def ModuleCommands(self): print Helpers.color("\n Available Template Commands:\n", status=True) print "\tCommand\t\tDescription" print "\t-------\t\t-----------" for item in self.TemplateCommands: print "\t%s%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format("[" + item[0] + "]").ljust(5), '{0: <16}'.format(item[1]))
def TemplateCompleteScreen(self, Task, FileLocation, FileName, ModuleInt): ''' Function takes in output data and presents it to user. ''' self.TitleScreen() p = " [*] Email Template Generation has been completed:\n" line = """{0} Task Performed:\t\t{1} File Location: \t\t{2} Email File:\t\t\t{3} """.format(Helpers.color(p, green=True), Task.Name, FileLocation, FileName) print line # Now check if they want to open the file p = Helpers.color( " [>] ", status=True) + "Would you like to view the generated template? (y) or (n): " while True: a = raw_input(p) if a.lower() == "y": self.TemplateFinalRender(FileLocation, FileName, Task) break if a.lower() == "n": break p = Helpers.color( " [>] ", status=True) + "Would you like to return to Current Module? (y) or (n): " while True: a = raw_input(p) if a.lower() == "y": self.TemplateMenu(Task, ModuleInt) break if a.lower() == "n": self.TaskSelector() print line
def ListModules(self): self.TitleScreen() print Helpers.color( "\n [*] Available Modules are:\t\t\t\t Core Options:\t\t\tSophistication:", blue=True) print " -------------------------\t\t\t\t -------------\t\t\t---------------" lastBase = None x = 1 for name in self.Modules: parts = name.split("/") if lastBase and parts[0] != lastBase: print "" lastBase = parts[0] SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() if x < 10: print " %s) %s" % (str(x).ljust(1), '{0: <24}'.format( name).ljust(50)) + Task.CoreOptions.ljust( 32) + "[" + Task.Sophistication + "]" if x >= 10: print " %s) %s" % (str(x).ljust(1), '{0: <24}'.format( name).ljust(50)) + Task.CoreOptions.ljust( 32) + "[" + Task.Sophistication + "]" x += 1 print ""
def checkValidationVersion(self, chifLib, versionToCheck): """ Check if the validation version matched the chifLib's validation version :param chifLib: reference to the ilorest-chif library :type chifLib: library handle :param version: the Scalable PMEM validation version to check :type integer :returns: True if the version is supported by the CHIF library, False if not :type Boolean """ isSupported = False if chifLib: try: chifLib.supportsPMEMValidationVersion.argtypes = [ctypes.c_int] chifLib.supportsPMEMValidationVersion.restype = ctypes.c_bool isSupported = chifLib.supportsPMEMValidationVersion( versionToCheck) except AttributeError: print( "Old version of iLO CHIF library detected. Please get the latest version.\n" ) Helpers.failNoChifLibrary() return isSupported
def TemplatePrint(self, Task): ''' This function will print to the console the output of the email. ''' try: EmailRender = Task.Render() RenderName = Task.RenderName with open(RenderName, "w+") as myfile: myfile.write(EmailRender) try: # time.sleep(0) temp = "\n" temp += subprocess.check_output(["w3m", "-dump", "-T", "text/html", RenderName]) print Helpers.Reindent(temp, 1) # time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print Helpers.color(" [!] Is w3m installed (run") print e # now remove temp file # time.sleep(2) os.remove(RenderName) except Exception as e: print e
def TemplateRender(self, Task): ''' This function will return the location output This will default to the ~/Desktop/ folder ''' try: EmailRender = Task.Render() # print EmailRender RenderName = Task.RenderName with open(RenderName, "w+") as myfile: myfile.write(EmailRender) try: # time.sleep(0) if ".eml" in RenderName: subprocess.check_call(["icedove", RenderName]) else: temp = subprocess.check_call(["iceweasel", RenderName]) # time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print Helpers.color(" [!] Is a default browser installed?") # now remove temp file # time.sleep(2) os.remove(RenderName) except Exception as e: print e
def Template_Info(self, Task): try: self.TitleScreen() print Helpers.color("\n Template Information:\n", status=True) for item in self.TemplateInfo: task = "Task." + str(item.rstrip(":")) if task == "Task.Sophistication": if eval(task).lower() == "high": print "\t" + item + "\t\t" + Helpers.color(eval(task), green=True) if eval(task).lower() == "medium": print "\t" + item + "\t\t" + Helpers.color(eval(task), firewall=True) if eval(task).lower() == "low": print "\t" + item + "\t\t" + Helpers.color(eval(task), warning=True) elif task == "Task.SampleImage": print "\t" + item + "\t\t" + eval(task) elif task == "Task.Info": print Helpers.FormatLong("Info:", Task.Info, spacing=24) else: print "\t" + item + "\t\t\t" + eval(task) # # Taken from line 246 print Helpers.color("\n Template Required Options:\n", status=True) print " Setting\t\tValue Set\t\t\tDescription of Setting" print " -------\t\t---------\t\t\t----------------------" for key in sorted(Task.RequiredOptions.iterkeys()): print " %s%s%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format(key).ljust(23), '{0: <8}'.format(Task.RequiredOptions[key][0]).ljust(32), Task.RequiredOptions[key][1]) except Exception as e: print e p = " [!] Please select a valid Module number\n" print Helpers.color(p, firewall=True) return
