コード例 #1
ファイル: const_spec.py プロジェクト: schuman12/Scattering
def const_spec(k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, div, wind_dir):
    nk = k.shape[0]
    T = const_Trans(k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, div)
    ind = np.where(np.degrees(azimuth) == wind_dir)[0]
    B_old = kudryavtsev05(k.reshape(nk, 1), u_10, fetch, azimuth)[:, ind][:, 0]
    B_new = B_old * (1 + np.abs(T))
    return B_old, B_new
コード例 #2
def Wavebreaking_modulation(kr, K, theta, azimuth, u_10, fetch, wind_dir, tsc,
    :param kp:
    :param kr:
    :param theta:
    :param azi:
    :param u_10:
    :param fetch:
    if polarization == 'VH':
        print('no modulation cross-pol')

    nphi = theta.shape[0]

    ind = np.where(np.degrees(azimuth) == wind_dir)[0]

    # divergence of the sea surface current
    divergence = np.gradient(tsc[:, :, 0], 1e3, axis=1) + np.gradient(
        tsc[:, :, 1], 1e3, axis=0)

    # NRCS of plumes
    wb0 = np.exp(-np.tan(theta)**2 / const.Swb) / (
        np.cos(theta)**4 * const.Swb
    ) + const.yitawb / const.Swb  # Kudryavstev 2003a equation (60)
    knb = min(const.br * kr, const.kwb)

    # tilting transfer function
    dtheta = theta[1] - theta[0]
    Mwb = np.gradient(wb0, dtheta) / wb0

    # distribution function
    # in radians azimuth of breaking surface area: -pi/2,pi/2
    # phi1 = np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, nphi)
    phi1 = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, nphi)
    nk = 1024

    q = np.zeros([tsc.shape[0], tsc.shape[1]])
    WB = np.zeros([tsc.shape[0], tsc.shape[1]])

    for ii in np.arange(tsc.shape[0]):
        for jj in np.arange(tsc.shape[1]):
            KK = np.linspace(10 * spec_peak(u_10[ii, jj], fetch), knb, nk)
            T = Trans_func(KK, K[ii, jj], u_10[ii, jj], fetch, azimuth,
                           divergence[ii, jj])
            Bkdir = kudryavtsev05(KK.reshape(nk, 1), u_10[ii, jj], fetch,
                                  phi1) * (1 + abs(T.reshape(nk, 1)))
            n, alpha = param(KK, u_10[ii, jj], fetch)
            lamda = (Bkdir / alpha.reshape(nk, 1))**(n.reshape(nk, 1) + 1) / (
                2 * KK.reshape(nk, 1)
            )  # distribution of breaking front lengths
            lamda_k = np.trapz(lamda, phi1, axis=1)
            lamda = np.trapz(lamda, KK, axis=0)
            lamda_k = np.trapz(lamda_k, KK)
            q[ii, jj] = const.cq * lamda_k
            Awb = np.trapz(np.cos(phi1 - azimuth[ind]) * lamda, phi1) / lamda_k
            WB[ii, jj] = wb0[jj] * (1 + Mwb[jj] * const.theta_wb * Awb)
    return WB, q
コード例 #3
def B_int(k, u_10, fetch, azi):
    if azi.max() > np.pi:
        azimuth = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 361)  # 1024
    elif azi.min() < -np.pi:
        azimuth = np.linspace(-2 * np.pi, 0, 361)
        azimuth = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 361)  # 1024
    B = kudryavtsev05(k, u_10, fetch, azimuth)
    f = interp2d(azimuth, k[:, 0], B, kind='linear')
    return f(azi, k[:, 0])
コード例 #4
ファイル: GoM_spec.py プロジェクト: schuman12/Scattering
def GoM_spec(k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, div, wind_dir):
    nk = k.shape[2]
    T = GoM_Trans(k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, div)
    ind = np.where(np.degrees(azimuth) == wind_dir)[0]
    B_old = np.zeros([div.shape[0], div.shape[1], nk])
    for ii in np.arange(k.shape[0]):
        for jj in np.arange(k.shape[1]):
            B_old[ii, jj, :] = kudryavtsev05(k[ii, jj, :].reshape(nk, 1), u_10[ii, jj], fetch, azimuth)[:, ind][:, 0]
    B_new = B_old * (1 + np.abs(T))
    return B_old, B_new
コード例 #5
def wn_exp(k, u_10, fetch, azimuth):
    # mk
    # wave number exponent of the omnidirirectional spectrum of the wave action
    nk = k.shape[0]
    omega = np.sqrt(
        const.g * k + const.gamma * k**3 /
        const.rho_water)  # intrinstic frequency from dispersion relation
    # Omni directional spectrum model name
    Sk = kudryavtsev05(k.reshape(nk, 1), u_10, fetch, azimuth) * k.reshape(
        nk, 1)**4  # equation 45
    Sk = np.trapz(Sk, azimuth, axis=1)
    N = omega.reshape(nk, 1) * Sk.reshape(nk, 1) / k.reshape(nk, 1)**2
    mk = k.reshape(nk, 1) * np.gradient(np.log(N[:, 0]),
                                        k[1, 0] - k[0, 0]).reshape(nk, 1)
    return mk
コード例 #6
def eq_wb_mo(kr, K, theta_eq, eq_azi, u_10, fetch, div):
    :param kp:
    :param kr:
    :param theta:
    :param azi:
    :param u_10:
    :param fetch:

