コード例 #1
def store_binary_mask_as_nifti(image: np.ndarray, header: ImageHeader, file_name: PathOrString) -> Path:
    Saves a binary mask to nifti format, and performs the following operations:
    1) Check that the image really only contains binary values (0 and 1)
    2) transpose the image back into X,Y,Z from Z,Y,X
    3) cast the image values to ubyte before saving

    :param image: binary 3D image in shape: Z x Y x X.
    :param header: The image header
    :param file_name: The name of the file for this image.
    :return: the path to the saved image
    :raises: when image is not binary
    if not is_binary_array(image):
        raise Exception("Array values must be binary.")

    return store_as_nifti(image=image, header=header, file_name=file_name, image_type=np.ubyte)
コード例 #2
def calculate_metrics_per_class(segmentation: np.ndarray,
                                ground_truth: np.ndarray,
                                ground_truth_ids: List[str],
                                voxel_spacing: TupleFloat3,
                                patient_id: Optional[int] = None) -> MetricsDict:
    Calculate the dice for all foreground structures (the background class is completely ignored).
    Returns a MetricsDict with metrics for each of the foreground
    structures. Metrics are NaN if both ground truth and prediction are all zero for a class.
    :param ground_truth_ids: The names of all foreground classes.
    :param segmentation: predictions multi-value array with dimensions: [Z x Y x X]
    :param ground_truth: ground truth binary array with dimensions: [C x Z x Y x X]
    :param voxel_spacing: voxel_spacing in 3D Z x Y x X
    :param patient_id: for logging
    number_of_classes = ground_truth.shape[0]
    if len(ground_truth_ids) != (number_of_classes - 1):
        raise ValueError(f"Received {len(ground_truth_ids)} foreground class names, but "
                         f"the label tensor indicates that there are {number_of_classes - 1} classes.")
    binaries = binaries_from_multi_label_array(segmentation, number_of_classes)

    all_classes_are_binary = [is_binary_array(ground_truth[label_id]) for label_id in range(ground_truth.shape[0])]
    if not np.all(all_classes_are_binary):
        raise ValueError("Ground truth values should be 0 or 1")
    overlap_measures_filter = sitk.LabelOverlapMeasuresImageFilter()
    hausdorff_distance_filter = sitk.HausdorffDistanceImageFilter()
    metrics = MetricsDict(hues=ground_truth_ids)
    for i, prediction in enumerate(binaries):
        if i == 0:
        check_size_matches(prediction, ground_truth[i], arg1_name="prediction", arg2_name="ground_truth")
        if not is_binary_array(prediction):
            raise ValueError("Predictions values should be 0 or 1")
        # simpleitk returns a Dice score of 0 if both ground truth and prediction are all zeros.
        # We want to be able to fish out those cases, and treat them specially later.
        prediction_zero = np.all(prediction == 0)
        gt_zero = np.all(ground_truth[i] == 0)
        dice = mean_surface_distance = hausdorff_distance = math.nan
        if not (prediction_zero and gt_zero):
            prediction_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(prediction.astype(np.uint8))
            ground_truth_image = sitk.GetImageFromArray(ground_truth[i].astype(np.uint8))
            overlap_measures_filter.Execute(prediction_image, ground_truth_image)
            dice = overlap_measures_filter.GetDiceCoefficient()
            if prediction_zero or gt_zero:
                hausdorff_distance = mean_surface_distance = math.inf
                    hausdorff_distance_filter.Execute(prediction_image, ground_truth_image)
                    hausdorff_distance = hausdorff_distance_filter.GetHausdorffDistance()
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.warning("Cannot calculate Hausdorff distance for "
                                    f"structure {i} of patient {patient_id}: {e}")
                    mean_surface_distance = surface_distance(prediction_image, ground_truth_image)
                except Exception as e:
                    logging.warning(f"Cannot calculate mean distance for structure {i} of patient {patient_id}: {e}")
            logging.debug(f"Patient {patient_id}, class {i} has Dice score {dice}")

        def add_metric(metric_type: MetricType, value: float) -> None:
            metrics.add_metric(metric_type, value, skip_nan_when_averaging=True, hue=ground_truth_ids[i - 1])

        add_metric(MetricType.DICE, dice)
        add_metric(MetricType.HAUSDORFF_mm, hausdorff_distance)
        add_metric(MetricType.MEAN_SURFACE_DIST_mm, mean_surface_distance)
    return metrics
コード例 #3
def test_is_binary_array(input_array: np.ndarray, expected: bool) -> None:
    Test is_binary_array function
    assert image_util.is_binary_array(input_array) == expected