def test_WrongMail(self): newpath = TestSettings.CreatePath() + "WrongMail" if not os.path.exists(newpath): os.makedirs(newpath) self.driver.get("") # переход на сайт self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file( TestSettings.TakeScreenshot(newpath)) button = Helpers(self.driver) button.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='user']") # self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@id='user']").click() self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//a[@id='switchPageAction']").click() self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@id='name']").send_keys( "Тест") self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@id='lastName']").send_keys( "Тестовый") self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//input[@id='displayName']").send_keys("Selenium_test") self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@id='email']").send_keys( "test mail") self.driver.find_element_by_xpath("//input[@id='password']").send_keys( "testPassword1") self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='checkContainer termsAgree filled']").click() self.driver.find_element_by_xpath( "//div[@class='btnContainer filled']").click() assert "Введите действующий адрес электронной почты." in self.driver.page_source self.driver.get_screenshot_as_file( TestSettings.TakeScreenshot(newpath))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): WxHelpers.__init__(self) Helpers.__init__(self) # begin wxGlade: CalcFeeDialog.__init__ kwds["style"] = wx.DEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE wx.Dialog.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.l_validfromdate = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Ruling valid from")) self.validfromdate = wx.DatePickerCtrl(self, -1) self.l_receiver = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Receiver")) self.receiver = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", style=wx.TE_PROCESS_TAB | wx.TE_MULTILINE | wx.TE_READONLY | wx.TE_RICH) self.l_income = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Underlying income")) self.l_calcfee = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Individual calculation")) self.l_notes = wx.StaticText(self, -1, _("Notes")) self.notes = wx.TextCtrl(self, -1, "", style=wx.TE_MULTILINE) self.b_ok = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_OK, "") self.b_cancel = wx.Button(self, wx.ID_CANCEL, "") self.__set_properties() self.__do_layout() self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, self.b_ok) # end wxGlade self.olv_income = olv(self, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) self.__initOLVIncome() self.olv_calcfee = olv(self, -1, style=wx.LC_REPORT|wx.SUNKEN_BORDER) self.__initOLVCalcFee() self.__do_layout_noglade() pub.subscribe(self.Populate, 'dialog.calcfee.populate') #@UndefinedVariable
def calculateMaxPmemGiB_inner(self, chifLib, configData, selectedDriveCollection): """ calls the function in the library given the structured inputs :param chifLib: ilorest-chif library :type chifLib: library handle :param configData: the configuration data. :type configData: LOGICALNVDIMMCONFIGDATA. :param selectedDriveCollection: the user selected backup drives. :type selectedDriveCollection: SELECTEDDRIVECOLLECTION. :returns: maximum available persistent memory (GiB). :rtype: long """ maxPmemGiB = 0 if chifLib: try: chifLib.calculateMaxPmemGiB.argtypes = [ ctypes.POINTER(LOGICALNVDIMMCONFIGDATA), ctypes.POINTER(SELECTEDDRIVECOLLECTION) ] chifLib.calculateMaxPmemGiB.restype = c_ulonglong if selectedDriveCollection != None and selectedDriveCollection.count > 0: maxPmemGiB = chifLib.calculateMaxPmemGiB( ctypes.byref(configData), ctypes.byref(selectedDriveCollection)) except AttributeError: print( "Unsupported version of iLO CHIF library detected. Please get the latest version.\n" ) Helpers.failNoChifLibrary() return maxPmemGiB
def AddAccount(self, AccountName, AccountType, EnableDownloadPrint): print("...Adding a " + AccountName + " Account...") chromedriver = r"F:\software\chromedriver" os.environ[""] = chromedriver driver = webdriver.Chrome(chromedriver) h = Helpers() h.userLogin(driver, 'admin') driver.maximize_window() self.wait = WebDriverWait(driver, 20) self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, V.addAccountBtn))).click() # Account Name self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[id$='Name']"))).send_keys(AccountName) # EIP URL selectEipUrl = Select( self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "select[id$='EipUrl']")))) selectEipUrl.select_by_visible_text("Custom URL") # Account Type selectAccountType = Select( self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "select[id$='AccountType']")))) if AccountType == "Ent": selectAccountType.select_by_visible_text("Enterprise Edition") elif AccountType == "Pro": selectAccountType.select_by_visible_text("Pro Edition") elif AccountType == "Std": selectAccountType.select_by_visible_text("Standard Edition") # Custom EIP URL self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[id$='CustomUrl']"))).send_keys(V.CustomEipUrl) # Enable Download to Print if EnableDownloadPrint: self.wait.until( EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.CSS_SELECTOR, "input[id$='DownloadToPrintEnabled']"))).click() time.sleep(1) self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located( (By.XPATH, V.saveBtn))).click() print("...Successful!!\n")
def search(self, search_for: str, context_len: int = 32) -> List[Tuple[str, str, str]]: # for avoiding merging contexts we have to search for text separately in each part of document list = Helpers.find_text_in_context(self._title, search_for, context_len) list += Helpers.find_text_in_context(self._text, search_for, context_len) return list
def __init__(self, PageHeap=False): print('[+] ' +"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") + ' Using Win32Com for fuzzing') = PageHeap = Helpers() self.iePiD_p = None self.iePid_c = None self.StartUpPage = 'file://' + os.getcwd().replace( '\\', '/') + '\\Start.html'.replace('\\', '/')
def TemplateView(self, Task): FileName = Task.SampleImage try: subprocess.check_call(["xdg-open", FileName]) except Exception as e: s = "status 4" if s in str(e): print Helpers.color(" [!] Sorry no image submitted yet!") else: print Helpers.color(" [!] Is a default image viewer installed?")
