapterTag = 'c'
    verseTag = 'v'

    def __init__( self, sourceFolder, givenName, encoding='utf-8' ):
        Constructor: just sets up the VerseView Bible object.
         # Setup and initialise the base class first
        Bible.__init__( self )
        self.objectNameString = 'VerseView XML Bible object'
        self.objectTypeString = 'VerseView'

        # Now we can set our object variables
        self.sourceFolder, self.givenName, self.encoding = sourceFolder, givenName, encoding
        self.sourceFilepath =  os.path.join( self.sourceFolder, self.givenName )

        self.tree = self.header = None # Will hold the XML data

        # Get the data tables that we need for proper checking
        #self.ISOLanguages = ISO_639_3_Languages().loadData()
        self.genericBOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )

        # Do a preliminary check on the readability of our file
        if not os.access( self.sourceFilepath, os.R_OK ):
            print( "VerseViewXMLBible: File {!r} is unreadable".format( self.sourceFilepath ) )

        self.name = self.givenName
        #if self.name is None:
    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.__init__

    def load( self ):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading {}…").format( self.sourceFilepath ) )
        self.tree = ElementTree().parse( self.sourceFilepath )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert len ( self.tree ) # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
        self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView'] = {}

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.tree.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "VerseView XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.tree, location, '4f6h' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( self.tree, location, 'js24' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.tree, location, '1wk8' )

            # Find the submain (various info and then book) containers
            bookNumber = 0
            for element in self.tree:
                if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.filenameTag:
                    sublocation = "filename in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    #self.filename = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.revisionTag:
                    sublocation = "revision in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Revision'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.titleTag:
                    sublocation = "title in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Title'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.fontTag:
                    sublocation = "font in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Font'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.copyrightTag:
                    sublocation = "copyright in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Copyright'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.sizefactorTag:
                    sublocation = "sizefactor in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jk86' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'hjk7' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'bh09' )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == '1'
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'g3g5' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'd3f6' )
                    bookNumber += 1
                    self.__validateAndExtractBook( element, bookNumber )
                else: logging.error( "xk15 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag ) )
        else: logging.error( "Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag, self.tree.tag ) )

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            # These are all compulsory so they should all exist
            #print( "Filename is {!r}".format( self.filename ) )
            print( "Revision is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Revision'] ) )
            print( "Title is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Title'] ) )
            print( "Font is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Font'] ) )
            print( "Copyright is {!r}".format( self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Copyright'] ) )
            #print( "SizeFactor is {!r}".format( self.sizeFactor ) )

        self.applySuppliedMetadata( 'VerseView' ) # Copy some to self.settingsDict
    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.load

    def __validateAndExtractBook( self, book, bookNumber ):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML book…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = None
        for attrib,value in book.items():
            if attrib=="n":
                bookName = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format( attrib, value ) )

        if bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( bookName )
        if BBB is None:
            adjustedBookName = BibleOrgSysGlobals.removeAccents( bookName )
            if adjustedBookName != bookName:
                BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( adjustedBookName )
        BBB2 = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber( bookNumber )
        if BBB2 != BBB: # Just double check using the book number
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print( "Assuming that book {} {!r} is {} (not {})".format( bookNumber, bookName, BBB2, BBB ) )
            BBB = BBB2
            #print( BBB ); halt

        if BBB:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Validating {} {}…").format( BBB, bookName ) )
            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
            thisBook.objectNameString = 'VerseView XML Bible Book object'
            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'VerseView'
            #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
            for element in book:
                if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.chapterTag:
                    sublocation = "chapter in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractChapter( BBB, thisBook, element )
                else: logging.error( "vb26 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag ) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Saving {} into results…".format( BBB ) )
            self.stashBook( thisBook )
    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractBook

    def __validateAndExtractChapter( self, BBB, thisBook, chapter ):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule and BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print( _("Validating XML chapter…") )

        # Process the chapter attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib,value in chapter.items():
            if attrib=="n":
                chapterNumber = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            thisBook.addLine( 'c', chapterNumber )
        else: logging.error( "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format( BBB ) )

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.verseTag:
                location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            else: logging.error( "sv34 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )
    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractChapter

    def __validateAndExtractVerse( self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, verse ):
        Check/validate and extract verse data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule and BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print( _("Validating XML verse…") )

        location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( verse, location, 'sg20' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( verse, location, 'l5ks' )

        # Handle verse attributes
        verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
        for attrib,value in verse.items():
            if attrib=="n":
                verseNumber = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
        location = "{}:{}".format( location, verseNumber ) # Get a better location description
        #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
        vText = '' if verse.text is None else verse.text
        if vText: vText = vText.strip()
        #if not vText: # This happens if a verse starts immediately with a style or note
            #logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber ) )

        ## Handle verse subelements (notes and styled portions)
        #for subelement in verse:
            #if subelement.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.noteTag:
                #sublocation = "note in " + location
                #noteType = None
                #for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    #if attrib=="type": noteType = value
                    #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                #if noteType and noteType not in ('variant',):
                    #logging.warning( "Unexpected {} note type in {}".format( noteType, BBB ) )
                #nText, nTail = subelement.text, subelement.tail
                ##print( "note", BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, noteType, repr(nText), repr(nTail) )
                #vText += "\\f + \\fk {} \\ft {}\\f*".format( noteType, nText ) if noteType else "\\f + \\ft {}\\f*".format( nText )
                #if nTail:
                    #if '\n' in nTail:
                        #print( "VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: nTail {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, nTail ) )
                        #nTail = nTail.replace( '\n', ' ' )
                    #vText += nTail
                #for subsubelement in subelement:
                    #if subsubelement.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.styleTag:
                        #subsublocation = "style in " + sublocation
                        #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subsubelement, subsublocation, 'fyt4' )
                        #fs = css = idStyle = None
                        #for attrib,value in subsubelement.items():
                            #if attrib=='fs': fs = value
                            ##elif attrib=="css": css = value
                            ##elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
                            #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subsubelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs or css or idStyle
                        #SFM = None
                        #if fs == 'italic': SFM = '\\it'
                        #elif fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
                        #elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
                        #else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                        ##if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
                        ##elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                        ##elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                        ##elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                        ##elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                        ##else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                        #sText, sTail = subsubelement.text.strip(), subsubelement.tail
                        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
                        #if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                        #else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                        #if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()
                    #else: logging.error( "df20 Expected to find {} but got {!r} in {}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.styleTag, subsubelement.tag, sublocation ) )

            #elif subelement.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.styleTag:
                #sublocation = "style in " + location
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'f5gh' )
                #fs = css = idStyle = None
                #for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    #if attrib=="fs": fs = value
                    ##elif attrib=="css": css = value
                    ##elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
                    #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs
                #SFM = None
                #if fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
                #elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
                #else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                ##if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
                ##elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                ##elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                ##elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                ##elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                ##else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                #sText, sTail = subelement.text.strip(), subelement.tail
                #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
                ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, sublocation )
                #if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                #else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                #if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()

            #elif subelement.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.breakTag:
                #sublocation = "line break in " + location
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation, 'c1d4' )
                #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'g4g8' )
                #art = None
                #for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    #if attrib=="art":
                        #art = value
                    #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert art == 'x-nl'
                ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber )
                ##assert vText
                #if vText:
                    #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText ); verseNumber = None
                    #vText = ''
                #thisBook.addLine( 'm', subelement.tail.strip() if subelement.tail else '' )
                ##bTail = subelement.tail
                ##if bTail: vText = bTail.strip()
            #else: logging.error( "bd47 Expected to find NOTE or STYLE but got {!r} in {}".format( subelement.tag, location ) )

        if vText: # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
            if '\n' in vText:
                print( "VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: vText {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                vText = vText.replace( '\n', ' ' )
            thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText ); verseNumber = None
コード例 #3
class HaggaiXMLBible( Bible ):
    Class for reading, validating, and converting HaggaiXMLBible XML.
    XMLNameSpace = "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}"
    treeTag = 'XMLBIBLE'
    infoTag = 'INFORMATION'
    bookTag = 'BIBLEBOOK'
    chapterTag = 'CHAPTER'
    captionTag = 'CAPTION'
    paragraphTag = 'PARAGRAPH'
    verseTag = 'VERSE'
    noteTag = 'NOTE'
    styleTag = 'STYLE'
    breakTag = 'BR'

    def __init__( self, sourceFolder, givenName, encoding='utf-8' ):
        Constructor: just sets up the Haggai Bible object.
         # Setup and initialise the base class first
        Bible.__init__( self )
        self.objectNameString = 'Haggai XML Bible object'
        self.objectTypeString = 'Haggai'

        # Now we can set our object variables
        self.sourceFolder, self.givenName, self.encoding = sourceFolder, givenName, encoding
        self.sourceFilepath =  os.path.join( self.sourceFolder, self.givenName )

        self.tree = self.header = None # Will hold the XML data

        # Get the data tables that we need for proper checking
        #self.ISOLanguages = ISO_639_3_Languages().loadData()
        self.genericBOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )

        # Do a preliminary check on the readability of our file
        if not os.access( self.sourceFilepath, os.R_OK ):
            print( "HaggaiXMLBible: File {!r} is unreadable".format( self.sourceFilepath ) )

        self.name = self.givenName
        #if self.name is None:
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__init__

    def load( self ):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading {}…").format( self.sourceFilepath ) )
        try: self.tree = ElementTree().parse( self.sourceFilepath )
        except ParseError as err:
            logging.critical( exp("Loader parse error in xml file {}: {} {}").format( self.givenName, sys.exc_info()[0], err ) )
            #loadErrors.append( exp("Loader parse error in xml file {}: {} {}").format( self.givenName, sys.exc_info()[0], err ) )
            #self.addPriorityError( 100, C, V, _("Loader parse error in xml file {}: {}").format( self.givenName, err ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert len ( self.tree ) # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.tree.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "Haggai XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.tree, location, '4f6h' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.tree, location, '1wk8' )

            schema = name = status = BibleType = revision = version = lgid = None
            for attrib,value in self.tree.items():
                if attrib == HaggaiXMLBible.XMLNameSpace + 'noNamespaceSchemaLocation':
                    schema = value
                elif attrib == "biblename":
                    name = value
                elif attrib == "lgid":
                    lgid = value # In italian.xml this is set to "german"
                elif attrib == "status":
                    status = value
                elif attrib == "type":
                    BibleType = value
                elif attrib == "revision":
                    revision = value
                elif attrib == 'version':
                    version = value
                else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in main element".format( attrib, value ) )
            if name: self.name = name
            if status: self.status = status
            if revision: self.revision = revision
            if version: self.version = version

            if self.tree[0].tag == 'INFORMATION':
                self.header = self.tree[0]
                self.tree.remove( self.header )
            else: # Handle information records at the END of the file
                ix = len(self.tree) - 1
                if self.tree[ix].tag == 'INFORMATION':
                    self.header = self.tree[ix]
                    self.tree.remove( self.header )

            # Find the submain (book) containers
            for element in self.tree:
                if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'g3g5' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'd3f6' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractBook( element )
                else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag ) )
        else: logging.error( "Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.treeTag, self.tree.tag ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.load

    def __validateAndExtractHeader( self ):
        Extracts information out of the header record, such as:
            <title>King James Version</title>
            <subject>The Holy Bible</subject>
            <description>In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611, just 85 years after the first translation of the New Testament into English appeared (Tyndale, 1526). The Authorized Version, or King James Version, quickly became the standard for English-speaking Protestants. Its flowing language and prose rhythm has had a profound influence on the literature of the past 300 years.</description>
            <publisher>FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP</publisher>
            <contributors />
            <format>Haggai XML Bible Markup Language</format>
            <coverage>provide the Bible to the nations of the world</coverage>
            <rights>We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain.</rights>
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert self.header
        location = 'Header'
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( self.header, location, 'j4j6' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.header, location, 'sk4l' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.header, location, 'a2d4' )

