コード例 #1
ファイル: imgFilters.py プロジェクト: macronucleus/Chromagnon
def mask_gaussianND(arr, zyx, v, sigma=2., ret=None, rot=0, clipZero=True):
    subtract elliptical gaussian at y,x with peakVal v
    if ret, return arr, else, arr itself is edited
    from . import imgGeo
    zyx = N.asarray(zyx)
    ndim = arr.ndim
    shape = N.array(arr.shape)
        if len(sigma) != ndim:
            raise ValueError('len(sigma) must be the same as len(shape)')
            sigma = N.asarray(sigma)
    except TypeError:#(TypeError, ValueError):
        sigma = N.asarray([sigma]*ndim)

    # prepare small window
    slc = imgGeo.nearbyRegion(shape, N.floor(zyx), sigma * 10)
    inds, LD = imgFit.rotateIndicesND(slc, dtype=N.float32, rot=rot)
    param = (0, v,) + tuple(zyx) + tuple(sigma)
    sidx = 2 + ndim
    g = imgFit.yGaussianND(N.asarray(param), inds, sidx).astype(arr.dtype.type)
    roi = arr[slc]
    if clipZero:
        g = N.where(g > roi, roi, g)

    if ret:
        e = N.zeros_like(arr)
        e[slc] = g  # this may be faster than copy()
        return arr - e
        arr[slc] -= g
コード例 #2
def remap(img, mapy, mapx, interp=2):
    transform image using coordinate x,y

    Interpolation method:
    0 = CV_INTER_NN nearest-neigbor interpolation
    1 = CV_INTER_LINEAR bilinear interpolation (used by default)
    2 = CV_INTER_CUBIC bicubic interpolation
    3 = CV_INTER_AREA resampling using pixel area relation. It is the preferred method for image decimation that gives moire-free results. In terms of zooming it is similar to the CV_INTER_NN method

    return resulting array
    des = N.zeros_like(img)

    # cv.fromarray: array can be 2D or 3D only
    if cv2.__version__.startswith('2'):
        cimg = cv.fromarray(img)
        cdes = cv.fromarray(des)

        cmapx = cv.fromarray(mapx.astype(N.float32))
        cmapy = cv.fromarray(mapy.astype(N.float32))
        cv.Remap(cimg, cdes, cmapx, cmapy, flags=interp+cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS)
        cimg = img
        #cdes = des
        cmapx = mapx.astype(N.float32)
        cmapy = mapy.astype(N.float32)

        cdes = cv2.remap(cimg, cmapx, cmapy, interp)

    return N.asarray(cdes)
コード例 #3
ファイル: imgResample.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def logpolar_cv(img, center=None, mag=1):
    des = N.zeros_like(img)
    if center is None:
        center = N.divide(img.shape, 2)

    # cv.fromarray: array can be 2D or 3D only
    cimg = cv.fromarray(img)
    cdes = cv.fromarray(des)

    cv.LogPolar(cimg, cdes, tuple(center), mag)  #, cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS)

    return N.array(cdes)
コード例 #4
def logpolar_cv(img, center=None, mag=1):
    des = N.zeros_like(img)
    if center is None:
        center = N.divide(img.shape, 2)

    # cv.fromarray: array can be 2D or 3D only
    cimg = cv.fromarray(img)
    cdes = cv.fromarray(des)

    cv.LogPolar(cimg, cdes, tuple(center), mag)#, cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS)