def TitleScreen(self): os.system('clear') # stolen from Veil :) p = "[Twitter]" w = "[Web]" print " ============================================================" print " Current: " + self.version + " | SimplyTemplate | " + Helpers.color(w, status=True) + ":" print " ============================================================" print " " + Helpers.color(p, status=True) + ": @CyberSyndicates | " + Helpers.color(p, status=True) + ": @Killswitch_gui" print " ============================================================"
def ModuleSelection(self, selection): ModuleInt = int(selection[1]) try: SelectedModule = self.Dmodules[ModuleInt] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() return Task except Exception as e: print e p = " [!] Please select a valid Module number" print Helpers.color(p, firewall=True) return
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' Helpers.__init__(self) = defaultdict(dict) self.child = defaultdict(dict) self.totalincome = 0 self.lenAdults = 0 self.hhsize = 0 self.reduction2 = 0 self.payer = None
def TemplateGen(self, Task, ModuleInt): ''' This Function takes in the template Task Object It will run the pre-defined Class Call ''' try: FileLocation = self.TemplateLocation() Name = self.TemplateName(Task) Task.Generate(FileLocation, Name, Verbose=False) self.TemplateCompleteScreen(Task, FileLocation, Name, ModuleInt) except Exception as e: p = " [!] Major issue with template gen: " + str(e) print Helpers.color(p, warning=True)
def ListSearchModules(self, ModuleList, ModuleList2): ''' Takes an array of Modules to print rather than all modules. ''' self.TitleScreen() if ModuleList: print Helpers.color("\n [*] Core Options Search Results are:\t\t\tCore Options:\t\tSophistication:", blue=True) print " --------------------------------\t\t\t-------------\t\t---------------" x = 1 for name in ModuleList: SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() print "\n %s" % (Helpers.color('{0: <24}'.format(name).ljust(50), status=True)) + Helpers.color(Task.CoreOptions.ljust(33), status=True) + "[" + Helpers.color(Task.Sophistication, status=True) + "]\n" print Helpers.FormatLong("Module Info:",Task.Info, spacing=16) x += 1 print "" if ModuleList2: print Helpers.color("\n [*] Sophistication Search Results are:\t\tCore Options:\t\tSophistication:", blue=True) print " ----------------------------------\t\t\t-------------\t\t---------------" x = 1 for name in ModuleList2: SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() print "\n %s" % (Helpers.color('{0: <24}'.format(name).ljust(50), status=True)) + Helpers.color(Task.CoreOptions.ljust(33), status=True) + "[" + Helpers.color(Task.Sophistication, status=True) + "]\n" print Helpers.FormatLong("Module Info:",Task.Info, spacing=16) x += 1 print ""
def test_strategy(self, indicator, params=None, data=None): # DATA if data is None: stock = pd.read_csv('../Data/bitcoin_histo.csv', sep=';') pxlast_csv_str = stock['PX_LAST'] pxlast = pd.to_numeric(pxlast_csv_str) dates_csv_str = stock['Date'] dates = pd.to_datetime(dates_csv_str, dayfirst=True) else: # dates = pd.Series(data[0].values) pxlast = data # pd.Series(data[1].values) # COMPUTATIONS if indicator == 'macd': ss = params[0] ls = params[1] sf = params[2] macd, macd_ema9 = Indicators.macd(pxlast, short_span=ss, long_span=ls, smoothing_factor=sf) returns = pxlast.pct_change(1) invested = Helpers.indicators_to_investment(indicator_name='macd', data=(macd, macd_ema9)) elif indicator == 'ema': ema_difference = Indicators.ema_diff(pxlast, long_span=26, short_span=12) returns = pxlast.pct_change(1) invested = Helpers.indicators_to_investment( indicator_name='ema_diff', data=ema_difference) elif indicator == 'macd_rsi': macd, macd_ema9 = Indicators.macd(pxlast, long_span=26, short_span=12, smoothing_factor=9) rsi = Indicators.RSI(pxlast, period=14) invested = Helpers.indicators_to_investment( indicator_name='macd_rsi', data=(macd, macd_ema9, rsi)) # PROFITABILITY total_profit, strat_profit = self.profitability(returns, invested) # return strat_profit.iloc[-1].values[0] # PLOT data_plot = pd.concat([total_profit, strat_profit], axis=1) data_plot.plot()
def calculateMaxPmemGiBAndBackupTime(self, chifLib, configured_pmem_GiB, configResource, listOfDrives): """ calculateMaxPmemGiBAndBackupTime Calculates the maximum available amount of persistent memory available, based on the system hardware and settings. Also estimates the backup boot time based on configured Scalable PMEM size and drives. :param chifLib: ilorest-chif DLL :type chifLib: library handle :param configured_pmem_GiB: amount of Scalable PMEM configured :type configured_pmem_GiB: number to be converted to ctypes.clonglong :param configResource: dictionary of Scalable PMEM configuration data :type configResource: dictionary :param listOfDrives: list of ALL drives to be backup storage :type listOfDrives: list of drive objects :returns: maximum available persistent memory (GiB). :rtype: long """ maxPmemGiB = 0 backupBootSec = 0 # get the configuration data if configResource: configData = self.constructConfigData(configResource) selectedDriveCollection = self.createSelectedDriveCollection( listOfDrives) if configData and selectedDriveCollection.count > 0: # first, check the validation version isSupportedVersion = self.checkValidationVersion( chifLib, configData.validationVersion) if not isSupportedVersion: print( "Unsupported version of iLO CHIF library detected. Please get the latest version.\n" ) Helpers.failNoChifLibrary() # then calculate maximum persistent memory, based on the configuration maxPmemGiB = self.calculateMaxPmemGiB_inner( chifLib, configData, selectedDriveCollection) backupBootSec = self.estimateBackupBootTimeSec_inner( chifLib, configured_pmem_GiB, configData, selectedDriveCollection) else: return (0, 0) else: return (0, 0) return (maxPmemGiB, backupBootSec)
