コード例 #1
    def get(self, email, shopId, note, book):
        :param book: '1': book slot, '0': ask slot details
        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        email = email.strip().lower()
        shopId = shopId.strip()
        note = note.strip()
        book = book.strip().lower()

        if book == '0':
            book = False
            book = True

        # step 1: check isShopTakingBookings
        isShopTakingBookings = DatabaseHandling.isShopTakingBookings(shopId)
        if isShopTakingBookings is True:

            # step 2: check current queue AND `time_req_per_customer` is exceeding `closing_time` or not
            # and insert data in the database
            Before inserting check that the current slot time provided by the program is clashing with
            already booked-slot (of some other shop and the slot timing is clashing each other) or not.
            Hence, in slot-clashing case, slot booking is cancelled.
            isBookingDone = DatabaseHandling.isBookingDone(
                shopId, email, note, book)
            if isBookingDone is True:

                # booking is done successfully
                # now, generate TOKEN number for user (Token number: n'th slot position of user for the day (today))
                isTokenGenerated, tokenNumber = DatabaseHandling.generateToken(
                    email, shopId)
                if isTokenGenerated is True:

                    # token generated. token generated will be sent to the user via email

                    # sending email to user and owner
                        email, shopId, tokenNumber)

                    # return isBookingDone (True) rather than token number or email sent status
                    return toJson(isBookingDone)
                    return toJson(
                        "True")  # this statement will be never executed
                return toJson(isBookingDone)
            return toJson('Shop is currently not taking any booking requests.')
コード例 #2
    def post(self, of, email):
        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        of = of.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # check email
        isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
        if isEmailValid == 'True':
            isDeleted = DatabaseHandling.deleteAccount(of, email)
            return toJson(isDeleted)
            return toJson(isEmailValid)
コード例 #3
    def get(self, of, email, otp):
        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        of = of.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()
        otp = otp.strip()

        # check email
        isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
        if isEmailValid == 'True':
            isVerified = DatabaseHandling.verifyOTP(of, email, otp)
            return toJson(isVerified)
            return toJson(isEmailValid)
コード例 #4
    def get(self):
        idea_description = "Since we are facing critical situation due to the COVID 19 pandemic. To win against this " \
                           "pandemic and to come out of this situation most crucial thing we have to follow is " \
                           "social-distancing. But, the problem is people are panicking and are rushing to get their " \
                           "basic daily-life commodities like milk, water, grocery, medicines etc. to the nearby " \
                           "shop's and coming in contact with various people at the cash counters. Because of this " \
                           "behaviour, gathering at the same place (mostly at the same time) they are risking their " \
                           "as well as others life by not following SOCIAL DISTANCING. **" \
                           "So we came up with an idea to deal with the present situation and making things " \
                           "happen in a smooth and DISCIPLINED manner for the people. We are developing an automated " \
                           "system by which every individual can get their essential commodities without being in " \
                           "crowd and waiting in queues outside of shops. In our system Safeus we are providing " \
                           "features so that every indivual can find shops nearby their location as per their " \
                           "requirement. **" \
                           "In our webapp, we are creating two interfaces, one for the buyers' and other for the " \
                           "sellers. We would be taking shop opening and closing time and time required per customer " \
                           "for one transaction. With the help of this data, we would provide slots to users so " \
                           "that as per the slot given time the shop would be empty of other customers. Slots " \
                           "would be given as per availability, availability of commodities needed (by the user) " \
                           "and seller's permission. **" \
                           "It would also help social workers who are arranging food and other commodities for " \
                           "charity and distribution among the less-priviledged as they could pre-book a slot and " \
                           "arrange their huge requirement of goods at an empty shop (with no crowd) in an easy " \
                           "and hassle-free manner. **" \
                           "By this, their won't be any crowd and smooth marketing will take place in a well " \
                           "disciplined manner. Complete eradication of waiting time and roaming of people from " \
                           "one shop to another in search of their commodity. At last we strongly believe that " \
                           "this way we can stop and slow down the spread of the virus. ***" \
                           "#letsmakeindiasafe #staysafe"

        # '*' in idea_description if for client to decode as '\n' and give new line.
        return toJson(idea_description)
コード例 #5
    def get(self, loginAs, email, password):

