コード例 #1
class Arena():
    An Arena class where any 2 agents can be pit against each other.
    def __init__(self, player1, player2, game, display=None):
            player 1,2: two functions that takes board as input, return action
            game: Game object
            display: a function that takes board as input and prints it (e.g.
                     display in othello/OthelloGame). Is necessary for verbose

        see othello/OthelloPlayers.py for an example. See pit.py for pitting
        human players/other baselines with each other.
        self.player1 = player1
        self.player2 = player2
        self.game = game
        self.display = display
        self.debug = Debug()
        dt = datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")
        self.folder = os.path.join("Debug", "Arena",
                                   dt + "_" + str(os.getpid()))
        self.print_boards = False

    def playGame(self, verbose=False):
        Executes one episode of a game.

                winner: player who won the game (1 if player1, -1 if player2)
                draw result returned from the game that is neither 1, -1, nor 0; currently this is 0.0001

        # reset player's state

        players = [self.player2, None, self.player1]
        curPlayer = 1
        board = self.game.getInitBoard()
        it = 0
        lastMove = []
        while self.game.getGameEnded(board, curPlayer) == 0:
            it += 1
            #if verbose:
            #    assert(self.display)
            #    print("Turn ", str(it), "Player ", str(curPlayer))
            #    self.display(board)
            canonicalBoard = self.game.getCanonicalForm(board, curPlayer)

            if lastMove and not board.last_long_capture:
                players[curPlayer + 1].makeOpponentMove(lastMove)
                del lastMove[:]
            action = players[curPlayer + 1].play(canonicalBoard)

            valids = self.game.getValidMoves(canonicalBoard, 1)

            if valids[action] == 0:
                assert valids[action] > 0, "Illegal move: " + str(

            # board.legal_moves = canonicalBoard.legal_moves

            previousBoard = board
            action = canonicalBoard.transform_action_for_board(action, board)
            board, curPlayer = self.game.getNextState(board, curPlayer, action)
            # debug next state
            board.id = previousBoard.id + "-?"
            if board.halfMoves > 100:
                print("info: board.id:",
                      previousBoard.id, "=>", board.id, ", pieces:",
                      board.count_pieces(), ", halfMoves:", board.halfMoves,
                      ", no-progress:", board.noProgressCount)
            if self.print_boards:
                s = self.game.stringRepresentation(previousBoard)
                s1 = self.game.stringRepresentation(board)
                    board, s1, "Newly generated position, previous one: " + s)

            #input("press enter to continue: ");

        result = curPlayer * self.game.getGameEnded(board, curPlayer)

        if verbose:
            assert (self.display)
            print("Game over: Turn ", str(it), "Result ", str(result))

        # print game record to a file
        self.game.printGameRecord(board, curPlayer, self.folder)

        return result

    def playGames(self, num, verbose=False):
        Plays num games in which player1 starts num/2 games and player2 starts
        num/2 games.

            oneWon: games won by player1
            twoWon: games won by player2
            draws:  games won by nobody
        eps_time = AverageMeter()
        bar = Bar('Arena.playGames', max=num)
        end = time.time()
        eps = 0
        maxeps = int(num)

        num = int(num / 2)
        oneWon = 0
        twoWon = 0
        draws = 0
        for _ in range(num):
            eps += 1
            print("Episode ", eps)
            gameResult = self.playGame(verbose=verbose)
            if gameResult == 1:
                oneWon += 1
            elif gameResult == -1:
                twoWon += 1
                draws += 1

            # bookkeeping + plot progress
            eps_time.update(time.time() - end)
            end = time.time()
            bar.suffix = '({eps}/{maxeps}) Eps Time: {et:.3f}s | Total: {total:} | ETA: {eta:}'.format(

        self.player1, self.player2 = self.player2, self.player1

        for _ in range(num):
            eps += 1
            print("Episode ", eps)
            gameResult = self.playGame(verbose=verbose)
            if gameResult == -1:
                oneWon += 1
            elif gameResult == 1:
                twoWon += 1
                draws += 1

            # bookkeeping + plot progress
            eps_time.update(time.time() - end)
            end = time.time()
            bar.suffix = '({eps}/{maxeps}) Eps Time: {et:.3f}s | Total: {total:} | ETA: {eta:}'.format(


        return oneWon, twoWon, draws
コード例 #2
class MCTS():
    This class handles the MCTS tree.