    return N.array(cdes)
コード例 #5
ファイル: imgResample.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def logpolar(image, center=None, angles=None, radii=None):
    """Return log-polar transformed image and log base."""
    shape = image.shape
    if center is None:
        center = shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2
    if angles is None:
        angles = shape[0]
    if radii is None:
        radii = shape[1]
    theta = N.zeros((angles, radii), dtype=N.float64)
    theta.T[:] = -N.linspace(0, N.pi, angles, endpoint=False)
    #d = radii
    d = N.hypot(shape[0] - center[0], shape[1] - center[1])
    log_base = 10.0**(N.log10(d) / (radii))
    radius = N.empty_like(theta)
    radius[:] = N.power(log_base, N.arange(radii, dtype=N.float64)) - 1.0
    x = radius * N.sin(theta) + center[0]
    y = radius * N.cos(theta) + center[1]
    output = N.zeros_like(x)
    ndii.map_coordinates(image, [x, y], output=output)
    return output, log_base
コード例 #6
def logpolar(image, center=None, angles=None, radii=None):
    """Return log-polar transformed image and log base."""
    shape = image.shape
    if center is None:
        center = shape[0] / 2, shape[1] / 2
    if angles is None:
        angles = shape[0]
    if radii is None:
        radii = shape[1]
    theta = N.zeros((angles, radii), dtype=N.float64)
    theta.T[:] = -N.linspace(0, N.pi, angles, endpoint=False)
    #d = radii
    d = N.hypot(shape[0]-center[0], shape[1]-center[1])
    log_base = 10.0 ** (N.log10(d) / (radii))
    radius = N.empty_like(theta)
    radius[:] = N.power(log_base, N.arange(radii,
                                                   dtype=N.float64)) - 1.0
    x = radius * N.sin(theta) + center[0]
    y = radius * N.cos(theta) + center[1]
    output = N.zeros_like(x)
    ndii.map_coordinates(image, [x, y], output=output)
    return output, log_base
コード例 #7
ファイル: imgResample.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def remap(img, mapy, mapx, interp=2):
    transform image using coordinate x,y

    Interpolation method:
    0 = CV_INTER_NN nearest-neigbor interpolation
    1 = CV_INTER_LINEAR bilinear interpolation (used by default)
    2 = CV_INTER_CUBIC bicubic interpolation
    3 = CV_INTER_AREA resampling using pixel area relation. It is the preferred method for image decimation that gives moire-free results. In terms of zooming it is similar to the CV_INTER_NN method

    return resulting array
    des = N.zeros_like(img)

    # cv.fromarray: array can be 2D or 3D only
    if cv2.__version__.startswith('2'):
        cimg = cv.fromarray(img)
        cdes = cv.fromarray(des)

        cmapx = cv.fromarray(mapx.astype(N.float32))
        cmapy = cv.fromarray(mapy.astype(N.float32))

                 flags=interp + cv.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS)
        cimg = img
        #cdes = des
        cmapx = mapx.astype(N.float32)
        cmapy = mapy.astype(N.float32)

        cdes = cv2.remap(cimg, cmapx, cmapy, interp)

    return N.asarray(cdes)
コード例 #8
ファイル: imgFilters.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def mask_gaussianND(arr, zyx, v, sigma=2., ret=None, rot=0, clipZero=True):
    subtract elliptical gaussian at y,x with peakVal v
    if ret, return arr, else, arr itself is edited
    from . import imgGeo
    zyx = N.asarray(zyx)
    ndim = arr.ndim
    shape = N.array(arr.shape)
        if len(sigma) != ndim:
            raise ValueError('len(sigma) must be the same as len(shape)')
            sigma = N.asarray(sigma)
    except TypeError:  #(TypeError, ValueError):
        sigma = N.asarray([sigma] * ndim)

    # prepare small window
    slc = imgGeo.nearbyRegion(shape, N.floor(zyx), sigma * 10)
    inds, LD = imgFit.rotateIndicesND(slc, dtype=N.float32, rot=rot)
    param = (
    ) + tuple(zyx) + tuple(sigma)
    sidx = 2 + ndim
    g = imgFit.yGaussianND(N.asarray(param), inds, sidx).astype(arr.dtype.type)
    roi = arr[slc]
    if clipZero:
        g = N.where(g > roi, roi, g)

    if ret:
        e = N.zeros_like(arr)
        e[slc] = g  # this may be faster than copy()
        return arr - e
        arr[slc] -= g
コード例 #9
ファイル: imgResample.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def trans3D_affine(arr,
                   tzyx=(0, 0, 0),
                   dzyx=(0, 0, 0),
                   order=ORDER):  #**kwds):
    return array 
    dtype = arr.dtype.type
    arr = arr.astype(N.float32)