def TemplateMenu(self, Task, ModuleInt): # start with Template menu and printing out the modules self.TitleScreen() p = "\n Template Loaded: " + Helpers.color(Task.Name, status=True) print p + "\n\n" self.TemplateRequiredOptions(Task) self.ModuleCommands() # setup module commands and required lists cmddict = self.TemplateCmdLoopCommands(Task) # now call cmd loop CmdLoop.start_loop(cmddict) while True: try: a = CmdLoop.input_loop() # a = raw_input(Helpers.color(p,status=True)) if a.startswith("set") or a.startswith("s"): try: Split = Helpers.GetWords(a) if Split[0].lower() == "set" or Split[0].lower() == "s": self.TemplateSet(Task, Split, a) except Exception as e: print e print Helpers.color(" [!] You must use [set] with Value", firewall=True) if a.startswith("edit") or a.startswith("e"): try: Split = Helpers.GetWords(a) if Split[0].lower() == "edit" or Split[0].lower() == "e": self.TemplateEdit(Task, Split, a) except Exception as e: print Helpers.color(" [!] You must use [edit] with Value", firewall=True) if a.lower() == "gen" or a.lower() == "g" or a.lower() == "run": self.TemplateGen(Task, ModuleInt) if a.lower() == "info" or a.lower() == "i": self.Template_Info(Task) if a.lower() == "view" or a.lower() == "v": self.TemplateView(Task) if a.lower() == "print" or a.lower() == "p": self.TemplatePrint(Task) if a.lower() == "render" or a.lower() == "r": self.TemplateRender(Task) if a.lower() == "back" or a.lower() == "b": self.TaskSelector() if a.lower() == "help" or a.lower() == "h" or a.lower() == "?": self.ModuleHelp() if a.lower() == "exit": Helpers.Exit() except Exception as e: print a
def TemplateSet(self, Task, Value, Raw): try: option = Value[1] if Value[1] not in Task.RequiredOptions: print Helpers.color(" [!] Invalid option specified.", firewall=True) else: Raw = Raw.strip(Value[0]) Raw = Raw.lstrip(' ') Raw = Raw.lstrip(Value[1]) Raw = Raw.lstrip(' ') Task.RequiredOptions[option][0] = Raw return except Exception as e: print e print Helpers.color(" [!] Error in setting option, likely invalid option name.", firewall=True)
def property_create(): if not request.json or not 'name' in request.json: abort(400) # Read from properties Json file jsonOpObj = JsonFileOperator(PROPERTIES_FILE, 'r') users_properties = jsonOpObj.Read() if len(users_properties): new_property_id = users_properties[-1]['id'] + 1 else: new_property_id = 1 # Read from users Json file jsonOpObj = JsonFileOperator(USERS_FILE, 'r') users = jsonOpObj.Read() found_user = next( (item for item in users if item["username"] == auth.username()), None) additional_params = {'id': new_property_id, 'user_id': found_user['id']} property_model = Helpers.PopulateModel(request, CREATE_PROPERTY_PARAMS, additional_params) users_properties.append(property_model) # Write to Json file jsonOpObj = JsonFileOperator(PROPERTIES_FILE, 'w') jsonOpObj.Write(users_properties) return jsonify({'property_id': str(property_model['id'])}), 201
def __init__(self,PageHeap=False): print( '[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") +' Using Win32Com for fuzzing') = PageHeap = Helpers() self.iePiD_p = None self.iePid_c = None self.StartUpPage = 'file://'+os.getcwd().replace('\\','/')+'\\Start.html'.replace('\\','/')
def concorde(self, args: List[str]): if not args: self.__wrong_arguments("concorde") return text = ' '.join(args) res: List[Tuple[Document, Tuple[str, str, str]]] = [] for c in self.corpuses.values(): res += c.concorde(text, self.__concorde_context_length) if not res: print("Nothing was found") return data = [] for doc, (left, mid, right) in res: data.append( [Helpers.truncate_str(doc.get_title()), left, mid, right]) df = DataFrame(data, columns=[ 'Document title', 'Left context', "Text", "Right context" ]) df.index += 1 print(df)
def jinja_environment(self): jinja_environment = jinja2.Environment(loader=jinja2.FileSystemLoader( os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../templates'))) jinja_environment.globals['session'] = self.session # def get_user_profile_main_image(link): # return 'saim its working' jinja_environment.globals['get_user_profile_main_image'] = Helpers( ).get_user_profile_main_image jinja_environment.globals['get_user_object_from_user_id'] = Helpers( ).get_user_object_from_user_id jinja_environment.globals['check_dictionary'] = Helpers( ).check_dictionary jinja_environment.globals['get_timezone'] = Helpers().get_timezone return jinja_environment
def ParseBugPages(filesq, procId, q): # #if not str(procId) in md.keys(): # md[str(procId)] = [] print('Started:', procId) i = 0 while not filesq.empty(): file = filesq.get() i += 1 if file.startswith('-1--') or file.startswith('-2--'): continue print('Processing (in ' + str(procId) + ') : ', 'Remaining', filesq.qsize()) data, stat = Helpers.getBugData(file.replace('.html', ''), Helpers.ExtractBugData) if stat < 0: shutil.move(Helpers.bpPath + file, Helpers.bpPath + str(stat) + '--' + file) continue q.put(data) #ret = dbh.InsertBug(data) #print ('In ',procId,' :', data['bug'],ret) print('Finished:', procId)
def word_tokenize(text: str) -> List[str]: # or words = nltk.word_tokenize(sample) sentences = NlpProcessor.get_sentences(text) words = [ item for sublist in sentences for item in re.split(r'\s+', sublist) ] return Helpers.remove_empty_list_items(words)
