コード例 #1
ファイル: map_loader.py プロジェクト: drdoinstuff/pytilemap
 def get_tile(node, obj):
     a = node.childNodes[1]
     b = a.childNodes[1] #holds nothing
     c = b.attributes.items()
     id = node.attributes.items()
     tile_info = StorageClass()
     tup = []
     for i in c:
         if len(tup) is 2:
             vars(tile_info)[str(tup[0])] = convert(tup[0])
             tup = []
     obj[convert(id[0][1])] = tile_info
コード例 #2
ファイル: map_loader.py プロジェクト: drdoinstuff/pytilemap
 def iterNodeVars(self, attr, namespace):
     if attr != None :
         for attr in attr.items():
             k = str(attr[0])
             v = convert(attr[1])
             #print 'var', k,v
             vars(namespace)[k] = v
コード例 #3
ファイル: map_loader.py プロジェクト: drdoinstuff/pytilemap
 def spider(self, node, namespace, mapobj):
     if node != None:
         SpecialCaseFlag = None
         if node.hasChildNodes():
             name = convert(node.localName)
             print 'in', namespace,' in node:', name #, namespace
                 obj = self.function_map[name]()
             except KeyError:
                 obj = self.function_map[FormatConstants.default]()
             if name == FormatConstants.layer:
             elif name == FormatConstants.tileset:
                 mapobj.tilesets[convert(node.getAttribute(FormatConstants.name))] = obj
             #special cases for dicts
             #generalise and combine these two
             elif name == FormatConstants.properties:
                 SpecialCaseFlag = FormatConstants.properties
                 #vars(namespace)[FormatConstants.properties] = obj
                 if hasattr(namespace,FormatConstants.properties):
                     obj = vars(namespace)[FormatConstants.properties]
                     vars(namespace)[FormatConstants.properties] = obj
             elif name == FormatConstants.tile:
                 SpecialCaseFlag = FormatConstants.tile
                 #vars(namespace)[FormatConstants.tile] = obj
                 #vars(namespace)[FormatConstants.properties] = obj
                 #vars(namespace)["properties"] = obj
                 if hasattr(namespace,FormatConstants.properties):
                     obj = vars(namespace)[FormatConstants.properties]
                     vars(namespace)[FormatConstants.properties] = obj
                 ## Otherwise
                 ## create a storage class of name [name]
                 vars(namespace)[name] = obj
             if SpecialCaseFlag is None:
                 namespace = obj
         if SpecialCaseFlag is None:
             self.NodeHasChild(node, namespace)
             for child in node.childNodes:
                 self.spider(child, namespace, mapobj)
                 child = child.nextSibling
         ##be very carefull adding special cases
         if (SpecialCaseFlag is FormatConstants.tile):
             def get_tile(node, obj):
                 a = node.childNodes[1]
                 b = a.childNodes[1] #holds nothing
                 c = b.attributes.items()
                 id = node.attributes.items()
                 tile_info = StorageClass()
                 tup = []
                 for i in c:
                     if len(tup) is 2:
                         vars(tile_info)[str(tup[0])] = convert(tup[0])
                         tup = []
                 obj[convert(id[0][1])] = tile_info
             get_tile(node, obj)
         elif (SpecialCaseFlag is FormatConstants.properties):
             def get_properties(node):
                 if node.hasChildNodes():
                     for child in node.childNodes:
                         if child.attributes is not None:
                             tup = []
                             for i in child.attributes.items():
                                 # attrubutes are in key value pairs so for 1
                                 # key/value pair we need to do 2 iterations
                                 if len(tup) is 2:
                                     yield tup
             for i in get_properties(node):
                 obj[convert(i[0])] = convert(i[1])