    ndim = arr.ndim
    if ndim == 2:
        arr = arr.reshape((1, ) + arr.shape)
    elif ndim == 3:
        if len(tzyx) < ndim:
            tzyx = (0, ) * (ndim - len(tzyx)) + tuple(tzyx)
        if len(dzyx) < ndim:
            dzyx = (0, ) * (ndim - len(dzyx)) + tuple(dzyx)

    dzyx = N.asarray(dzyx)

    magz = 1
        if len(mag) == 3:
            magz = mag[0]
            mag = mag[1:]
    except TypeError:

    if ndim == 3 and (magz != 1 or tzyx[-3] or rzy):
        #print magz, arr.shape
        # because, mergins introduced after 2D transformation may interfere the result of this vertical transform, vertical axis was processed first, since rzy is 0 usually.
        arrT = arr.T  # zyx -> xyz
        magzz = (1, magz)
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arrT)
        tzy = (0, tzyx[-3])
        dzy = (dzyx[-2], dzyx[-3])

        #if ncpu > 1 and mp:
        ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arrT, ncpu, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)
        for x, a in enumerate(ret):
            canvas[x] = a
        #    for x, a in enumerate(arrT):
        #        canvas[x] = _dothat(a, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)

        arr = canvas.T
        #del arrT

    if N.any(tzyx[-2:]) or r or N.any(mag):
        #print ndim, arr.shape
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arr)
        if ndim == 3:  # and ncpu > 1 and mp:
            # dividing XY into pieces did not work for rotation and magnification
            # here parallel processing is done section-wise since affine works only for 2D
            ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arr, ncpu, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:],
            for z, a in enumerate(ret):
                canvas[z] = a
            for z, a in enumerate(arr):
                canvas[z] = _dothat(a, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:], order)

        if ndim == 2:
            canvas = canvas[0]

        arr = canvas

    if dtype in (N.int, N.uint8, N.uint16, N.uint32):
        arr = N.where(arr < 0, 0, arr)

    return arr.astype(dtype)
コード例 #10
ファイル: xcorr.py プロジェクト: mueller-physics/Chromagnon
def Xcorr(a,
    sigma uses F.gaussianArr in the Fourier domain
    if ret is None:
        return zyx, xcf
    elif ret is 2:
        return s, v, zyx, xcf
    elif ret:
        return v, zyx, xcf
    #print 'phase contrast: %s' % str(phaseContrast)
    #global DATA
    # correct odd shape particularly Z axis
    a = N.squeeze(a)
    b = N.squeeze(b)
    a = imgFilters.evenShapeArr(a)
    b = imgFilters.evenShapeArr(b)
    shape = N.array(a.shape)

    # apodize
    a = apodize(a)
    b = apodize(b)

    # fourier transform
    af = F.rfft(a.astype(N.float32))
    bf = F.rfft(b.astype(N.float32))
    del a, b

    # phase contrast filter (removing any intensity information)
    if phaseContrast:
        afa = phaseContrastFilter(af, True, nyquist=nyquist)
        bfa = phaseContrastFilter(bf, True, nyquist=nyquist)
        afa = af
        bfa = bf
    del af, bf

    # removing edge if gaussian is not sufficient
    targetShape = shape - N.multiply(removeEdge, 2)
    if removeEdge:
        ap = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(F.irfft(afa), targetShape)
        bp = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(F.irfft(bfa), targetShape)
        afa = F.rfft(ap)
        bfa = F.rfft(bp)
        del ap, bp

    # shift array
    delta = targetShape / 2.
    shiftarr = F.fourierRealShiftArr(tuple(targetShape), delta)
    bfa *= shiftarr