    # (debug) print every board to a file
    print_boards = False

    def __init__(self, game, nnet, args):
        self.game = game
        self.nnet = nnet
        self.args = args
        self.Qsa = {}  # stores Q values for s,a (as defined in the paper)
        self.Nsa = {}  # stores #times edge s,a was visited
        self.Ns = {}  # stores #times board s was visited
        self.Ps = {}  # stores initial policy (returned by neural net)

        self.Es = {}  # stores game.getGameEnded ended for board s
        self.Vs = {
        }  # stores game.getValidMoves for board s - full list of size game.getActionSize
        self.Ls = {}  # stores LegalMoves for board s - short list

        self.Nbnodes = {
        }  # stores number of nodes outgoing from node (board) s

        self.numActionProbs = 0
        self.searchIndex = 0
        self.predictionMeter = AverageMeter()
        self.debug = Debug()
        self.maxHalfMovesForDebug = 150

        self.id = np.random.randint(1000)

        warnings.filterwarnings('error', category=RuntimeWarning)

    def getActionProb(self, canonicalBoard, temp=1):
        This function performs numMCTSSims simulations of MCTS starting from

            probs: a policy vector where the probability of the ith action is
                   proportional to Nsa[(s,a)]**(1./temp)

        self.numActionProbs += 1

        if not canonicalBoard.id:
            canonicalBoard.id = "ActionProb_" + str(self.numActionProbs) + "_"

        for i in range(self.args.numMCTSSims):
            #print("getActionProb, simulation:", i)
            self.search(canonicalBoard, True)

        s = self.game.stringRepresentation(canonicalBoard)
        counts = [
            self.Nsa[(s, a)] if (s, a) in self.Nsa else 0
            for a in range(self.game.getActionSize())

        if temp == 0:
            maxi = max(counts)
            #print("maxi=",maxi, " of counts=", counts)
            allBest = np.where(np.array(counts) == maxi)[0]
            #print("[",self.id,"] getActionProb:", self.numActionProbs, "allBest=", allBest)
            bestA = np.random.choice(allBest)
            #print("[",self.id,"] getActionProb:", self.numActionProbs, "bestA=", bestA)

            # bestA = np.argmax(counts)
            probs = [0] * len(counts)
            probs[bestA] = 1
            return probs

        counts = [x**(1. / temp) for x in counts]
        if sum(counts) == 0:
        probs = [x / float(sum(counts)) for x in counts]
        return probs

    def search(self, canonicalBoard, isRootNode):
        This function performs one iteration of MCTS. It is recursively called
        till a leaf node is found. The action chosen at each node is one that
        has the maximum upper confidence bound as in the paper.

        Once a leaf node is found, the neural network is called to return an
        initial policy P and a value v for the state. This value is propogated
        up the search path. In case the leaf node is a terminal state, the
        outcome is propogated up the search path. The values of Ns, Nsa, Qsa are

        NOTE: the return values are the negative of the value of the current
        state. This is done since v is in [-1,1] and if v is the value of a
        state for the current player, then its value is -v for the other player.

            v: the negative of the value of the current canonicalBoard

        self.searchIndex += 1
        myIndex = self.searchIndex
        #print("MCTS.search: ", myIndex, " size of map: ", len(self.Ps))

        s = self.game.stringRepresentation(canonicalBoard)

        # check rotation and active player
        #rot = s[3]
        #assert rot=="r" or rot=="n", "Illegal rotation flag:"+str(rot)+" in "+s
        #if rot=="r":
        #    assert rot=="r" and canonicalBoard.halfMoves % 2 == 1, canonicalBoard.display()
        #    assert rot=="n" and canonicalBoard.halfMoves % 2 == 0, canonicalBoard.display()

        if s not in self.Es:
            self.Es[s] = self.game.getGameEnded(canonicalBoard, 1)
            if self.Es[s] != 0 and self.print_boards:
                # print("game over detected, r:", self.Es[s], ", halfMoves:", canonicalBoard.halfMoves, ", no-progress:", canonicalBoard.noProgressCount)
                #print("all_moves: ", canonicalBoard.executed_moves)
                    canonicalBoard, s, "Game over, result:" + str(self.Es[s]))
        if self.Es[s] != 0:
            # terminal node
            return -self.Es[s]

        if s not in self.Ps:
            # leaf node
            start = millis()
            self.Ps[s], v = self.nnet.predict(canonicalBoard)
            time = millis() - start
            valids = self.game.getValidMoves(canonicalBoard, 1)
            # for debugging
            # orig_Ps_s = copy.deepcopy(self.Ps[s])
            self.Ps[s] = self.Ps[s] * valids  # masking invalid moves
            # for debugging
            # masked_Ps_s = copy.deepcopy(self.Ps[s])
            sum_Ps_s = np.sum(self.Ps[s])
            if sum_Ps_s > 0:
                self.Ps[s] /= sum_Ps_s  # renormalize
                # if all valid moves were masked
                # make all valid moves equally probable
                print("All valid moves were masked, do workaround. board.id=",
                #print("valid_moves:", canonicalBoard.filter_legal_moves())
                #print("executed_moves:", canonicalBoard.executed_moves)
                predicted = "?"  # np.where(orig_Ps_s > 0)
                    canonicalBoard, "workarounds",
                    "All valid moves were masked, do workaround\npredicted_actions:"
                    + str(predicted))

                self.Ps[s] = self.Ps[s] + valids
                self.Ps[s] /= np.sum(self.Ps[s])

