コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        # Objects
        self.rw = comClient()           #Initialise Modbus comms class 
        self.xls = xlsLogging(4)        #Initialise excel data logging
        self.pg = plotActiveGraph()     #Initialise graphical plot
        self.NNctrl = neuralNetwork()        #Initialise Neural Network
        if int(sys.argv[1]) == 1:
            self.r = testModel("../../tests/")        #Initialise simulated lab rig

        # Variables
        self.count = 0                  #For 'heart beat' counter
        self.sampleTime = 10
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self):
        # Objects
        self.ext = osTools()            #Initialise data key press
        self.xls = xlsLogging(6)        #Initialise excel data logging
        self.pg = plotActiveGraph()     #Initialise graphical plot
        self.ctrl = controller()        #Initialise PID Controller
        if int(sys.argv[1]) == 1:
            self.r = testModel("../../tests/")        #Initialise simulated lab rig
            self.rw = comClient()       #Initialise Modbus comms class

        # Variables
        self.count = 0                  #For 'heart beat' counter
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self):
        # Objects
        self.ext = osTools()                    #Initialise data key press
        self.xls = xlsLogging(4)                #Initialise excel data logging
        self.pg = plotActiveGraph()             #Initialise graphical plot
        if int(sys.argv[1]) == 1:
            self.r = testModel("../../tests/")  #Initialise simulated lab rig
            self.rw = comClient()               #Initialise Modbus comms class

        # Variables
        self.Interval = 5                       #For Time Interval
        self.count = 0                          #'Heart beat' counter start number
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self):
        # Objects
        self.ext = osTools()            #Initialise data key press
        self.xls = xlsLogging(6)        #Initialise excel data logging
        self.pg = plotActiveGraph()     #For graphical plot (PV,SP,OP)
        self.rls = RLS()                #Initialise Recursive Least Squares Object
        if int(sys.argv[1]) == 1:
            self.r = testModel("../../tests/")              #Initialise simulated lab rig
            self.rw = comClient()       #Initialise Modbus comms class

        # Variables
        self.count = 0                  #For 'heart beat' counter
        self.intDataPoints = 4          #Initial Data Points to be read
        self.sampleTime = 40            #Calculation loop time