    # cross correlation
    bfa = bfa.conjugate()
    c = cc = F.irfft(afa * bfa)

    center = N.divide(c.shape, 2)
    if searchRad:
        slc = imgGeo.nearbyRegion(c.shape, center, searchRad)
        cc = N.zeros_like(c)
        cc[slc] = c[slc]
    v, zyx, s = _findMaxXcor(cc, win, gFit=gFit)
    zyx -= center

    if ret == 2:
        return s, v, zyx, c
    elif ret:
        return v, zyx, c
        return zyx, c
コード例 #11
ファイル: xcorr.py プロジェクト: macronucleus/Chromagnon
def Xcorr(a, b, phaseContrast=PHASE, nyquist=NYQUIST, gFit=True, win=11, ret=None, searchRad=None, npad=4):
    sigma uses F.gaussianArr in the Fourier domain
    if ret is None:
        return zyx, xcf
    elif ret is 2:
        return s, v, zyx, xcf
    elif ret is 3:
        return zyx, xcf, a_phase_cotrast, b_phase_contrast
    elif ret:
        return v, zyx, xcf
    #print 'phase contrast: %s' % str(phaseContrast)
    #global DATA
    # correct odd shape particularly Z axis
    a = N.squeeze(a)
    b = N.squeeze(b)
    a = imgFilters.evenShapeArr(a)
    b = imgFilters.evenShapeArr(b)
    shape = N.array(a.shape)

    # padding strange shape
    #nyx = max(shape[-2:])
    #pshape = N.array(a.shape[:-2] + (nyx,nyx))

    # apodize
    a = paddAndApo(a, npad)#, pshape) #apodize(a)
    b = paddAndApo(b, npad)#, pshape) #apodize(b)

    # fourier transform
    af = F.rfft(a.astype(N.float32))
    bf = F.rfft(b.astype(N.float32))
    del a, b

    # phase contrast filter (removing any intensity information)
    if phaseContrast:
        afa = phaseContrastFilter(af, True, nyquist=nyquist)
        bfa = phaseContrastFilter(bf, True, nyquist=nyquist)
        afa = af
        bfa = bf
    del af, bf

    #targetShape = shape + (npad * 2)
    targetShape = shape + (npad * 2)

    # shift array
    delta = targetShape / 2.
    shiftarr = F.fourierRealShiftArr(tuple(targetShape), delta)
    bfa *= shiftarr

    # cross correlation
    bfa = bfa.conjugate()
    #c = cc = F.irfft(afa * bfa)
    c = F.irfft(afa * bfa)

    # 20180214 the padded region was cutout before finding the peak.
    c = cc = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(c, N.array(c.shape) - (npad * 2), interpolate=False)
    #cc = c
    center = N.divide(c.shape, 2)
    if searchRad:
        slc = imgGeo.nearbyRegion(c.shape, center, searchRad)
        cc = N.zeros_like(c)
        cc[slc] = c[slc]
    v, zyx, s = _findMaxXcor(cc, win, gFit=gFit)
    #return cc
    #print(zyx, center)
    zyx -= center

    #c = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(c, N.array(c.shape) - (npad * 2), interpolate=False)
    #c = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(c, shape, interpolate=False)

    if ret == 3:
        return zyx, c, F.irfft(afa), F.irfft(bfa)
    elif ret == 2:
        return s, v, zyx, c
    elif ret:
        return v, zyx, c
        return zyx, c
コード例 #12
ファイル: xcorr.py プロジェクト: iandobbie/Chromagnon
def Xcorr(a,
    sigma uses F.gaussianArr in the Fourier domain
    if ret is None:
        return zyx, xcf
    elif ret is 2:
        return s, v, zyx, xcf
    elif ret is 3:
        return zyx, xcf, a_phase_cotrast, b_phase_contrast
    elif ret:
        return v, zyx, xcf
    #print 'phase contrast: %s' % str(phaseContrast)
    #global DATA
    # correct odd shape particularly Z axis
    a = N.squeeze(a)
    b = N.squeeze(b)
    a = imgFilters.evenShapeArr(a)
    b = imgFilters.evenShapeArr(b)
    shape = N.array(a.shape)

