コード例 #1
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def action_lookAround(self, commands):
         "You attempt to look around. ||As you begin to unbuckle your seatbelt, |you are jerked back by another wave of turbulence. ||\nYou realize getting up is probably not the best idea right now... |||||"
     del commands["Look around"]
     insert(commands, "Get up anyway", self.action_getUp, 4)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Menu.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
    def __init__(self):
        self.player = Player()
        self.seed = 0
        self.r = Random(self.seed)
        print("\t\t\t\t║  VIDAS ║")

            "Please enter a command, or type help to see a list of available commands..."
        self.commands = {
            "help": [self.help, "Help", "Lists available commands"],
            "start": [self.start, "Start", "Starts the game"],
            "quit": [self.quit, "Quit", "Quits the game"],
            "login": [
                self.login, "Login (Not implemented)",
                "Login to preexisting account"
            "signup": [
                self.signup, "Signup (Not implemented)",
                "Signup for a TextAdventure account"
            "settings": [
                self.settings, "Settings (not implemented)",
                "View game settings menu"
            "update": [
                self.update, "Update",
                "Update the game (internet connection required)"
        while True:
            cmd = getInput(self.player, self.commands.keys(), r=self.r)
コード例 #3
ファイル: Menu.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def update(self):
     if not self.checkConnection():
             "Error. Internet connection failed. Please try again later.")
     dir = os.getcwd()
     if os.path.exists(dir + "/Update.py"):
         os.remove(dir + "/Update.py")
     print("Downloading update engine...")
         print("Error downloading upload engine. PLease try again later.")
         "Update engine downloaded succesfully. Update engine starting...")
     os.system(f"python {dir}/Update.py")
コード例 #4
ファイル: Menu.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def signup(self):
     display("Sorry, the account feature is still in progress!")
コード例 #5
ファイル: Menu.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def login(self):
     display("Sorry, the account feature is still in progress!")
コード例 #6
ファイル: Menu.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def quit(self):
     display("Thanks for playing!")
コード例 #7
ファイル: Menu.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def help(self):
     display("Currently available commands:")
     for command, command_name, command_desc in self.commands.values():
         display(f"   ► {command_name} - {command_desc}", duration=0.03)
コード例 #8
ファイル: Menu.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def procCommand(self, cmd):
     if cmd in self.commands:
         exec("self." + self.commands[cmd][0].__name__ + "()")
         display("Please input a valid command.")
コード例 #9
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def say_whatDoing(self, commands):
         "You ask the pilot |\"What are we doing?\" ||There's a sudden break in the downpour, |and for once you can clearly hear his answer. |||\n\"What are we doing? ||How could ya forget! ||You're journeyin' to find the Lost Temple of Vidas of course!\" |||||"
     del commands["Ask the pilot what you're doing"]
コード例 #10
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def say_whereGoing(self, commands):
         "You ask the pilot |\"Where are we going?\" ||\nThrough the whipping whirlwind and the patter of the rain on the roof, |he doesn't seem to understand you very well. ||\nYou manage to make out: |||\n\"Where... ||the Boeing? ||Nah this pretty lady... ||a Cessna. ||She'll fly ya... ||jungle and back... ||no time.\" |||||"
     del commands["Ask the pilot where you're going"]
コード例 #11
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
    def __init__(self, player, r):
        self.player = player
        self.r = r
        #display("Welcome to Vidas, |the text-based adventure game where YOU determine the story. ||\nThe choices you make throughout the game will affect each and every aspect of the storyline. |||")
        #display("Your actions have consequences<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<... <>||||||||||",duration=0.1)
        #display("\nThis tutorial level will teach you how to play the game. ||\nThe symbol \" ▷ \" is used to show when you can input a decision. ||\nAvailable options will be listed after the symbol \" ► \". ||Please input only available options. |||\n\nWhen you are ready to begin, type |\"start\": ||")
        #getInput(player,["start"], seed=self.seed)
        display("\n< » GROUND 0:|| TUTORIAL « |||||")