            #except Warning:
            #    print("Error detected")
            #    canonicalBoard.display()
            #    self.debug.print_legal_moves(canonicalBoard)
            #    print("all_previous_moves: ", canonicalBoard.executed_moves)
            #    # print to file
            #    self.debug.print_to_file(canonicalBoard, s, "Error detected")
            #    raise

            self.Vs[s] = valids
            self.Ls[s] = canonicalBoard.legal_moves
            self.Ns[s] = 0

            #if self.print_boards:
            #    self.debug.print_to_file(canonicalBoard, s, "Valid moves calculated")

            return -v

        canonicalBoard.legal_moves = self.Ls[s]

        valids = self.Vs[s]
        cur_best = -float('inf')
        #best_act = -1
        allBest = []

        # add Dirichlet noise for root node. set epsilon=0 for Arena competitions of trained models
        e = self.args.epsilon
        if isRootNode and e > 0:
            noise = np.random.dirichlet(
                [self.args.dirAlpha] *

        # pick the action with the highest upper confidence bound
        i = -1
        for a in range(self.game.getActionSize()):
            if valids[a]:
                i += 1
                if (s, a) in self.Qsa:
                    q = self.Qsa[(s, a)]
                    n_s_a = self.Nsa[(s, a)]
                    #u = self.Qsa[(s,a)] + self.args.cpuct*self.Ps[s][a]*math.sqrt(self.Ns[s])/(1+self.Nsa[(s,a)])
                    q = 0
                    n_s_a = 0
                    #u = self.args.cpuct*self.Ps[s][a]*math.sqrt(self.Ns[s])     # Q = 0 ?

                p = self.Ps[s][a]
                if isRootNode and e > 0:
                    p = (1 - e) * p + e * noise[i]

                u = q + self.args.cpuct * p * math.sqrt(
                    self.Ns[s]) / (1 + n_s_a)

                if u > cur_best:
                    cur_best = u
                    #best_act = a
                    del allBest[:]
                elif u == cur_best:

        #a = best_act
        a = np.random.choice(allBest)
            assert a >= 0, "Illegal action=" + str(a)
            next_s, next_player = self.game.getNextState(canonicalBoard, 1, a)
            next_s = self.game.getCanonicalForm(next_s, next_player)
            # s1 = self.game.stringRepresentation(next_s)
            next_s.id = self.next_board_id(canonicalBoard, s)
            if next_s.halfMoves > self.maxHalfMovesForDebug:
                self.maxHalfMovesForDebug = next_s.halfMoves
                print("info: board.id:",
                      canonicalBoard.id, "=>", next_s.id, ", pieces:",
                      next_s.count_pieces(), ", halfMoves:", next_s.halfMoves,
                      ", no-progress:", next_s.noProgressCount)
            #if self.print_boards:
            #    self.debug.print_to_file(next_s, s1, "Newly generated position, previous one: "+s)
            print("Error detected")
            # a < 0 occurs sometimes in MCTS.search()
            move = None if a < 0 else canonicalBoard.parse_action(a)
            print("execute_move:", move)
            print("executed_moves: ", canonicalBoard.executed_moves)
            # print to file
            file = self.debug.print_to_file(canonicalBoard, s,
                                            "Error detected")
            with (open(file, 'a+')) as f:
                print("execute_move:", move, file=f)

        #if next_player==1:
        #    print("long capture detected")

        # print("search next_state")
        v = self.search(next_s, False)
        # trick for long_captures
        v *= -next_player

        if (s, a) in self.Qsa:
            self.Qsa[(s, a)] = (self.Nsa[(s, a)] * self.Qsa[(s, a)] +
                                v) / (self.Nsa[(s, a)] + 1)
            self.Nsa[(s, a)] += 1

            self.Qsa[(s, a)] = v
            self.Nsa[(s, a)] = 1

        self.Ns[s] += 1
        #print("END OF MCTS.search: ", myIndex, " size of map: ", len(self.Ps))
        return -v

    def next_board_id(self, previousBoard, s_of_previousBoard):
        # define board.id
        if s_of_previousBoard not in self.Nbnodes:
            self.Nbnodes[s_of_previousBoard] = 0
            self.Nbnodes[s_of_previousBoard] += 1
        next_id = previousBoard.id + "-" + str(
        return next_id

    def print_stats(self):
        # print collected stats of the instance
        print("")  # empty line for the case if the carriage was not returned
        print("MCTS: Ps.size = ", len(self.Ps), ", Es.size = ", len(self.Es),
              ", Qsa.size = ", len(self.Qsa))
        print("MCTS: actionProbs = ", self.numActionProbs, ", searchCount = ",
        pm = self.predictionMeter
        print("MCTS: nnet.predictions: count=", pm.count,
              ", times(min/avg/max/total) = ", pm.min, pm.avg, pm.max, pm.sum)