    # padding strange shape
    #nyx = max(shape[-2:])
    #pshape = N.array(a.shape[:-2] + (nyx,nyx))

    # apodize
    a = paddAndApo(a, npad)  #, pshape) #apodize(a)
    b = paddAndApo(b, npad)  #, pshape) #apodize(b)

    # fourier transform
    af = F.rfft(a.astype(N.float32))
    bf = F.rfft(b.astype(N.float32))
    del a, b

    # phase contrast filter (removing any intensity information)
    if phaseContrast:
        afa = phaseContrastFilter(af, True, nyquist=nyquist)
        bfa = phaseContrastFilter(bf, True, nyquist=nyquist)
        afa = af
        bfa = bf
    del af, bf

    #targetShape = shape + (npad * 2)
    targetShape = shape + (npad * 2)

    # shift array
    delta = targetShape / 2.
    shiftarr = F.fourierRealShiftArr(tuple(targetShape), delta)
    bfa *= shiftarr

    # cross correlation
    bfa = bfa.conjugate()
    c = cc = F.irfft(afa * bfa)

    center = N.divide(c.shape, 2)
    if searchRad:
        slc = imgGeo.nearbyRegion(c.shape, center, searchRad)
        cc = N.zeros_like(c)
        cc[slc] = c[slc]
    v, zyx, s = _findMaxXcor(cc, win, gFit=gFit)
    zyx -= center

    c = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(c,
                                N.array(c.shape) - (npad * 2),
    #c = imgFilters.cutOutCenter(c, shape, interpolate=False)

    if ret == 3:
        return zyx, c, F.irfft(afa), F.irfft(bfa)
    elif ret == 2:
        return s, v, zyx, c
    elif ret:
        return v, zyx, c
        return zyx, c
コード例 #13
def trans3D_affine(arr, tzyx=(0,0,0), r=0, mag=1, dzyx=(0,0,0), rzy=0, ncpu=NCPU, order=ORDER):#**kwds):
    return array 
    dtype = arr.dtype.type
    arr = arr.astype(N.float32)
    ndim = arr.ndim
    if ndim == 2:
        arr = arr.reshape((1,)+arr.shape)
    elif ndim == 3:
        if len(tzyx) < ndim:
            tzyx = (0,)*(ndim-len(tzyx)) + tuple(tzyx)
        if len(dzyx) < ndim:
            dzyx = (0,)*(ndim-len(dzyx)) + tuple(dzyx)

    dzyx = N.asarray(dzyx)

    magz = 1
        if len(mag) == 3:
            magz = mag[0]
            mag = mag[1:]
    except TypeError:

    if ndim == 3 and (magz != 1 or tzyx[-3] or rzy):
        #print magz, arr.shape
        # because, mergins introduced after 2D transformation may interfere the result of this vertical transform, vertical axis was processed first, since rzy is 0 usually.
        arrT = arr.T # zyx -> xyz
        magzz = (1,magz)
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arrT)
        tzy = (0,tzyx[-3])
        dzy = (dzyx[-2], dzyx[-3])

        #if ncpu > 1 and mp:
        ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arrT, ncpu, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)
        for x, a in enumerate(ret):
            canvas[x] = a
        #    for x, a in enumerate(arrT):
        #        canvas[x] = _dothat(a, tzy, rzy, magzz, dzy, order)

        arr = canvas.T
        #del arrT

    if N.any(tzyx[-2:]) or r or N.any(mag):
        #print ndim, arr.shape
        canvas = N.zeros_like(arr)
        if ndim == 3:# and ncpu > 1 and mp:
            # dividing XY into pieces did not work for rotation and magnification
            # here parallel processing is done section-wise since affine works only for 2D
            ret = ppro.pmap(_dothat, arr, ncpu, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:], order)
            for z, a in enumerate(ret):
                canvas[z] = a
            for z, a in enumerate(arr):
                canvas[z] = _dothat(a, tzyx[-2:], r, mag, dzyx[-2:], order)

        if ndim == 2:
            canvas = canvas[0]

        arr = canvas

    if dtype in (N.int, N.uint8, N.uint16, N.uint32):
        arr = N.where(arr < 0, 0, arr)
    return arr.astype(dtype)