def TemplateMenu(self, Task, ModuleInt): # start with Template menu and printing out the modules self.TitleScreen() p = "\n Template Loaded: " + Helpers.color(Task.Name, status=True) print p + "\n\n" self.TemplateRequiredOptions(Task) self.ModuleCommands() # setup module commands and required lists cmddict = self.TemplateCmdLoopCommands(Task) # now call cmd loop CmdLoop.start_loop(cmddict) while True: try: a = CmdLoop.input_loop() # a = raw_input(Helpers.color(p,status=True)) if a.startswith("set") or a.startswith("s"): try: Split = Helpers.GetWords(a) if Split[0].lower() == "set" or Split[0].lower( ) == "s": self.TemplateSet(Task, Split, a) except Exception as e: print e print Helpers.color( " [!] You must use [set] with Value", firewall=True) if a.startswith("edit") or a.startswith("e"): try: Split = Helpers.GetWords(a) if Split[0].lower() == "edit" or Split[0].lower( ) == "e": self.TemplateEdit(Task, Split, a) except Exception as e: print Helpers.color( " [!] You must use [edit] with Value", firewall=True) if a.lower() == "gen" or a.lower() == "g" or a.lower( ) == "run": self.TemplateGen(Task, ModuleInt) if a.lower() == "info" or a.lower() == "i": self.Template_Info(Task) if a.lower() == "view" or a.lower() == "v": self.TemplateView(Task) if a.lower() == "print" or a.lower() == "p": self.TemplatePrint(Task) if a.lower() == "render" or a.lower() == "r": self.TemplateRender(Task) if a.lower() == "back" or a.lower() == "b": self.TaskSelector() if a.lower() == "help" or a.lower() == "h" or a.lower() == "?": self.ModuleHelp() if a.lower() == "exit": Helpers.Exit() except Exception as e: print a
def ModuleRequiredOptions(self, selection): ModuleInt = int(selection[1]) try: SelectedModule = self.Dmodules[ModuleInt] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() # # Taken from line 246 print Helpers.color("\n Template Required Options:\n", status=True) print " Setting\t\tValue Set\t\tDescription of Setting" print " -------\t\t---------\t\t----------------------" for key in sorted(Task.RequiredOptions.iterkeys()): print " %s%s%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format(key).ljust(10), '{0: <8}'.format(Task.RequiredOptions[key][0]).ljust(30), Task.RequiredOptions[key][1]) except Exception as e: print e p = " [!] Please select a valid Module number\n" print Helpers.color(p, firewall=True) return
def TemplateRequiredOptions(self, Task): ''' Function for required option for "only" a template. ''' try: # # Taken from line 246 print Helpers.color("\n Template Required Options:\n", status=True) print " Setting\t\tValue Set\t\t\tDescription of Setting" print " -------\t\t---------\t\t\t----------------------" for key in sorted(Task.RequiredOptions.iterkeys()): print " %s%s%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format(key).ljust(23), '{0: <8}'.format(Task.RequiredOptions[key][0]).ljust(32), Task.RequiredOptions[key][1]) except Exception as e: print e p = " [!] Please select a valid Module number\n" print Helpers.color(p, firewall=True) return
def test_AddLoginForm(self): print('TC - Add Login Form...') self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 20) h = Helpers() h.userLogin(self.driver, 'user') time.sleep(1) self.driver.get(V.loginFormUrl) self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.CSS_SELECTOR, V.addLoginFormBtn))).click() self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, V.uploadLoginForm))).click() time.sleep(1) pyautogui.typewrite(r"F:\Login Forms\LOGIN PAGES TEMPLATES\new-login.pdf") time.sleep(1) pyautogui.keyDown('enter') time.sleep(1) self.wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((By.XPATH, V.saveBtn))).click()
def addElementToBase(self, l: list): if len(l[0].keys()) > 9: #working with items collection data = __getItemFields() l.append(data) else: #working with users colleciton data = Helpers.getDataFromUser() l.append(data)
def TemplateFinalRender(self, FilePath, FileName, Task): ''' This function will open the Produced .MHT file ''' try: # print EmailRender Path = str(FilePath) + str(FileName) try: time.sleep(1) if ".eml" in Path: subprocess.check_call(["icedove", "-File", Path]) else: subprocess.check_call(["iceweasel", Path]) # time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print Helpers.color(" [!] Is a Iceweasel browser installed? (Run Setup)") except Exception as e: print e
def TemplateEdit(self, Task, Value, Raw): try: try: if Task.RequiredText: EditValue = True except: EditValue = False print Helpers.color(" [!] Template does not support edit yet!") if EditValue: if Value[1] not in Task.RequiredText: print Helpers.color(" [!] Invalid option specified.", firewall=True) else: Text = Task.RequiredText[Value[1]][0] raw = TemplateEdit.root(Text) if raw: Task.RequiredText[Value[1]][0] = raw return # raw = TemplateEdit.root(str(self.RequiredText["TextBlock1"][0])) except Exception as e: print e
def ListModules(self): self.TitleScreen() print Helpers.color("\n [*] Available Modules are:\t\t\t\t Core Options:\t\t\tSophistication:", blue=True) print " -------------------------\t\t\t\t -------------\t\t\t---------------" lastBase = None x = 1 for name in self.Modules: parts = name.split("/") if lastBase and parts[0] != lastBase: print "" lastBase = parts[0] SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() if x < 10: print " %s) %s" % (str(x).ljust(1), '{0: <24}'.format(name).ljust(50)) + Task.CoreOptions.ljust(32) + "[" + Task.Sophistication + "]" if x >= 10: print " %s) %s" % (str(x).ljust(1), '{0: <24}'.format(name).ljust(50)) + Task.CoreOptions.ljust(32) + "[" + Task.Sophistication + "]" x += 1 print ""
