コード例 #1
def load_segmentation(source_image_filename, mask_image_filename):
  Load Segmentation data.

    source_image_filename : string filename of the source image

    mask_image_filename : string filename of the corresponding mask image
                          in binary format

  In Segmentation model we have to feed the model with a simple image and
  the labels will be given by the mask (binary) of the same image in which
  the segmentation parts are highlight
  No checks are performed on the compatibility between source image and
  corresponding mask file.
  The only checks are given on the image size (channels are excluded)

    src_image = Image(source_image_filename)
    mask_image = Image(mask_image_filename)

    if src_image.shape[:2] != mask_image.shape[:2]:
        raise ValueError(
            'Incorrect shapes found. The source image and the corresponding mask have different sizes'

    return (src_image, mask_image)
コード例 #2
ファイル: video.py プロジェクト: Nico-Curti/NumPyNet
  def read (self):
    Get a frame as Image object

      im : Image obj
        The loaded image
    im = Image()
    return im.from_frame(self._queue.get())
コード例 #3
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: Nico-Curti/NumPyNet
def load_super_resolution(hr_image_filename, patch_size=(48, 48), scale=4):
  Load Super resolution data.

    hr_image_filename : string
      Filename of the high resolution image

    patch_size : tuple (default=(48, 48))
      Dimension to cut

    scale : int (default=4)
      Downsampling scale factor

    data : Image obj
      Loaded Image object

    label : Image obj
      Generated Image label

  .. note::
    In SR models the labels are given by the HR image while the input data are obtained
    from the same image after a downsampling/resizing.
    The upsample scale factor learned by the SR model will be the same used inside this

    hr_image = Image(hr_image_filename)
    w, h, _ = hr_image.shape

    patch_x, patch_y = patch_size

    dx = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=w - patch_x - 1)
    dy = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=h - patch_y - 1)

    hr_image = hr_image.crop(dsize=(dx, dy), size=patch_size)

    random_flip = np.random.uniform(low=0, high=1.)

    if random_flip >= .66:
        hr_image = hr_image.transpose()
        hr_image = hr_image.flip()

    elif random_flip >= .33:
        hr_image = hr_image.flip()


    label = hr_image
    data = hr_image.resize(scale_factor=(scale, scale))

    return (data, label)
コード例 #4
def main():

    done = True
    args = parse_args()

    data_cfg = data_config(args.data_cfg)

    args.netcfg = data_cfg.get('cfg', default=args.netcfg)
    args.weights = data_cfg.get('weights', default=args.weights)
    args.namesfile = data_cfg.get('names', default=args.namesfile)

    if not args.netcfg or not args.weights:
        raise ValueError('Network config AND network weights must be given')

    names = get_labels(args.namesfile, args.classes)

    net = Network(batch=32)
    net.load(args.netcfg, args.weights)

    net_w, net_h, _ = net.input_shape

    if not args.input:
        args.input = input('Enter Image Path: ')
        done = False if not args.input else True

    # set the output filename
    args.outfile = args.outfile if args.outfile else splitext(
        args.input)[0] + '_detected'

    while done:

        # load image from file
        input_image = Image(filename=args.input)

        # pad-resize image if it is necessary
        input_image = input_image.letterbox(net_dim=(
            net_h)) if input_image.shape[:2] != net.shape else input_image

        _ = net.predict(X=input_image)

        # insert boxes evaluation and draw-detection and show image


        if args.save:

        args.input = input('Enter Image Path: ')
        done = False if not args.input else True
コード例 #5
ファイル: video.py プロジェクト: bblais/NumPyNet
 def read(self):
 Get a frame as Image object
     im = Image()
     return im.from_frame(self._queue.get())