        #display("\n\nYou are jostled awake as the seat you are on seemingly falls from beneath you, |before quickly righting back up. ||\n\"Sorry for...|| turbulence...|| humidity...|| bad weather,\" ||shouts the pilot from the front of the plane, |\nbarely audible over the torrential rain and loud motors. ||\n\"Should be arriving... |shortly,\" |you manage to hear as well. ||\nYou wonder what on earth is going on. ||You can't seem to remember where you are going, |what you are doing, |or even who you are. |||||\nWhat do you want to do? |||||")
        insidePlane = {
            "Ask the pilot where you're going": self.say_whereGoing,
            "Ask the pilot what you're doing": self.say_whatDoing,
            "Ask the pilot who you are": self.say_whoSelf,
            "Ask the pilot who he is": self.action_whoPilot,
            "Look around": self.action_lookAround,
            "Wait patiently": self.action_wait,
        totalOptions = self.r.randint(2, 4)
        ending = "normal"
        for optionCount in range(totalOptions):
                self.options(insidePlane, "Tutorial", "insidePlane")
            except Wait:
            except GetUp:
                ending = "unconscious"
            if optionCount < totalOptions: display("\nWhat next? ||")
        if ending == "unconscious":
                "\n<<You awaken again as you land with a thud onto moss-covered ground. ||>The sounds of birds calling and critters buzzing fill your ears. ||\n\n>As you open your eyes, |you see a lush green landscape filled with countless varieties of flora. ||Dew rests on the leaves of the plants around you. ||\n\nSuddenly, |your attention is drawn to the sound of a rotor whirring to life. ||"
                "The plane you vaguely remember flying in on starts to drift away from you down a nearby river. ||\nYou try to shout at the pilot, |but the roar of the engine is too loud for you to even hear yourself. ||\nThe plane takes off, |leaving you behind in the jungle... ||||||||||"
                "\nA large crack of lighting resonates from the sky, |and the rain seems to pour down even harder. ||\n\"Weather... ||worse... ||need to land... ||a few miles out... ||you'll have to hike... ||get there,\" ||you hear the pilot say. ||\nHe yanks on the controls, |and the plane begins to descend. ||\n\nAs you lower out of the storm clouds, the area below you begins to materialize. ||"
                "A lush jungle canopy stretches as far as the eye can see. ||The pilot points to a section of a river up ahead, |and starts to descend further. |||||"
                "You land on the water with a slight jolt, |and the pilot guides the aircraft towards the water's edge. ||He kills the engine and opens the rear door. ||||\n\nAs you step outside, |the sounds of birds calling and critters buzzing fill your ears. ||\nThe lush green landscape you saw from above is just as beautiful on the ground: ||countless varieties of flora make up the dense jungle. ||"
                "Dew rests on the leaves of the plants around you. ||Suddenly, |you hear a door slam behind you. ||\n\nAs you look back at the seaplane, |you see the rear door has shut, |and the pilot has started the engine back up. ||\nYou try to shout to stop him, |but the roar of the engine is too loud for you to even hear yourself. ||\nYou run towards the plane, |desperate to grab onto something, |but it floats away and takes off before you can reach it, |\n<<leaving you behind in the jungle<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<... ||||||||||"

        display("\n< » GROUND 0:|| TUTORIAL ||— |<<COMPLETE « |||||")
コード例 #12
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def action_wait(self, commands):
         "You decide to wait patiently in your seat until you land before doing anything else. ||||||||||"
     raise Wait
コード例 #13
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def action_getUp(self, commands):
         "You get up anyway. ||You look around for a few moments, |but don't see much of interest. ||The plane is, |for the most part, |empty. ||\nHowever, |one thing stands out: ||you see a gun sitting on the back seat, |a box of bullets next to it. ||\nBefore you can do anything, |the plane bounces again and you get flung backwards. \n||Your head hits the wall|| and you pass out... ||||||||||"
     raise GetUp
コード例 #14
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def action_whoPilot(self, commands):
         "You ask the pilot |\"Who are you?\" |||He looks back at you quickly and yells, ||\n\"Why, |I'm Sam... ||McGee, |the best... ||pilot in all of... ||pacific!\" |||||"
     del commands["Ask the pilot who he is"]
コード例 #15
ファイル: Tutorial.py プロジェクト: dguis/TextAdventure
 def say_whoSelf(self, commands):
         "You ask the pilot |\"Who am I?\" ||Just as you ask, |a bolt of lightning cracks across the sky, |making your ears ring. ||\nYou can see the pilot's lips moving, |but you can't make out anything he says... |||||"
     del commands["Ask the pilot who you are"]