def TemplateRequiredOptions(self, Task): ''' Function for required option for "only" a template. ''' try: # # Taken from line 246 print Helpers.color("\n Template Required Options:\n", status=True) print " Setting\t\tValue Set\t\t\tDescription of Setting" print " -------\t\t---------\t\t\t----------------------" for key in sorted(Task.RequiredOptions.iterkeys()): print " %s%s%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format(key).ljust(23), '{0: <8}'.format(Task.RequiredOptions[key][0]).ljust(32), Task.RequiredOptions[key][1]) try: if Task.RequiredText: print Helpers.color("\n Template TextEdit Options:\n", status=True) print " Setting\t\tValue Set\t\t\tDescription of Setting" print " -------\t\t---------\t\t\t----------------------" for key in sorted(Task.RequiredText.iterkeys()): print " %s%s%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format(key).ljust(23), '{0: <8}'.format(Task.RequiredText[key][0].replace("\n", "")[0:25] + str('..')).ljust(32), Task.RequiredText[key][1]) except Exception as e: pass except Exception as e: print e p = " [!] Please select a valid Module number\n" print Helpers.color(p, firewall=True) return
def __init__(self, parent, *params): ''' Instantiates the Listview and initializes object-wide variables ''' super(ListView, self).__init__(parent, style = wx.LC_REPORT) # Extend the last column automatically listmix.ListCtrlAutoWidthMixin.__init__(self) # ALternate colors self.evenRowsBackColor = wx.Colour(240, 248, 255) # ALICE BLUE self.oddRowsBackColor = wx.Colour(255, 250, 205) # LEMON CHIFFON listmix.ListRowHighlighter.__init__(self) # Helper methods Helpers.__init__(self) # Bind for sorting self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_CLICK, self.OnColumnClick) self.colnum = 0 # Maps from column name to column number self.colnames = {} # Maps from column number to column name self.colnumbers = {} # Columns to be converted to string self.strConvCols = {} # Columns to contain images self.imgCols = {} # Item data mapping self.itemDataMap = {} # Item to object id mapping self.itemObjectID = {} # Store data dict objects self.id2obj_dict = {} # Windows definitely treats the first column differently. # One workaround is to create an empty column 0 and hide it self.InsertColumn(self.colnum, '', width=1) self.colnames['dummy'] = self.colnum self.colnumbers[self.colnum] = 'dummy' self.colnum += 1 # catch resize event self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_COL_BEGIN_DRAG, self.OnColDrag)
class IECom: def __init__(self,PageHeap=False): print( '[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") +' Using Win32Com for fuzzing') = PageHeap = Helpers() self.iePiD_p = None self.iePid_c = None self.StartUpPage = 'file://'+os.getcwd().replace('\\','/')+'\\Start.html'.replace('\\','/') def startfuzzer(self): print '[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") +' Killig all ie process if any exist system wide..' os.popen('taskkill /PID iexplore.exe /f') = 1 start_time = time.time() print '[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") +' Starting Fuzzer..' thread.start_new_thread(,()) while 1: #print #if # sleep(2) # If there is any crash, let access violation handler finish its jobs .... if len( == 2:'[+] IE Running....Loading Tetscase....') try: url = except Exception, e: print('[+] '+"%Y:%m:%d::%H:%M:%S") +' Error while generating test case file'+str(e)) print e continue try: ie.Navigate(url+'?c='+str( if ie.Busy: sleep(0.5) = + 1 # +1 count only if Navigation successful except Exception, e: #print e continue else:
def TemplateLocation(self): ''' This function will return the location output This will default to the ~/Desktop/ folder ''' while True: try: p = " [>] Output Location (Default ~/Desktop/):" a = raw_input(Helpers.color(p, status=True)) if a: return a else: home = expanduser("~") a = str(home) + "/Desktop/" return a except Exception as e: print e
def TemplateName(self, Task): ''' This function will return the location output This will default to the ~/Desktop/ folder ''' while True: try: name = Task.OutputName p = " [>] Output Name (Default: " + name + "):" a = raw_input(Helpers.color(p, status=True)) if a: return a else: a = name return a except Exception as e: print e
def ListSearchModules(self, ModuleList, ModuleList2, ModuleList3): ''' Takes an array of Modules to print rather than all modules. ''' self.TitleScreen() if ModuleList: print Helpers.color("\n [*] Core Options Search Results are:\t\t\tCore Options:\t\tSophistication:", blue=True) print " --------------------------------\t\t\t-------------\t\t---------------" x = 1 for name in ModuleList: SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() print "\n %s" % (Helpers.color('{0: <24}'.format(name).ljust(50), status=True)) + Helpers.color(Task.CoreOptions.ljust(33), status=True) + "[" + Helpers.color(Task.Sophistication, status=True) + "]\n" print Helpers.FormatLong("Module Info:", Task.Info, spacing=16) x += 1 print "" if ModuleList2: print Helpers.color("\n [*] Sophistication Search Results are:\t\tCore Options:\t\tSophistication:", blue=True) print " ----------------------------------\t\t\t-------------\t\t---------------" x = 1 for name in ModuleList2: SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() print "\n %s" % (Helpers.color('{0: <24}'.format(name).ljust(50), status=True)) + Helpers.color(Task.CoreOptions.ljust(33), status=True) + "[" + Helpers.color(Task.Sophistication, status=True) + "]\n" print Helpers.FormatLong("Module Info:", Task.Info, spacing=16) x += 1 print "" if ModuleList3: print Helpers.color("\n [*] Name Search Results are:\t\tCore Options:\t\tSophistication:", blue=True) print " ----------------------------------\t\t\t-------------\t\t---------------" x = 1 for name in ModuleList3: SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() print "\n %s" % (Helpers.color('{0: <24}'.format(name).ljust(50), status=True)) + Helpers.color(Task.CoreOptions.ljust(33), status=True) + "[" + Helpers.color(Task.Sophistication, status=True) + "]\n" print Helpers.FormatLong("Module Info:", Task.Info, spacing=16) x += 1 print ""