    # NRCS of plumes
    wb0 = np.exp(-np.tan(theta_eq)**2 / const.Swb) / (
        np.cos(theta_eq)**4 * const.Swb
    ) + const.yitawb / const.Swb  # Kudryavstev 2003a equation (60)
    knb = min(const.br * kr, const.kwb)

    # tilting transfer function
    dtheta = theta_eq[1] - theta_eq[0]
    Mwb = np.gradient(wb0, dtheta) / wb0

    # distribution function
    phi1 = np.linspace(-np.pi, np.pi, 37)
    nk = 1024

    q = np.zeros([div.shape[0], div.shape[1]])
    WB = np.zeros([div.shape[0], div.shape[1]])

    for ii in np.arange(div.shape[0]):
        for jj in np.arange(div.shape[1]):
            KK = np.linspace(10 * spec_peak(u_10[ii, jj], fetch), knb, nk)
            T = Trans_func(KK, K[ii, jj], u_10[ii, jj], fetch, phi1, div[ii,
            Bkdir = kudryavtsev05(KK.reshape(nk, 1), u_10[ii, jj], fetch,
                                  phi1) * (1 + abs(T.reshape(nk, 1)))
            n, alpha = param(KK, u_10[ii, jj], fetch)
            lamda = (Bkdir / alpha.reshape(nk, 1))**(n.reshape(nk, 1) + 1) / (
                2 * KK.reshape(nk, 1)
            )  # distribution of breaking front lengths
            lamda_k = np.trapz(lamda, phi1, axis=1)
            lamda = np.trapz(lamda, KK, axis=0)
            lamda_k = np.trapz(lamda_k, KK)
            q[ii, jj] = const.cq * lamda_k
            Awb = np.trapz(np.cos(phi1 - eq_azi[jj]) * lamda, phi1) / lamda_k
            WB[ii, jj] = wb0[jj] * (1 + Mwb[jj] * const.theta_wb * Awb)
    return WB, q
コード例 #7
def CPBr_new(kr, K, theta, azimuth, u_10, ind, fetch, divergence):
    # [Kudryavtsev, 2019] equation A1c
    nphi = theta.shape[0]
    eps_sin = np.sqrt(const.epsilon_sw - np.sin(theta)**2)
    Gvv = np.cos(theta)**2 * (const.epsilon_sw - 1) * (
        const.epsilon_sw * (1 + np.sin(theta)**2) -
        np.sin(theta)**2) / (const.epsilon_sw * np.cos(theta) + eps_sin)**2
    Ghh = np.cos(theta)**2 * (const.epsilon_sw - 1) / (np.cos(theta) +
    G = np.abs(Gvv - Ghh)**2
    kbr = 2 * kr * np.sin(theta)
    sn2 = MSS(kbr, u_10, fetch)
    Bkdir = np.zeros([u_10.shape[0], u_10.shape[1]])
    for ii in np.arange(u_10.shape[0]):
        for jj in np.arange(u_10.shape[1]):
            T = Trans_func(kbr, K[ii, jj], u_10[ii, jj], fetch, azimuth,
                           divergence[ii, jj]).reshape(nphi, 1)
            Bkdir[ii, jj] = (kudryavtsev05(kbr.reshape(nphi, 1), u_10[ii, jj],
                                           fetch, azimuth) * (1 + abs(T)))[jj,
    Brcp = np.pi * G * sn2 * Bkdir / (np.tan(theta)**4 * np.sin(theta)**2)
    return Brcp
コード例 #8
def const_brmo(k, K, kr, theta, azimuth, u_10, fetch, wind_dir, ind_pi, div,
    :param k:
    :param kr:
    :param theta:
    :param azimuth:
    :param u_10:
    :param fetch:

    nk = k.shape[0]

    # wind direction index
    ind = np.where(np.degrees(azimuth) == wind_dir)[0]

    # # Sea surface slope in the direction of incidence angle
    ni2 = const_ni2_func(kr, k, K, u_10, fetch, azimuth, div, wind_dir)

    nn = 89 * 2 * np.pi / 180
    ni = (np.arange(nk) * nn / nk).reshape(1, nk) - nn / 2
    ni = ni.reshape(nk, 1)
    ni = np.tan(ni)

    Br = np.zeros([div.shape[0], div.shape[1]])

    for ii in np.arange(ni2.shape[0]):
        for jj in np.arange(ni2.shape[1]):
            P = np.exp(-0.5 * (ni - np.mean(ni))**2 / ni2[ii, jj]) / np.sqrt(
                2 * np.pi * ni2[ii, jj])
            #  the range of the sea surface slope
            angle_index = np.logical_and(
                -3 * 180 * np.arctan(np.sqrt(ni2[ii, jj])) / np.pi <
                np.arctan(ni) * 180 / np.pi,
                np.arctan(ni) * 180 / np.pi <
                3 * 180 * np.arctan(np.sqrt(ni2[ii, jj])) / np.pi)
            P = P[angle_index]
            nini = ni[angle_index]
            nnk = nini.shape[0]
            nini = nini.reshape(nnk, 1)
            # local incidence angle
            theta_l = np.abs(theta[jj] - np.arctan(nini).reshape(nnk, 1))
            kbr = 2 * kr * np.sin(theta_l)
            # geometric scattering coefficients [Plant 1997] equation 5,6
            eps_sin = np.sqrt(const.epsilon_sw - np.sin(theta_l)**2)
            kkbr = np.sort(kbr[:, 0])
            T = Trans_func(kkbr, K[ii, jj], u_10, fetch, azimuth,
                           div[ii, jj])[np.argsort(kbr[:, 0])].reshape(nnk, 1)
            spec_Skk = kudryavtsev05(kkbr.reshape(nnk, 1), u_10, fetch,
                                     azimuth)[np.argsort(kbr[:, 0]), :] * (
                                         1 + abs(T)) / kbr.reshape(nnk, 1)**4
            Skb_r = (spec_Skk[:, ind] + spec_Skk[:, ind_pi]) / 2
            if polarization == 'VV':
                G = np.cos(theta_l)**2 * (const.epsilon_sw - 1) * (
                    const.epsilon_sw *
                    (1 + np.sin(theta_l)**2) - np.sin(theta_l)**2) / (
                        const.epsilon_sw * np.cos(theta_l) + eps_sin)**2
                G = np.abs(G)**2
                G = np.cos(theta_l)**2 * (const.epsilon_sw -
                                          1) / (np.cos(theta_l) + eps_sin)**2
                G = np.abs(G)**2
            # pure Bragg scattering NRCS
            br0 = 16 * np.pi * kr**4 * G * Skb_r
            # Bragg scattering composite model
            BR = br0 * P.reshape(nnk, 1)
            # integral over kbr >= kd
            a = np.tan(theta[jj] - const.d / 2)
            b = np.tan(theta[jj] + const.d / 2)
            Br[ii, jj] = np.trapz(BR[nini <= a], nini[nini <= a]) + np.trapz(
                BR[nini >= b], nini[nini >= b])
    return Br
コード例 #9
def eq_br_cali(k, kr, theta_eq, bist_ang_az, eq_azi, u_10, fetch,
    all the angles are in radians
    :param k:
    :param kr:
    :param theta:
    :param azimuth:
    :param u_10:
    :param fetch:
    :param spec_name:

    nk = k.shape[0]
    kd = const.d * kr

    # Spectral model

    # # Sea surface slope in the direction of incidence angle
    phi_inc = np.linspace(
        -np.pi, np.pi,
        37 * 2)  # in radians wave direction relative to the incidence plane
    Skdir_ni = kudryavtsev05(k.reshape(nk, 1), u_10, fetch,
                             phi_inc) / k.reshape(nk, 1)**4
    ni = np.trapz(k.reshape(nk, 1)**3 * np.cos(phi_inc)**2 * Skdir_ni,
    ni2 = np.trapz(ni[k >= kd], k[k >= kd])

    nn = 89 * 2 * np.pi / 180
    ni = (np.arange(nk) * nn / nk).reshape(1, nk) - nn / 2
    ni = ni.reshape(nk, 1)
    ni = np.tan(ni)
    P = np.exp(-0.5 * (ni - np.mean(ni))**2 / ni2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * ni2)
    #  the range of the sea surface slope
    angle_index = np.logical_and(
        -3 * 180 * np.arctan(np.sqrt(ni2)) / np.pi <
        np.arctan(ni) * 180 / np.pi,
        np.arctan(ni) * 180 / np.pi <
        3 * 180 * np.arctan(np.sqrt(ni2)) / np.pi)
    P = P[angle_index]
    ni = ni[angle_index]

    nnk = ni.shape[0]
    ni = ni.reshape(nnk, 1)

    # local incidence angle
    theta_l = np.abs(theta_eq - np.arctan(ni).reshape(nnk, 1))

    # geometric scattering coefficients [Plant 1997] equation 5,6
    eps_sin = np.sqrt(const.epsilon_sw - np.sin(theta_l)**2)

    if polarization == 'VV':
        G = np.cos(theta_l)**2 * (const.epsilon_sw - 1) * (
            const.epsilon_sw *
            (1 + np.sin(theta_l)**2) - np.sin(theta_l)**2) / (
                const.epsilon_sw * np.cos(theta_l) + eps_sin)**2
        G = np.abs(G)**2
        G = np.cos(theta_l)**2 * (const.epsilon_sw - 1) / (np.cos(theta_l) +
        G = np.abs(G)**2

    # compute the wave number for bistatic geometry
    kbr = 2 * kr * np.sin(theta_l) * np.cos(bist_ang_az / 2)
    # sort eq_azi
    kkbr = np.sort(kbr[:, 0])
    spec_Skk1 = B_int_bf(kkbr.reshape(nnk, 1), u_10, fetch,
                         eq_azi)[np.argsort(kbr[:, 0]), :] / kbr.reshape(
                             nnk, 1)**4
    spec_Skk2 = B_int_bf(
        kkbr.reshape(nnk, 1), u_10, fetch,
        np.pi + eq_azi)[np.argsort(kbr[:, 0]), :] / kbr.reshape(nnk, 1)**4
    Skb_r = (spec_Skk1 + spec_Skk2) / 2

    # pure Bragg scattering NRCS
    br0 = 16 * np.pi * kr**4 * G * Skb_r

    # Bragg scattering composite model
    BR = br0 * P.reshape(nnk, 1)

    # integral over kbr >= kd

    a = np.tan(theta_eq - const.d / (2 * np.cos(bist_ang_az / 2)))
    b = np.tan(theta_eq + const.d / (2 * np.cos(bist_ang_az / 2)))
    Br = np.trapz(BR[ni <= a], ni[ni <= a]) + np.trapz(BR[ni >= b],
                                                       ni[ni >= b])
    return Br