        # TODO: We probably need to rationalise some of the self.xxx stores
        for element in self.header:
            #print( "header", element.tag )
            if element.tag == 'title':
                sublocation = "title in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.title = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'creator':
                sublocation = "creator in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.creator = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'subject':
                sublocation = "subject in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.subject = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'description':
                sublocation = "description in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.description = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'publisher':
                sublocation = "publisher in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.publisher = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'contributor':
                sublocation = "contributor in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'alj1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jjd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5gk78' )
                if element.text:
                    try: self.contributor = [ self.contributor, element.text ] # Put multiples into a list
                    except AttributeError: self.contributor = element.text # Must be the first (and possibly only) one
            elif element.tag == 'contributors':
                sublocation = "contributors in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.contributors = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'date':
                sublocation = "date in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.date = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'type':
                sublocation = "type in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.documentType = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'format':
                sublocation = "format in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == 'Haggai XML Bible Markup Language'
            elif element.tag == 'identifier':
                sublocation = "identifier in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.identifier = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'source':
                sublocation = "source in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.source = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'language':
                sublocation = "language in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.language = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'coverage':
                sublocation = "coverage in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.coverage = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'rights':
                sublocation = "rights in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.rights = element.text
            else: logging.error( "Found unexpected {!r} tag in {}".format( element.tag, location ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractHeader

    def __validateAndExtractBook( self, book ):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML book…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = bookShortName = bookNumber = None
        for attrib,value in book.items():
            if attrib=="bnumber":
                bookNumber = value
            elif attrib=="bname":
                bookName = value
            elif attrib=="bsname":
                bookShortName = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if bookNumber:
            try: BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber( bookNumber )
            except KeyError:
                logging.warning( "Unable to deduce which book is number={}, name={}, shortName={} -- ignoring it" \
                                                                        .format( bookNumber, bookName, bookShortName ) )
        elif bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( bookName )

        if BBB:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Validating {} {}…").format( BBB, bookName ) )
            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
            thisBook.objectNameString = 'Haggai XML Bible Book object'
            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'Haggai'
            #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
            for element in book:
                if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag:
                    sublocation = "caption in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jhl6' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'jk21' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'kjh6' )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'mt', element.text )
                elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag:
                    sublocation = "chapter in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractChapter( BBB, thisBook, element )
                else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag ) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Saving {} into results…".format( BBB ) )
            self.stashBook( thisBook )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractBook

    def __validateAndExtractChapter( self, BBB, thisBook, chapter ):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML chapter…") )

        # Process the chapter attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib,value in chapter.items():
            if attrib=="cnumber":
                chapterNumber = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            thisBook.addLine( 'c', chapterNumber )
        else: logging.error( "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format( BBB ) )

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.paragraphTag:
                location = "paragraph in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractParagraph( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag+'disabled':
                location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag+'disabled': # Used in Psalms
                location = "caption in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'k5k8' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'd3f5' )
                # Handle caption attributes
                vRef = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="vref":
                        vRef = value
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef == '1'
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in caption element".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef
                vText = element.text
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, vRef ) )
                if vText: # This is the main text of the caption
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', '0' + ' ' + vText ) # We save it as verse zero
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractChapter

    def __validateAndExtractParagraph( self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, paragraph ):
        Check/validate and extract paragraph data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving paragraphs and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML paragraph…") )

        location = "paragraph in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        thisBook.addLine( 'p', '' )

        # Handle verse subelements (verses)
        for element in paragraph:
            if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag:
                location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag+'disabled': # Used in Psalms
                location = "caption in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'k5k8' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'd3f5' )
                # Handle caption attributes
                vRef = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="vref":
                        vRef = value
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef == '1'
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in caption element".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef
                vText = element.text
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, vRef ) )
                if vText: # This is the main text of the caption
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', '0' + ' ' + vText ) # We save it as verse zero
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractParagraph

    def __validateAndExtractVerse( self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, verse ):
        Check/validate and extract verse data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML verse…") )

        location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( verse, location, 'l5ks' )

        # Handle verse attributes
        verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
        for attrib,value in verse.items():
            if attrib=="vnumber":
                verseNumber = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
        location = "{}:{}".format( location, verseNumber ) # Get a better location description
        #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
        vText = '' if verse.text is None else verse.text
        if vText: vText = vText.strip()
        #if not vText: # This happens if a verse starts immediately with a style or note
            #logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber ) )

        # Handle verse subelements (notes and styled portions)
        for subelement in verse:
            if subelement.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.noteTag:
                sublocation = "note in " + location
                noteType = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib=="type": noteType = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if noteType and noteType not in ('variant',):
                    logging.warning( "Unexpected {} note type in {}".format( noteType, BBB ) )
                nText, nTail = subelement.text, subelement.tail
                #print( "note", BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, noteType, repr(nText), repr(nTail) )
                vText += "\\f + \\fk {} \\ft {}\\f*".format( noteType, nText ) if noteType else "\\f + \\ft {}\\f*".format( nText )
                if nTail:
                    if '\n' in nTail:
                        print( "HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: nTail {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, nTail ) )
                        nTail = nTail.replace( '\n', ' ' )
                    vText += nTail
                for subsubelement in subelement:
                    if subsubelement.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.styleTag:
                        subsublocation = "style in " + sublocation
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subsubelement, subsublocation, 'fyt4' )
                        fs = css = idStyle = None
                        for attrib,value in subsubelement.items():
                            if attrib=='fs': fs = value
                            #elif attrib=="css": css = value
                            #elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
                            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subsubelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs or css or idStyle
                        SFM = None
                        if fs == 'italic': SFM = '\\it'
                        elif fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
                        elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
                        else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                        #if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
                        #elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                        #elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                        #elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                        #elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                        #else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                        sText, sTail = subsubelement.text.strip(), subsubelement.tail
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
                        if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                        else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                        if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find {} but got {!r} in {}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.styleTag, subsubelement.tag, sublocation ) )

            elif subelement.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.styleTag:
                sublocation = "style in " + location
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'f5gh' )
                fs = css = idStyle = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib=="fs": fs = value
                    #elif attrib=="css": css = value
                    #elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs
                SFM = None
                if fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
                elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
                else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                #if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
                #elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                #elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                #elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                #elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                #else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                sText, sTail = subelement.text.strip(), subelement.tail
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
                #print( BBB, chapterNumber, sublocation )
                if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()

            elif subelement.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.breakTag:
                sublocation = "line break in " + location
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation, 'c1d4' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'g4g8' )
                art = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib=="art":
                        art = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert art == 'x-nl'
                #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber )
                #assert vText
                if vText:
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText ); verseNumber = None
                    vText = ''
                thisBook.addLine( 'm', subelement.tail.strip() if subelement.tail else '' )
                #bTail = subelement.tail
                #if bTail: vText = bTail.strip()
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find NOTE or STYLE but got {!r} in {}".format( subelement.tag, location ) )

        if vText: # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
            if '\n' in vText:
                print( "HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: vText {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                vText = vText.replace( '\n', ' ' )
            thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText ); verseNumber = None
コード例 #4
class VerseViewXMLBible(Bible):
    Class for reading, validating, and converting VerseViewXMLBible XML.
    XMLNameSpace = "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}"
    treeTag = 'bible'
    filenameTag = 'fname'
    revisionTag = 'revision'
    titleTag = 'title'
    fontTag = 'font'
    copyrightTag = 'copyright'
    sizefactorTag = 'sizefactor'
    bookTag = 'b'
    chapterTag = 'c'
    verseTag = 'v'

    def __init__(self, sourceFolder, givenName, encoding='utf-8'):
        Constructor: just sets up the VerseView Bible object.
        # Setup and initialise the base class first
        self.objectNameString = 'VerseView XML Bible object'
        self.objectTypeString = 'VerseView'

        # Now we can set our object variables
        self.sourceFolder, self.givenName, self.encoding = sourceFolder, givenName, encoding
        self.sourceFilepath = os.path.join(self.sourceFolder, self.givenName)

        self.XMLTree = self.header = None  # Will hold the XML data

        # Get the data tables that we need for proper checking
        #self.ISOLanguages = ISO_639_3_Languages().loadData()
        self.genericBOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG')

        # Do a preliminary check on the readability of our file
        if not os.access(self.sourceFilepath, os.R_OK):
            print("VerseViewXMLBible: File {!r} is unreadable".format(

        self.name = self.givenName
        #if self.name is None:

    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.__init__

    def load(self):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print(_("Loading {}…").format(self.sourceFilepath))
        self.XMLTree = ElementTree().parse(self.sourceFilepath)
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            assert len(
                self.XMLTree)  # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
        self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView'] = {}

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.XMLTree.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "VerseView XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(self.XMLTree, location, '4f6h')
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes(self.XMLTree, location,
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(self.XMLTree, location, '1wk8')

            # Find the submain (various info and then book) containers
            bookNumber = 0
            for element in self.XMLTree:
                if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.filenameTag:
                    sublocation = "filename in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    #self.filename = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.revisionTag:
                    sublocation = "revision in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                        'Revision'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.titleTag:
                    sublocation = "title in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Title'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.fontTag:
                    sublocation = "font in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    self.suppliedMetadata['VerseView']['Font'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.copyrightTag:
                    sublocation = "copyright in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                        'Copyright'] = element.text
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.sizefactorTag:
                    sublocation = "sizefactor in " + location
                        element, sublocation, 'jk86')
                        element, sublocation, 'hjk7')
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == '1'
                elif element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, sublocation,
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    bookNumber += 1
                    self.__validateAndExtractBook(element, bookNumber)
                        "xk15 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                            VerseViewXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag))
            logging.error("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                VerseViewXMLBible.treeTag, self.XMLTree.tag))

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            # These are all compulsory so they should all exist
            #print( "Filename is {!r}".format( self.filename ) )
            print("Revision is {!r}".format(
            print("Title is {!r}".format(
            print("Font is {!r}".format(
            print("Copyright is {!r}".format(
            #print( "SizeFactor is {!r}".format( self.sizeFactor ) )

            'VerseView')  # Copy some to self.settingsDict

    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.load

    def __validateAndExtractBook(self, book, bookNumber):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print(_("Validating XML book…"))

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = None
        for attrib, value in book.items():
            if attrib == "n":
                bookName = value
                    "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format(
                        attrib, value))

        if bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText(bookName)
        if BBB is None:
            adjustedBookName = BibleOrgSysGlobals.removeAccents(bookName)
            if adjustedBookName != bookName:
                BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText(adjustedBookName)
        BBB2 = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber(
        if BBB2 != BBB:  # Just double check using the book number
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag or BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print("Assuming that book {} {!r} is {} (not {})".format(
                    bookNumber, bookName, BBB2, BBB))
            BBB = BBB2
            #print( BBB ); halt

        if BBB:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print(_("Validating {} {}…").format(BBB, bookName))
            thisBook = BibleBook(self, BBB)
            thisBook.objectNameString = 'VerseView XML Bible Book object'
            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'VerseView'
            #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
            for element in book:
                if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.chapterTag:
                    sublocation = "chapter in {}".format(BBB)
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, sublocation,
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                    self.__validateAndExtractChapter(BBB, thisBook, element)
                        "vb26 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                            VerseViewXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag))
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                print("  Saving {} into results…".format(BBB))

    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractBook

    def __validateAndExtractChapter(self, BBB, thisBook, chapter):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule and BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print(_("Validating XML chapter…"))

        # Process the chapter attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib, value in chapter.items():
            if attrib == "n":
                chapterNumber = value
                    "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".
                    format(attrib, value))
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            thisBook.addLine('c', chapterNumber)
                "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format(BBB))

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.verseTag:
                location = "verse in {} {}".format(BBB, chapterNumber)
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse(BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook,
                logging.error("sv34 Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                    VerseViewXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag))

