コード例 #1
ファイル: Comment.py プロジェクト: kstaken/Syncato
    def respondToGet(self, transaction):
        request = transaction.request()
        response = transaction.response()
            fields = request.fields()
            print fields['/comment/body#markup']
            # force blacklist constraints in case someone tries to post without
            # using the comment form.
            if (not "#blacklist#/comment/body" in fields):
                fields["#blacklist#/comment/body"] = self.weblog.configValue("/blog/blacklist-message")
            if (not "#blacklist#/comment/url" in fields):
                fields["#blacklist#/comment/url"] = self.weblog.configValue("/blog/blacklist-message")
            # We need to force this to only allow the creation of comment entries
            fields["#required#/comment"] = "This service can only post comments."
            update = DocumentBuilder(self.weblog, fields)
            # Which button was clicked on the form
            post = request.field('post', "")
            postID = request.field('/comment/@postID', "")
            errorText = update.getErrorText()                            
            if (errorText == ""):
                content = update.getDocument().serialize()
                # If the post button was clicked we should save the entry.
                if (post == "Post"):
                    self.weblog.db.addRecord(None, content)

                    self.sendRedirect(response, self.weblog.configValue("/blog/base-url") + "/" + postID + "?t=item")                   
                # Otherwise we should preview it.
                    preview = self.weblog.db.runTransform(content, "comment-preview", "")
                    self.sendResponseText(response, preview)                
            # We treat an error like a preview, but include the error text.        
                self.sendErrorText(response, update, errorText, "comment-preview")
        except NotFoundError:
            response.setStatus(404, 'Not Found')
            response.write("The post being commented on could not be located.")
コード例 #2
    def run(self):
        print('Processing', self.job.job_id)

        job_id = str(self.job.job_id)


        summ = Summarizer(self.job)
        meta = summ.summarize()

        docBuilder = DocumentBuilder(meta)
        doc = docBuilder.build()

        print('Saved:', self.job.job_id)

        shutil.rmtree(job_id, ignore_errors=True)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Trackback.py プロジェクト: kstaken/Syncato
 def respondToPost(self, transaction):
     request = transaction.request()
     response = transaction.response()
     # The post the trackback applies to.
     postID = request.extraURLPath().split('/')[1]        
         spec = {
             '/trackback/@postID': postID,
             '/trackback/title': request.field('title', ""),
             '/trackback/url': request.field('url', ""),
             '#required#/trackback/url': 'The URL for the linking entry is required',
             '#blacklist#/trackback/url': self.weblog.configValue("/blog/blacklist-message"),
             '/trackback/excerpt': request.field('excerpt', ""),
             '#blacklist#/trackback/excerpt': self.weblog.configValue("/blog/blacklist-message"),
             '/trackback/blog_name': request.field('blog_name', "")                
         update = DocumentBuilder(self.weblog, spec)
         errorText = update.getErrorText()                            
         if (errorText == ""):
             content = update.getDocument().serialize()
             self.weblog.db.addRecord(None, content)
             doc = XMLFragment() 
             doc.addNode("/response/error", "0")
             self.sendResponseText(response, doc.serialize())      
             doc = XMLFragment() 
             doc.addNode("/response/error", "1")
             doc.addNode("/response/message", errorText)
             self.sendResponseText(response, doc.serialize())
     except NotFoundError:
         response.setStatus(404, 'Not Found')
         response.write("The post being commented on could not be located.")
コード例 #4
ファイル: Main.py プロジェクト: kstaken/Syncato
    def respondToPost(self, transaction):        
        request = transaction.request()
        response = transaction.response()

        entryType = request.field('type', "")
        fields = request.fields()
            entryDocument = DocumentBuilder(self.weblog, fields)
            content = entryDocument.serialize()
            print content
            # Convert the rest of the form into an XML form spec.
            formDocument = self._buildFormDocument(fields)
            errorText = ""
                # If there was a problem building the initial document we just
                # want to display an error.
                errorText = entryDocument.getErrorText()
                if (errorText != ""):
                    raise ProcessingError()
                # Otherwise we continue processing the document.
                    # Add the entry document into the form specification.
                    formDocument.getDocument().addNode("/form/content", entryDocument.getRootElement())
                    # Hand the form spec to the action processor for this entry 
                    # type.
                    content = formDocument.serialize()
             #       print content
                    result = self.weblog.db.runTransform(content, entryType + "/action", "", "admin/action")
                    print result
                    actionResult = XMLFragment(result)
                    # If there were any errors in processing we send an error 
                    # to the user.
                    errors = actionResult.xpathEval("/results/error-text")
                    if (len(errors) > 0):                        
                        for error in errors:
                            errorText = error.content + "<br/>"
                        raise ProcessingError()
                    # Otherwise we figure ou what button was clicked so that we 
                    # forward the user to the proper place.
                        button = formDocument.xpathEval("/form/button/node()")[0].name
                        #print button
                        style = self.getStyle(request, actionResult, "/results/action/" + button)
                        #print style
                        self.sendResponse(response, entryDocument, style)
            except ProcessingError, e:
                # Make sure the document actually has content and then add the 
                # error message to it.
                    root = entryDocument.getRootElement()
                    entryDocument.getDocument().addNode("/node()/error-text", errorText, 1)
                    entryDocument.getDocument().addNode("/dummy/error-text", errorText, 1)
                print entryDocument.serialize()
                style = self.getStyle(request, formDocument, "/form/action/error")
                self.sendResponse(response, entryDocument, style)
        except NotFoundError, e:
            doc = XMLFragment("<error-text>Document not found</error-text>")
            self.sendResponse(response, doc, "admin/error")