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' Helpers.__init__(self)
def ModuleSearch(self, SearchTerm): ''' Takes in a array of strings and searched by them ''' SophisticationList = [] CoreOptionsList = [] NameList = [] # check for less than 2x items if len(SearchTerm) <= 1: # make sure they are using the correct items to search p = " [!] Please search by one of the options (sophistication)-(options)-(name) HINT-use tab" print Helpers.color(p, firewall=True) return # check for no search value if len(SearchTerm) <= 2: # make sure they are using the correct items to search p = " [!] Please use a search term!" print Helpers.color(p, firewall=True) return # search SophisticationList if SearchTerm[1] in 'sophistication': try: for name in self.Modules: try: SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() Sophistication = Task.Sophistication if SearchTerm[2].lower() in Sophistication.lower(): # add in the matching Result SophisticationList.append(str(name)) except: pass except Exception as e: print e if SearchTerm[1] in 'options': try: for name in self.Modules: try: SelectedModule = self.Modules[name] Task = SelectedModule.TemplateModule() CoreOptions = Task.CoreOptions if SearchTerm[2] in CoreOptions.lower(): # add in the matching Result CoreOptionsList.append(str(name)) except: pass except Exception as e: print e if SearchTerm[1] in 'name': try: for name in self.Modules: try: if SearchTerm[2].lower() in name.lower(): # add in the matching Result NameList.append(str(name)) except: pass except Exception as e: print e self.ListSearchModules(CoreOptionsList, SophisticationList, NameList)
def __init__(self): ''' Constructor ''' Helpers.__init__(self) wx.PyValidator.__init__(self)
def ModuleCommands(self): print Helpers.color("\n Available Template Commands:\n", status=True) print "\tCommand\t\tDescription" print "\t-------\t\t-----------" for item in self.TemplateCommands: print "\t%s%s" % ('{0: <16}'.format("["+item[0]+"]").ljust(5), '{0: <16}'.format(item[1]))
class JJB9: def __init__(self): self.h = Helpers() self.board = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for x in range(15)] self.staticTiles = [[0 for x in range(15)] for x in range(15)] def getLetterPoints(self, ruleset): assert(self.cookie != None) url = "" % ruleset messageJSON = "{}" response = self.h.doPost(url, self.cookie, messageJSON) response = json.loads( self.h.setLetterPoints(response['content']['tile_points']) self.h.debug(response) def setStaticTiles(self, number): assert(self.cookie != None) url = "" % number messageJSON = "{}" response = self.h.doPost(url, self.cookie, messageJSON) response = json.loads( self.staticTiles = response['content']['board'] self.h.debug(response) def sendMessage(self, game, message): assert(self.cookie != None) url = "" % game messageJSON = "{\"message\": \"%s\"}" % message response = self.h.doPost(url, self.cookie, messageJSON) self.h.debug( """ Returns a list of games """ def getGames(self): assert(self.cookie != None) url = "" message = "" response = self.h.doPost(url, self.cookie, message).read() return json.loads(response)['content']['games'] def getGame(self, game): assert(self.cookie != None) url = "" % game message = "" response = self.h.doPost(url, self.cookie, message) response = js = json.loads(response) content = js['content']['game'] board = content['tiles'] staticTiles = content['board'] ruleSet = content['ruleset'] self.setStaticTiles(staticTiles) self.getLetterPoints(ruleSet) self.buildBoard(board) self.h.printBoard(self.board) return response def buildBoard(self, newBoard): for w in newBoard: self.board[w[1]][w[0]] = w[2] def playPieces(self, game, moves): assert(self.cookie != None) words = self.h.getWords(moves, self.board) url = "" % game message = { 'words' : words, 'ruleset' : 4, 'move' : moves } message = json.dumps(message) self.h.debug(message) response = self.h.doPost(url, self.cookie, message) return # Sets proper member variables on successful login, throws exception on failed # login. def login(self, email, password): url = "" data = "{\"password\": \"%s\",\ \"email\": \"%s\"}" % (password, email) response = self.h.doPost(url, {}, data) dictedResponse = json.loads( if (dictedResponse['status'] == 'success'): cookie = self.h.getCookie( self.cookie = {"Cookie" : "%s=%s" % (cookie[0],cookie[1])} content = dictedResponse['content'] self.uid = content['id'] self.username = content['username'] = content['email'] self.h.debug(self.cookie) self.h.debug(dictedResponse) self.h.debug(self.uid) else: raise Exception("Login failed: %s" % dictedResponse)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): WxHelpers.__init__(self) Helpers.__init__(self) # begin wxGlade: EditAdultFrame.__init__ kwds["style"] = wx.CAPTION | wx.CLOSE_BOX | wx.MINIMIZE_BOX | wx.MAXIMIZE_BOX | wx.SYSTEM_MENU | wx.RESIZE_BORDER | wx.FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE | wx.CLIP_CHILDREN wx.Frame.