    # end of VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractChapter

    def __validateAndExtractVerse(self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, verse):
        Check/validate and extract verse data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule and BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print(_("Validating XML verse…"))

        location = "verse in {} {}".format(BBB, chapterNumber)
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements(verse, location, 'sg20')
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(verse, location, 'l5ks')

        # Handle verse attributes
        verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
        for attrib, value in verse.items():
            if attrib == "n":
                verseNumber = value
                    "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".format(
                        attrib, value))
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
        location = "{}:{}".format(
            location, verseNumber)  # Get a better location description
        #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
        vText = '' if verse.text is None else verse.text
        if vText: vText = vText.strip()
        #if not vText: # This happens if a verse starts immediately with a style or note
        #logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber ) )

        ## Handle verse subelements (notes and styled portions)
        #for subelement in verse:
        #if subelement.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.noteTag:
        #sublocation = "note in " + location
        #noteType = None
        #for attrib,value in subelement.items():
        #if attrib=="type": noteType = value
        #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
        #if noteType and noteType not in ('variant',):
        #logging.warning( "Unexpected {} note type in {}".format( noteType, BBB ) )
        #nText, nTail = subelement.text, subelement.tail
        ##print( "note", BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, noteType, repr(nText), repr(nTail) )
        #vText += "\\f + \\fk {} \\ft {}\\f*".format( noteType, nText ) if noteType else "\\f + \\ft {}\\f*".format( nText )
        #if nTail:
        #if '\n' in nTail:
        #print( "VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: nTail {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, nTail ) )
        #nTail = nTail.replace( '\n', ' ' )
        #vText += nTail
        #for sub2element in subelement:
        #if sub2element.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.styleTag:
        #sub2location = "style in " + sublocation
        #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'fyt4' )
        #fs = css = idStyle = None
        #for attrib,value in sub2element.items():
        #if attrib=='fs': fs = value
        ##elif attrib=="css": css = value
        ##elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
        #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style sub2element".format( attrib, value ) )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs or css or idStyle
        #SFM = None
        #if fs == 'italic': SFM = '\\it'
        #elif fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
        #elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
        #else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
        ##if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
        ##elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
        ##elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
        ##elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
        ##elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
        ##else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
        #sText, sTail = sub2element.text.strip(), sub2element.tail
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
        #if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
        #else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
        #if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()
        #else: logging.error( "df20 Expected to find {} but got {!r} in {}".format( VerseViewXMLBible.styleTag, sub2element.tag, sublocation ) )

        #elif subelement.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.styleTag:
        #sublocation = "style in " + location
        #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'f5gh' )
        #fs = css = idStyle = None
        #for attrib,value in subelement.items():
        #if attrib=="fs": fs = value
        ##elif attrib=="css": css = value
        ##elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
        #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs
        #SFM = None
        #if fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
        #elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
        #else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
        ##if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
        ##elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
        ##elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
        ##elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
        ##elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
        ##else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
        #sText, sTail = subelement.text.strip(), subelement.tail
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
        ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, sublocation )
        #if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
        #else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
        #if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()

        #elif subelement.tag == VerseViewXMLBible.breakTag:
        #sublocation = "line break in " + location
        #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation, 'c1d4' )
        #BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'g4g8' )
        #art = None
        #for attrib,value in subelement.items():
        #if attrib=="art":
        #art = value
        #else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
        #if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert art == 'x-nl'
        ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber )
        ##assert vText
        #if vText:
        #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText ); verseNumber = None
        #vText = ''
        #thisBook.addLine( 'm', subelement.tail.strip() if subelement.tail else '' )
        ##bTail = subelement.tail
        ##if bTail: vText = bTail.strip()
        #else: logging.error( "bd47 Expected to find NOTE or STYLE but got {!r} in {}".format( subelement.tag, location ) )

        if vText:  # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
            if '\n' in vText:
                    "VerseViewXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: vText {} {}:{} {!r}"
                    .format(BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText))
                vText = vText.replace('\n', ' ')
            thisBook.addLine('v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText)
            verseNumber = None
コード例 #5
class OpenSongXMLBible(Bible):
    Class for reading, validating, and converting OpenSong Bible XML.
    treeTag = 'bible'
    bookTag = 'b'
    chapterTag = 'c'
    verseTag = 'v'

    def __init__(self, sourceFolder, givenName, encoding='utf-8'):
        Constructor: just sets up the XML Bible file converter object.
        # Setup and initialise the base class first
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            print("OpenSongXMLBible( {}, {}, {} )".format(
                sourceFolder, givenName, encoding))
        self.objectNameString = 'OpenSong XML Bible object'
        self.objectTypeString = 'OpenSong'

        # Now we can set our object variables
        self.sourceFolder, self.givenName, self.encoding = sourceFolder, givenName, encoding
        self.sourceFilepath = os.path.join(self.sourceFolder, self.givenName)

        self.tree = None  # Will hold the XML data

        # Get the data tables that we need for proper checking
        #self.ISOLanguages = ISO_639_3_Languages().loadData()
        self.genericBOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG')

        # Do a preliminary check on the readability of our file
        if not os.access(self.sourceFilepath, os.R_OK):
            print("OpenSongXMLBible: File {!r} is unreadable".format(

        self.name = self.givenName
        #if self.name is None:

    # end of OpenSongXMLBible.__init__

    def load(self):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print(_("Loading {}…").format(self.sourceFilepath))
        self.tree = ElementTree().parse(self.sourceFilepath)
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
            assert len(
                self.tree)  # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.tree.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(self.tree, location, '4f6h')
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(self.tree, location, '1wk8')

            name = shortName = None
            for attrib, value in self.tree.items():
                if attrib == "n":
                    name = value
                elif attrib == "sn":
                    shortName = value
                        "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in main element".
                        format(attrib, value))

            # Find the submain (book) containers
            for element in self.tree:
                if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText(element, sublocation,
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation,
                elif element.tag == 'OT':
                elif element.tag == 'NT':
                    logging.error("Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                        OpenSongXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag))
            logging.error("Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                OpenSongXMLBible.treeTag, self.tree.tag))

    # end of OpenSongXMLBible.load

    def __validateAndExtractBook(self, book):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.
        global BibleBooksNames

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print(_("Validating OpenSong XML book…"))

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = None
        for attrib, value in book.items():
            if attrib == "n":
                bookName = value
                    "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format(
                        attrib, value))
        if bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText(
                bookName)  # Booknames are usually in English
            if not BBB:  # wasn't English
                if BibleBooksNames is None:
                    BibleBooksNames = BibleBooksNamesSystems().loadData()
                BBB = BibleBooksNames.getBBBFromText(
                    bookName)  # Try non-English booknames
                #print( "bookName", bookName, BBB )
            if BBB:
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                    print(_("Validating {} {}…").format(BBB, bookName))
                thisBook = BibleBook(self, BBB)
                thisBook.objectNameString = 'OpenSong XML Bible Book object'
                thisBook.objectTypeString = 'OpenSong'
                #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
                USFMAbbreviation = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getUSFMAbbreviation(
                    'id', '{} imported by {}'.format(USFMAbbreviation.upper(),
                thisBook.addLine('h', bookName)
                thisBook.addLine('mt1', bookName)
                for element in book:
                    if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.chapterTag:
                        sublocation = "chapter in {}".format(BBB)
                            element, sublocation, 'j3jd')
                            element, sublocation, 'al1d')
                            BBB, thisBook, element)
                            "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                                OpenSongXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag))
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
                    print("  Saving {} into results…".format(BBB))
                    _("OpenSong load doesn't recognize book name: {!r}").
                    format(bookName))  # no BBB
                _("OpenSong load can't find a book name"))  # no bookName

    # end of OpenSongXMLBible.__validateAndExtractBook

    def __validateAndExtractChapter(self, BBB, thisBook, chapter):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
            print(_("Validating XML chapter…"))

        # Process the div attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib, value in chapter.items():
            if attrib == "n":
                chapterNumber = value
            elif attrib == "VERSES":
                numVerses = value
                    "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".
                    format(attrib, value))
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            chapterNumber = chapterNumber.replace(
                'of Solomon ', '')  # Fix a mistake in the Chinese_SU module
            thisBook.addLine('c', chapterNumber)
                "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format(BBB))

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag:
                sublocation = "verse in {} {}".format(BBB, chapterNumber)
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail(element, sublocation, 'l5ks')
                verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
                for attrib, value in element.items():
                    if attrib == "n":
                        verseNumber = value
                    elif attrib == "t":
                        toVerseNumber = value
                            "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".
                            format(attrib, value))
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
                #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
                vText = element.text if element.text else ''
                for subelement in element:
                    sub2location = "{} in {}".format(subelement.tag,
                        subelement, sub2location, 'ks03')
                        subelement, sub2location, 'ks05')
                    if subelement.tag == 'i':
                        vText += '\\it {}\\it*{}'.format(
                            subelement.text, subelement.tail)
                            "Expected to find 'i' but got {!r}".format(
                vText += element.tail if element.tail else ''
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning("{} {}:{} has no text".format(
                        BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber))
                #print( 'vText1', vText )
                if vText:  # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    if '\n' in vText:  # This is how they represent poety
                        #print( "vText", repr(vText), repr(element.text) )
                        for j, textBit in enumerate(vText.split('\n')):
                            if j == 0:
                                thisBook.addLine('q1', '')
                                                 verseNumber + ' ' + textBit)
                                thisBook.addLine('q1', textBit)
                    else:  # Just one verse line
                        thisBook.addLine('v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText)
                #print( 'vText2', vText )
                logging.error("Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format(
                    OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag))
コード例 #6
    def load(self):
        Load a single source file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2:
            print(_("Loading {}…").format(self.sourceFilepath))

        global BOS66, BOS81, BOSx
        if BOS66 is None:
            BOS66 = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG')
        if BOS81 is None:
            BOS81 = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-KJV-80-ENG')
        if BOSx is None: BOSx = BibleOrganizationalSystem('GENERIC-ENG')

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}

        lastLine, lineCount = '', 0
        vplType = bookCodeText = lastBookCodeText = BBB = lastBBB = metadataName = None
        lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
        lastVText = ''
        thisBook = None
        settingsDict = {}
        with open(self.sourceFilepath, encoding=self.encoding
                  ) as myFile:  # Automatically closes the file when done
            for line in myFile:
                lineCount += 1
                if line[-1] == '\n':
                    line = line[:-1]  # Removing trailing newline character
                if not line: continue  # Just discard blank lines
                if lineCount == 1:
                    if self.encoding.lower() == 'utf-8' and line[0] == chr(
                            65279):  #U+FEFF or \ufeff
                            "      VPLBible.load: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)"
                        line = line[
                            1:]  # Remove the Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                    # Try to identify the VPL type
                    match = re.search(
                        '^(\\w{2,5}?)\\s(\\d{1,3})[:\\.](\\d{1,3})\\s', line)
                    if match: vplType = 1
                        match = re.search('^(\\d{8})\\s', line)
                        if match: vplType = 2
                            match = re.search('^# language_name:\\s', line)
                            if match: vplType = 3
                            #match = re.search( '^; TITLE:\\s', line )
                            #if match: vplType = 4
                    if match:
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                                "First line got type #{} {!r} match from {!r}".
                                format(vplType, match.group(0), line))
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3:
                                "VPLBible.load: (unexpected) first line was {!r} in {}"
                                .format(line, self.sourceFilepath))
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                    #print( 'vplType', vplType )