        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # check email
        isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
        if isEmailValid == 'True':
            isCorrect = DatabaseHandling.login(loginAs, email, password)
            if isCorrect == True:
                print('You are logged in ')
                return toJson(True)
                return toJson('Check validity, password, email and try again')
            return toJson(isEmailValid)
コード例 #6
    def get(self, selectedCategory):
        # strip search and convert to lower-case
        selectedCategory = selectedCategory.strip().lower()

        searchResult = DatabaseHandling.searchByCategory(selectedCategory)
        if searchResult is not 'Empty' and searchResult is not False:
            return searchResult
            return toJson(searchResult)
コード例 #7
    def get(self, userCity):
        # strip search and convert to lower-case
        userCity = userCity.strip().lower()

        searchResult = DatabaseHandling.searchInUserCity(userCity)
        if searchResult is not 'Empty' and searchResult is not False:
            return searchResult
            return toJson(searchResult)
コード例 #8
    def get(self, search):
        # strip search and convert to lower-case
        search = search.strip().lower()

        searchResult = DatabaseHandling.searchBox(search)
        if searchResult is not 'Empty' and searchResult is not False:
            return searchResult
            return toJson(searchResult)
コード例 #9
    def get(self, userPin):
        # strip search and convert to lower-case
        userPin = userPin.strip().lower()

        searchResult = DatabaseHandling.searchNearByShops(userPin)
        if searchResult is not 'Empty' and searchResult is not False:
            return searchResult
            return toJson(searchResult)
コード例 #10
    def get(self, of, email):
        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        email = email.strip().lower()
        of = of.strip().lower()

        isDataFetched = DatabaseHandling.getUserOwnerInfo(of, email)
        if isDataFetched is not False:
            return isDataFetched
            return toJson(isDataFetched)
コード例 #11
    def get(self, phone, email):

        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        phone = phone.strip()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # check phone
        isPhoneValid = Validation.validatePhone(phone)
        if isPhoneValid == 'True':

            # check email
            isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
            if isEmailValid == 'True':
                isSent = DatabaseHandling.sendEmailVerification(phone, email)
                return toJson(isSent)
                return toJson(isEmailValid)
            return toJson(isPhoneValid)
コード例 #12
    def post(self, of, email, otp, password, confirmPassword):
        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        of = of.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()
        otp = otp.strip()

        # match passwords
        isPasswordMatched = Validation.matchPasswords(password,
        if isPasswordMatched != 'True':
            return toJson(isPasswordMatched)

        # check email
        isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
        if isEmailValid == 'True':
            isPasswordChanged = DatabaseHandling.changePassword(
                of, otp, email, password)
            return toJson(isPasswordChanged)
            return toJson(isEmailValid)
コード例 #13
    def get(self, of, phone, email):
        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        of = of.strip().lower()
        phone = phone.strip()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # check phone
        isPhoneValid = Validation.validatePhone(phone)
        if isPhoneValid == 'True':

            # check email
            isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
            if isEmailValid == 'True':
                isSent = DatabaseHandling.findAccount(of, phone, email)

                # OTP sent. Display message: OTP has been sent. If not received then press findAccount button again
                DatabaseHandling.sendEmailVerification(phone, email)
                return toJson(isSent)
                return toJson(isEmailValid)
            return toJson(isPhoneValid)
コード例 #14
    def post(self, userName, address, city, pinCode, phone, email):
        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        userName = userName.strip().lower()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        city = city.strip().lower()
        pinCode = pinCode.strip().lower()
        phone = phone.strip().lower()

        # check pinCode
        isPinValid = Validation.validatePinCode(pinCode)
        if isPinValid == 'True':

            # check phone
            isPhoneValid = Validation.validatePhone(phone)
            if isPhoneValid == 'True':

                # now, update data to the database
                isUpdated = DatabaseHandling.updateUserInfo(
                    userName, address, city, pinCode, phone, email)
                return toJson(isUpdated)
                return toJson(isPhoneValid)
            return toJson(isPinValid)
コード例 #15
    def get(self, filter, email):
        :param filter: 'upcoming' or 'earlier'

        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        filter = filter.strip().lower()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # get events
        getEvents = DatabaseHandling.getUserEvents(filter, email)
        if getEvents is not 'Empty' and getEvents is not False:
            return getEvents
            return toJson(getEvents)
コード例 #16
    def get(self, userName, address, city, pinCode, phone, email, password,
        print('received user info')

        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        userName = userName.strip().lower()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        city = city.strip().lower()
        pinCode = pinCode.strip()
        phone = phone.strip()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        # match passwords
        isPasswordMatched = Validation.matchPasswords(password,
        if isPasswordMatched != 'True':
            return toJson(isPasswordMatched)

        if userName == '' or address == '' or city == '' or pinCode == '' or phone == '' or email == '' or password == '':
            return toJson('field(s) found empty')

        # check pin
        isPinValid = Validation.validatePinCode(pinCode)
        if isPinValid == 'True':

            # check phone
            isPhoneValid = Validation.validatePhone(phone)
            if isPhoneValid == 'True':

                # check email
                isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
                if isEmailValid == 'True':
                    isInserted = DatabaseHandling.insertUserDataIntoDB(
                        userName, address, city, pinCode, phone, email,
                    return toJson(isInserted)
                    return toJson(isEmailValid)
                return toJson(isPhoneValid)
            return toJson(isPinValid)
コード例 #17
 def get(self, shopId, filter):
     :param filter: 'upcoming' or 'earlier'
     getBookings = DatabaseHandling.getShopBookings(shopId, filter)
     return toJson(getBookings)
コード例 #18
    def get(self, shopName, ownerName, shopType, openingTime, closingTime,
            timeReqPerUser, address, city, pinCode, phone, email, password,
        print('received owner info')