__init__(self, *args, **kwds) self.panel_2 = wx.ScrolledWindow(self, -1, style=wx.TAB_TRAVERSAL) self.l_name = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Name, First name")) = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_NA, "") self.firstname = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_FI, "") self.l_street = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Street, No.")) self.street = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_ST, "") self.number = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_NU, "") self.l_city = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Postcode, city")) self.postcode = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_PO, "") = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_CI, "") self.staff = wx.CheckBox(self.panel_2, -1, _("Staff")) self.organization = wx.CheckBox(self.panel_2, -1, _("Organization member")) self.sizer_5_copy_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.panel_2, -1, _("State")) self.l_householdsize = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Household size")) self.householdsize = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_HS, "") self.l_fonnumber = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Number")) self.fonnumber = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_TC, "") self.l_fontype = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Type")) self.fontype = wx.ComboBox(self.panel_2, ID_CB, choices=[], style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_DROPDOWN | wx.CB_READONLY) self.b_newfon = wx.Button(self.panel_2, -1, _("&New")) self.b_deletefon = wx.Button(self.panel_2, -1, _("Delete")) self.lv_fonnumbers = ListView(self.panel_2, -1) self.sizer_37_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.panel_2, -1, _("Telephone")) self.l_email = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Address")) = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_TC1, "") self.label_4_copy = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Note")) self.emailnote = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_TC2, "") self.b_newemail = wx.Button(self.panel_2, -1, _("&New")) self.b_deleteemail = wx.Button(self.panel_2, -1, _("Delete")) self.lv_email = ListView(self.panel_2, -1) self.sizer_38_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.panel_2, -1, _("E-Mail")) self.l_income = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Income")) self.income = wx.TextCtrl(self.panel_2, ID_TC3, "") self.l_incometype = wx.StaticText(self.panel_2, -1, _("Type")) self.incometype = wx.ComboBox(self.panel_2, ID_CB1, choices=[], style=wx.CB_DROPDOWN) self.b_newincome = wx.Button(self.panel_2, -1, _("&New")) self.b_deleteincome = wx.Button(self.panel_2, -1, _("Delete")) self.lv_income = ListView(self.panel_2, -1) self.sizer_39_staticbox = wx.StaticBox(self.panel_2, -1, _("Income")) self.b_ok = wx.Button(self.panel_2, wx.ID_OK, "") self.btn_Apply = wx.Button(self.panel_2, wx.ID_APPLY, "") self.b_cancel = wx.Button(self.panel_2, wx.ID_CANCEL, "") self.__set_properties() self.__do_layout() self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged, id=ID_NA) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged, id=ID_FI) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged, id=ID_ST) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged, id=ID_NU) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged, id=ID_PO) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged, id=ID_CI) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnChanged, self.staff) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CHECKBOX, self.OnChanged, self.organization) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnChanged, id=ID_HS) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnRefreshFon, id=ID_TC) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnRefreshFon, id=ID_CB) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNewFon, self.b_newfon) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDeleteFon, self.b_deletefon) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnRefreshEmail, id=ID_TC1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnRefreshEmail, id=ID_TC2) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNewEmail, self.b_newemail) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDeleteEmail, self.b_deleteemail) self.Bind(wx.EVT_TEXT, self.OnRefreshIncome, id=ID_TC3) self.Bind(wx.EVT_COMBOBOX, self.OnRefreshIncome, id=ID_CB1) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnNewIncome, self.b_newincome) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnDeleteIncome, self.b_deleteincome) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnOK, self.b_ok) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnApply, self.btn_Apply) self.Bind(wx.EVT_BUTTON, self.OnCancel, self.b_cancel) # end wxGlade self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnItemSelectedFonnumbers, self.lv_fonnumbers) self.__initLVFonnumbers() self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnItemSelectedEmail, self.lv_email) self.__initLVEmail() self.Bind(wx.EVT_LIST_ITEM_SELECTED, self.OnItemSelectedIncome, self.lv_income) self.__initLVIncome() self.SetExtraStyle(wx.WS_EX_VALIDATE_RECURSIVELY) self.obj = None self.positions = None self.fonnumberobject = None self.emails = None self.incomeobject = None # Register PubSub Listener pub.subscribe(self.Populate, '') #@UndefinedVariable pub.subscribe(self.fill_comboboxes, 'editadultframe.fillcomboboxes') #@UndefinedVariable # Persistence self.SetName('EditParentFrame') self._persistMgr = PM.PersistenceManager.Get() wx.CallAfter(self.__register) self.Bind(wx.EVT_CLOSE, self.OnClose) # Call this method when a value is edited in the frame self.__edited(False) # Ignore events when resetting the widgets self._clearing = False
def __init__(self): self.h = Helpers() self.board = [[' ' for x in range(15)] for x in range(15)] self.staticTiles = [[0 for x in range(15)] for x in range(15)]