                #print ( 'VPL file line is "' + line + '"' )
                lastLine = line

                # Process header stuff
                if vplType == 3:
                    if line.startswith('# language_name:'):
                        string = line[16:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['LanguageName'] = string
                    elif line.startswith('# closest ISO 639-3:'):
                        string = line[20:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['ISOLanguageCode'] = string
                    elif line.startswith('# year_short:'):
                        string = line[13:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['Year.short'] = string
                    elif line.startswith('# year_long:'):
                        string = line[12:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['Year.long'] = string
                    elif line.startswith('# title:'):
                        string = line[8:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['WorkTitle'] = string
                    elif line.startswith('# URL:'):
                        string = line[6:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['URL'] = string
                    elif line.startswith('# copyright_short:'):
                        string = line[18:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['Copyright.short'] = string
                    elif line.startswith('# copyright_long:'):
                        string = line[17:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available':
                            settingsDict['Copyright.long'] = string
                    elif line[0] == '#':
                            "VPLBible.load {} is skipping unknown line: {}".
                            format(vplType, line))
                        continue  # Just discard comment lines
                #elif vplType == 4:
                #if line.startswith( '; TITLE:' ):
                #string = line[8:].strip()
                #if string: settingsDict['TITLE'] = string
                #elif line.startswith( '; ABBREVIATION:' ):
                #string = line[15:].strip()
                #if string: settingsDict['ABBREVIATION'] = string
                #elif line.startswith( '; HAS ITALICS:' ):
                #string = line[15:].strip()
                #if string: settingsDict['HAS_ITALICS'] = string
                #elif line.startswith( '; HAS FOOTNOTES:' ):
                #string = line[15:].strip()
                #if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                #elif line.startswith( '; HAS FOOTNOTES' ):
                #string = line[14:].strip()
                #if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                #elif line.startswith( '; HAS REDLETTER:' ):
                #string = line[15:].strip()
                #if string: settingsDict['HAS_REDLETTER'] = string
                #elif line[0]==';':
                #logging.warning( "VPLBible.load{} is skipping unknown header/comment line: {}".format( vplType, line ) )
                #continue # Just discard comment lines

                # Process the main segment
                if vplType == 1:
                    bits = line.split(' ', 2)
                    #print( self.givenName, BBB, bits )
                    if len(bits) == 3 and ':' in bits[1]:
                        bookCodeText, CVString, vText = bits
                        chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = CVString.split(
                        #print( "{} {} bc={!r} c={!r} v={!r} txt={!r}".format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )
                        if chapterNumberString == '':
                            chapterNumberString = '1'  # Handle a bug in some single chapter books in VPL
                        print("Unexpected number of bits", self.givenName, BBB,
                              bookCodeText, chapterNumberString,
                              verseNumberString, len(bits), bits)

                    if not bookCodeText and not chapterNumberString and not verseNumberString:
                        print("Skipping empty line in {} {} {} {}:{}".format(
                            self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText,
                            chapterNumberString, verseNumberString))
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                        assert 2 <= len(bookCodeText) <= 4
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                        assert chapterNumberString.isdigit()
                    if not verseNumberString.isdigit():
                            "Invalid verse number field at {}/{} {}:{!r}".
                            format(bookCodeText, BBB, chapterNumberString,
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:
                            assert verseNumberString.isdigit()
                    chapterNumber = int(chapterNumberString)
                    verseNumber = int(verseNumberString)

                    if bookCodeText != lastBookCodeText:  # We've started a new book
                        lastBBB = BBB
                        #if bookCodeText in ('Ge',): BBB = 'GEN'
                        if bookCodeText == 'Le' and lastBBB == 'GEN':
                            BBB = 'LEV'
                        elif bookCodeText in ('Jud', ) and lastBBB == 'JOS':
                            BBB = 'JDG'
                            #elif bookCodeText in ('Es',): BBB = 'EST'
                            #elif bookCodeText in ('Pr',): BBB = 'PRO'
                            #elif bookCodeText in ('So','SOL') and lastBBB == 'ECC': BBB = 'SNG'
                            #elif bookCodeText in ('La',) and lastBBB == 'JER': BBB = 'LAM'
                            #elif bookCodeText == 'PHI' and lastBBB == 'EPH': BBB = 'PHP'
                            #elif bookCodeText == 'PHI' and self.givenName == "bjp_vpl": BBB = 'PHP' # Hack for incomplete NT
                            #elif bookCodeText in ('Jude',): BBB = 'JDE'
                            #elif bookCodeText == 'PRA' and lastBBB == 'LJE': BBB = 'PAZ'
                            #elif bookCodeText == 'PRM' and lastBBB == 'GES': BBB = 'MAN'
                            BBB = BOS66.getBBBFromText(
                                bookCodeText)  # Try to guess
                            if not BBB:
                                BBB = BOS81.getBBBFromText(
                                    bookCodeText)  # Try to guess
                            if not BBB:
                                BBB = BOSx.getBBBFromText(
                                    bookCodeText)  # Try to guess
                            if not BBB:
                                BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromText(
                                    bookCodeText)  # Try to guess
                        if not BBB:
                                "VPL Bible: Unable to determine book code from text {!r} after {!r}={}"
                                .format(bookCodeText, lastBookCodeText,

                    # Handle special formatting
                    #   [square-brackets] are for Italicized words
                    #   <angle-brackets> are for the Words of Christ in Red
                    #   «chevrons»  are for the Titles in the Book  of Psalms.
                    vText = vText.replace( '[', '\\add ' ).replace( ']', '\\add*' ) \
                        .replace( '<', '\\wj ' ).replace( '>', '\\wj*' )
                    if vText and vText[0] == '«':
                        #print( "Oh!", BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, repr(vText) )
                        if BBB == 'PSA' and verseNumberString == '1':  # Psalm title
                            vBits = vText[1:].split('»')
                            #print( "vBits", vBits )
                            thisBook.addLine('d', vBits[0])  # Psalm title
                            vText = vBits[1].lstrip()

                    # Handle the verse info
                    #if verseNumber==lastVerseNumber and vText==lastVText:
                    #logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicate verse line in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                    if BBB == 'PSA' and verseNumberString == '1' and vText.startswith(
                            '&lt;') and self.givenName == 'basic_english':
                        # Move Psalm titles to verse zero
                        verseNumber = 0
                    #if verseNumber < lastVerseNumber:
                    #logging.warning( _("Ignored receding verse number (from {} to {}) in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( lastVerseNumber, verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                    #elif verseNumber == lastVerseNumber:
                    #if vText == lastVText:
                    #logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                    #logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse number in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )

                elif vplType in (2, 3):
                    bits = line.split('\t', 1)
                    #print( self.givenName, BBB, bits )
                    bookNumberString, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = bits[
                        0][:2], bits[0][2:5], bits[0][5:]
                    #print( bookNumberString, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString )
                    while len(chapterNumberString
                              ) > 1 and chapterNumberString[0] == '0':
                        chapterNumberString = chapterNumberString[
                            1:]  # Remove leading zeroes
                    while len(verseNumberString
                              ) > 1 and verseNumberString[0] == '0':
                        verseNumberString = verseNumberString[
                            1:]  # Remove leading zeroes
                    bookCodeText, chapterNumber, verseNumber = int(
                        bookNumberString), int(chapterNumberString), int(
                    vText = bits[1].replace(' ,',',').replace(' .','.').replace(' ;',';').replace(' :',':') \
                                    .replace(' !','!').replace(' )',')').replace(' ]',']').replace(' ”','”') \
                                    .replace('“ ','“').replace('( ','(').replace('[ ','[') #.replace(' !','!')

                    if bookCodeText != lastBookCodeText:  # We've started a new book
                        lastBBB = BBB
                        bnDict = {
                            67: 'TOB',
                            68: 'JDT',
                            69: 'ESG',
                            70: 'WIS',
                            71: 'SIR',
                            72: 'BAR',
                            73: 'LJE',
                            74: 'PAZ',
                            75: 'SUS',
                            76: 'BEL',
                            77: 'MA1',
                            78: 'MA2',
                            79: 'MA3',
                            80: 'MA4',
                            81: 'ES1',
                            82: 'ES2',
                            83: 'MAN',
                            84: 'PS2',
                            85: 'PSS',
                            86: 'ODE',
                        if 1 <= bookCodeText <= 66:
                            BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber(
                            BBB = bnDict[bookCodeText]

                #elif vplType == 4:
                #if line.startswith( '$$ ' ):
                #if metadataName and metadataContents:
                #settingsDict[metadataName] = metadataContents
                #metadataName = None
                #pointer = line[3:]
                ##print( "pointer", repr(pointer) )
                #if pointer and pointer[0]=='{' and pointer[-1]=='}':
                #metadataName = pointer[1:-1]
                #if metadataName:
                ##print( "metadataName", repr(metadataName) )
                #metadataContents = ''
                #else: # let's assume it's a BCV reference
                #pointer = pointer.replace( '1 K','1K' ).replace( '2 K','2K' ) \
                #.replace( '1 Chr','1Chr' ).replace( '2 Chr','2Chr' ) \
                #.replace( '1 Cor','1Cor' ).replace( '2 Cor','2Cor' ) \
                #.replace( '1 Thess','1Thess' ).replace( '2 Thess','2Thess' ) \
                #.replace( '1 Tim','1Tim' ).replace( '2 Tim','2Tim' ) \
                #.replace( '1 Pet','1Pet' ).replace( '2 Pet','2Pet' ) \
                #.replace( '1 J','1J' ).replace( '2 J','2J' ).replace( '3 J','3J' )
                #B_CV_Bits = pointer.split( ' ', 1 )
                #if len(B_CV_Bits) == 2 and ':' in B_CV_Bits[1]:
                #bookCodeText, CVString = B_CV_Bits
                #chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = CVString.split( ':' )
                #chapterNumber = int( chapterNumberString )
                #verseNumber = int( verseNumberString )
                #if bookCodeText != lastBookCodeText: # We've started a new book
                #if bookCodeText in ('Ge',): BBB = 'GEN'
                #elif bookCodeText in ('Le',): BBB = 'LEV'
                #elif bookCodeText in ('La',): BBB = 'LAM'
                ##print( "4bookCodeText =", repr(bookCodeText) )
                ##BBB = BOS.getBBBFromText( bookCodeText )  # Try to guess
                #BBB = BOS66.getBBBFromText( bookCodeText )  # Try to guess
                #if not BBB: BBB = BOS81.getBBBFromText( bookCodeText )  # Try to guess
                #if not BBB: BBB = BOSx.getBBBFromText( bookCodeText )  # Try to guess
                ##print( "4BBB =", repr(BBB) )
                #else: print( "Unexpected number of bits", self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, len(bits), bits )
                #continue # Just save the pointer information which refers to the text on the next line
                #else: # it's not a $$ line
                #text = line
                ##print( "text", repr(text) )
                #if metadataName:
                #metadataContents += ('\n' if metadataContents else '') + text
                #vText = text
                ## Handle bits like (<scripref>Pr 2:7</scripref>)
                #vText = vText.replace( '(<scripref>', '\\x - \\xt ' ).replace( '</scripref>)', '\\x*' )
                #vText = vText.replace( '<scripref>', '\\x - \\xt ' ).replace( '</scripref>', '\\x*' )
                ##if '\\' in vText: print( 'VPL vText', repr(vText) )
                #if vplType == 4: # Forge for SwordSearcher
                ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                ## Convert {stuff} to footnotes
                #match = re.search( '\\{(.+?)\\}', vText )
                #while match:
                #footnoteText = '\\f + \\fr {}:{} \\ft {}\\f*'.format( chapterNumber, verseNumber, match.group(1) )
                #vText = vText[:match.start()] + footnoteText + vText[match.end():] # Replace this footnote
                ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                #match = re.search( '\\{(.+?)\\}', vText )
                ## Convert [stuff] to added fields
                #match = re.search( '\\[(.+?)\\]', vText )
                #while match:
                #addText = '\\add {}\\add*'.format( match.group(1) )
                #vText = vText[:match.start()] + addText + vText[match.end():] # Replace this chunk
                ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                #match = re.search( '\\[(.+?)\\]', vText )
                #for badChar in '{}[]':
                #if badChar in vText:
                #logging.warning( "Found remaining braces or brackets in SwordSearcher Forge VPL {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )

                    logging.critical('Unknown VPL type {}'.format(vplType))
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule:

                if bookCodeText:
                    if bookCodeText != lastBookCodeText:  # We've started a new book
                        if lastBookCodeText is not None:  # Better save the last book
                        if BBB:
                            if BBB in self:
                                    "Have duplicated {} book in {}".format(
                                        self.givenName, BBB))
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                                assert BBB not in self
                            thisBook = BibleBook(self, BBB)
                            thisBook.objectNameString = 'VPL Bible Book object'
                            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'VPL'
                            verseList = BOSx.getNumVersesList(BBB)
                            numChapters, numVerses = len(
                                verseList), verseList[0]
                            lastBookCodeText = bookCodeText
                            lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
                                "VPLBible{} could not figure out {!r} book code"
                                .format(vplType, bookCodeText))
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt

                    if BBB:
                        if chapterNumber != lastChapterNumber:  # We've started a new chapter
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                                assert chapterNumber > lastChapterNumber or BBB == 'ESG'  # Esther Greek might be an exception
                            if chapterNumber == 0:
                                    "Have chapter zero in {} {} {} {}:{}".
                                    format(self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText,
                            elif chapterNumber > numChapters:
                                    "Have high chapter number in {} {} {} {}:{} (expected max of {})"
                                    .format(self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText,
                                            verseNumberString, numChapters))
                            thisBook.addLine('c', chapterNumberString)
                            lastChapterNumber = chapterNumber
                            lastVerseNumber = -1