        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        shopName = shopName.strip().lower()
        ownerName = ownerName.strip().lower()
        shopType = shopType.strip().lower()
        openingTime = openingTime.strip()
        closingTime = closingTime.strip()
        timeReqPerUser = timeReqPerUser.strip()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        city = city.strip().lower()
        pinCode = pinCode.strip()
        phone = phone.strip()
        email = email.strip().lower()

        if shopName == '' or ownerName == '' or shopType == '' or openingTime == '' or closingTime == '' or timeReqPerUser == '' or address == '' or city == '' or pinCode == '' or phone == '' or email == '' or password == '':
            return toJson('field(s) found empty')

        # match passwords
        isPasswordMatched = Validation.matchPasswords(password,
        if isPasswordMatched != 'True':
            return toJson(isPasswordMatched)

        # check pin
        isPinValid = Validation.validatePinCode(pinCode)
        if isPinValid == 'True':

            # check phone
            isPhoneValid = Validation.validatePhone(phone)
            if isPhoneValid == 'True':

                # check email
                isEmailValid = Validation.validateEmail(email)
                if isEmailValid == 'True':

                    # check openingTime
                    isOpeningTimeValid = Validation.validateOpeningClosingTime(
                    if isOpeningTimeValid == 'True':

                        # check closingTime
                        isClosingTimeValid = Validation.validateOpeningClosingTime(
                        if isClosingTimeValid == 'True':

                            # check timeReqPerUser
                            isTimeReqPerUserValid = Validation.validateTimeRequiredPerUser(
                            if isTimeReqPerUserValid == 'True':

                                # check (by comparing) shop opening and closing time is valid or not
                                isShopTimingValid = Validation.validateCompareOpeningClosingTimeMismatch(
                                    openingTime, closingTime)
                                if isShopTimingValid == 'True':

                                    # all inputs verified; now, insert data into database
                                    isInserted = DatabaseHandling.insertOwnerDataIntoDB(
                                        shopName, ownerName, shopType,
                                        openingTime, closingTime,
                                        timeReqPerUser, address, city, pinCode,
                                        phone, email, password)
                                    return toJson(isInserted)
                                    return toJson(isShopTimingValid)
                                return toJson(isTimeReqPerUserValid)
                            return toJson(isClosingTimeValid)
                        return toJson(isOpeningTimeValid)
                    return toJson(isEmailValid)
                return toJson(isPhoneValid)
            return toJson(isPinValid)
コード例 #19
 def get(self, shopId, variable):
     # set `is_open` as 0/1 in `owner`
     isSet = DatabaseHandling.setShopBooking(shopId, variable)
     return toJson(isSet)
コード例 #20
    def post(self, shopName, ownerName, shopType, openingTime, closingTime,
             timeReqPerUser, address, city, pinCode, phone, email):
        # this function updates owner's information in the database (except email, shop_id).
        # owner cannot update account during working hours

        # strip strings and convert to lower-case
        email = email.strip()
        shopName = shopName.strip().lower()
        ownerName = ownerName.strip().lower()
        shopType = shopType.strip().lower()
        openingTime = openingTime.strip().lower()
        closingTime = closingTime.strip().lower()
        timeReqPerUser = timeReqPerUser.strip().lower()
        address = address.strip().lower()
        city = city.strip().lower()
        pinCode = pinCode.strip().lower()
        phone = phone.strip().lower()

        # check openingTime
        isOpeningTimeValid = Validation.validateOpeningClosingTime(openingTime)
        if isOpeningTimeValid == 'True':

            # check closingTime
            isClosingTimeValid = Validation.validateOpeningClosingTime(
            if isClosingTimeValid == 'True':

                # check timeReqPerUser
                isTimeReqPerUserValid = Validation.validateTimeRequiredPerUser(
                if isTimeReqPerUserValid == 'True':

                    # check pinCode
                    isPinCodeValid = Validation.validatePinCode(pinCode)
                    if isPinCodeValid == 'True':

                        # check phone
                        isPhoneValid = Validation.validatePhone(phone)
                        if isPhoneValid == 'True':

                            # check (by comparing) shop opening and closing time is valid or not
                            isShopTimingValid = Validation.validateCompareOpeningClosingTimeMismatch(
                                openingTime, closingTime)
                            if isShopTimingValid == 'True':

                                # update data in the database (account cannot be updated during working hours)
                                isUpdated = DatabaseHandling.updateOwnerInfo(
                                    shopName, ownerName, shopType, openingTime,
                                    closingTime, timeReqPerUser, address, city,
                                    pinCode, phone, email)
                                return toJson(isUpdated)
                                return toJson(isShopTimingValid)
                            return toJson(isPhoneValid)
                        return toJson(isPinCodeValid)
                    return toJson(isTimeReqPerUserValid)
                return toJson(isClosingTimeValid)
            return toJson(isOpeningTimeValid)