                        # Handle the verse info
                        if verseNumber == lastVerseNumber and vText == lastVText:
                                _("Ignored duplicate verse line in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                  ).format(self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText,
                        if verseNumber < lastVerseNumber:
                                _("Ignored receding verse number (from {} to {}) in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                  ).format(lastVerseNumber, verseNumber,
                                           self.givenName, BBB, bookCodeText,
                        elif verseNumber == lastVerseNumber:
                            if vText == lastVText:
                                    _("Ignored duplicated {} verse in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                      ).format(verseNumber, self.givenName,
                                               BBB, bookCodeText,
                                    _("Ignored duplicated {} verse number in {} {} {} {}:{}"
                                      ).format(verseNumber, self.givenName,
                                               BBB, bookCodeText,

                        # Check for paragraph markers
                        if vText and vText[0] == '¶':
                            thisBook.addLine('p', '')
                            vText = vText[1:].lstrip()

                        #print( '{} {}:{} = {!r}'.format( BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )
                        thisBook.addLine('v', verseNumberString + ' ' + vText)
                        lastVText = vText
                        lastVerseNumber = verseNumber

                else:  # No bookCodeText yet
                        "VPLBible.load{} is skipping unknown pre-book line: {}"
                        .format(vplType, line))

        # Save the final book
        if thisBook is not None: self.stashBook(thisBook)

        # Clean up
        if settingsDict:
            #print( "VPL settingsDict", settingsDict )
            if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
            self.suppliedMetadata['VPL'] = settingsDict
            self.applySuppliedMetadata('VPL')  # Copy some to self.settingsDict

コード例 #7
    def load( self ):
        Load a single source file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading {}…").format( self.sourceFilepath ) )

        global BOS66, BOS81, BOSx
        if BOS66 is None: BOS66 = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )
        if BOS81 is None: BOS81 = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-81-ENG' )
        if BOSx is None: BOSx = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-ENG' )

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}

        lastLine, lineCount = '', 0
        bookCode = BBB = metadataName = None
        lastBookCode = lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
        lastVText = ''
        thisBook = None
        settingsDict = {}
        with open( self.sourceFilepath, encoding=self.encoding ) as myFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
            for line in myFile:
                lineCount += 1
                if line[-1]=='\n': line=line[:-1] # Removing trailing newline character
                if not line: continue # Just discard blank lines
                if lineCount==1:
                    if self.encoding.lower()=='utf-8' and line[0]==chr(65279): #U+FEFF or \ufeff
                        logging.info( "      ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)" )
                        line = line[1:] # Remove the Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                    match = re.search( '^; TITLE:\\s', line )
                    if match:
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                            print( "First line got type {!r} match from {!r}".format( match.group(0), line ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load: (unexpected) first line was {!r} in {}".format( firstLine, thisFilename ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: halt

                #print ( 'ForgeForSwordSearcher file line is "' + line + '"' )
                lastLine = line

                # Process header stuff
                if line.startswith( '; TITLE:' ):
                    string = line[8:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['TITLE'] = string
                elif line.startswith( '; ABBREVIATION:' ):
                    string = line[15:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['ABBREVIATION'] = string
                elif line.startswith( '; HAS ITALICS' ):
                    string = line[14:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_ITALICS'] = string
                elif line.startswith( '; HAS FOOTNOTES:' ):
                    string = line[15:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                elif line.startswith( '; HAS FOOTNOTES' ):
                    string = line[14:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                elif line.startswith( '; HAS REDLETTER' ):
                    string = line[14:].strip()
                    if string: settingsDict['HAS_REDLETTER'] = string
                elif line[0]==';':
                    logging.warning( "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load is skipping unknown header/comment line: {}".format( line ) )
                    continue # Just discard comment lines

                # Process the main segment
                if line.startswith( '$$ ' ):
                    if metadataName and metadataContents:
                        settingsDict[metadataName] = metadataContents
                        metadataName = None
                    pointer = line[3:]
                    #print( "pointer", repr(pointer) )
                    if pointer and pointer[0]=='{' and pointer[-1]=='}':
                        metadataName = pointer[1:-1]
                        if metadataName:
                            #print( "metadataName", repr(metadataName) )
                            metadataContents = ''
                    else: # let's assume it's a BCV reference
                        pointer = pointer.replace( '1 K','1K' ).replace( '2 K','2K' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Chr','1Chr' ).replace( '2 Chr','2Chr' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Cor','1Cor' ).replace( '2 Cor','2Cor' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Thess','1Thess' ).replace( '2 Thess','2Thess' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Tim','1Tim' ).replace( '2 Tim','2Tim' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 Pet','1Pet' ).replace( '2 Pet','2Pet' ) \
                                        .replace( '1 J','1J' ).replace( '2 J','2J' ).replace( '3 J','3J' )
                        B_CV_Bits = pointer.split( ' ', 1 )
                        if len(B_CV_Bits) == 2 and ':' in B_CV_Bits[1]:
                            bookCode, CVString = B_CV_Bits
                            chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = CVString.split( ':' )
                            chapterNumber = int( chapterNumberString )
                            verseNumber = int( verseNumberString )
                            if bookCode != lastBookCode: # We've started a new book
                                if bookCode in ('Ge',): BBB = 'GEN'
                                elif bookCode in ('Le',): BBB = 'LEV'
                                elif bookCode in ('La',): BBB = 'LAM'
                                ##elif bookCode in ('Es',): BBB = 'EST'
                                ##elif bookCode in ('Pr',): BBB = 'PRO'
                                #elif bookCode in ('So',): BBB = 'SNG'
                                #elif bookCode in ('La',): BBB = 'LAM'
                                #elif bookCode in ('Jude',): BBB = 'JDE'
                                    #print( "4BookCode =", repr(bookCode) )
                                    #BBB = BOS.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                    BBB = BOS66.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                    if not BBB: BBB = BOS81.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                    if not BBB: BBB = BOSx.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                    #print( "4BBB =", repr(BBB) )
                        else: print( "Unexpected number of bits", self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, len(bits), bits )
                    continue # Just save the pointer information which refers to the text on the next line
                else: # it's not a $$ line
                    text = line
                    #print( "text", repr(text) )
                    if metadataName:
                        metadataContents += ('\n' if metadataContents else '') + text
                        vText = text
                        # Handle bits like (<scripref>Pr 2:7</scripref>)
                        vText = vText.replace( '(<scripref>', '\\x - \\xt ' ).replace( '</scripref>)', '\\x*' )
                        vText = vText.replace( '<scripref>', '\\x - \\xt ' ).replace( '</scripref>', '\\x*' )
                        #if '\\' in vText: print( 'ForgeForSwordSearcher vText', repr(vText) )
                        #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                        # Convert {stuff} to footnotes
                        match = re.search( '\\{(.+?)\\}', vText )
                        while match:
                            footnoteText = '\\f + \\fr {}:{} \\ft {}\\f*'.format( chapterNumber, verseNumber, match.group(1) )
                            vText = vText[:match.start()] + footnoteText + vText[match.end():] # Replace this footnote
                            #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                            match = re.search( '\\{(.+?)\\}', vText )
                        # Convert [stuff] to added fields
                        match = re.search( '\\[(.+?)\\]', vText )
                        while match:
                            addText = '\\add {}\\add*'.format( match.group(1) )
                            vText = vText[:match.start()] + addText + vText[match.end():] # Replace this chunk
                            #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                            match = re.search( '\\[(.+?)\\]', vText )
                        # Convert +r/This text is red-letter-r/ to wj fields
                        match = re.search( '\\+r/(.+?)-r/', vText )
                        while match:
                            addText = '\\wj {}\\wj*'.format( match.group(1) )
                            vText = vText[:match.start()] + addText + vText[match.end():] # Replace this chunk
                            #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                            match = re.search( '\\+r/(.+?)-r/', vText )
                        # Final check for unexpected remaining formatting
                        for badChar in '{}[]/':
                            if badChar in vText:
                                logging.warning( "Found remaining braces,brackets or slashes in SwordSearcher Forge VPL {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )

                if bookCode:
                    if bookCode != lastBookCode: # We've started a new book
                        if lastBookCode != -1: # Better save the last book
                            self.stashBook( thisBook )
                        if BBB:
                            if BBB in self:
                                logging.critical( "Have duplicated {} book in {}".format( self.givenName, BBB ) )
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert BBB not in self
                            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
                            thisBook.objectNameString = 'ForgeForSwordSearcher Bible Book object'
                            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'ForgeForSwordSearcher'
                            verseList = BOSx.getNumVersesList( BBB )
                            numChapters, numVerses = len(verseList), verseList[0]
                            lastBookCode = bookCode
                            lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
                            logging.critical( "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible could not figure out {!r} book code".format( bookCode ) )
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt

                    if BBB:
                        if chapterNumber != lastChapterNumber: # We've started a new chapter
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert chapterNumber > lastChapterNumber or BBB=='ESG' # Esther Greek might be an exception
                            if chapterNumber == 0:
                                logging.info( "Have chapter zero in {} {} {} {}:{}".format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                            elif chapterNumber > numChapters:
                                logging.error( "Have high chapter number in {} {} {} {}:{} (expected max of {})".format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, numChapters ) )
                            thisBook.addLine( 'c', chapterNumberString )
                            lastChapterNumber = chapterNumber
                            lastVerseNumber = -1

                        # Handle the verse info
                        if verseNumber==lastVerseNumber and vText==lastVText:
                            logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicate verse line in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                        if verseNumber < lastVerseNumber:
                            logging.warning( _("Ignored receding verse number (from {} to {}) in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( lastVerseNumber, verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                        elif verseNumber == lastVerseNumber:
                            if vText == lastVText:
                                logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                                logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse number in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )

                        # Check for paragraph markers
                        if vText and vText[0]=='¶':
                            thisBook.addLine( 'p', '' )
                            vText = vText[1:].lstrip()

                        #print( '{} {}:{} = {!r}'.format( BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )
                        thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumberString + ' ' + vText )
                        lastVText = vText
                        lastVerseNumber = verseNumber

                else: # No bookCode yet
                    logging.warning( "ForgeForSwordSearcherBible.load is skipping unknown pre-book line: {}".format( line ) )

        # Save the final book
        if thisBook is not None: self.stashBook( thisBook )

        # Clean up
        if settingsDict:
            #print( "ForgeForSwordSearcher settingsDict", settingsDict )
            if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
            self.suppliedMetadata['Forge4SS'] = settingsDict
            self.applySuppliedMetadata( 'Forge4SS' ) # Copy some to self.settingsDict

コード例 #8
class HaggaiXMLBible( Bible ):
    Class for reading, validating, and converting HaggaiXMLBible XML.
    XMLNameSpace = "{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance}"
    treeTag = 'XMLBIBLE'
    infoTag = 'INFORMATION'
    bookTag = 'BIBLEBOOK'
    chapterTag = 'CHAPTER'
    captionTag = 'CAPTION'
    paragraphTag = 'PARAGRAPH'
    verseTag = 'VERSE'
    noteTag = 'NOTE'
    styleTag = 'STYLE'
    breakTag = 'BR'

    def __init__( self, sourceFolder, givenName, encoding='utf-8' ):
        Constructor: just sets up the Haggai Bible object.
         # Setup and initialise the base class first
        Bible.__init__( self )
        self.objectNameString = 'Haggai XML Bible object'
        self.objectTypeString = 'Haggai'

        # Now we can set our object variables
        self.sourceFolder, self.givenName, self.encoding = sourceFolder, givenName, encoding
        self.sourceFilepath =  os.path.join( self.sourceFolder, self.givenName )

        self.XMLTree = self.header = None # Will hold the XML data

        # Get the data tables that we need for proper checking
        #self.ISOLanguages = ISO_639_3_Languages().loadData()
        self.genericBOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )

        # Do a preliminary check on the readability of our file
        if not os.access( self.sourceFilepath, os.R_OK ):
            print( "HaggaiXMLBible: File {!r} is unreadable".format( self.sourceFilepath ) )

        self.name = self.givenName
        #if self.name is None:
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__init__

    def load( self ):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading {}…").format( self.sourceFilepath ) )
        try: self.XMLTree = ElementTree().parse( self.sourceFilepath )
        except ParseError as err:
            logging.critical( exp("Loader parse error in xml file {}: {} {}").format( self.givenName, sys.exc_info()[0], err ) )
            #loadErrors.append( exp("Loader parse error in xml file {}: {} {}").format( self.givenName, sys.exc_info()[0], err ) )
            #self.addPriorityError( 100, C, V, _("Loader parse error in xml file {}: {}").format( self.givenName, err ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert len( self.XMLTree ) # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.XMLTree.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "Haggai XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.XMLTree, location, '4f6h' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.XMLTree, location, '1wk8' )

            schema = name = status = BibleType = revision = version = lgid = None
            for attrib,value in self.XMLTree.items():
                if attrib == HaggaiXMLBible.XMLNameSpace + 'noNamespaceSchemaLocation':
                    schema = value
                elif attrib == "biblename":
                    name = value
                elif attrib == "lgid":
                    lgid = value # In italian.xml this is set to "german"
                elif attrib == "status":
                    status = value
                elif attrib == "type":
                    BibleType = value
                elif attrib == "revision":
                    revision = value
                elif attrib == 'version':
                    version = value
                else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in main element".format( attrib, value ) )
            if name: self.name = name
            if status: self.status = status
            if revision: self.revision = revision
            if version: self.version = version

            if self.XMLTree[0].tag == 'INFORMATION':
                self.header = self.XMLTree[0]
                self.XMLTree.remove( self.header )
            else: # Handle information records at the END of the file
                ix = len(self.XMLTree) - 1
                if self.XMLTree[ix].tag == 'INFORMATION':
                    self.header = self.XMLTree[ix]
                    self.XMLTree.remove( self.header )

            # Find the submain (book) containers
            for element in self.XMLTree:
                if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'g3g5' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'd3f6' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractBook( element )
                else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag ) )
        else: logging.error( "Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.treeTag, self.XMLTree.tag ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.load

    def __validateAndExtractHeader( self ):
        Extracts information out of the header record, such as:
            <title>King James Version</title>
            <subject>The Holy Bible</subject>
            <description>In 1604, King James I of England authorized that a new translation of the Bible into English be started. It was finished in 1611, just 85 years after the first translation of the New Testament into English appeared (Tyndale, 1526). The Authorized Version, or King James Version, quickly became the standard for English-speaking Protestants. Its flowing language and prose rhythm has had a profound influence on the literature of the past 300 years.</description>
            <publisher>FREE BIBLE SOFTWARE GROUP</publisher>
            <contributors />
            <format>Haggai XML Bible Markup Language</format>
            <coverage>provide the Bible to the nations of the world</coverage>
            <rights>We believe that this Bible is found in the Public Domain.</rights>
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert self.header
        location = 'Header'
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( self.header, location, 'j4j6' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.header, location, 'sk4l' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.header, location, 'a2d4' )

        # TODO: We probably need to rationalise some of the self.xxx stores
        for element in self.header:
            #print( "header", element.tag )
            if element.tag == 'title':
                sublocation = "title in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.title = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'creator':
                sublocation = "creator in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.creator = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'subject':
                sublocation = "subject in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.subject = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'description':
                sublocation = "description in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.description = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'publisher':
                sublocation = "publisher in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.publisher = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'contributor':
                sublocation = "contributor in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'alj1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jjd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5gk78' )
                if element.text:
                    try: self.contributor = [ self.contributor, element.text ] # Put multiples into a list
                    except AttributeError: self.contributor = element.text # Must be the first (and possibly only) one
            elif element.tag == 'contributors':
                sublocation = "contributors in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.contributors = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'date':
                sublocation = "date in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.date = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'type':
                sublocation = "type in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.documentType = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'format':
                sublocation = "format in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text == 'Haggai XML Bible Markup Language'
            elif element.tag == 'identifier':
                sublocation = "identifier in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.identifier = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'source':
                sublocation = "source in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.source = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'language':
                sublocation = "language in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert element.text
                self.language = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'coverage':
                sublocation = "coverage in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.coverage = element.text
            elif element.tag == 'rights':
                sublocation = "rights in {}".format( location )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, '5g78' )
                if element.text: self.rights = element.text
            else: logging.error( "Found unexpected {!r} tag in {}".format( element.tag, location ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractHeader

    def __validateAndExtractBook( self, book ):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML book…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = bookShortName = bookNumber = None
        for attrib,value in book.items():
            if attrib=="bnumber":
                bookNumber = value
            elif attrib=="bname":
                bookName = value
            elif attrib=="bsname":
                bookShortName = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if bookNumber:
            try: BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber( bookNumber )
            except KeyError:
                logging.warning( "Unable to deduce which book is number={}, name={}, shortName={} -- ignoring it" \
                                                                        .format( bookNumber, bookName, bookShortName ) )
        elif bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( bookName )

        if BBB:
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Validating {} {}…").format( BBB, bookName ) )
            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
            thisBook.objectNameString = 'Haggai XML Bible Book object'
            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'Haggai'
            #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
            for element in book:
                if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag:
                    sublocation = "caption in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( element, sublocation, 'jhl6' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, sublocation, 'jk21' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'kjh6' )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'mt', element.text )
                elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag:
                    sublocation = "chapter in {}".format( BBB )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractChapter( BBB, thisBook, element )
                else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag ) )
            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Saving {} into results…".format( BBB ) )
            self.stashBook( thisBook )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractBook

    def __validateAndExtractChapter( self, BBB, thisBook, chapter ):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML chapter…") )

        # Process the chapter attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib,value in chapter.items():
            if attrib=="cnumber":
                chapterNumber = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            thisBook.addLine( 'c', chapterNumber )
        else: logging.error( "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format( BBB ) )

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.paragraphTag:
                location = "paragraph in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractParagraph( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag+'disabled':
                location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag+'disabled': # Used in Psalms
                location = "caption in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'k5k8' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'd3f5' )
                # Handle caption attributes
                vRef = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="vref":
                        vRef = value
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef == '1'
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in caption element".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef
                vText = element.text
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, vRef ) )
                if vText: # This is the main text of the caption
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', '0' + ' ' + vText ) # We save it as verse zero
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractChapter

    def __validateAndExtractParagraph( self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, paragraph ):
        Check/validate and extract paragraph data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving paragraphs and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML paragraph…") )

        location = "paragraph in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( paragraph, location, 'brgw3' )
        thisBook.addLine( 'p', '' )

        # Handle verse subelements (verses)
        for element in paragraph:
            if element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag:
                location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                self.__validateAndExtractVerse( BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, element )
            elif element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.captionTag+'disabled': # Used in Psalms
                location = "caption in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, location, 'k5k8' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( element, location, 'd3f5' )
                # Handle caption attributes
                vRef = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="vref":
                        vRef = value
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef == '1'
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in caption element".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert vRef
                vText = element.text
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, vRef ) )
                if vText: # This is the main text of the caption
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', '0' + ' ' + vText ) # We save it as verse zero
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )
    # end of HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractParagraph

    def __validateAndExtractVerse( self, BBB, chapterNumber, thisBook, verse ):
        Check/validate and extract verse data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML verse…") )

        location = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( verse, location, 'l5ks' )

        # Handle verse attributes
        verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
        for attrib,value in verse.items():
            if attrib=="vnumber":
                verseNumber = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
        location = "{}:{}".format( location, verseNumber ) # Get a better location description
        #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
        vText = '' if verse.text is None else verse.text
        if vText: vText = vText.strip()
        #if not vText: # This happens if a verse starts immediately with a style or note
            #logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber ) )

        # Handle verse subelements (notes and styled portions)
        for subelement in verse:
            if subelement.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.noteTag:
                sublocation = "note in " + location
                noteType = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib=="type": noteType = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if noteType and noteType not in ('variant',):
                    logging.warning( "Unexpected {} note type in {}".format( noteType, BBB ) )
                nText, nTail = subelement.text, subelement.tail
                #print( "note", BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, noteType, repr(nText), repr(nTail) )
                vText += "\\f + \\fk {} \\ft {}\\f*".format( noteType, nText ) if noteType else "\\f + \\ft {}\\f*".format( nText )
                if nTail:
                    if '\n' in nTail:
                        print( "HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: nTail {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, nTail ) )
                        nTail = nTail.replace( '\n', ' ' )
                    vText += nTail
                for sub2element in subelement:
                    if sub2element.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.styleTag:
                        sub2location = "style in " + sublocation
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( sub2element, sub2location, 'fyt4' )
                        fs = css = idStyle = None
                        for attrib,value in sub2element.items():
                            if attrib=='fs': fs = value
                            #elif attrib=="css": css = value
                            #elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
                            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style sub2element".format( attrib, value ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs or css or idStyle
                        SFM = None
                        if fs == 'italic': SFM = '\\it'
                        elif fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
                        elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
                        else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                        #if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
                        #elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                        #elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                        #elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                        #elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                        #else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                        sText, sTail = sub2element.text.strip(), sub2element.tail
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
                        if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                        else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                        if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find {} but got {!r} in {}".format( HaggaiXMLBible.styleTag, sub2element.tag, sublocation ) )

            elif subelement.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.styleTag:
                sublocation = "style in " + location
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'f5gh' )
                fs = css = idStyle = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib=="fs": fs = value
                    #elif attrib=="css": css = value
                    #elif attrib=="id": idStyle = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert fs
                SFM = None
                if fs == 'super': SFM = '\\bdit'
                elif fs == 'emphasis': SFM = '\\em'
                else: print( "fs is", fs, "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                #if css == "font-style:italic": SFM = '\\it'
                #elif css == "font-style:italic;font-weight:bold": SFM = '\\bdit'
                #elif css == "color:#FF0000": SFM = '\\em'
                #elif css == "font-size: x-small; color:#8B8378": SFM = '\\add'
                #elif css is None and idStyle=='cl:divineName': SFM = '\\nd'
                #else: print( "css is", css, "idStyle is", idStyle ); halt
                sText, sTail = subelement.text.strip(), subelement.tail
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert sText
                #print( BBB, chapterNumber, sublocation )
                if SFM: vText += SFM+' ' + sText + SFM+'*'
                else: vText += '\\sc ' + '['+css+']' + sText + '\\sc* ' # Use sc for unknown styles
                if sTail: vText += sTail.strip()

            elif subelement.tag == HaggaiXMLBible.breakTag:
                sublocation = "line break in " + location
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( subelement, sublocation, 'c1d4' )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sublocation, 'g4g8' )
                art = None
                for attrib,value in subelement.items():
                    if attrib=="art":
                        art = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in style subelement".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert art == 'x-nl'
                #print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber )
                #assert vText
                if vText:
                    thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText ); verseNumber = None
                    vText = ''
                thisBook.addLine( 'm', subelement.tail.strip() if subelement.tail else '' )
                #bTail = subelement.tail
                #if bTail: vText = bTail.strip()
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find NOTE or STYLE but got {!r} in {}".format( subelement.tag, location ) )

        if vText: # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
            if '\n' in vText:
                print( "HaggaiXMLBible.__validateAndExtractVerse: vText {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                vText = vText.replace( '\n', ' ' )
            thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText ); verseNumber = None
コード例 #9
    def load( self ):
        Load a single source file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading {}…").format( self.sourceFilepath ) )

        global BOS66, BOS81, BOSx
        if BOS66 is None: BOS66 = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )
        if BOS81 is None: BOS81 = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-81-ENG' )
        if BOSx is None: BOSx = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-ENG' )

        if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}

        lastLine, lineCount = '', 0
        vplType = bookCode = BBB = metadataName = None
        lastBookCode = lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
        lastVText = ''
        thisBook = None
        settingsDict = {}
        with open( self.sourceFilepath, encoding=self.encoding ) as myFile: # Automatically closes the file when done
            for line in myFile:
                lineCount += 1
                if line[-1]=='\n': line=line[:-1] # Removing trailing newline character
                if not line: continue # Just discard blank lines
                if lineCount==1:
                    if self.encoding.lower()=='utf-8' and line[0]==chr(65279): #U+FEFF or \ufeff
                        logging.info( "      VPLBible.load: Detected Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)" )
                        line = line[1:] # Remove the Unicode Byte Order Marker (BOM)
                    # Try to identify the VPL type
                    match = re.search( '^(\\w{2,5}?)\\s(\\d{1,3})[:\\.](\\d{1,3})\\s', line )
                    if match: vplType = 1
                        match = re.search( '^(\\d{8})\\s', line )
                        if match: vplType = 2
                            match = re.search( '^# language_name:\\s', line )
                            if match: vplType = 3
                                #match = re.search( '^; TITLE:\\s', line )
                                #if match: vplType = 4
                    if match:
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag:
                            print( "First line got type #{} {!r} match from {!r}".format( vplType, match.group(0), line ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "VPLBible.load: (unexpected) first line was {!r} in {}".format( line, self.sourceFilepath ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: halt
                    #print( 'vplType', vplType )

                #print ( 'VPL file line is "' + line + '"' )
                lastLine = line

                # Process header stuff
                if vplType == 3:
                    if   line.startswith( '# language_name:' ):
                        string = line[16:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['LanguageName'] = string
                    elif line.startswith( '# closest ISO 639-3:' ):
                        string = line[20:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['ISOLanguageCode'] = string
                    elif line.startswith( '# year_short:' ):
                        string = line[13:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['Year.short'] = string
                    elif line.startswith( '# year_long:' ):
                        string = line[12:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['Year.long'] = string
                    elif line.startswith( '# title:' ):
                        string = line[8:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['WorkTitle'] = string
                    elif line.startswith( '# URL:' ):
                        string = line[6:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['URL'] = string
                    elif line.startswith( '# copyright_short:' ):
                        string = line[18:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['Copyright.short'] = string
                    elif line.startswith( '# copyright_long:' ):
                        string = line[17:].strip()
                        if string and string != 'Not available': settingsDict['Copyright.long'] = string
                    elif line[0]=='#':
                        logging.warning( "VPLBible.load {} is skipping unknown line: {}".format( vplType, line ) )
                        continue # Just discard comment lines
                #elif vplType == 4:
                    #if line.startswith( '; TITLE:' ):
                        #string = line[8:].strip()
                        #if string: settingsDict['TITLE'] = string
                    #elif line.startswith( '; ABBREVIATION:' ):
                        #string = line[15:].strip()
                        #if string: settingsDict['ABBREVIATION'] = string
                    #elif line.startswith( '; HAS ITALICS:' ):
                        #string = line[15:].strip()
                        #if string: settingsDict['HAS_ITALICS'] = string
                    #elif line.startswith( '; HAS FOOTNOTES:' ):
                        #string = line[15:].strip()
                        #if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                    #elif line.startswith( '; HAS FOOTNOTES' ):
                        #string = line[14:].strip()
                        #if string: settingsDict['HAS_FOOTNOTES'] = string
                    #elif line.startswith( '; HAS REDLETTER:' ):
                        #string = line[15:].strip()
                        #if string: settingsDict['HAS_REDLETTER'] = string
                    #elif line[0]==';':
                        #logging.warning( "VPLBible.load{} is skipping unknown header/comment line: {}".format( vplType, line ) )
                        #continue # Just discard comment lines

                # Process the main segment
                if vplType == 1:
                    bits = line.split( ' ', 2 )
                    #print( self.givenName, BBB, bits )
                    if len(bits) == 3 and ':' in bits[1]:
                        bookCode, CVString, vText = bits
                        chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = CVString.split( ':' )
                    else: print( "Unexpected number of bits", self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, len(bits), bits )

                    if not bookCode and not chapterNumberString and not verseNumberString:
                        print( "Skipping empty line in {} {} {} {}:{}".format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert 2  <= len(bookCode) <= 4
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert chapterNumberString.isdigit()
                    if not verseNumberString.isdigit():
                        logging.error( "Invalid verse number field at {}/{} {}:{!r}".format( bookCode, BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: assert verseNumberString.isdigit()
                    chapterNumber = int( chapterNumberString )
                    verseNumber = int( verseNumberString )

                    if bookCode != lastBookCode: # We've started a new book
                        #if bookCode in ('Ge',): BBB = 'GEN'
                        if bookCode in ('Le',): BBB = 'LEV'
                        elif bookCode in ('Jud',): BBB = 'JDG'
                        #elif bookCode in ('Es',): BBB = 'EST'
                        #elif bookCode in ('Pr',): BBB = 'PRO'
                        elif bookCode in ('So',): BBB = 'SNG'
                        elif bookCode in ('La',): BBB = 'LAM'
                        #elif bookCode in ('Jude',): BBB = 'JDE'
                            #BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                            BBB = BOS66.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                            if not BBB: BBB = BOS81.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                            if not BBB: BBB = BOSx.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess

                    # Handle special formatting
                    #   [square-brackets] are for Italicized words
                    #   <angle-brackets> are for the Words of Christ in Red
                    #   «chevrons»  are for the Titles in the Book  of Psalms.
                    vText = vText.replace( '[', '\\add ' ).replace( ']', '\\add*' ) \
                        .replace( '<', '\\wj ' ).replace( '>', '\\wj*' )
                    if vText and vText[0]=='«':
                        #print( "Oh!", BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, repr(vText) )
                        if BBB=='PSA' and verseNumberString=='1': # Psalm title
                            vBits = vText[1:].split( '»' )
                            #print( "vBits", vBits )
                            thisBook.addLine( 'd', vBits[0] ) # Psalm title
                            vText = vBits[1].lstrip()

                    # Handle the verse info
                    #if verseNumber==lastVerseNumber and vText==lastVText:
                        #logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicate verse line in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                    if BBB=='PSA' and verseNumberString=='1' and vText.startswith('&lt;') and self.givenName=='basic_english':
                        # Move Psalm titles to verse zero
                        verseNumber = 0
                    #if verseNumber < lastVerseNumber:
                        #logging.warning( _("Ignored receding verse number (from {} to {}) in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( lastVerseNumber, verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                    #elif verseNumber == lastVerseNumber:
                        #if vText == lastVText:
                            #logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                            #logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse number in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )

                elif vplType in (2,3):
                    bits = line.split( '\t', 1 )
                    #print( self.givenName, BBB, bits )
                    bookNumberString, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = bits[0][:2], bits[0][2:5], bits[0][5:]
                    #print( bookNumberString, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString )
                    while len(chapterNumberString)>1 and chapterNumberString[0]=='0':
                        chapterNumberString = chapterNumberString[1:] # Remove leading zeroes
                    while len(verseNumberString)>1 and verseNumberString[0]=='0':
                        verseNumberString = verseNumberString[1:] # Remove leading zeroes
                    bookCode, chapterNumber, verseNumber = int( bookNumberString), int(chapterNumberString), int(verseNumberString)
                    vText = bits[1].replace(' ,',',').replace(' .','.').replace(' ;',';').replace(' :',':') \
                                    .replace(' !','!').replace(' )',')').replace(' ]',']').replace(' ”','”') \
                                    .replace('“ ','“').replace('( ','(').replace('[ ','[') #.replace(' !','!')

                    if bookCode != lastBookCode: # We've started a new book
                        bnDict = { 67:'TOB', 68:'JDT', 69:'ESG', 70:'WIS', 71:'SIR', 72:'BAR', 73:'LJE', 74:'PAZ', 75:'SUS',
                                76:'BEL', 77:'MA1', 78:'MA2', 79:'MA3', 80:'MA4', 81:'ES1', 82:'ES2', 83:'MAN', 84:'PS2',
                                85:'PSS', 86:'ODE', }
                        if 1 <= bookCode <= 66: BBB = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getBBBFromReferenceNumber( bookCode )
                        else: BBB = bnDict[bookCode]

                #elif vplType == 4:
                    #if line.startswith( '$$ ' ):
                        #if metadataName and metadataContents:
                            #settingsDict[metadataName] = metadataContents
                            #metadataName = None
                        #pointer = line[3:]
                        ##print( "pointer", repr(pointer) )
                        #if pointer and pointer[0]=='{' and pointer[-1]=='}':
                            #metadataName = pointer[1:-1]
                            #if metadataName:
                                ##print( "metadataName", repr(metadataName) )
                                #metadataContents = ''
                        #else: # let's assume it's a BCV reference
                            #pointer = pointer.replace( '1 K','1K' ).replace( '2 K','2K' ) \
                                            #.replace( '1 Chr','1Chr' ).replace( '2 Chr','2Chr' ) \
                                            #.replace( '1 Cor','1Cor' ).replace( '2 Cor','2Cor' ) \
                                            #.replace( '1 Thess','1Thess' ).replace( '2 Thess','2Thess' ) \
                                            #.replace( '1 Tim','1Tim' ).replace( '2 Tim','2Tim' ) \
                                            #.replace( '1 Pet','1Pet' ).replace( '2 Pet','2Pet' ) \
                                            #.replace( '1 J','1J' ).replace( '2 J','2J' ).replace( '3 J','3J' )
                            #B_CV_Bits = pointer.split( ' ', 1 )
                            #if len(B_CV_Bits) == 2 and ':' in B_CV_Bits[1]:
                                #bookCode, CVString = B_CV_Bits
                                #chapterNumberString, verseNumberString = CVString.split( ':' )
                                #chapterNumber = int( chapterNumberString )
                                #verseNumber = int( verseNumberString )
                                #if bookCode != lastBookCode: # We've started a new book
                                    #if bookCode in ('Ge',): BBB = 'GEN'
                                    #elif bookCode in ('Le',): BBB = 'LEV'
                                    #elif bookCode in ('La',): BBB = 'LAM'
                                        ##print( "4BookCode =", repr(bookCode) )
                                        ##BBB = BOS.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                        #BBB = BOS66.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                        #if not BBB: BBB = BOS81.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                        #if not BBB: BBB = BOSx.getBBBFromText( bookCode )  # Try to guess
                                        ##print( "4BBB =", repr(BBB) )
                            #else: print( "Unexpected number of bits", self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, len(bits), bits )
                        #continue # Just save the pointer information which refers to the text on the next line
                    #else: # it's not a $$ line
                        #text = line
                        ##print( "text", repr(text) )
                        #if metadataName:
                            #metadataContents += ('\n' if metadataContents else '') + text
                            #vText = text
                            ## Handle bits like (<scripref>Pr 2:7</scripref>)
                            #vText = vText.replace( '(<scripref>', '\\x - \\xt ' ).replace( '</scripref>)', '\\x*' )
                            #vText = vText.replace( '<scripref>', '\\x - \\xt ' ).replace( '</scripref>', '\\x*' )
                            ##if '\\' in vText: print( 'VPL vText', repr(vText) )
                            #if vplType == 4: # Forge for SwordSearcher
                                ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                                ## Convert {stuff} to footnotes
                                #match = re.search( '\\{(.+?)\\}', vText )
                                #while match:
                                    #footnoteText = '\\f + \\fr {}:{} \\ft {}\\f*'.format( chapterNumber, verseNumber, match.group(1) )
                                    #vText = vText[:match.start()] + footnoteText + vText[match.end():] # Replace this footnote
                                    ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                                    #match = re.search( '\\{(.+?)\\}', vText )
                                ## Convert [stuff] to added fields
                                #match = re.search( '\\[(.+?)\\]', vText )
                                #while match:
                                    #addText = '\\add {}\\add*'.format( match.group(1) )
                                    #vText = vText[:match.start()] + addText + vText[match.end():] # Replace this chunk
                                    ##print( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, repr(vText) )
                                    #match = re.search( '\\[(.+?)\\]', vText )
                                #for badChar in '{}[]':
                                    #if badChar in vText:
                                        #logging.warning( "Found remaining braces or brackets in SwordSearcher Forge VPL {} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )

                    logging.critical( 'Unknown VPL type {}'.format( vplType ) )
                    if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag and debuggingThisModule: halt

                if bookCode:
                    if bookCode != lastBookCode: # We've started a new book
                        if lastBookCode != -1: # Better save the last book
                            self.stashBook( thisBook )
                        if BBB:
                            if BBB in self:
                                logging.critical( "Have duplicated {} book in {}".format( self.givenName, BBB ) )
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert BBB not in self
                            thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
                            thisBook.objectNameString = 'VPL Bible Book object'
                            thisBook.objectTypeString = 'VPL'
                            verseList = BOSx.getNumVersesList( BBB )
                            numChapters, numVerses = len(verseList), verseList[0]
                            lastBookCode = bookCode
                            lastChapterNumber = lastVerseNumber = -1
                            logging.critical( "VPLBible{} could not figure out {!r} book code".format( vplType, bookCode ) )
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: halt

                    if BBB:
                        if chapterNumber != lastChapterNumber: # We've started a new chapter
                            if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert chapterNumber > lastChapterNumber or BBB=='ESG' # Esther Greek might be an exception
                            if chapterNumber == 0:
                                logging.info( "Have chapter zero in {} {} {} {}:{}".format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                            elif chapterNumber > numChapters:
                                logging.error( "Have high chapter number in {} {} {} {}:{} (expected max of {})".format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, numChapters ) )
                            thisBook.addLine( 'c', chapterNumberString )
                            lastChapterNumber = chapterNumber
                            lastVerseNumber = -1

                        # Handle the verse info
                        if verseNumber==lastVerseNumber and vText==lastVText:
                            logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicate verse line in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                        if verseNumber < lastVerseNumber:
                            logging.warning( _("Ignored receding verse number (from {} to {}) in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( lastVerseNumber, verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                        elif verseNumber == lastVerseNumber:
                            if vText == lastVText:
                                logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )
                                logging.warning( _("Ignored duplicated {} verse number in {} {} {} {}:{}").format( verseNumber, self.givenName, BBB, bookCode, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString ) )

                        # Check for paragraph markers
                        if vText and vText[0]=='¶':
                            thisBook.addLine( 'p', '' )
                            vText = vText[1:].lstrip()

                        #print( '{} {}:{} = {!r}'.format( BBB, chapterNumberString, verseNumberString, vText ) )
                        thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumberString + ' ' + vText )
                        lastVText = vText
                        lastVerseNumber = verseNumber

                else: # No bookCode yet
                    logging.warning( "VPLBible.load{} is skipping unknown pre-book line: {}".format( vplType, line ) )

        # Save the final book
        if thisBook is not None: self.stashBook( thisBook )

        # Clean up
        if settingsDict:
            #print( "VPL settingsDict", settingsDict )
            if self.suppliedMetadata is None: self.suppliedMetadata = {}
            self.suppliedMetadata['VPL'] = settingsDict
            self.applySuppliedMetadata( 'VPL' ) # Copy some to self.settingsDict

コード例 #10
class OpenSongXMLBible( Bible ):
    Class for reading, validating, and converting OpenSong Bible XML.
    treeTag = 'bible'
    bookTag = 'b'
    chapterTag = 'c'
    verseTag = 'v'

    def __init__( self, sourceFolder, givenName, encoding='utf-8' ):
        Constructor: just sets up the XML Bible file converter object.
        # Setup and initialise the base class first
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: print( "OpenSongXMLBible( {}, {}, {} )".format( sourceFolder, givenName, encoding ) )
        Bible.__init__( self )
        self.objectNameString = 'OpenSong XML Bible object'
        self.objectTypeString = 'OpenSong'

        # Now we can set our object variables
        self.sourceFolder, self.givenName, self.encoding = sourceFolder, givenName, encoding
        self.sourceFilepath =  os.path.join( self.sourceFolder, self.givenName )

        self.tree = None # Will hold the XML data

        # Get the data tables that we need for proper checking
        #self.ISOLanguages = ISO_639_3_Languages().loadData()
        self.genericBOS = BibleOrganizationalSystem( 'GENERIC-KJV-66-ENG' )

        # Do a preliminary check on the readability of our file
        if not os.access( self.sourceFilepath, os.R_OK ):
            print( "OpenSongXMLBible: File {!r} is unreadable".format( self.sourceFilepath ) )

        self.name = self.givenName
        #if self.name is None:
    # end of OpenSongXMLBible.__init__

    def load( self ):
        Load a single source XML file and load book elements.
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Loading {}…").format( self.sourceFilepath ) )
        self.tree = ElementTree().parse( self.sourceFilepath )
        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert len ( self.tree ) # Fail here if we didn't load anything at all

        # Find the main (bible) container
        if self.tree.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.treeTag:
            location = "XML file"
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( self.tree, location, '4f6h' )
            BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( self.tree, location, '1wk8' )

            name = shortName = None
            for attrib,value in self.tree.items():
                if attrib=="n":
                    name = value
                elif attrib=="sn":
                    shortName = value
                else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in main element".format( attrib, value ) )

            # Find the submain (book) containers
            for element in self.tree:
                if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.bookTag:
                    sublocation = "book in " + location
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'g3g5' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'd3f6' )
                    self.__validateAndExtractBook( element )
                elif element.tag == 'OT':
                elif element.tag == 'NT':
                else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( OpenSongXMLBible.bookTag, element.tag ) )
        else: logging.error( "Expected to load {!r} but got {!r}".format( OpenSongXMLBible.treeTag, self.tree.tag ) )
    # end of OpenSongXMLBible.load

    def __validateAndExtractBook( self, book ):
        Check/validate and extract book data from the given XML book record
            finding chapter subelements.
        global BibleBooksNames

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating OpenSong XML book…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        BBB = bookName = None
        for attrib,value in book.items():
            if attrib=="n":
                bookName = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in book element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if bookName:
            BBB = self.genericBOS.getBBBFromText( bookName ) # Booknames are usually in English
            if not BBB: # wasn't English
                if BibleBooksNames is None:
                    BibleBooksNames = BibleBooksNamesSystems().loadData()
                BBB = BibleBooksNames.getBBBFromText( bookName ) # Try non-English booknames
                #print( "bookName", bookName, BBB )
            if BBB:
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( _("Validating {} {}…").format( BBB, bookName ) )
                thisBook = BibleBook( self, BBB )
                thisBook.objectNameString = 'OpenSong XML Bible Book object'
                thisBook.objectTypeString = 'OpenSong'
                #thisBook.sourceFilepath = self.sourceFilepath
                USFMAbbreviation = BibleOrgSysGlobals.BibleBooksCodes.getUSFMAbbreviation( BBB )
                thisBook.addLine( 'id', '{} imported by {}'.format( USFMAbbreviation.upper(), ProgNameVersion ) )
                thisBook.addLine( 'h', bookName )
                thisBook.addLine( 'mt1', bookName )
                for element in book:
                    if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.chapterTag:
                        sublocation = "chapter in {}".format( BBB )
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoText( element, sublocation, 'j3jd' )
                        BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'al1d' )
                        self.__validateAndExtractChapter( BBB, thisBook, element )
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( OpenSongXMLBible.chapterTag, element.tag ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 2: print( "  Saving {} into results…".format( BBB ) )
                self.stashBook( thisBook )
            else: logging.error( _("OpenSong load doesn't recognize book name: {!r}").format( bookName ) ) # no BBB
        else: logging.error( _("OpenSong load can't find a book name") ) # no bookName
    # end of OpenSongXMLBible.__validateAndExtractBook

    def __validateAndExtractChapter( self, BBB, thisBook, chapter ):
        Check/validate and extract chapter data from the given XML book record
            finding and saving chapter numbers and
            finding and saving verse elements.

        if BibleOrgSysGlobals.verbosityLevel > 3: print( _("Validating XML chapter…") )

        # Process the div attributes first
        chapterNumber = numVerses = None
        for attrib,value in chapter.items():
            if attrib=="n":
                chapterNumber = value
            elif attrib=="VERSES":
                numVerses = value
            else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in chapter element".format( attrib, value ) )
        if chapterNumber:
            #print( BBB, 'c', chapterNumber )
            chapterNumber = chapterNumber.replace( 'of Solomon ', '' ) # Fix a mistake in the Chinese_SU module
            thisBook.addLine( 'c', chapterNumber )
        else: logging.error( "Missing 'n' attribute in chapter element for {}".format( BBB ) )

        for element in chapter:
            if element.tag == OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag:
                sublocation = "verse in {} {}".format( BBB, chapterNumber )
                BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoTail( element, sublocation, 'l5ks' )
                verseNumber = toVerseNumber = None
                for attrib,value in element.items():
                    if attrib=="n":
                        verseNumber = value
                    elif attrib=="t":
                        toVerseNumber = value
                    else: logging.warning( "Unprocessed {!r} attribute ({}) in verse element".format( attrib, value ) )
                if BibleOrgSysGlobals.debugFlag: assert verseNumber
                #thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber )
                vText = element.text if element.text else ''
                for subelement in element:
                    sub2location = "{} in {}".format( subelement.tag, sublocation )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoAttributes( subelement, sub2location, 'ks03' )
                    BibleOrgSysGlobals.checkXMLNoSubelements( subelement, sub2location, 'ks05' )
                    if subelement.tag == 'i':
                        vText += '\\it {}\\it*{}'.format( subelement.text, subelement.tail )
                    else: logging.error( "Expected to find 'i' but got {!r}".format( subelement.tag ) )
                vText += element.tail if element.tail else ''
                if not vText:
                    logging.warning( "{} {}:{} has no text".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber ) )
                #print( 'vText1', vText )
                if vText: # This is the main text of the verse (follows the verse milestone)
                    #print( "{} {}:{} {!r}".format( BBB, chapterNumber, verseNumber, vText ) )
                    if '\n' in vText: # This is how they represent poety
                        #print( "vText", repr(vText), repr(element.text) )
                        for j, textBit in enumerate( vText.split( '\n' ) ):
                            if j==0:
                                thisBook.addLine( 'q1', '' )
                                thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + textBit )
                            else: thisBook.addLine( 'q1', textBit )
                    else: # Just one verse line
                        thisBook.addLine( 'v', verseNumber + ' ' + vText )
                #print( 'vText2', vText )
            else: logging.error( "Expected to find {!r} but got {!r}".format( OpenSongXMLBible.verseTag, element.tag ) )